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DE�D AF TRUST � � <br /> , .. � <br /> � <br /> . � -- --- ----- --- -._ - ------. _-1 � <br /> � �.' 7 �HAHTOA <br /> ----_--_-...__._...-,y�..-----------...-- <br /> . . ... �. tr �.L`.`��n�� � . <br /> . .„'� I J'E�� J Cy��yQ��k£ J�£Pry J Czspleweki. Huebend and t�71fc i <br /> MAxy 13�a�r.i Maxy 8 Caapl��reki, �ueband aad aPiP• <br /> � <br /> ..�„ <br /> ,,;,. <br /> ��; .,:,;. :,� <br /> ���`�''t,�'• <br /> . aatMEes u�unr�sa <br /> "� �`• ' � *10 W�ot Stat� 9Cr��t <br />,.�';-�;;i.. 410 W�et 9tato 9treet ar�nd Ielan�3, NS 68801 <br /> - -- - (Srwnd I/LiII�� � 68e�1 �i�simnci:A tOEMi1F1CJ1TWNM0. ,. <br /> , • � a TTtt�NOM!M�. ID�UnF7CA7�cMl i+v. � <br /> ���� (308)_384-6866 _ 505817190 (308) 359-6886 505897190 _ <br /> sir;-. T!!(!B*�c•IISii�A t�snt �d Truat CoauDanY' (3sand Island Braaah <br /> � 2008 North �P�bb Road, draad I�isua �s o888I _� <br /> .�S} � L___. •— <br />:-'�'�����'� trt aonsideratlo�ot the loan or othm•cr�dit accamma aLU�huretnc+::ac specitied and nny future advances ar future ObIlpaUone,ae deflned heretn, _ <br />`.�:;;�.: � y ar�d <br /> whfoh may herainatter be ndvancad or Incurred and tile trust herein�ft9r menticned entl othsr good and valuabie consldo�si�o natto Trustl�Ptt'hla <br /> suttlalency ot whlch aro heroby ackUn3oned�ank�An_�r�_zurcst �bom�pia�►.--3L-�r°nd r1s1r���8°nQh���008 �orth N�I�b <br />-����� auxessore and assi na In trust,tor_ ("Lend�r'),tiie <br /> � "#� �oad, ar�a gs'l�and, NB 68803 <br />:'•f;r'� beneticiary under this Deed of Truat,wtth power of salo and rlpht of sntry and possesslon all of Grsntor's presont and fuWre estate,ripht,titls and <br /> `>%d�' ` r� Interoat In and to the real proparty deucrlbed in Schedule A which la attached to thia Dee udlnp witheut!mitation sll machlnery,squipm M,b Idiny <br /> ,.?,s�^.'i�. <br /> �:{�ij�lt,.;•„� with nll prssent and future Improvements nnd tixturea;all tangibie peroonal propertyr <br /> ir.�cft_::,_-� materlaJa,nnd gooda ot every nature(excluding coneumer poode)now or heroafter located on or uaed In conneetlon with the nal propfrty,wh�ther <br />_-�_:_i:�'- or not ettixed to the tand;privllpes,h�nd�tamenta t�om o her reaa prope ty o�rinow ar hereaner!suscsp bt o}tra s e�t om this Pirop�rty to oU��r <br /> prevlously or eubaequsntiy trnnsterced to ths Property <br /> _=,��t�?'_�, real properiy:leaaes,Ilcensea and other �t hava and o hot�thenProPpeirty and the�Ia ts hereY�y p�ented for the usehand�bensfl kot�TruetN hs <br /> �.�� the raal propert� (cumuletively'Propottyr�; <br /> `�"'`°r� suoqacorc md ascipns,until paymerM fn iull of nll Obligatlons a�CUnd hsreby. <br /> ""='�`°���� Morwvet,In furth�t coneldarntion,fi�antor does,tor Cirantor md CirtntoYe hsiro,rsproeentativss and esstyns,heroby sxpnssiy warrant,eovsnant, <br /> - - --.!; nnd a�n�wlth Lender and Ttustse and thelr auxesaor4 and asslgn9 aa follaws: <br /> �Y ��-� — 1. OBUGAitON9.Thla Deed of Truet ehali securo ihe paym�nt and portormnnce of all prosent and futuro Indebtedaoas,IInGIlitles,oblip�t(ons and <br /> -�� __�_.�� covsnants o}8otrow�r or(irantor(cwnWativety'Ubiiyations')to Lendar pur:,uant to: <br /> -y (a}this Oead of 7rust nnd ths tollowin promluo notsa nnd other apreemsnta: ' ��.� <br /> _----�� M� �p��►t�_ AQ7t.�D11Yi 1 p�TE !lil1�1N�1! NUIONi!! <br /> -- _ - - FIXED $16.379.10 11/7.�!/96 lZ/O1/01 31966 Dp i17405 <br /> _���.=�•:,,�..�,� <br /> -.--� <br /> -�-'�� oU�er rosent or future,wtitten agroem�nis w't�Lender that rofer apecifically to thls Oeed of T�uet(wh�th�r ez�cut�d tor th�sanN or <br /> --�:._..,= lb1 811 P <br /> — c1lit�ra�nt perpos�s than th�tonQolnp); <br /> :",T_,���;, (o) nny punranty of obllflations ot cther partles given tn Lender now or heroafter oxecuted that rcfers to thla Deed of Trust; <br /> - ,,,-�,;�.Y� (d} tsturo advances,whether obligRtory or optionai,to the eame e�ctent as If made contempereneousiy with the execution of thla Deed ot Trust, <br /> ��=.1�•� r..ab or extended on behnlf o}Grantor or Borrower. f3rantor agrees that if one of the Obliyations is s Iine of credit,the Ilen of thi�Dead of True4 <br /> �"''=�� sRa1l crontinue untll payment in full of nll debt due undor the Ilne nohvithetanding the faat thnt ham time to timo(bat beforo termineflon of the Iine) <br /> '�-^�i. . no balance may be outstandtng, At no time ahall the Ilen ot thls Doed of Trust,not Inuuding aums advanced to protect the security of thla Deed of <br /> � •••�: •• � Trust,exceed S 3��?