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A RHI] R AAACK_ +"^^'nn�e�y C7 <br /> � whote reeidence eddreae Is no aox �9n .���Lnrl u.�, County,Neb�eaka i'Trustee"1,end the Beneficlary, � <br /> ' �'• i.rotu� FFngnnr �AV7N(3C & T�N Afi�1TATT�_ ,a corporetion organizad \(; <br /> end exiatin�under ths lewe of I� A�_ita whoae eddrote U �2i Aotrrk r.ncrtam R'(RF.RT� _ <br /> c�� T�c�at�m�Neavnarra aAAn .-�nnq _l'Lender"1. <br /> � � C4�1!lEYA[LCE:For value recetved,8ortower irrevocably grants end car.+ays io Truatee,In truet,with power of ealo,the real property,of which _ <br /> �� • Borrower ia lewfuly e�ized, deacribed below and ail butldfnQs, tlxWrort:. end existing and future Improvemente thereon and ali riQhts-ot•wsy, <br /> � eeaements, rents, leauae, profia, incomo, tenements, hareditemencs, br�Y�lepee end any eppurtenences thereunto botongi�p (all called the <br /> •nroperty1. <br /> PROPERTY AUDHE88:, ���� Agg7J3Li nn , ^anrm rar.num ,Nebraska �AAn� <br /> . ,':.r, LEOAL DL-�CAIPTION: csuNq �CUV� Iziu c°d�� <br /> �i�n'� l�OT FOUR. (4) BLOCK TWO (2) FARI3xWLiTON SECOAID SUSDIV2�I4N A 3UBDIVI$ION <br /> i.;.:,;;. ': <br /> r;.•��� LOCATFsI� tJF�OIJ $�11ItT OF 80UTHEAST QUAR'rER OF SOUTHWEST QU74RTL��2 OF SfiCTIQI3 <br /> �� tJl�':�f i i <br /> TWENTY ONfi (21) TOWNBHIP ELEVEi3 (11) NORTH, RANOE NINTs WEgT OF 'l7II� STH <br /> , . , .. <br /> ' �; P.M. I2J HJ1L:L� COTJN i'Y� NBBRASKA. <br /> :tl: • <br /> . 'i '�u;:i'��Y� <br /> ,� . ��1:i;y6iRrt�.�� <br /> x i• ... . <br /> �.�• <br /> --.. . � .,'��� , <br /> �-s'�` ���:.'`', ` located In HAT T. County,Nebraeke. <br /> • -���i.� TITLF:8orrowar covenint�end warr�nt�tftle to the property,except for <br /> �c�;�. <br />--.�X`a:i_-..,'y '� <br /> �__��'� <br /> ._-:.;_:_��� sECURED DE�T:Thi� de�d of trust�ecures to Lender rep�yment of ths�ecured debt end ths performartce of tM cownenU�nd�prNmant� <br /> .�F-;��;,� cont�ined In this deed of trust�nd In any othsr documont fncapw�tsd he�in.5�cur�d d�bt,a�us�d In tM�dwd of trust,Inckid���r►y�mount� <br /> ��,.�4::..y�.� Borrovwr ow��to Lend�r unde thia d�ad of trutt or ur��ny Imtrom�nt s�cund by thi�dead of tru�t,�nd di modific�tbnr, �xt�nafor►��nd <br /> --�-fiu.n,� f�MW�b thMW1. <br /> _-^�-� TM s�cund tNbt i��vid�ne�d by(U�t a�l in�ttumenri�nd�prHrtu+nt��ecured 6y thi�de�d of tru�t��d tM d�tu thereof.l: <br /> --"`�"�� ���Qn�;.w.+n.�v �*nme w�n+ nennetTy �(yRRRMRN�P flATF.� T7AVRMARR �O� lOOf. <br /> .-�L-:�.�� <br /> �'';�.''