.._. .�l�'1�N��i A� .!�1R�� �.� liX�• .
<br /> _ y� i . _ . .i e !_c ..y:......)�� ,�`.��.�,�.' J_S�_� __ .'' �'"�, �:';f-.� �a
<br /> � �i . q� .�,xf1.�.l�iiYl1:.L...._ .. . .�,�� �_.
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<br /> paymenix.which iue roferred to in Paregrap►�Z,or change tha umount of such puyments. Any excess proceeds over an
<br /> �mount�q uircd to pAy nll au�stwdin�indebtedneoa under tho Nde wnd t�is Securiry Inslrumont shall be paid to�he ontity
<br /> --- IoBV1Y eatldod theteto. �
<br /> _L�..,,• B. Feea. L.ender may collect tees and charyea authorizui by ihe Sarewry. --
<br /> ,.:.• � • , 9. Grounds fnr Accekrntion ot Deb4
<br /> � � 4� (�)Ikt�ul� l.ender may,ezccpt as Ifmited by rcgulutione issued by thc Secretay in�he case of payment dafwultr,
<br /> ;;,�;,,�;�;_ e�,,;<< �equirc immediute payment in full of�li sums ucured by lhis Security lnxtrument iF:
<br /> � •�n:� (i)Bortower dcfaults by failing to puy in full uny monthly puym�:nt rcquired by tt►is 3ecurity Instrument prior c,- -
<br /> to or on thc due dste of the next monthly payment,or
<br /> '�'•�s`:��� '` (ii)Bomnwer def�ulu by fYilin�,for a periad of thirty days,to perform any other obligntions�cantained in this
<br /> �--_�_:� Securlty Insaument.
<br /> :�.�.,-�.� (b)3Ale Without Credit Approval. l.ender shall,if pormitted by applicAblc law as�d with the prior approval of the
<br /> _ --= SecrCi,uy.�cyuuc uwuC.ii�i�Nay��wni Ir�t'ull af a!!tts:,suss�s:.ccured by slsfs Seesr�t;�nstn��n!�nt iF
<br /> �,.�e.n.,�,v�� ---
<br /> �� ._; ; ;�r:* (i)All or part of the Property,or a beneficial intersst in a trus�owning all or part af the Property,is sold or
<br /> -- — ;-.,.�,_, ,� othenvise trnnsferred(othcr than by devfse ur descent)by the Borrower,and
<br /> - ����- • • (ii)The Property ie not occupled by the purchaser or grantee as his or her principal residence,or the pu�haser
<br /> _ ,��'��' or grantee dces so cecupy Ihe P�penY but his or her ciedit has nat been approved in acco�dance
<br /> -- l�"�°� with the requiremen�g of the Secretary.
<br /> __�,:�A,.���w (e)No Waiver. If circumstuncea occur that would permit l.ender to requine immediate pnyment in full,but Lender
<br /> ...���;c. .,, docs not require such paytnents,Lender dces not waive its rights with respect to subsequent events.
<br /> �iiir�r.���� ' (d)Re�ulnUoas ot HUD 3ecretary ln many circumstances regulations issued by the Sec�retery wfll limit L.enderk
<br /> —iia:.,..w: ,. � �..' rights, in the case of payment deiaults, to �q uire immediate payment in full and foreclose if not paid. Thie
<br /> _,::,���;�,�.- , Securlty Inspvment does not uuthoriu accelerulion or fomlosure if not permitteci hy regulutions of ihe Secrctary. _ ,
<br /> ;:>.• (e)Mortgwge Not Insured. Borrower agreea that should�his Securiry Instrument and U�e note secured thereby not
<br /> ���;- � '� be eligible for inaurance under the Natfonal Housing Acl within from tha
<br /> .� ' , �, date hereof,Lender may,at its option and notwithstanding anything in Puragraph 9,tequire immediate payment in �_
<br /> , - �_ . ,� "'. full of all sums secured by this Securfty Instrument. A written statement of any authorized agent of the Secnetary
<br /> —<�' � � • ;;.�.: dated subsequent to from the date heneof,declining to insure this Security
<br /> °'''�! .,.� lnstrument and the note secured thereby,shall be deemed conclusive praof of such ineligibility. Natwithstanding
<br /> n the foregoing,this option may not be e�ercised by l.ender when the unavailability of insurance is solely due to
<br /> .� Lender s failure to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the Secretury.
