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20��0506� <br />P�remiums, if m�►, ar any stnms gayable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortga�e <br />Insur�nce prem�ums in aa�rdau�ce with the �+ovisions of Saetian 10. These items are c�lled "Escrow <br />Itema." At origina�icm or at any time d�ing the te9rm of the Loan, I.ender may require that Con�wnity <br />Association Dues, Fees, amd As�, if aay, be e�rowed by Borrowe�r, and such � fee.c and <br />aas� shall be an Escrow Item. Horrower ahall promptiy fiunish to Lender all natices of am�ounts ta <br />be paid under this S�ti.on. Borrowa ahall pay Leader tlie Fimda for F.scrow Items unl�s Lender waives <br />Borrower's obligaxion to pay tha Funds for aay or all Eacxow Itema. I.ender may w�ve Borrower's <br />obliga#ion to gay to Lend� Funds for mry or all F.scrow Items at mry time. A�► such waivea may only be <br />in writing. In the � of such waive�, Bonower avatl pay directly, whea aad where payable, the �mou� <br />dwe fa� any Escxaw It� for which p�yment of Funds bas b�n w�ved by Lender and, if Lender requires, <br />svall furnish to Lender rec;eipts eviden�cing such payment within such ti� peri� as Lmd� may require. <br />Borrower' s abligabicm to �ke auch paymerns m�d to grovide r�ipts shall. for all purpos�a be deemed to <br />be S covenaat aad agc'eement contained in this Sean'ity Instnma�ent, as the phrase "cflVenant aad agreeme�rtn <br />ia u� in Secdon 9. If Borrower is obligated bo gay Escrow Items directly, Pursuant to a vv�river, and <br />Barrower fails to pay the a�wrt due far an Escrow Item, I.e�der may exercise its rigY�ts wider S�ction 9 <br />and pay such �t and Borrower sball then ba obligated under Seclion 9 to repay to Lender aa�► such <br />amount. I.rnde� may revoke the waiv� as to aay or all Bscraw Items at any iime by a noti� given in <br />ac,cordanc� with �ction 15 aad, upon such reva�tian, Horrow�' ahall �y to Lend� all Fuads, and in <br />such amowrts, that ere then reaquiral under this 5�tioa 3. <br />Lende�' maY� ai an3' time, callect aad hold Fwods in an amowrt (a) satficient to �t Lender to appiy <br />the Fumds at the tiffie spacified imder RESPA, and (b) not to exc�ed the maximtuon amount a lander �n <br />r�uize und� RESPA. Lender shall �e t1�e amoiimt of Funds due on the basis of currelrt data and <br />reesonable � of expeadit�ues of fut�ue F.s�row Items ar othervvise in acxardance with Applic�ble <br />Lavv. <br />Th+e Funds shall � held in a�n institution whos� dep�its ara insiued by a federal agency, <br />inslru�mental�ity, or �taty (including I.ender, if Lencl�' is aa inatitirtion who� d�ait� are a4 ins�ed} or in <br />any Federal Home Loan Baak Lender shall apply the Ftmda bo gay the Escrow Items no later tban tha timro <br />sp�;ified tmde�' RESPA. I.ender ahall not charge Bon�ower for holding and applying the Funds, ffimually <br />anal}�ing the �aw aa�ount, or verifying the Escrow Itea�s, imle� I.ender gays Horrower interest on the <br />Funds and Applic�ble Law permits Lender to meke such a ch�ge. Untes,s an agreement is made in writing <br />or Applicable Law requires intere�t to be paid on the Funds, Lender sball not be r�uired to pay Borrowar <br />any interest or �rnings on the Funda. Harrower and Lender c�n a$ree in writ'sng, however, tha� i�est <br />shall be paid an the Funda. Lender shall give t�o Bonower, without cherge, an aanual �ccauntin� of the <br />Funds as required by RESPA <br />If the�e is a staplus of Fwnda held in e�row, as defined tmder RESPA, L�and�' shall acxawrt to <br />Honower for the axcesa funds in ac�rdmnc� with RESPA If there is a shortaga of Funda held in escrow, <br />as defined under RESPA, I.eader shall notify Borrowe�r as required by RESP�i, aad Harrower sha11 pay to <br />Lend�r the anaount necessmy to make up the shortage in acxordaac� with RESPA, but in na more tl�aa 12 <br />�o-nthiy paymem�. If there ia a def'icie�cy of Fimda held in aacrow, aa def ned under RE3PA, Lender shall <br />notify Bonower as required by RESPA, and Harrower shall pay to L�end�r the amrnmt nece�y ta make <br />up the deficiency in accordaace with RESPA, but in no �re tbaa 12 mo�&ly payme�ts. <br />U�n payme�t in full of all sums s�ured by this S�urity Ins�m�t, Lender shall PromPtlY re�nd <br />to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. <br />4. Charges; Liens. Hrnrower ahall pay a11 taxes, ass�ents, charges, �n�, ei►d imposi�tions <br />a�tn'butable to the Properly which can ad�n priority over this Sec�ity InsGn�ment, leasehold pay�ts � <br />ground re� on the Properiy. if anY, and C.o�mity Assflciation I3ues, Fe�, and Assesaments, if anY. To <br />tha extent that these iteams ara Escrow Items, Hanow�r shall gay them in the ma�mer provided in �Ction 3. <br />230005i242 D vt� <br />N�RASKO► - Single Family - Fannle III�Fraddte Mac UW1P01'�{A INSTRUII�h�IT WRN �3 <br />�-8A(NE� (a� o) �e 6 c► � s � Fonn 3928 7/07 <br />