•26 ;and <br />-,;.:4.,;.', • ;� (e)nll amendmenta,extenalone,renowats,modltications,replacemente or substftutlans to nny allhe forepolnp. <br /> 'ti•� � � y used In Mis ParaQruph t,ths termt arantar encl norrower ehnll Includs and clzo monn nny Qranror or Borrowsr ft more than one. <br /> - y, l��i+3�fSENTAT10N8,WARRA�'TIES AND COIIBHAMB. �rantor rspros�nta,warrnnts nnd connant�to Lender that: <br /> (a) Grantor has fse elmpl�markoUible titU to the Prop�rry tnd ehail maintaln the Prop�rty fr�ot nll Ilena,oecurity Intereshs,encumbrences md <br /> - • clalma�xcept tar thls Deed ot Trust nnd those deecrib�d In Schedule B,which Is nttacl�ed to thla De�d of Trust and Incorporetad h�r�in by <br /> ret�rance,whlch(3rantor aprees to pay and pe�form tn a UmNy manner; <br /> -.-..-��:eL��__ n.� a.,�tn.�•in comntiance In nll rospecto with atl apAilc�bte tsderal,dtaU snd local laws and ropulatlonr,includ!nD,without Iimk�tlon,those <br /> W��......�....•G��o-.,.��,.nt,� �aws•1. and n�tth�r the 1�der�l <br /> " .�`� -r' ie�atinp to °Haardous Matedaie."u tlMnsa neein, dnd om:r e��.�������:���.......,....-•- - <br /> ' • } govsrmnsnt nor any othar povernmsnMl ot quaU yovemmentel entity hae tiled e Ilen on th�Property,nor aro thsre any povsrnmentd,Judlcial or <br /> . -••.Y � ndmtnletrntive eoUone with respect to e�vironmentsl matt�repe ndinp,or to ths beat of the 0r�ntor's knowledys,thrsatsned,whlch Involw tho <br /> Pro perty Nelther Cirentor nor,to the hest of f3nntor's knowtedge,any oth�r party has u�ed,genereted,rsleaeed,dlecharped,etored,or dlaposed <br /> • of nny Ha:erdoua Materiels ao dotine d here ln,In c on n e c t l o n w i t h t h e P ro p e r t y o r tr ens p orted an y Huardous Materiela to or irom ths Pro p erty. <br /> C3rentor ahnll not eommit or permit su�h ectlone to be takan In the luture. 1 he term'Mezerdoua Nateriala'shRll mean any eubstena,mnter�a l,or <br /> waste which le or becomee regutated by nn Bovernmental suthoflty Includln� but not Ifmited to, (I)petro!aum;(fl)triAble or nonf�iable aatrestor. <br /> � . C�ean�W ter�Act orbist d purs ant�to�Section 307 omther'C ean�Yttee Act or any nmendrnents or�ep!ac menteuto these sta ui eo3(v)lhoso <br /> substances,mnteriale or wastes dofined ea a"huardoue wente'purouant to Seallon 1004 of the Resource Conservatlon nnd Recovory Aat or any <br /> " z:nendmenis or replacementa ta that statute;end (vl)those eubstnnces,matertais or weste�defined e�a'ha:ardous aubstanr,s'pursuant to <br /> Section 101 of the Comprehenaive Environmontal Reaponse,Compeneation and lJablllty Aat,or any amendmenta or raplacemente to that statute <br /> • or any other sirnllar atate or tederal etatute,rute,rogulation or ordlnnnce now or heroafter In oltect. (iranror ahsll not leaso or permit tha eublease <br /> .,i; ., of the Property to o tenant or subtenant whose operetlons mey resuit In contaminatlon of the Proporty wlth Hezardous Materisls or toxio <br /> substanCes; <br /> � '�;�,��•� (o) Ail nppllcnble laws nnd regulntlons, including,without Ilmitstion,the Americans with Disabuftfes Aat,42 U.S.C.yection 12101 et scq.(and all <br /> regulatlons promulgnted thereundai)and ell soning nnd bullding la�ve and repulatlons relating to the Proparty by virtue of eny federai,stetn or <br /> municipal nuthority with JurisdlCtlon ovor tha Property, presently nre and sheil be obaerved and complled witn In all materlal respeoto,and all <br /> righta.Iiceneos,pormits,and ceniiicates ot Qecupancy(inclutfinp but not Iimited to zonfng vniiances,spsciol oxceptions tor nonconturminp uEes, <br /> and tinal Inspeotion npprovalsl,whether temporary or permnnent,whlch nre matertal to the use and occupuncy ot the Praperty,prosentiy nre nnd <br /> Uhall bo obtafn3d,proservod and,where necessnry,renewed; aeoo�o�s - <br />. I �PNE9t 1� Fo�mAt�o�7cehndog�oo.�ne-10/2U/O51 16001 B]1�3789 <br />