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<br /> `Pracoods")In connectlon vdth condamnatlon or olhor taklnp o}tho Proporty or part thoroof,or for convoynncc''J'Tn IIDU��omnatlon, ""'
<br /> Londer ohall ba entitled st its option to iwmmene.e,eppear in and pro�cuto In(te own name nny actian or prw;oedlrzgo,and ehall etso ,,
<br />- be entitled to make any compromtse or sotttement In cAnnection with euch taking or damege.In the evom any portion o1 lhe Property Is =:�-=�<
<br /> ' �� E so taken or dameged,Lender shall heve the optlon 1�Its sole end absob�te dlscretion,to app�y ell such proceeds, efter deductl� �-
<br />_- � theretrom all coste and expensea i�xurred by il in connectlon wlth such Proceeds,upon any Ind�btedne�e secured hareby and In such ��.;•
<br /> '' order as Landar may detertnine,or to appty all such Praceeds,after such deductions,to the restoratlon o?the Properry upon such con�
<br /> dltlons as I.Andor may determine.Any application of Proc�eds to(ndebtodnese shall not extend or postpone the due data o1 any pay �_,:
<br />_� , ,,, .: �� menta under the Nate,or cure any dafauit thareunder or hereunder.Any unappfled funda shatl ba palcl to Trus4or,
<br /> . ,. 8. P�rtormancr by LensNr.Upon the occurre�u�o!an Event ot Detauit hereunder,or if eny act la teken or lepal proceeding _
<br /> -�,j�.� commsncod wh�h materiaJly afte�te Lender's Intores2ln the Property,Lender may In Ita own discretlon,but without obligatbn to do�o,
<br /> '�� :�'°'t::=�-= and without not�d to or demAnd upon Trustor and witlaut tebasing Trustor trom dny ob�lgatlon,do any act which Trustor has agreed
<br /> but falled to cb ar►d may also do any other act it deems necessary to protect the oecurlty hereof.Trustor shall, Immedlately upon _
<br /> demand theretar by Lender,pay to Lender all costa and expenses Incurred and sums expsnded by Lender in connecUan wfth the exer-
<br /> _ � clso by Lender of tho toregotng ri�hts,together with Interest lhereon at the defeuit rate provlded In the Note,which shall be edded to �
<br /> the(ndebtedness eecured hereby.Lender ehall not Incur any Ilabilily becttuse of anylhing ft may do or omil to do hereunder.
<br /> • ., � 9. Hesardous Nlat�rlal�. Trustor shali keep the PropeRy In cempllance wtth all applicable lawa,ordinances nnd �egulatlons
<br /> , relatlng to industdal hygiene or environment�l protectbn(colleatfvoly refened to herefn es"Environmental Laws").Tnistor shalt keep
<br />. , , •'• • , the Property free trom alt substancen deemed to be hezardous or toxio under any Environmental Laws(collectively roterred to hereln -
<br /> as"Hazardous Materials").Trustor hereby�rerrante and representa to Lender thut there are no Hazardous Matedals on or un�ieer tho
<br />=��r'���,.:./`. properly.Truotor hereby agrees to Ind6mnlfy and hold harmiess lender,its directors,officere,employees and egante,and eny suoces•
<br />=:ts;.:.,.. :
<br /> ,;:�_� - �+, sore to Londar's interest,(rom and against eny and atl ctaims,demapes,losses and Ilabllitles arising in connection with the presienco,
<br />'�%_ � use,disposal or transport ot sny Haza�dous Materials m, under,lro�ii or about the Praparty.THE FOREG7lN(31NA�tRAtd71ES AND �- -
<br /> :��. . 10.Asalpnm�nts of R�nts,Trustor hereby assigns to Lendar,and grants Lend9r a security Interes4 in,atl present,future and
<br /> �:l��:xy'�=��, aftar adsing renta,issues and profits of the Property;Frovided that Trustor shall,unUl the occurrence of s.n Eveiat at Detault,hereunder,
<br />{�� � havo the ri�ght to collect and retain such rents,issues and proflts�,s ti�ey become due and payoble.Upon the occurrence of an Event of
<br />�.�r�::::, Detauli,Lor.xier may,elther in person or by a�ent,with or wlthast b�i;iging any acUon or proceeding,or by e receivet appolntod'by e
<br /> `*' court as��l without regard to the adequacy of its securriy,enter upon�and take possession ot the Properly,or any pad thereof,ir�ita own -
<br />���}�i,�;�'' ..
