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<br /> COVFN!►NTB �'�" ��, �v��'�
<br /> 1, Pt�yii:er�te. florrov�er aprooe to mnka oll poymonro on Iho nar�uoA debt whon duo. Unloe� Il�ilb�mr �snd Londar opreo athorwlea, eny
<br /> p�ym�nts Lendar recelve�from Uorrower ar �or Durrower'�uomllf wlll bo�pplled ff�et to uny emounls llorrowar owoe o��tho oecurad debt
<br /> exctuiive of Intere�t or prinolpel,eecond to Intereet,end then to princlpd.If pertl�l prepeyment of Ihe eecureJ debt occure fa�pny reeeon,It wI11
<br /> nat reduce or excu�e�ny�ch�duled p�ymsnt untll thY uaurod d�bt lo p�ld In(ull.
<br /> �� 2.CINm�Ayalmt Tltl�. Borrowe►wlll pay aIl t�xo�,en�nmunt�,end othsr cherpee �ttrlbut�ble to the prop�rty whm due and wlll delend tltl�
<br /> � to the propnrty ay aln�t eny cUlm�vvhlCh�vould Imp�lr th�Ilcn of thl�daed o}truat.Lendu may requlre Borrownr to eoslpn eny rlpht�,clnlm�or
<br /> � ; defenaes whlch sorrower may h�ve�p�ln�t p�rtle�who tupply I�bor o�mete►I�I�to Improve or melntaln th�property,
<br /> 3. In�ur�nc�. Borrower wlll keep the propony Imured under terme aacopYahte to lender at Borrower'� expenee and for Londer's beneflt. All
<br /> Insurence poticfea ehall fnclude e etundrrd mortG�pe clause In}rvor oP Lender.Lender wlll be named oa losa payao or ac tho InsuroJ on ony Guch
<br /> In:urence pollcy.Any Inaurance proceed�may bs�pplled,wlthlre Lender's dl�oretlon, to elther ths raatontlon or rapaV of the demaped propsrty
<br /> . , or So the eecurnd debt.If Lender requ!re�mortptpe Inturence,Borrower eAreea to milnteln nuch Inaurence for ee lonp es Lender reyulreo. •
<br /> -� � 4.Proptrty.Borrower wfll kaep the property In pood conditlort and meke all repalra reasonebly neceaeary.
<br /> '°"+� � 6.Eicrient�s•Borrower nproes to pay alI Lender'a expensea Including reaaonable attorneya'feee, If Borrower breake eny covenanta In thla deed
<br /> •� of truat ar In any obllpatlon eecured by thls deed of trust. �orrower wlll pay theae amounts to Lender ae provlded In Covenant 8 of thle deed o}
<br /> truat.
<br /> � { 8.P�lar 8�cudty lot�rsstt.Unleae Borrower flret obtafna Lender's wrltten consant,Borrower wltl not meke or permlt any chanpea to any prlor ,�.;,�
<br /> I cecu►Ity Intero�te. Borrower wlll perform all of Borrower'e obllgatlona under any prlor mortpage, aeed of truat or other aecurlty epreement. ���
<br /> 1 includlnp Borrowar'a covensnte Yo meke peyments when due.
<br /> �� 7.As�lpnm�nt of Re�ts md Proflt�.Borrower asalpne to Lender the rents and proflts of the property.Unleas Botrnwor end Lender have egreed °i'��'
<br /> � otherwtse In writing. Borrower may colleat end retaln+.ho rents ea lonp ea Horrower la not In default. If Borrower defaults,Lender, Lendor's 6«;�:.
<br /> apont,or a cou►t appofntad receiver may take poseesslon end manage tho property and collect the rente. Any rente Lendor collea49 shall be —
<br /> : ,� epplled first to the costa of inenaglng the property, Includlng caurt costa and attorneys' fees, commisslone to rental apenta, arv! eny other
<br /> �.�• neceseory relatad expenaes.The remetning amount ot rente wlll then apply to payments on the secured debt ae provldsd In Covenent 1.
<br /> ��`���� 8.Laaachatda•Condartsfr�luma;Plannad Un!!Dove!opns:�.Borrovler egreea to comply wlth the provtsions of any lease if thls deed of truat Is on ._
<br /> a IeaRehold. I�thle deed of truat ia on e unft In a condomfnlum or a plenned unit dovelopment, 8orrower wlll perform all of Borrawer's dutles
<br /> �" undar the covenente,by-lawe,or reeulatlona of tho condominlum or plennad unit devetopmant.
<br /> �� 9.Authorlty o!L�r to P�rform ta Bonow►r. If Borrower felte to periorm any of Dorto�vor's dut(ea under thls deed o9 trust, I.ender mey t`
<br /> fi? :� pertarm the dutloe or cause them to be pertormed. Lender mey slpn Borrowor's nertta or pey any emount If neceusary for performance.If am� --
<br /> �, conatruatlon on 4he prnp�rty f�dlsaontlnued or not aarriod on In s raeaanable menner, lender may do whetever le necesaary to protect Lender'o
<br /> ?',�� secur(ty Interoct In tfia property,7hts may includo completlnp the construotlnn.
