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<br />,_,y , . , S. Hpu►rd or PropertY In9ur�nce. Borrower suall kecp ths improvements n�w existing or hercaftcr erected on the -
<br /> �; Property insured against toss by flra, hnzards ineluded within the term "extendad coverege" ond nny other huzards, including _
<br />=�r�c.: tloads ar flooding, fur whlch I.ender requlres insurance.This insurance shall bc malntalned In the nmounts and for tlie periods =
<br />�-���,;y� that Lender reqaires.'I'�e insurance carrter providing the inswance�hall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval
<br />---�-� which shall not bc unreasonaGly witldiclG. I1F Borrorter fails to m:tint�in rnvern�c descr[bed above, I.ender msy, at Lender's �_
<br /> .�..,;;� option.obtain coverage to pmtect l.eader's rigtus in the P�uperty in occordance with puragraiah 7.
<br /> ���r�:: All insuramce policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standerd mortgago cla�ue• Lender
<br /> �;".°�" ; shall have thc right to hold the policies and renewals.lf Lendcr requires,Borrowcr Akall pramptly give to L.ender all receipts of
<br /> � `- paid premiums and ronewal nntices.In the event�f loss.Bonower shall glve pmmpt aotice to the insurance carder and Lendsr.
<br /> '-W� ' � L.ender may make proof of loss if not mnde prainptly by Bonower.
<br /> •�• � � Unless I.endcr and Botrower other.�isc agrce ia�vriting.insurancc proceeds shall be appliecl to restorattan or repair of t�e
<br />._._fY�__�
<br />�:���i Property damaged, if the restoratioa or eepair is economically feasible an.d Lender's sacurity is not lessened.If the restoratton or
<br /> �.';�'�� repair is not economically feusible or I.ender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be applied to thc swns
<br />:=.;,a� secvred by this Security [nsm�ment, whether or not then due, with any eacess paid to Sorrowcr. tf Bonower abandons the
<br />:>.�1'�{ propr,rry, or does not answer withia 3p days a aotice from Lender that We insurancc canier has offered to settle a claim, then
<br />-���� L,caQr,s snay collxt th� insurance proceeds. Leader may use the proceeds to repair or Y�estore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> --_ — sec,;sec9 py this Secu�iry Instrument.whether or not thea due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> -""""'�" Ur_tess I.enr.�r�nd Borrower oth�erwise egree in writing, any applica�io�of p:ace::ds ta principal shall not eAten3 or
<br />=-W=� post�ahe due�a:c o.f the monthly payments reCerred to in paragraphs 1 a�ad 2 vr change the amount of the payments.If under
<br />'-`"'�'� ara ,�'� 21 tbe Pro rty is a uired b Lcnocr, Boaower's dght to any insurana policles and proceeds resulting from
<br /> ;;�:i�",� P S'�1r Pe �1 Y
<br />� datnage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender eo the eatent of the swtss secured by tbis Security Instcument
<br />•:�?��'n,.� iaunediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> -�"'��. 6.OccupancY,Prex►�'adon,Maintenanc�e aucid Protection of the Properly;Barrowra''s�.oan Ag�lcatian;I.easetx►Icls.
<br /> == Borrower sha�l occupy.establlsh.and use the F�o;�erty a.s Borrower's principal residence witdin slxty days after the execution of
<br />====�j-� th;s Secnrlty Instrumeut end shall coutinue to occupy the Property as Borrower's priaci�zesi�ence for at least one year after
<br />.�„';�,� the date of oceupancy,unless Lender otherwise a�rees in wciti�C,w}rich consent ehail not't�e unreasonably withheld,�r unless
<br /> — extenaating ciccur.astances eaist which ere t�eYovd 13oswi''w�'u `.�au3j. B°"��cr s;�r,:; asat destroy, damage or i.��air the
<br /> -- prope�rcy, allow tho�rop�rty ro dtteriorate. ot wmmtt waste on the Properip. Borrower shail be in default if any ffa�s�ture
<br /> - acdon or proceeding,whether clvu or criminai,is oc�uu tuai�i.eri�cr'o�:,� Y«iilt jtid°zt�ut�ttl�r°-c�r �f�rf�it��re of the
<br /> == Pi+operty or otherwiu materially impair the liea created by tLis Securlry Ins�.sziment or i.ender's securiry antanst. Borrower may
<br /> --- cure auch a default and ninstate,as provlded in paragraph 18.by causing the xtlan or proceetling to be dismissed with a ruling
<br />'�,::��; tt►at, in I�ender's $ood faith determinat[on. pcecludcs forf�iture of the Borrower's interest in the Pmpecty or other materlal
<br /> � impurment of the lloa created by this Secnrlry insmunent or Lender's seeurity int�rest. Borrower ah�ll also be in c�fault ff
<br /> Borrower.during tLe loaa application process,gave materially false or ivaccvratc lnformation or statements to Lender tor failed
<br /> co pmvide Lender with any mat�dal infarmatioN�n c�n�tion with the loan evlden�.ed by the Note,including,but not limited
<br /> to.represenu►tions wnceming Bon°Wer's occupancy of the Pcoperty as a principal residence.If this Seewriry Instnun�nt is on e�
<br /> lea�ehold. Borrower a.�►all comply with all tha provisions off the lease. If Bormwer acquires fee tide to the Property. tha
<br /> leax6old aad the fa dtle shall uot merge unless�:�dcr If�Horro er fail sto�erform the covcnants aad agraments cantaiieed in
<br /> . 7.Protection oI i.enda�'s Ri�ht�la tR�e Propa�ty. �
<br /> this Secudry Instrument.or there is a le�al proceeding that may significantly affxt I.ender's dghta in che Properry(auch a�a
<br /> proceeding ia bu�kruptcy.pmbate.for condemnation or forfeiture or w enforce laws or regulations).then Lendex rru�y do�nd
<br /> • pa,y for whatever i�tioccssary to protect the valne of the Propeity and Lender's dghts in the Property. Lend�er'e actiona rw►y
<br /> inetude paying any sums secu►al t�r a li:.n which h:s priority ove* this Securicy tnsisument, annearing in court. psyinB
<br /> reasonabla utomeys'fas and antedng on the Pvo�exty ta make cepairs.Although Lender may take ution under this paragnQh
<br /> " ' 2,i,eader does uot hive to d�so.
<br /> --- My amounts disbursod by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall bscome additional debt of Borrawer secured by this
<br /> Security Instcument.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to o^.�hEt terms of payment, these amounts shedll bear intccest fxom the
<br /> �late of disbursemeuc at the Note rats and sCall be payable. with Interest. upon notice from Lender to Bomower reguosdag
<br /> P�Yment.
<br /> — 8.Mortgege Luur�nca If Lender requirod atortgage insurance as a wudition of making thc loan sxurod by this Secudty
<br /> Instrument, Bormwer ehall pay the pnmiums ctiquired to meintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the
<br />- mortg�,qe tnsuxu►cc covexage required by Lcnder lapses or ceaus to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums�equired to
<br /> ---
<br />