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All rcplacemente and nddttions sh;dl nlso bc covered by this Se�urity �',r <br />�'•r���. Instrument.All of tho�orcgoing ie reFcrred to in this Security Instrum�nt as the"Propeny." -�- <br /> �.,��� 130RRQWER COVIiNANTS that 13orrowcr is IawAtlly sdsed oP thc cstato her�Uy convsycd and hns�lic rlght to grAnt and �-_ <br />�-,;� convey tho Pro�Ry�u�d that tha Pro�eny ie unencumberod,eacept for eacumbrana� of record. Borrowcr wartants and will � <br /> defend geACrally t�►*,tl�le�o the Propeny nqainst uU claims nnd d�monds�subJect to a�ny encumbrances af record. c �. <br /> J:-:�� THIS SECURiTY INSTRUMRN'P combines un.iform coven�nte for natianal use and non-unlform covenants with limiccd <br /> �*� varintions by jurisdlctton ta constitutc w uniform accur[ty Instrumcnt covcring rral praperty. <br /> UNIFORM C��'�NANTS,Honower and l.cnder cnvenant and egra s�follows: _ <br />"�,",��*� 1. Pi►yment of Princlpwl and intec�sh Pr'epA3'menE end late Chargee. Bonower ahall promptly pay when due the <br />`":�,I_ princip�l af az►d intcrest on the debt evidencecl by the Nate and any prepayment and lato charges due under the Notc. <br /> ��'"-�� 2. Func�s[or Ts�xa�and I►ssnrance. Subject to applicable law or ro s wcitten waiver by I.�cnder, Borrower nhall pay to <br />--� — i.eader on tha dwy monthly p�ymrnte are due undcr the Note,until the Note is p�id tn tbll,a sum("Funds")for:(a)ycarly taxes <br /> __-= and zssessments whlch may attain prlority over this Sccudty Instnunent a�a lien on the Property; (b)yearly leasehold paymente <br /> ::�=�� or gro�ut�rents oa tho Propeny,if any;(c)yeazly hazard or property tasurance preraiums;(d)yearly flood instuance premlums, <br />-__ — if any;(o)yeazly mort8age insurance premlums, if any; and(� any sums payablc by Borrower to➢.erder. in ru:cordanx with <br /> the provisions of puagraph 8, in lieu of the�+ayment of ine�rtgnge inaurance pre�uiiums. 'I'hese items are called"�scrow ltems." <br /> -� Lender may, at any fime, collcet and hold Funds in en amount not to exc,eed the maatmum emount a lender for a fedcrally <br /> - - - relateci mortgage Youi raay requirc for Borcower's escroe�� e�c4nnt Lncter the federal Real Estate Settletnent Procedure�Act of _ <br /> -�-�-- 1974 aa amended fcom dcue ro time, 12 U.S.G. Sectlon 2601 d seq. ("RESPA"),unless anothcr law that appllea to the Funds <br /> sets a lesser amounc. If so. Lender may. at any dme, wllsct and hold Fuads in an ainouat aot to exceed the lesser amoumt. <br /> W�� i.ender may esdmate the amount of Funds due on thc basis of cuaent data and reasonablo estimate5 of eapenditares of fiiture <br /> Escrow Items or atLerwise in accordaace wit�applicable law. <br /> ---_= The Funds shall be held in an tastitution whose deposita aze insured by a fedcral agency, lastruraentaliry. or emtiry <br /> (including L,ender,if Leader is such an institution)or in any F�daral Home Loan Bank. I.�ader shall apply the Fu�ds to pay the <br /> Escrow Items.I.ender may not chazgc Borrower for holding and epplying the Funds,annuslly analyzing the escrow account,or <br /> ---- yertfying the Fscrow Iteans.ualess 1.ender paya Bonrower interest oa the Funds and appilcable law permits I.ender to make su�fl <br /> - -- a charge. Huwever,Lender may require Borrowcr co�1y a ono-cime charge for an indesxndent real estate tau reporting aervice <br /> usa! by Len�er in connecdon �'1th thls loan, �ustecs aAPlieable law providcs otherwisa. Unleas a�i agreement is made or <br /> uppliuwio ta�v r`..�wrs ia:sr-ws tr�=Fai�,!r"`!�r chaU not be required ro pay Borrower any interest or earninga oa the Faads. <br /> Borrower and l.cnder m�y agree in wdting,howeves,that interest shall be Paid on the Funds. I.enda sts�ll give to Borrower� <br /> v�ithout eharge, an anY►ual accounting of the Funds. stsowlag crodits and dtbita to the Fuads and the pucpoae for which cach <br /> dlebit to the Fuads was madc.Tho Funds aze pled�ed as addidonal securiry for al!sums secured by this Sccuriry Iastrument. <br /> If the Funda lkld by Leader eacad the suiwunts�rermittcd to be helQ by ag>plicablo law.Leader shall account to�iorcower <br /> for the excess Funds in accordaucc with the requirements of apnif.cable law. If tbe amount of the Funds 6ald by