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NIORTENSEN, A SINGLE PEaSON <br /> -- ��-•'':{�^ the TNStOf, -- <br />-°•:-•.,. : (horeln'�Truatc�'�whatt�r or�or more). �-- <br /> -:.W,� . <br /> .K�,�x{.� wtwse mafling address Is <br /> .-�,�•. <br />_,?��i ,,'' the Trustee�._._�_F p�- <br /> `" * �-� P .O. DOX 1507 GRAND ISLAND NE 68801-1507 (herein"Trustee'�.s'r�d <br /> =`=�'• ' whflse mafitn(�eddrossis <br /> =,=;�:�s� <br />_`e"'�'�e`.' the Beneficlary�_ F T V F <br />`.;-_'-,,.�.� <br /> NE 68802-1507 �herein•l.encle�. <br /> -=�'-�- �hose m aitingaddresals 2015 P�. BROADWELL, GRAND ISLANO, <br /> �.�:,;�,� <br /> �,,�� FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lenders extensbn ot credit IdAn�Jfled heraln to *^ hArein created,the tece�pt <br /> -- - .��� <br /> (hereln•BoROwer,"wnethar one or��w�o)sr.�!t�...� ... <br /> --'�`���'�� • Trustor hereby Irrevocab►Y 9rents, transiere. conveys and assigns to Trustee.IN TRUST,WRM <br /> --,:-:zr� of whk:h Is hereby ackrw�Med9ed. <br /> ,.�,��_.43ii� <br /> _;,�,.� pOWER OF SALE,fa the ber+etit end secudty of Lerxier,under and sub)oct to the tertns end cond�tlona herelnaftor set forth, � <br /> _°–�°.�L� property desc r i b e d ea toibws: �� �t N E <br /> —_- ROUSH'S P LEASANI'V I NL�E NARRACOUNTYDI NEBRASKA�T NI NE7EEN (1�� � <br /> �,`= CITY OF GRAND ISLA � a���e�� <br /> � ya, � a .easements�dghts�Ptivtleges <br /> ---° _ Toqether with all buiklin�,�mProvements,tfxtures,stroets�alle Ps�� � <br /> - --- - I4csted thereon or in snywlsu pertaining theroto�and the rents,issues and pmfits�revers{ons and rernaMdere N-�err��f.end such per- <br /> Inciuding but not Ilmited ro,heaHng and c�o���9 eq��P' <br /> -- - sonel propertyr thet l�attached to the Improvements so as to constituta a flxture, ' ���n oi thts fDeed of Trust and <br /> ment;and together with tlie Ix�mestead or mafisl intareats,If any,which Interests are hereby re1eased and wewe�:a��mt wh�h'�nclud� <br /> �����e�te snd gdditions thereto,ia hereby declered to be e paR of the reai estate secured by <br /> - ail of tha taregoing be�n9 referred to herein as the"Froperly'• <br /> -_ _--_��_•=a This Qeed of Tmst ehail secure(a)1he PaYment ot the p�i�iP having matu��y daie o�t�U�E�►B ERi,�2 0 01� a� <br /> - ment dated , � <br /> , �n <br /> ,atld any 8nd ell modlf�atlons.exCectsiyns enc9 renewels <br /> in the origtnal pdncipal emount of S ��-� Lender to <br /> thereot or ihereto and are�and all tuture advances and readva►�ces to Borrower�(or���n o�r sums ���bY � <br /> to one or mae proml�°iy�0tes or credlt agreaments(herein called"P{ote�; () <br /> �- protect the seauricY of the P�°te:(°)U�e Pe�ormar�ce ot all covenants and agreementa ot Trustar set t�rth herein;and(d)all present and <br /> = tuture Indebtednass and ob�iyaU°ns ot Borrower(or any ot t����e°�s��of T�andr any wnd aq h�������t <br /> - = gent and whether erising b1►note.9uaranry�overdraft or othe <br /> �� securo the Note or otherwlse executed in cennect(on therewith,including wilhout Ifmftetion guaranteos,sec�ac�h►a9�� <br /> _:.� essignments of laases and rents,shal!be reforred to hereln as the"Loan�nstniments'. <br /> ;�� Tn�stor covenants e�d a9reAS with Lender es toltows: y��n due. <br /> ____—;_'0 1. Paym�nt ot Ind�Medn�s�.A�1 Indebtedness seourod hereby 8hail be p�id �wananLS that the lien creat- <br /> --__---—�.