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W`cr-. � -''i;..,s ------ <br /> _�.i�- w�� '�:.....n ---'_��..a.o.......s.. ,. , -- � ��`-- - �:�_--'_ <br />._�L.ama-iiY=="-_ __ -_ '�iy�". __ -__ __- _-___ <br /> ._.._._ <br />'_'_ "�� �.....r�.�...�...,.,,.,.�.�T_._.� - ...�..�,�..�-._.-,.....�.R....=._._._.�_�........_�_�_.__�'_'.-�__.__...____. <br /> _ gi"'+ , ...._.....-_'"'_.'�'____-.... <br />;,^ t.�-'�., <br /> ... t a�°' :�,��a3��. _ <br /> k.,� � . �- <br /> TUC3fiTi-IDR WITH all Ihe lmprovemcnts now or hereafu:r erecued on the property,mid alY c��.semenGs,appurten�u►ces, and = <br /> �<�� Cixttues now on c�reuftcr a part of tha property.All replacement�anc�addldons sliall also be coverccl by this Sa;uriry Instrumcnt. <br />��y '"` All of tho foregoing is rcfened W in this Securiry Instnunent us d�c"Property." <br /> -�!'a:; , BORROWBR COVANAN'I'S diat Borrower is lawfully seised of d�e estatc hereby wnveyed and has tho right ta gran[and <br /> =`'��� convoy tho Propeny and that the Pmperty is unencumbered, except for encumbmnces of secord. Bonower warmn�v nnd will <br /> - - defand generally thc dde w the Pmpe�ty agau�st all cl•.wns and de�nands,suGject to eny encumbra�ic:cs of rcc;ord. <br /> ��,,.��J TFQS SECiJRITY INSTRLJN�NT combinas uniform covenants for nadonal use nnd non-uniform covenAnts with lirrdted <br /> ���L,�,'�� variations by jurIsdlctiun to consetute n unifom�securiry instrumcnt covcring rcal property. <br /> --•:,L UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lender wvcnant and agms as follows: <br />__�i��� 1.Paytneat oi 1'ria�tpnl and Interest;Prepayment and L.ate Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay wlicn duc thc <br /> yJ��%) <br />- � principal of and intetest on Iha deUt evidenced by tho Note und any prepuyment and late chazges due under the Note. <br /> ti=14=� 2,Fbnds for Tvxes and Ynsaruuce. Subject to applicable law or to a written waivcr by Lcnder. Borrower shall puy to - <br />�= u��� Lender on tha day monthly payments are duo under tha Note,until tha Nate is pald in full,a sum("Fund.v")foz:(a)yearly taxes <br />_,.,:_„� ernd assessm�nts which may uttain pi�iority over Ihis Securiry Instcument as a lien on thc Property;(b)yearly leasohold payments <br /> "� or ground rent�on the Property,if any;(c)yearly hazard or prope�ty insivancAS premiums;(d)yearly flood'uisurance premiums,if <br /> °���� eny;(e) yearly�nortgage insurance premiutns.if a�iy;and(� �►ny sums payable by Borrower to accordance with the <br /> _ �';�°�.,� provlsions of paragragh lleu of the payment of mortgage insuianca premiums. 'Itiese items are called "Bscrow Items." <br /> ��"`��`"`� I.endec may. at eny dme,collect az►d hoId Iiunds ui nn amount not to exceed the meximum amount a lsnder for a federally related <br /> ..�:..;L� <br /> -,,.::a:a;;,�; mongage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under tha federal Real Estata Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 es <br /> -"" amended irom ILna to dme,12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RFS�'A"),unless another law that applies to the Funds sets x lesser <br />���a::k:;;.� amount If so,L.ender may,at any dme, coltect and hold Funds nn an amount not to excce�i the leaser amount. Lender niuy <br /> -•-�� <br /> estimaCe Ihe atnount of Funds duo on the basis of current data and rqsonable estimates uf expenditures of future Bscrow Items or <br /> =_===�- othenvisa in accordance with applicuble law. <br /> � � 'Ihe Funda shall be held U� an insdtudon whoai deposits are insured by a fcdexal agency.instrumentality,or endly(including <br /> Lender. if I.ender is such un insdtuflon)or in any Fed�ral Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Bscrow <br /> '�� Items.L,ender may no¢charge Borro�ver far holding and applying the Funds,annually anal}�zing the escrow account,or verifying <br /> ____�=.