Lender ot any <br /> time is not sufficieat to pay the Bscrow iteme whea due.Lender naay�o nodfy Borrnwer in wrlting,and,ia such case Bonower <br /> shp11 pay to I.cader tho anw�u►c necessary to make up the deficiensy. Borrower shall make up the deficieacy in no more thu�► <br /> twelve montlily payraents,at L,ender's sols dIscntion. <br /> . Upoa paymeat in full of all aums securcd by this Security Inst�umeat, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower u►y <br /> Funda lxld by Leadar.If. uader pazagraph 21.Lender shall xquire or sell the Property,Leader.prior to the ecquinitton ar sAle <br /> of the Pinpercy. sh�11 aPPly any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a crodit against the swns secured by <br /> shis Se�urlry Ia�t=ument. <br /> 3.Applicatlon ot P�yncents.Unless applicable]aw provides otherwise.all paYments received by Leader under p�ragsaphs <br /> . 2 and�ahal!ba �p�icA: f� any prapsymcnt thnrges c�ue euider the Note; amounts payable uncler paragnph 2: - <br /> third,t�tntorest due;fourW,tu principal due;and,to any late chazges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Char�e�;Liene. Borrow�r sha!!{�ay sll taxes,assessments. charges. fines and impoaitioas attributable to tha l�c�piecty <br /> — whic7i may attain priority over thia Secuxlry Instniment. and leaschald payments or gro�uid rents, if any. Borrower atsal3 pay <br /> th�se obligations in We mannar provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid iu that manner� Borrower shall pay them on time direcdy <br /> to the peraon owat paymr.nt. Borrowcr shall prompt�y ihrniah to Leader all not[ces af amouats to be pald under this puagraph. <br /> If Borrowcr makes thesc paymeats dirxtly,8orrower ehal!promgtly fumish to Landcr rcceipta evidancing the paymcnts. <br /> BoYrower sball prompdy dlschatge any lien which has priority over this Socuriry Instn�mcnt unless Borrower:(a)agrees in <br /> — writing to the payment of the obligation sxured by thc lien in a manner acceptable to Lendor;(b)contests in good falth the Iten <br /> by, or dcfeuda against enforcement Rf the lien in. �egal pmceedings whfch in the Lender's opinlon operate to provent the <br /> enforceinent of the lien; or(c)secutes from the halder of the lien an agrcement satisfactory to Lender subo�inating tho lien to <br /> � this Securiry Tnstnunent. If I..eader dctermiaes that any paxt of the Property is subJect to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> _--= this Secudty Ins2mment. I.ender m2y give Bnrcower a nodce identifying tha lien. Bonower shall s�tisfy the liea or take one or <br /> - -- mon of tho acdons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> _ ___ Fam 302! 81 ' _ <br />--- - _ �-6RIN6)�92�s�.ot Pv,H 4 of 6 IMtIW: <br />_ :_� <br /> ..�.�� _. _ . <br /> ._.,,�.��:��-- ___-- -- _ __ _ _ v _- - <br /> ,�� � T---�--f-=-- — --- _-_ --_.__.__ _ ..._._,.�.r•._, ,!..�; ._T��;;�y" _ _ <br /> .,�.. �; , , . . . . 'w ..., >x�; _ _ <br /> ' � .� . . :.1�°:ux�,;�r."' t • 3r r <br /> j - - ' , ,.� .. - _ . � . ip..�f° y.� •�.••t y. . .. '�� - - <br /> �j� • .f . . . . . .. .. jl• '`�i A• ���'�s� � . � ,� .- � . <br /> � T ..... . , f ��1 _ JS <br /> �� k ` :�.. ' .� . ..• ' `' 1 �/���+' +S ��'- <br /> T� '�' . .. , .. ` .. '�(. r�i ..}/t �'1'��.�lw�..�.i.iA.'4.'.�. . �,� . j-.'. 171�� <br /> A,K'� - . " ., f . �.�EJ:I' L4Il:[V.f���'" . . 't . a��.� - <br /> i '• .. Y^7di�it��' j9"-wi'r'i. ` � .TM <br /> . . . � -Y� :^. ��.' t t <br /> j4'�.r•� - .. . „ ` • q��� 1 , �, ,. 'x _ <br />�.d.�'�i._ - . . . • ` •1`;i w:. �. :,�.� p . <br /> -°'��.SriIL`�,� . . , _ . . '�.�. ���:�.�a.�+a._ � :r•;.i�: <br /> — S. ' . �+:i.��• �!�.4_'. <br /> - _•�` � . ., , r{ r � � ��.. ,. .; <br />;��a • - ' � . . � �,�'�7�J�'s;i` -� <br /> '' -'':�il f.., <br /> � � ' • . > �'�.�•. �'=•,i<'— - <br /> -i, - .� � ?i -. . . . .. � , • - � . . .. _ �rA s.`;"-... <br /> . . . . ' i`O-Yr,..._ <br /> , �.1 . . . .._. <br /> . <br /> . . .. <br /> .. <br /> . ��/�t'�S <br /> ' .i . . ._ . . ' .. " .. •�1' i� . .r.': i.. ' � <br /> ., �.. . � . . -: .. • , ' . , 'A ' T,-� _•,_'�.F <br /> �-�_ .. . _ .. r � <br /> . <br /> . -,�. <br /> , _ ..' <br /> . <br /> � <br /> .: <br /> .� ..��� .. . . ._��_�,•-Lbru�..:ALae.-_a\._.._. .�_Lu.�.�.. ..�•.._r.7. 1 �i . ''... <br />