<br /> � Lendor'a fallure to perform w(11 not proclude Lender from exerclslnp any of Ite other rI¢ht�undor the law or thia dead of trust. �� "
<br /> An5r omounte pald by Lander to protecc Lender'e tecurlty Interest w;ll be aecured by thla deed of trust.Such amount�wlll be due on demand
<br /> and will benr Intereat irom the date of the paymant untll pald in full at the Interest rete in efteot on the secured debt.
<br /> ____ _ _ � .' 10. D�i�ute and Acc�t�n8on.If Borrower falla to meke any paVment when due or brenRe eny covenente under thla deed of truat or any
<br /> ' � � � ��`:;. abtlgatlon sacured by thla deed ot truat or eny pnor mortgego er daotl ot trunt, Lender may accelerete the maturlty of the eecured doLi auJ �
<br /> ._.
<br /> demand tmmediste peymont and mey Invoke the power of oelo end any other remedlea permitted by appllcoble law.
<br /> �'''' _
<br />_- :; -�--;:� � i i.�iiytiiii i'w i�'vuu3 vi Z'iiiw�i.St=S�i8iFihiy iSquoo2'v't�iro2 C0�'�CS C!2l33:Sa23Cr':.^.!L�Cl.:u!!9itd:tl��..°38R!20 8.7C�! `j...°:ECI::•:!:Q 19 9 p87!`� . ..
<br /> - .;�=,;;' ., ;• �`� heroto,at the addro�e of eech�uch peroon,ae aet forth hereln.
<br /> � 12.Powa of Btl�.If the Lander Invokes the power of sale,the Truatea shUl ilrst rocord tn the offlce of the replster of deedi of each county �
<br /> -� whereln the trust prope►ty or wma p�rt or parcel therooi ta�Ituated a notice of dofuult contelnfn9 the Informatlon required by I�w.The Truatae
<br /> � shall at�o meil cople�of the notice of default to the Borrower, to eech penon who ia e party hereta,end to other p�reons e� prescrlbed by
<br />- ' applicablo law. Not leu than ons month �fter ths Trustee recordt ths notice nf default or two months ff the vwt property I� not In amr
<br /> .,:�:�a�f�,; Inr.orporatsd clty or vlllape nnd 1�us�d In farming operattom aorrled on by th�trustor,th�'�ruite��hall pive publlc notice ot r�ls to th�persont
<br /> and In the manner preserlbed bY epppllerbl�I�w.Tru�tae,wlthout dsmand an Borrovver,shell s�ll the property�t publla�uotlon to ths hlph��t
<br /> -��,`��'+���.�'�n' blddsr.It requlnd by the F�rm Homaite�d Protectlon Aot,Trustee shall ofter tha prop�ercy In two�ep�r�ts�al��ss requk�d by appllc�bl�law.
<br /> °-���•--45„ Trustes mey postpon�stl�of UI or my p�tcol of th�propery by publlo announcement�t the time�nd plac�o}sny prevlou=ly scl»duled saN.
<br /> _--,���:=� Landsr or It�d�d9nee m�y purChate th�prdpetty�t any sale.
<br />-- '" Upon recdpt of paVmmt ot th�prlc�bld,Trwts��h�ll dellv�r to tM purch�oer Trustss'�d��d co�v�ylno th�property.Th�recltl�ls contaln�d In
<br /> -- -��.;�;:;,,� Trusta'o diod shall 6e prlmr}�cls evldlenc�ot th�truth o}ths ot�tertnents contalned therein.Truat�s shall�ppty th�proce�da of th��de In tM
<br /> -__ _ �.�,: fnllowlnp o�d�r. 1�! to eu �xpmts� of tM ub, Includinp, but not Ilmlted to, reasan�afe Truxts�'• fu�, nssonabte sttomsy'• fees end
<br /> `, .•..�
<br /> nlntt�t�msnt fess;(bl to�II sums s�cund by thls de�d of trust,end(al ths btlance,if�ny,to tho p�rsone Iepally�o�tltl�d to nc�(vs It.
<br /> ..-s_�= 13.Foa►elown.At ltnd�P�opNan,thl�deed of uwt may be lorocloted In the m�m�er provide by appUeaE1�I�w fur forictotur�of mortqap�a
<br /> _Y—_-�„„��� on nd prnperty.
<br /> ""' •'��T��� 14.In�pacUon.Lend�r m1y enter the property to Inipect It If Lsnder plves Borrower notice bsforeh�nd.Ths notlee mwt stete the reeaonable
<br />--_�_.: __ cwa for Lender'�Intpectlon.
<br /> �- 16.Coed�rtw�tfon.Borrower etel Qm to Lender theproceed�of eny�w�rd or ctalm fo►d�mag es conneated wlth� condamnatlon or other taktng
<br /> of dl or�ny p�rt oi the property.Such proceed�wi11 bs�pplled ae provlded In Cnvensnt 1.7hli aielpnment 1�eubjsct to the tarmt of any p►b►
<br /> --'^��ti,�� security ayre�ment.