<br /> ;;;,� ,, name or In the name of th�Trustee,und do sny�Ys which tt deems necessary or desireble to preservo tho value,mar9�e3ability or
<br /> - �'-t,�. rentebfifty of the Property,or any paR tlurreof or inte�ast therein,or to Increase the'vrxome theretrom or proteci 41re secudt�hereof and�
<br />�=:r'�;�;'y� wlth or wiUwut taking pos5essbn ot the Property,sue for or otheiw►se colieci tne Panls,IS8Un5 nTiu j,iC,�thera:,Inclu3�.^��':�..°�°-st -
<br /> _�;�;��-,.� due anrl unpaid,by noUtytng tenants to make paymente to Lender.Lender may appty rents,issues and profits,less costs and expens•
<br /> - _ er��i tryro�dtl�si 8s'�t:C!l�,.^t3an!n�lu���tioms;'s f�e,t^?�!v�nrlahtadneRa seCUfed h8r8bY.a111n such order as Ler�r may deter-
<br />,_�-��f� mine.The entedng upon and taking posses�fa�ol the P�operty,the collection oi such rents,issues end pmfits,end Me aPP��
<br /> .-c���;,� thereof ae aforesaid shall not cure ar waive any doYAUft or notice of default hereander or Invalidate any act duna In response to suc�
<br />�A=s� default or pu�suant to such nattce of default and, notwlthstanding the contfnu��nae In possession of the property or tho coltectton,
<br />=1�-.�,.�:rvwi: ._
<br /> .;�� recelpt and eppl�ation of rente,issues or profits,Trusteo and Lender ehalt be enti�lad to ex�,rclse every dght provided tor In nny o t
<br /> --_._— Loan I�t�ments or by law u�wn occurtence of eny Everrt ot Detault,Including without Ilmttation the right to exercise the po+�r of sale. -
<br /> � -== Furlher,i.encJers rights and remedi�s under this paragraph shall be cumulattve witfi,and In no way a fimitation on,Lende�°s d9hts and
<br /> - � � remedlea under any a�stgnmont of leaaas and rents recorded agalnst the Properiy.Lender,Trustee and ihe�eceiver shaU ha ilable to
<br />- _-�_±� account only for those rent�actually received.
<br /> ---_==-= 11.Ev�nts of Dshui�The following shail const(tute an Event ot Defauit under thls Deed of T►ust:
<br />--``_' (a)Failure tq pay any inst�allment ot pdncipal or Interest o!any other sum eecured hereby when due;
<br /> T :'.� (b)A breach oi or deisutt under any provislon contained In the Note,this Doed of TNSt,any o}the Loan instrurno�qs,or any
<br /> -=v— other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property:
<br /> ___ (c)A w r i t o f e x e c u d o n o r a tt a c h m e n t o r a n y R i m l l a r p r o o e a s s h a i l b o e n t e r ed a g alnst Trustor which shall become e Ifen on
<br /> the PropeRy or any portlon thereo}ar interest therein; -
<br /> - (d)There shall be tiled by or ageinst Trustor or Borcower an action under any present or future tedoral,etate or other atatuto,
<br /> = laa or regutetlon refaUr►g to bankruptcy,i��soivency or oiher rcllof far dsbtors;o�thQre sh�l be e,��ointed any tn�stee,receiver or .
<br /> = Uquidator ot Trustor or Borrovrer or of all or eny part of the P�operty,or the renta,issues or profits thereot,or Trustor or�orrower
<br /> � shall make any peneral asslgnment tor the bc�nefit ot crodftors;
<br /> - - _- - (e)Tho salo, transter,Wase, asslgnment,conveyance or(urthe�encumbrance of ell or any paR of or any interest fn the
<br /> - Properly,ekher volunffirily or involuntariiy,wllhout the express written consent of Lender,provided tlsat Trustor shall be permft-
<br /> - ted to execute a lease of the�roperty that dn�ea not contsln an opUon to pi�ichaso an8 the tarm ot wh�h dooa not excead une
<br />- --_- = year,
<br /> -- -' t�Abendonrtnent ot the Property;or
<br /> _._=.v_� (g)If Tnistor is not an in�lividuat,the Issuance,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyareae or encumbranca of rtwre than(H a
<br /> --— co�poratlon)a tUtal of porcent of Its fssued and outstanding stocic,or(If a partnarship)a total ot per•
<br /> _ -°�� cent of partnership interesis,or(If a Ilmited 1{abiliry company)a total of percent ot the Ilmited Qability compa•
<br />___ ��� ny Interesta or voUng dghts during the pedod this Deed of Tnist remains a Ilon on the propeRy.