� - <br /> __ --__ �Futur� Adwnc�r Th� �bove�mount Is secured sven thouqh�tl a psn of ft may not yrot De�dv�nc�d.Futun �dvanaa �re <br /> -- V'�� cont�mpll:�d�nd will bs eecund to the ume axtsn:a�ii msda on the d�t�thl�deW oi tru�t(�sx�aut�d. <br /> -�~� ❑R�vohrinq lim�f crsdk�praement dated ,with IMtf�l�nnuH Int�n�t nt�of %. <br /> -'""_:�:� AU�moum�ow�d under thi�■prs�ment are tecund svun though dl�mounu m�y not y�t b�ad�+anc�d. Futixe�dwncw unde <br /> --�-.���;�� th��pnement�n contemplat�d�nd will be�ecured to ths ume�xtent as Ii made on ths dnt�thif ds�d of Vust I��x�cuted. <br /> =-�rv!� <br /> — Ths abow obtipatbn Is due end psyable on n�C�nRa �, ig90 If not pald��rNer. <br /> ����_. <br /> � TM totN unp�kf b�lance acured by this deed af tru�t st�ny one time shall nat sxceed�m�ximum princ!p�l�mount of_ <br /> ���.-"ss �runttgp;iQ i�n ue/inn Dollars N��,nnn_nn . ).plus Intl/sst, <br /> __�e�.::,� <br /> +�rr�� plu�any amounte dlsburced undv the terms ot ttds dsed ot trust to protect th�seeurity of this deed of truat or to perform�ny ot tM <br /> ---- _-�;��,� covananta conteined in thls deed of vust,with Interost on euch dlsburcemento. <br /> �'i���,.:;;.�. <br /> _-�",t�D':'_ ❑ V�rIa6M Rrtr.The interoat rate on the oblipetiun securod by this deed of trust may very eccordinp to the tetms of thet obllpstion. <br /> -- .::xc. ❑A copy of the loan epreement conteininp tho terms undar which the intereat rate mey very le atteehed to thfa deed of truat end <br /> +�..�.::;� _ mad�a part henoi. <br /> RIDERS: �Commsrcisl �_�Ric�t�'►a'r � �'rg � <br /> . � � � RESIONIITIOH QF kOIYIESTEAD <br /> .. 5�.�,i� _ <br /> Pursu�nt to thb Parrn Homeata<�PQotectfon Act,dealpn�tlon of homestoad ❑ le ottaohod to thia doed ot Vuet and mnde n pan hereof <br /> � � ❑ ha�be�n diactafmsd;ths dlsclalmer(s ettachod to thie deed of buat and made e part hereo4. <br />- , SIONATURFS:Qy dpnMq .flartow prN to tiH tRrm�rnd cow�r►b cont�in�d In W�dMd af tru�t.Mxtudfnp tlwto on p�p�2.�nd In <br /> � dNCrk»d v�atpn�d RarowK. ��� — <br /> „•_ ✓) <br /> -�'" '� - L►.. .�! 1n.I�(/� R�J'1 <br /> ..,,,.--_ __. - - ��- <br /> � DRUB L AAMSSBfiROfiR SETH �A11MS88ERG3ER U _ <br /> .• i , <br /> •� ACKNOWLEDOMENT:STATH OF NEfiRASKA, tttar.r. County ss: <br /> . � The foroqolnp Instruntant�vas ackno�viodged beforo me on this_20�ru day ot N_�M�RBR, ��Q� - <br /> Dy nnna L RENRRRRII(]FR ��FJq"rta .r e�MacnRgGSR. MiRRANi] nrro W PR " <br /> � . . - . (TltUpl) -. <br /> � , • Cavona or ot GEHERAL NOiA • iHem�o omoruim a vwtmr -' <br /> PutnerdYp , <br /> �cmovn.d�«�� � PAiSY A.KALKO on behaif o oratfon or partn nhk►. � <br /> m p.A ��9y /. <br /> • � t5W1 — <br /> 7hla InsVUmcnt wes�epered by�,nTOV var.unwsx? � - {/ • <br /> y m1BE6Z�INEN56V$TEAIS,INC..ST.ClOUD.MN6830111-E00•387•:3�11FORMOCP•MTtFNE�/18/81 A?PL# ���Zfi447 (psps1�.121 N �SIiA _ <br /> ' ccn# 0100460577 - <br />