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<br /> NON-UNIFORM CAVENAINTS. Burrowcr and L.ender funher covenant ond agree as followa:
<br /> lq. Forecloeure Fhrocedara ti Lenderreq uircs immediatc paymant in full under graph 9,l.ender may invoke tho
<br /> pawer of eale and anY�esther rcmedienpermitted by AppI�able law. Lcnder shail tre en tlod to collect all ezpenses tncumed
<br /> inpun uing the ranedle�provided in 16i�rAra�apb!7.includin�.but nat NrNted to,rcacawble Attomcy�'fees And cast�of
<br /> _ _ �_ � dtCa evhier�ce.
<br /> - ------ If thepo�ver 4f s�k la Involted,71r�stee shall recoM a aoltce o�defauit in e�ch couaty in vrbkd Any qrt of tlu
<br /> � Prope�r lalosated�ad slwU maq copks of sucA qodce In Ihe mAnner prescdbed by appIkable law to Borrower and
<br /> � to t6�e otber pereom preecribed by ap Ikabk I�w Rlter t6e tlme raquired by Applk�bk law,71�ueta obAll�five
<br /> u' pnMk iwtia of sate tu the peraus�in tde maaner prescribed b ppplicable law 7Yustee,wlWout deawaa oa
<br /> _ s_--_-_ - _-� u
<br /> ° Bort�oWer.sh�p+sep tbe Prope�y At publlc aacdon to the biqhest der rt the lime�nd ploce�ad undcr tdc tecu�
<br /> desl�w�ted io tbe notke af sA{+fo ooe or morepane Is aad ia any order'�ustee detenaioea. 7lrustee msy
<br /> -- sale d dl or aaY pircel at the['roperty bypublk onaauacemeat at the Nme w�d piwe of Auy previwuly �uled
<br /> sW. Lender or ita desi�ee awy rcbase t6e Prope�ty At ao�ysak.
<br /> — Upoo retelpt o� t�fayment�tbe rice bid,7Fu�tee sfwU ddlver to ths purcha:er 7lrustte's deed conveyla�t6e
<br /> -__- !'ra�i, T�:.rttlds�Co!�'l�ske�der!�!! 1�e prlau�tac1R�vid�na ot trutb ot tbe st�temepts nu�de tlur'ei0. .
<br /> -------= 7turtu slwfl apply tbe proceeda ot the sWe in tbe followio�orders (�+) to WI casts and �apen�es of e�cerciwn� p�e
<br /> ---- - - - power ot sale,aad ibe sak,tocludin tde paymept ot the 7Yusta's leac actwdly lacurred+not to exceed 3.0 `�
<br /> - ot the� pr�ircipal amount af the e at the tlme of the decinrplbn o�defoull, pnd re�.gonn6le attorne�s' tas sa�
<br /> rmitted by l�aw; (b)to all�ums«cured by this Security IoWrumeM:aad(c)any exces�to tbe penon ar pe�
<br /> _ _ �ally eotltled to if. Lendcr shall request livatae to
<br /> 18. ReconvsywiCa Upon paymen!of all sums secured by this Securiry insuument,
<br /> — reconvey Ihe Property And shall sur�nder this Securlty Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Securlty
<br /> —=—- Inctrument to 7tustee. 7tustee shall reconvey the Propeny without warranty and without charge tu the person or peraona
<br /> �� laY�lly entiQed to i� Such person ar persons shall pay any recordadon cosls.
<br /> —_ -= 19. Su6stitute'Ihustee. Lender,at its opt�an,may from time to time r+emove 7tustee and appoint a successor wstc;e
<br /> to any 7ivxtee appointed hereumler by wi lustrument rccordcd in thc counry in which this Securiry lnsuument is recnrcled.
<br />�: '�, Wilhout wnveyance of the Property,the successor tructee shall succeed ta all the Ude,power end dutiea conferred upon
<br /> ;� ` A t �� 7�usteo henin and by app�licable law.
<br /> 2Q. Request for NoNces. Borrower requests that copies of 1he noticea of dafault and sAle be sent W Barrower�
<br /> - address which is the Ptoperty Add�ess.
<br />.:-..�^
<br /> "�� Riders to this Security lnstrumenf. If one or more dder�are caecuted by Borrower And recarded together with this
<br /> � Securiry [nswment,Ihe covenants of each such dder shall be incorpora[ed into and shall emend and aupplement the
<br /> _ ;- � • covenents and agreements of this Security Inauument as if the rider(s)were in a part of this Security Insirument.
<br /> _ '�j�'�' [C7►eck applicable box(es)j.
<br /> ;
<br /> ` . ,. .-.:�
<br />�_:: . � �Condominium Rider �Graduated Payment Rider �Growing Equiry Rider
<br />.---_ :=r .
<br /> .,��:>'t,-r4:.�j...
<br /> � �'�`x�".�� ;. - • �Plenned Unit Development Rider �oiher�Specifyl ACKNOWLEDGIrIENT. I�RTGAGE ADD'cNDUm
<br />.. +�ca.�'r;
<br /> �4��� °'".,� BY SIGNING BELOW. Borcower accepts and ugrees to the terms conwined in pages 1 through 4 of Utis Securiry
<br />-� ��, ���-"-•��' •� Instrument and in any rider(a)executed by Bortower and recorded with it.
<br /> ;;t;:�� , . .
<br /> �` �� ����wN_ t�� Wimesses:
<br /> _- '�'`r..�.,,� •�.��:; (Seal)
<br /> �{ ��°.t � m. PESCITELLI �1DM�`
<br /> ,j`!-"' �wr+��� � ' /, / _
<br /> � '� ��W*`- „�cri..�L cs�ai�
<br />-'.,r' .' ����.. NET L. PESCITELLI B0°O`�
<br /> •%' 'r:r r� 'y .
<br /> �'o '•;'�"�N'' �'� " (SCUI) -.
<br />-- .�n,o;,*+�r:=^' . Bom►wcr
<br /> .i_. .
<br />.,� �,�:'F_,�. u' . _(SCUq -
<br /> �`� '�'�•�. . eo„o,wer _.
<br /> , . a`rc�'�� ' �.
<br /> .ng� .. "'
<br /> , �' "•' CUUOI tiS
<br /> ' _, STATE OF NEB[tASKA. HALL Y'''
<br /> , J '"�� •• •= � On this 31 ST �°y°� JUI.Y, 1992 ,�'��on mc.�hc undcrsigncd,u Notnry
<br /> i' ' Public duly commissioned und yuulified for suid county,personally came JOHN Irl. PESCITELLI AND JANET L. _
<br /> , to mc known to hc the
<br /> � o identicul penon(s)whose name(s)are suhxcrit+ed w the forrgoing inxlrument and acknowlcdged the execution thereof ro be
<br /> - • THEIR ���untary act und decd. ,
<br /> ° Wimcss my band und nowrial.cul ut GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA �� ��� yn�d counry, thc
<br /> % x dete aforcwid.
<br /> � . �� - . �_C � �����
<br />-..1„ My m ireti: �/�2/U1z_ --
<br /> Nu�ary F'uhli�
<br /> - °---'�'=' r...
<br /> ,_ -
<br />