<br /> �= 12.R�msdlas;Acc�kratior+Upo�Miauit.In the event of any Event of Detautt Lsnder may,without noUce except as required
<br /> "��' by law,declare ail Indebtedness ser:ured hereby to he due and payabte and the same shall thereupon become due and payabte w►th-
<br /> _`-��:�•�-'"� out any presentment,domand,protsst or noUce of arry kind.Thereatter Lender may:
<br /> ""?'��� � (a)Demnnd that Trustea exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted herefn,and T�ustee shall theneafter c2�use 7rustore inter-
<br /> �-.P".
<br /> ' est in the Properry to he sdd end the proceeds to be dlstdbuted,all in the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act; LL_
<br /> ,��� (b)Exercise eny end aU dghts provided tor in eny of the Loan Instruments or by Iaw upon occurtenco of any Event oi
<br /> �s t:�3,tj; Dofauft�and
<br /> --- ;s�de:�#F (c)Commence an actian to tor e c iose t h ls D e e d o i 7 r u s t s s a m o rt g a g e,e p p o i n t a re c e l v e r,o r s p e c f t i c a l l y e n f o ro e e n y o f t h e
<br /> ��=t=�--.�"`��,.- covenente hereof.
<br /> '�T ' No remedy hereln conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lor�dsr is intended to be exalualve of any ofher remedy herefn,!n the Loan
<br /> '-`_ ,-.
<br /> __•.L�'2..:�.
<br /> ___,..� � Instruments or by law provfded or permitted,but each shall be cumulative,shali be in addition to overy other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> .�� - -- ..flu �.ulnnanriunTN
<br /> -'-'-,�.-°��" II�UIO LOAn I�ISWI�IBMB O<<IOW O�I�e�BaRB�@XISSIII9 HT ISW O(Ifl @I�LIIY Of Oyl fil81UIH�HTN tflGr w ono�v�oav vu�.w::°v...�r��t•-••--•-i ��
<br />— __c... • � ��$�i 8���/0�. M:�.
<br /> S
<br /> Y,L,{„s��';• 13.TnIKM.The Trustee may resign at any lime w(thout cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause eppoint a suc- �__-
<br /> � cesa�r or aubsUtute Trustee.Trustee shalt not be Ilable to any parly.Inciuding without Itmltation Lender,Bortower,Trustaf or any pur
<br /> ' �, � ", � cfiaser of the Proporty,for any loss Ar damage unless due to reakless or w{Ittul misconduct,and shall not be requirt�d to tako any sction
<br /> • In�onnectkm with tho onforcement ot thfa Deed ot TNSt unless indemnitied,in wriUng,for all costs,compensation or oxpensea wh�h �i,
<br /> ' >,� may be associate�i therewith.In adclieon,Trusteo may become a purchaser et any saie ol the PropoRy Qud�lal or under the power of
<br /> sale granted hereln);postpono the sale of ail or any portlon of the PropeAy,as provlded by law;or sell the PropeRy as a whole,or in `,,,
<br /> -,;, �� ' " s e p e r a t e p a r c e l s o r l o t s a t T r u s t e e's di s cr etlon. �:
<br /> `'� 14,FMS ond Exp�n�as.in the event Trustee solis ths Property by Rxercise of pox�er at sate,Trustee shatl be ent f U e d to e p p l y
<br /> " a n y s a l e p ro c e e d s ti r st t o p a yment of atl costs and e x p enses ot oxor�ising puwer of sale,Including all T�ustee's tee3,and Lender's and `
<br /> ' '• ' T�ustee's attomey's tees, actually Incurced to extent permltted by spplicable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises eny rig h t �
<br /> !' "',,;��� provided by law to cure an Event of Uetault,Lender sheil be entitied to recover from Trustor all costs aRd expensea sctualry incurred es :
<br />���',�`"�`'•'� � e resuft nf Trustore defauit,Inctuding without limitat{�n atl Trustee's end attomey's tees,to the extent pennitted by eppl{caWo law.
<br /> ' � 15. Futua Adwncts. Upon roquest ot Borrower,Lender may,et its option,make eddltional end tuture advances and read• �,
<br /> ' vances to BorrowQr.Such advances end reafiruncos,wlth intorest thereon,shalt bo secured by thfs Demd o17n�st.At no time ahall tho
<br /> - • ,• .
<br />