<br /> -_ ,�,::��:�.a
<br /> 10.Watwr.By axerclafny any remedy ovailable to Lender,Londer doea not plva u eny rlphta to later use sny other romedy.By not exsrcialn�
<br /> --�� *" sny remedy upon Borrowa's defeult,Lender does not wsive any rlpht to later consPde�the eve��t s defauft M tt h�ppena apr.ln. , �
<br /> �'=="�„�;�� � 1T. Joket�nd S�v�rr LI�y i Co-�Ip�»r�t 6uccn�as �nd Asalpns Bound. AII dutie�under thls deed of t�ust�re Jotnt end several. Any
<br /> ,_�,m,,;�;,,� Bonower who co•slpna thfs deed uf trust but doe� not co•sipn the underlyInfl debt Inatrumentls) doei �o oMy to grant and convsy th�t _
<br /> Borrpww'�Intsrs�t In the propeniy to tt»Trwtse und�r the tsrms of thl�deed of uust.In edd(tlon,�ueh o Borrower�preea thet the Lender end
<br /> ";��.. eny othei Bcrrower under thlt desd ot truat may extend,madHti or m�ke�ny other ohmpes In the terms ot ttds deed of trust or the�ecured
<br /> �+ de6t wlthout that Borrovwr'�consent end wlthout reteating that Borrower from the term�of thls deed of truat.
<br /> �:�-;..
<br /> -_,���" The duUei and banefits of thle daad of trust shall bind end beneflt the succeasore end u�elpna of Lander und Borrower. —
<br /> s-fc....
<br /> Lr�=�j��' "� 16.Notla.Unlass otiM►wlse requlred by la�v,eny notics to Borrower ehall be ylven by dellvarinp It or by malling(t by certlfled msll eddrocsed to -
<br /> - _ Borrower st the proparty sddrosa or any other eddro�e that Boiror�wr hss pIven to Lender. Borrower w11I plve eny notice to Lendar by certltied -
<br /> ^� • maU ta lender's addtes�on pepe 1 of thls deed ot trust,or to eny other address which Lender haa deslgnated.Any other notice to Lender nhUl -
<br /> � be aont to la�xler's addreie e��tated on page 1 ot thlo deed of trwt.
<br /> � � Any notice ehall be deomed to have been given to Borroever or Lende►when glvon In the menner etated ebovo. -
<br /> ;�+,�' 18.T��mf�r ot tM Propxty a e BM»flclwl lot�rot In tM BorrowK.It alt or eny pert of the propertv or eny Intero�t In It ia sold or transferred `_
<br /> : wttMut 4ander'� prlor wrltten consent, Lender may demend immedlete payment of the eeeured debt. Lender may atao demend Immedl�te
<br /> ' p�yment I} tM Borrower Is not� n�turel px�an and a beneflct�l Intereat In Me Borrower b sold or ttan�ferred.However, Lender mey not ��.��
<br /> •• . damand pa yment In the above aftuatlons If(t la prohibtted b y federet taw as af tM date o}thls deed of tru�t.
<br /> . � ��
<br /> � Y0.R�conwyanc�.When the obllpstlon sec:ured by thla deed ot truat hea been p�ld,md Lendsr ha�na furthcr obllpatlon to meku advanceo �::,
<br /> under the InsUumente or egreemente secured by thle deed of trudt, the Tr�atee sha0,upon wrltten roquest bY ti�e Lender, reconvey the tru�t
<br /> �� pro rry.7ha Lender shall dellver to the F3orrower,or to Borrower's succensor tn Interest,the truet doed end the �oto or other evldenae of the
<br /> ��� wLl�Mt���w�MLlL.� Ow.�w.u���.�II n���n wn��i�llww wn�N .�
<br /> ._ .�.-.."_.–_— vv�ry��nr�r�v��.�r�v�...v..v..w�.....�rv� �..���..v�.��.v..�v�.�. __
<br /> Tt. Sucassa Tru�t�e. Londer, at Londor'e optlon, may romovo Trustao and appoint a succaseor truetoo by flrsi, maiting a copy of the
<br /> ' eubs4itutlon of trustee aa roqulrud by eppltceblo law,and thon,by illing tho Fubetltutlon of trusteo for record In tho oHlca of tho roglster of daeds
<br /> " of eech caunty In whlch the trust property,or some part theraof,le altuatod.The eucceaeor truatee,wlthout convoynnce of tho property, sh�Il
<br /> eucceod to ell the power,dutlea,authority and title of the Trustee nasned In tha doed of truat and of eny succeeeor trustee.
<br /> {':
<br /> �,
<br /> ':�111r IPege 2 0l21 .
<br /> � BANKEA9 6Y6'TEAIS,INC..ST.C10U0.MH 66901 I1�BOOJ97•17111 FORM OCP�MT6NE EItBl91
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