<br /> .__;� . • � 10. Retnstotemen� Borrower has a right to be rcinstaled if Lender has Rquired immediate payment in full because _
<br /> - . � . �� . �� of Borrowerk failure tu pay an nmount due under the•Note or�his Security Inswmcnt. This nght applies even after
<br /> ��R�' .��'-;��.:r,;.;,;;�,_,,, foreclosure praceedings ure instituted. 1b reinstate ihe Security [nstrument, Horrower shall tender in a lump sum all
<br /> -: - -� � ------ amounts required to bring Borrower's�+ccounc curnenl indudiug.w the e�:tent thcy are obligatfom of Barso+ver under thl+s
<br />- . • . • Secu�lty Instrument.foreclosure costs and reasonuble and customery attomeys'fees and expenses propetly associated with
<br /> the forcclosure proceeding. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this Security Instrument nnd the abl�getions that it securea
<br /> ` '�,�; � sheJl remain in effect as if Lender had not required immediutc payment in full. However,l.ender is not required to rermit
<br />-'= � • reinstatement if: (i) Lender has accepted reinstutement after the commencement of foreclosure proceedings withm two
<br /> �'. ' years immediately preceding thP commencement of a current foreclasure pracecding, (ii) reinstatement will preclude
<br /> -. � �• foreclosurc on different gmunds in the future,or(iii)reinsiutement will adversely affect the priority of the lien created by
<br /> ',:, •- � this Security Instrument.
<br /> +` - �"' 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance by Lender Not � Waiver. Eatension of the time of payment or
<br /> ��' �� . "" maditication of amonizntion af the sums secured by this Security Inswment grnnted by Lender to nny successor m interest _
<br />. � ' , s• of Borrower shall not opernte to releace the liability of the original Borrower or Bamwer's successor�n interest. Lender _�
<br /> :...,.,., ., ' "" ' shall not be required to commence praceedings agamst an� successor in in�erest or refuse�o ex�end time for payment or
<br /> �;,.:-...•,._..,�_�- , otherwise modify amortization of the sums securcd by this Security Instrurnent by reu.�on of any demand made by the L
<br /> ; �. �L��w�.r�% "�' originnl Borrower or Horrower:s successon in inleresl. Any torbearonce by Lender in exr�ciaiug w�y right or rcmcdy shall
<br /> '� '���'�'"��""•'"_ "� � not be a waiver of or preclude Ihe exercise of wty right or remcdy. _
<br /> ��• � -•``'�- • 12. Successors and Assigos 8ound;Jolnt And Several LlabllUy: Co-Si�ners. The covenants:u�d agreements of
<br />' � - "" this Security Instrument sh�ll bind and bene�t Ihe+uccrssur:++md us.ign,of Lendcr und Burrower,subject to the provisions �--
<br /> - �� ° of Parngraph 9.b. Borrower's covenants und agreements shull be joint und several. Any Borrower who co-signs �his �
<br /> � Security Instrument but dces not execute�he Note: (ul is cu-xigning this Serurity Instrumem only to morlguge,grant and ��•-�
<br /> , � convey that Borrower'ti interest in the Property under the tertns af this Securiiy Instrument;(b)ix not pe►sonally obliguted to �'��
<br /> -a - pay the gums secured by thix Security InstNment; unJ(cl a�recs Ihut Lender�nd nny other Borrower muy agree to extend, ___
<br /> ' �;. , madify,forbear or m�lce any uccommodutions wi�h n:gurd to�he Icmns of this Security Instrument or the Note without that _
<br /> . • � Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13. Notices. Any notice to Bortower provided for in this Security Intitrumrnt shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> �` •"t,.+� . ' mailing it by first clws mail unlesx applirable luw nquires use nf,mothcr methcxl. The notire shull be directed to the
<br /> • � PropeAy Addresti or any other uddresti Bortower desi$nute�by notice to Lcndcr. Any natire to Lender shall bc given by
<br /> �� firvt class mail w Lender z address stuted herein or uny addrcss Lcndcr designutes by notice to Borrower. Any notice
<br /> � •'• Qrovided for in thix Security Instrumcnt shall hc dcemcd to havr been given i�Borrowrr or Lendcr when givcn as provided `�__
<br /> ; �.,
<br /> J � m this p•rrugmph. �l
<br /> � 14. GoverninR Law:tieverAbility. Thi�Security Instruntcnt �hall i+c govrmrJ hy Fcder•rl luw and thc law of the �
<br /> j u ri s d i c�i o n i n w h i�h�h e P r n p e h y i s l a u i e d. I n t hr evrnt thut nn y �rovision or rlause of Ihiti Security Instrument or Ihe �r�.s
<br /> ���• Note confliets with npplicuble luw. �uch conflict �hall niri affec�other provi,inm��f this Securi�y Instrument or Ihe Nnte '�"
<br /> , ' which cnn be given effect withoui the con0ic�inF provi�iun. Ti��hiti end the provi.iuns ul'this Sccurity Inslrument and thc
<br /> � Note ure declureJ to Ix�cvcrablr.