�. the Hscrow Ytems,onl�s,9 i.enclerpa�s}3orro�vec interest on the Funds and appllcable law permits Lender W make such a charge. <br /> However,L,ender may rec�uice Borrower ta pay a one•tima charge for an independent real estaus tax reponing service used by <br /> T.render in cannecdon vr.'::'�this loan,uniess applicable law provides atl�envise. Unless an agreement is �reade or applicable law <br /> - requires int,�rest to be paid,I.�nder shell not be required to pay Borrower any inurest or earnings on the Funds. Borrowcr anu <br /> __ I.endar may egcee in wxiting,howe�er�.�that inteiest shall be paid on tha Funds.Lender shall giv�to Borrowcr,without chazge,an <br /> -° ennual ssccoundng of tha Funds,shoR:ing credits and debits to the 3�linds and tlie putposa for which each debit to the Funds was <br /> made.The Funds are F1cc�yed es additional security far all sums sectued by this Socurity Instrumen� <br /> . If tho Funds held!�y L�nder oxceed the amo�nts peimiued to be held by applica3le la�v,Lender shall aGCOUnt to Borrower for <br /> the excess Funds in accorilance wlth the requirencents of applicable law.If the tunount of the Funds hcld by L,onder at any pene is <br /> - not sufficient W pay ihe IIscmw Items when due,Lender may so notify Boaower in wrlting,and,in such case Boao�ver shall pay <br /> w Ltnder the amount aocessazy w mate up the deficlency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more tlian twelve <br /> monihly paymrnts,nt Ler►atr's sole discretion. <br /> Upon pay;nent in full of ail sums secuced by this Sec;urity Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Boirower any Funds <br /> held by Ltadar.If,unda paragreph 21.Lender shaU acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prlor to the itcquisidon or saie of the <br /> Fropaty,shsill apply eny Funds held by lpnder at ihe time of acqulsition oa sale as a credit against the sums secured by this <br /> Security InsuumenG <br /> - 3.Applicatbn ot�aynaentt. Unless applicable law provfdes otherwis�,nll payments receivec�.by Lend�r under paragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be ap(�lied: tirst, to any prepayment ch�rges due under ihe Note;s�cond,to amounts payable iuider parabzapI�2; <br /> third,tn in�st dua;£�,w piincipa�duo;and L�s,to any late chazges dua under the Note. <br /> 4.C�r=es;Lien�. Bon�ower shall pay ali taxes,assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Property <br /> — which xnay atuin prie^'�nver tbin Sec�ity Instcument,and leasehold payments or ground rents.if nny.Borrower shall pay these <br /> obllgations in tha maia�r provyded in paragrnph 2,or if not paid!n shat manner,Bonower sha11 Fay diem on time directly to tho <br /> person oweti paymc�F:Baaowu shall protnptly fumish to I.endcr all noeccs of amounts W bc paid under d�is paragraph.If <br /> gorrov�rcr makes these�paymenLV dirccdy,Barrowct shall prompdy fumish to Lcncdez receipts evidencing the puyments. <br /> Bormtiver shall promptly dischacge any lien which ha9 prioriry over this Security Insttument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in <br /> wri6ng tw�`he payment of tho obligation securecl by the lien In u manner acceptable to I,endcr;(b)contests in good faith dio lie�► <br /> by.or d.3'et�ds against enforcemcnt of the lien in. legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operute to prevent the <br /> - enforcement of the lie�;or(c� secures froin tha holder of the lien an agreement satisfactcry to Lendec subordinating the li�n w <br /> ' this Socurlty LuhwneaY.Tf Lender dctcrcnines thut any part of the Property Ls subject to a lien which may Atte�in prioriry over this <br /> ---��-- Security Insuument,Let►der may givo Borrower a noace identify3ng the licn.gorrower shall satisfy thc lien or take one or moru <br /> — of the acdons sat forih above within 10 days of the Biving of nodce. , <br /> - Fo►m 3028 9180 <br /> -v-=—_ �•QR�KE)1o2121.Ot Pap�2 016 Initlals: <br /> -^��� <br /> _��i- <br /> �::-'-z '-- :..-: . - • --- <br /> -- .. . . . -. . . . . ._4 . r �_ <br /> S ��._ ..A . .- .. �1 .. 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