� 2. Titl�.Trustor Is the awner of the Property�e�pt fo9ilens andt9 urTSb�ances�o���NStor in wrWng ancl cfeltvered to <br /> ed hereby Is e 8rst end Prior Ilen on the Pro{terty. <br /> �=j?!��:�::.� '/ Londer before execution ot this Qeed ot Tnrat�ancl the executlon and delivary of this Deed o!t^ust does not violate et�P��� <br /> -�_;�=�::��;u other ob�igeUon to which Ttistor rs su4rya�t. �s and ao other�a8�ins ��l <br /> __=---'-'"���:�.. 3.Tax�a A4s�sscnt�te.To pay boYoro delinquency all taxes,spoc�l 8�' <br /> ....�:._�:. �,� ; � <br /> _:,;,,��;�--;,., now or I�ereafter lev4em. ���ryd e���y�damage by tire,hazetds included within the tertn'extgnded covern�e�• <br /> :R;rx:-�++ , ., 4.Insurand.Tm�c��P th� Propo►tfi <br /> ��:'�'�-,1 s,�ch ra�+��a�Lender may requlro, in amounts end with companlea accop�Le��euihonZed t��djust,cdlect�end c�mPro' <br /> -='-"-'�-�'��;t:�'`:; . insu�c�.�vd�ross payebla to the lender.In case of bss under such pol�ies, <br /> _ •:-,,,�..„,� ,.. � in flll Qr art of the insuran�x�p�g(�)to eny indebtedness securod <br /> m�sa,aii ciaima 4hereunder and shali havo the op4bn of apply g P or fli lor <br /> -"�=•�?,'�'���+��� ---�._�..��e.,�n..nav dnmrmine.pq to the T�ustor to be used tor the repalr or rostoration of the Properly ( 1 <br /> _ -7� .. �T_....,,.�r.�<<,u 9mnun2 secured I�robY <br /> ..:z�,:,.ir,�er.: -Y.. ---_ t1ef0U'/enoion.nn�......,....�-.�. .. , <br /> -�'r::� any other purpose or ob�ect eatislACtory to Lender without eftecUng tt�a t�en ai inis ve� �� �.�°. .-•---•- <br /> �r�� before Euch payment over took place.Any applicaUon�of proceeds to indebtodness shall not extond or postpnna tM+due date o9 any <br /> �'•�. te,su�icient <br /> ��?;;��e;,��,� { T payments uncier the Note,or cure eny default thereunder or hereunde�•to Lender,in s►�ch manner as Leeider may designa <br /> � 5,Facrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustee shail PaY <br /> • '''.'�1 ' � sums to eneble Londer to pay as they bocome due one or more of the tolbwiinp:t(�alfemfums on�any�ortgago�nsurence req9ulre�d by <br /> -� . . t �►�propeiry,(If)the promiums on the proparlY insurence requirod hereunder.( ) P <br /> - . ' Lander. ood condition and repair; shall <br /> . 6. Malnt�nmce,Rap�ln�n�!Compliancr witb I.�wv.Trustor shall koop ihe Properry in g <br /> • • prompUy repalr.or replace any fmprovement whbh muy he damaged or destroyed;shall not commit or pa�n�t an�y'�i����� <br /> � tfan ot the Propeity:shal!not remove,demo��sh or suDstentially alter any ot the Improvementa on t�e PropertY: �p�p��s� <br /> ,:;�s � " or permtt any act to be done�n or upon tha Propedy►n vlolaUnn of eny taw.ordinance,or regu►aUon;ond eha►�DaY <br /> _ : 'i��,�.s., - i <br /> chargo at Trustor's cost und expe <br /> ns:i all liens,encumbrance9 end charqes levied,imposed or accessed agatnst tho PropercY a e�Y <br /> �' � .. 4� pad thereot. nsaUon,awcrds,damages and other payments ar rotial(he�elnafter <br /> 7.Em1rKM DomA�n.lender ts hereby as��gned�II compc� , <br /> Neo H»v+��aa�rw en ,o,�um..r«o�..0 , . <br /> � . O 11M tiMrlYDxd U Ca+NwninY W 6*.'�+p��� <br /> -�--¢-.xalS17_:—__: <br />