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I .'.�PY� . � � . ' . ' ���• .. . ' � �Y>.AJI�Sx._ <br /> `• . . � � . .r. � � f/��:�y\�s�1�N/�tFYS�-�. <br /> • y , .r . � -. . . ,-� . ..w.yar..a.rr. . . - ' . - „r�1,}^h'_.�1,.�..i.ami,w.tir�-__._-. <br /> , ' .i �ia`.. : . . i� . ,�. '.�h-::.. ..._ . - ' � - � _ � c r�.x.� ._ �__..�� <br /> .►,.. . ... . . . ._ , . , ;,� k"r;'r":']�tq{1'x'�!!!�":K�:�x• -- ' .. :. ' r?t�l�m�rrs <br /> ,. ac.•,. ., ,,. ,�, ..+,tx,.. . . • . . v �„��.`J:4 �.try . . ' .• ~: - _..y'�"r--�L-.r�.� <br /> h:, <br /> �ytW . . .___ __ _ __._._ _ "_"-_.___`__,t"_���J:J'..�__-.-_. _'__'_tor..+.....-� --•----..... <br /> �a.YaY11v(`1M:AR�i'.�"1��XIQw�iiJ/rtiLS�l��w�.r�w_=�daiiNH ____._ �_....�..�_�..' _ . • Y'^' " __ ..�'unaear... .�� <br /> ` _.a.���{'� '_ ' '— — _ .mr.��R�rmu=rwu'�r , .�,. '� -'�S'. .. . . . - _ ..,.-., .� _....'_ <br /> �' ----„""_____ ..�'_-___. -- <br /> _.__ _ . .....-__. . <br />..�`tl Sti.� � �� <br /> . ; �� �,u�,� ,a <br /> �� � <br /> TOiIL�'TH13tt WITH nll the improvementa notiv or heteafcer erectecl on the pmperty,a.hd nll easemcnte,nppurtcrmicca, �nd �. <br /> �� fixture9 aow or herexQer a pttrt of the propeny. All replucements nnd additions ehnll atso t►e coverecl by thla 5ecuetty �.. <br /> -J Innrument. All of thd foregaing is refexced to in this 5r,curlry Instrument as th�"Propeny." _ <br /> • +� BORROWSR COVSNANT3 thxt Ilorrower is lewtiilly saised nf the estate heteby convcycd and ha�the right to grant suid _ <br /> _3;.�r; ' convey the Proporty and tliat tl�c Property ie unenoumbened, eacept for encumbrnnccs of rewrd. Borrnwer warrv�ts and wlll =_ <br /> �� dcfen�gen�rally the title to tht Pcoperty�gxinst�11 cWms and demaada,subject to eny encumbranccs of record. i <br /> - - TI�1I5 �L�CURBTY INSTRQJMERIT cs�mbines Lnifornt covenbnts for nntional use and non-uniform wvenanta with ltmited <br />�:�;;;�,� variatione by jurisdlctlon to constitute a uniform secudty insttuaaent covering real property. <br /> :��►� UNIFOR[uY COVBNANT5.Baaower and Leader covenant and agree as followa: <br /> - - 1. Faytnmt o!Prd»cipol nad Interesh Prep►yment ond Iattc Charges. Borrower eh�ll promptly pay when duc the <br />. > �; v princlpN of aad interest on tho debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment nad late charges due nnd�r the Note. <br />. • 2. Funds [or Tu4w and Insurance. SubJ4xt to npplicable law or to u written waiver by Lender, Borrowcr sliall pay to <br />,:�.,..� . I.eiider on tlie day monthly p:iyments an duo under thc Note,�mtil the Note is pald In full, a aum('Funds")for: (a)yeazly taaes <br />=�y,-��•�i and assesstnents which may attain pdoriry over U�is Sscurlry Instrument as a liea an the Property;(b)Year1Y leasehold payments <br />"-'-,x.;�;---- or gmun�l c�nta oa the P'mpertY,if an�►:(c)Yearly hazard or proporty iasurance premiums� (d)Yetuly flood insurance premiums� <br />�'_:, •,5 in accotdancc with <br />__,�-�` � if any: 6�J S�IY�n�6�����;J� �Jxmiums,if any: und(t}tu►Y suaas Payablc by Borrower to Lender, <br />`:'.�r the pr���,s m+Y p3,r.z�,Fh S,Tsa il:u Qf ePie payrar.�ru of mortgege insurance premiums.These items aze called °Bscrow Items.' <br /> wu�� <br /> A�m� I,ea�ea ��+��t u� ti�c,ovltcxt a�tw�Ed Fumr2� T.0 a,a umount not to cxca,d the maaimum emount a leader for a fcderal y <br />�`�'-� ' inire f�R Borrower's �maw aoc��at under the foderal Real Es3ate Settlement Procedures Act of <br />,..,,. relaied ma�:rt,�age lossa tn�ay�al <br />;'yA;�� 1974�a���ended fmm time to time� i2 U.S.C.SecaQn 2ni4Il Na$e�. ("RL,SPA")�unless �,cc21�:,�lati�1 that eppli�s to tl��&�nu�ds . <br /> ----� sets a n�sr amount.If sa, I.ender may. at aay teaue. eouect and hold F�nds in an amQUnc naa7 e�exceed the lesse� amrn�at. <br />;;_,;� Leadcr may estimate the amount of Fuada d¢e a�rt��basis of cumnt data nnd reasoanble esunm�i:ss of expeansaituns of 6anr,��c� <br /> Escrow Itemg or othetwnse in accordance wlth aPPRu�ble law. <br />- .�.-�� '41he �nds slnall bo held in an iastit�tion whoso depostts are insurod by a federa] a�:ncy. 9nszxurn�n�tality. or e�asity ' r.. <br /> �_ - (inclar�cng 1Leader,if T.ender is aucb an Institution)or in any Federal Homa Loan Benk.Lend�r shall apply the Funds t0 Fa3r tl�e _ <br />-_ - Escrow H��casu. I.ertder uo�y nut charge Bc►zrower for holding amd applying the Nunda. annually analyzin8 the escrow ac�on�z,or <br /> _.�—_ verlfying the Escrodv It�,ual�ss Lrr.�der paYs Boaower Intenst on the Funds and appllcable law pemuts Lender to make such _ <br /> a r,l�rge.Howevor, d�ndsr Anay reqt�n Borrower to pay a one-time charge f�r�n indopendeat real estate tax reportiag�ervice <br /> --y� used 6ry Lendor im con�xctioa witta this loan, unless appiicable law prav8.�z��o�lxenvlse. Unles3 an agnxment is made or .` <br /> � appifcable lnw nquira'sa�tenst to he;patd,Lendex shall not be rec�uir�d to gay]B�rsower aay interest or eamings on thc Funds. <br /> Borcower a�l.enaer m�y agcu in wriiing,uuwa�e��i,iai ia►�rst shatl t��°.:�'on ffi=F�°. L'^—rinr sha11�ive to Borrower. <br /> without charge. an ann�n�7 uccountin8 of the Funds,showing credlts and debi6.g to the Funds and tho purpose for which each <br /> dabit to the F�nda wx��a�fle.'17io Funds are pledgmd as additional sxurtty for z�4 sumn sa:uncl by thie 5ecurtry Instrument. <br /> If the�nds held by[xnder exceed t�e amou�ts pern�itted to be held by appN�cable law, Lender ehaU accounc to Borrower <br /> for the oxcess Funds in aceotdance with the reQuirements of applicable law. If�he anwunt of the Fuuds held by Lender ai any <br />