<br /> � `r . 1S. Borrnwcr's['opy. Hom►wrr.hall tk givcn unc mnfc�rmrd ropy al tliis Srruriry In�trurnrnt.
<br /> ' , 16. A�.cignment oi'Rents. H�irrowrr unrun�lition:illy a.tiigm:+nd Ir.�nsfrr�1u LrnJcr all Ihe rrnlx:uid revcnur�i�f thr
<br /> � 1'ropeny. Burrower uuthori�c�Lcndcr ur Lendrr+agrnl.t��cuUccl thc rrnt,und rc�•enurti anJ hereby Jircr�ti rach trnunl of
<br /> � , . the Property to pny thr rrnts to LcnJrr ur l.rnder;a}cnt,. Huar�•rr,prior tn LrnJcr:nrnire to Bomiwrr uf Born�wer: � .
<br /> � zr brcach of any ruvcnant ur a�rcrmcnt in thc Srcurit}•In.�rumrnt.Borra�vrr.hall cullcrt and reccivc all rcnl..�nd r��cnu�.of �.
<br /> " '� thc Property a�tnistcc for 1hc Ixnctit ot'Lcnder and Hurr��urr. llii� u,.i�nw�nt ol'nn��rem+titutes an ah�alutr ns+ignment
<br /> • 'r • . nnd not un utisi�nmcnt ti�r�JJi�iunul.rrurin�unlv.
<br /> •___ __-_
<br /> _'_" _" _ _. ._ _:� _. ._J __" ' ' .. . � ��.. �.__.. ._..L..11 4..L..1.!1...17...w���...�.�i-�n�alw.a �'
<br /> _ -- — - - __- ' . .
<br /> _-_ " "___... -__---_ _
<br /> u i.enaer gives nonre nt nmucn�o nnm.wcr. �;u u�i irn„�«<�.�.���� ��.,��.,...� .,��..��. � f
<br /> .. for benefit of l.cnJcr unly.tu Ix applird w Ihc .um�.�rurrJ h���hr tirrunt� Imtrumrnl: Ihl�Lcndrr�,hall tx rntiUrJ t�i •
<br /> ., . c��llrcl und rercivc ull uf�hc rcui.�,t�h� Pru�xrtt:,�nd�r�rarh t�n:un of thc f'ruprrt�•.hall p�y .ill rcnh Juc unJ unpaiJ�o �
<br /> � , �� ' Lcndcr ur Lrndcr'�agcm an Lendrr ti u•rittcn Jciiumd u,ihc�rnani.
<br /> Borruwcr hoti nul rxcrutcd uny priar a„i�!�unrnt uf thc rrnl. anJ h��, nut anJ will nat �rti,nn :my art that w•ould �
<br /> � prevrnt Lendcr fmm cxcrci�inE ity ri�:ht.und���Ihi�Par�graph Ib. .
<br /> Lcndrr�hall nut tk rcyuimd tu rnt�r u�xm. crMc c„mr�d af ur inainlain �hr 1'ru�xny Ixtiirc ur aitrr�;ivmg nutirr uf �
<br /> �t ... .
<br />.. :i_ , -. - b0.'Ul'll 10 plrlHl��l'1. I;UMC�I'1. i.l'U��l'1 �n .1 JuU���.ui� a�l�ivuii�u i��ii'.�i'i:.i: :: ..:.::.i'.'j :iU� :ii:i: ' : ~::.::�:. .^::} .
<br /> iippliraliun of ttnl..hull n��t rum ur uaivr an}•JrLwh ur im:diJa�r an}�nther rigM ur rrmeJ� ot'LenJrr....'I'hi.a.•ignmrnt ;
<br /> . nC rcnt.of'thr F'���xNy�hall trrniinatr whcn Uir d�ht�crurcd hy Uir tircuru� In+trumrnt i.p:nd�n f�dl. !
<br /> .:_.�,;,.,,.• I.
<br /> .. ,• .., ; f
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