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,.---„---�-�..�,�..,,�.�..�--.� <br /> . :, � -�.•,....d,.,....-,r..�„ ._��:,� <br /> �, , ` , - ». — .�....._ <br /> . . ,,.qw+�...yc,3'i <br /> �i , � . <br /> . __-�, +.r::."' 14j � .`:a �� ��s:a'�+` i7R'� <br /> ��� --_�.. . ._. .�_ iw'_��- — . <br /> _.....� �....�..�..n..� ___ —� <br />.._""" — __ _ — <br />._.�--.._ _-- - . . <br />_."' _.�- rere�rzr�-`r.."s-•..--...�-.--..n.•--....,�...:�.o.�..___.__._"__'_�_._.�..—'__. <br /> � `T ` f r1 <br /> .r� rrt � O -N.1 � <br /> ;�+ (� Pl r iz , ::r � A fp S y <br /> � .a� `a c�3 .:� m 2i� ro <br /> � 7' `'7 f' `! �'' r C � c:�., .. <br /> r n � �, � __ <br /> x N O '*► W <br /> .� �UC� � � � a o � <br /> rn � r�- '��, GO <br /> rn o <br /> � cn a Sa A � �,�.,��- <br /> � �. vv � ^ <br /> L'� N �-" � <br /> � <br /> IS�wce AAove 71iM I,tr►s Fnr I�Cr:ardio�ID�ts1 <br /> � � <br /> D�ED QF T��JST � _ <br /> �� <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST("Security Instnunent")is made on Ns�•vember 27, 1996 .The trustor is - <br /> 3TEVBK L. METZGER AND F. KALYNI)A MBTZGKR� H�ar,b��4and and Wife <br /> ("Bonower")_The tnutaa is NORWFST BANK �3��?�tA3KA, N(.�TLQ:;�'AL ASSOCIATION <br /> ("Trustee"),'I'he beneficiary is NQRWEST HANK NEBRA3KA, NA,TT•.QNAI. ASSOCIATION <br /> wbich is organiud arxt eusdng under the laws of the Uni.t:c:� S u��tes of Amexiea . an�d whox <br /> address Ys 702 West �hird Stre�t� Gr�c�� Isl�snd, N� 68801 <br /> ( <br /> �'iG:::.t'a::w��:!.�`�!S?�`:(�.Sum�f <br /> � �� �Y y,�p �p �{,p��1 ;,']�Ly.dJI,l�Y, Ahn 63/L00 Dollara N.S.S 122,269.63 ). <br /> This det�t is evidenood by Borrower's note da.�r9 •tYx: sramn cit►in�as tl�is Socuriry Instrument("Note")�n-hich providcs for <br /> monthly paysnent�.with the full debt,if not paid earlier,du�:and ��yc�le on APRIL 1, 1997 . <br /> This Socurit}�Inum►n�ent secures to I.endcr:(a)the rep�yment��f t�n dRbc evidenced by the Note.with intenst,and all renewals. <br /> ext�naions and modificatioas of the Note;(b) the paYmcns of sll,;atttor sums, wlth interest, advanoed under prragraph 7 to <br /> protect the security af chis Security Instrument and (c) dus pcixforr�ance of Horrower's covenants and agcaments. For this <br /> pnrpose� Borrower irm•ocably granGs and oonvcys w Ttustea, in�m.•t;t.with potiver of sale. the foltowing describtd propsrty <br /> locrtod in R�L Coun►Y,Nebraslca: <br /> Lot One f�d), Block Eighty�nine (89). in Wk►�¢tlur nnd Aennett's Fourth .Addition to rYr,e <br /> Ci.ty of Grand Isiand, Ha�l County, Nsbrasl�rA. <br /> whici�has the address of 1620 N Sycamnre St. Gta�d: Iai lnnd «��'ry�• <br /> Nebr�ska 68801 ('p�'W�crt/A1�ress"); <br /> (z;p caac) <br /> ToG�THEit WITH all thc improveincnts now or hereaRr.�ercr.ted on the property,nnd ali easett►nnts,appurtenances.a�u! <br /> t'ixtures ►x�w or hereaftcr a part of the property. AI► repinor.��nnts acid additions shall elso be coverod by this Sauriry <br /> Instmment. All of the foregoing es�a`:.rrod to in ttiis Sa:urity Ine,Crument as the"Froperty." <br /> BI�RROWER COVENANT5 L.'�at Bom»�cr is lawfully se.iar.d of tl�c estace hen;by contieyed and lias the right to grant and <br /> convey the Prooe�ty and thcu thc Property is unencum{x:red,er.a:pt for cncun�brances of record. Borcower warcants smd well <br /> defend gcnerally the t'stt�ta the Property ngninst all clAims snd d�mnnds,subject to cny encumbrances of record. <br /> THiS S�CURITI'dNS'fRUMBNT coinbines unifurm covr�nta for nat9onal use and non-uniform�venants with limitecl <br /> variations by jurisdiction to constitute n uniform security ins�tra»iant covering real property. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lendcf covrnnnt imd�gree as follows: <br /> 1. Pa�merit o[ Principal end Lntcr�,st; i'rr�xymex�t prul l.ate CharBes. Born°Wer shall promptly pay when due the <br /> principal of and intcrest on thc debt evide�xed by tho Noto nnd i�ny prcpaytnent and late charges due under thc Note. <br /> z �.�,�r�TyYrs nnd Iasurence.Subiact to nnnliecblo !aw or to a written waivcr by Lender. Bonower shall pay to <br /> Lender an tt�e day monthty paymcnts are duc under the Nota,untiR thc Note is paid in tull,a sum�°�unds°I io.r.�aj yeariy caaas <br /> and assessnients which may auain priority ovcr this Sccurity in��trument as a licn on the Property:(b)yearly leasehold paymc:nts <br /> or ground rents an the Property.if a�tiy; (e)yearly h;vac�d c�r pm�erty insurance premiums:(d)ye:uly flatd insurance prenuun�s. <br /> if any: (c)yeady nw�tgage msurance pr�emwms. if any;and(� miy sun�s payable by Borrowcr to Lendcr, in ncrordancc with <br /> die pruvisiuns of paragmph 8,iu lieu of►he payment uf rnurt3ugo insurance premiums.These items are callod'Escrow Items." <br /> Lender n�ay,ai any time, rnllect and hold Cu�xis in an omnunt not ro excecd the n�vcimum amount a lender for a federally <br /> related mortga�e loan nu�y require for Bormwer's escrau� acoount nnder the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of <br />— 1974 as nmei�ded from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Scction 2G01 er seg. ("RF.SPA"),unless another law thni applie.s to the Fttncls <br />— sets a Iesser amount. If so, Lcnder m:ry,at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the Iesser ;unount. <br /> Lender may cstimate thc amount�f Punds due on thc b:�si.of�urcent data and reasnnabl�estimates af expcnditurcs of fuwre <br /> �scrow Gern9 or otherwise in accordance+vith npplic•able law. <br /> NEaAJl51U•Sinple Family-i�x�i�MM/Fndd{�Mac UNIFQRM INl�lYRUMENT Form 3028 5190 <br /> �NI 12T97 MTO vM:+MORiGA6[1'Ortfi10•13t�ItU�D100��B�013It 7Y91 ap�i o�n Atn�nd�d fi191 <br /> - . <br /> �.' _ <br />