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<br /> -------- t 92-�0�42
<br /> NON-UNI�ORM COVHt�ANTS. Aorcower�nd I.ender furthcr coven�nt and agoo�s follow�:
<br /> 17. I�i►sclaaure I'roadare. lFLendar uirca immodiot�p�Yment!n full underp�raQraph 9.Lender tn�y InvokC the
<br /> ---_-- -- _- paw:,r oi cafc and sny ahrz rcrrudtes�^.�ittcd�sy !o lat�r. I.sst�er�i!!!!c e:etitlrl to eo!lcet e!!ex�.wwy inn�m�i .
<br /> ., in pursuing Ihe remedien provided in t�is para�raph ,includin�.but nat limitod w.i+e�RO�uble atwmey�'fees�nd caw ot ,
<br /> - dtk evidence.
<br /> Ir elie puweo ot s.te M�nvdced�7lrotta,hw,recara a�udoe ot aer�ule la ncr connty is�Icb wy pul w lw
<br /> - �--- - -- -
<br /> P rty is loated aad ahAU nwl!coples of wch nMke la!be auaeer p�c�lAed by�bk 4�w to�uid
<br /> --------' to odKr per�eoes PracrSbed by wp�licoble law ARer Wo Urt�w r�qulrcd bY�►Pp b!e law,T�_ �ive ° �
<br /> W�u k edke of sde W tbe penom aAa tn l6e maa�er pre�cribed� �by�pplirable law 7lrwtee.w( t�em�ad o0
<br /> BOROWer.�ull sell tbe property �t publtc�acttoa W tYe�hat bidder at the tin�e a�d place�wd nader tYe teraa
<br /> =-� deei�aated in the nMioe of�le�a ae ar morepsrceb�ad �any order'I�ustee detendoa. 7Yuatee awy p
<br /> nle o��tl or any paroel ot the Propeei9 bY P�blk anaaanoeme�t At fie Ume Md pl�oe oI�ay prevtowly�:�cd�M
<br /> --- ------- -------° .�t.> I.•.�wi.�aritRdn�ipp.�a..y �Ihe Prnp►ety at aa Wx. - - - .
<br /> Upon reatpt otpsymwt�tre�rlce bld.7Yustee�ddlver to tl�e purc6ua�7�ustee'a dQed co�veyl�AI�e � .,
<br /> property. T6e redtafa I�the 7Y�atee�deed ehpll 6e prla�s fACk evldence ot b�uth at the�teme�t�ou�d�therev.
<br /> _- �s_E'°��-- -� 7lraqee sbstl�ppty the proceede o�tbe rale in the Pdlowln�orders (a) 4u WI caeta awd expen:�r of�xsrclsl'oq t0e
<br /> ���r�,.pa u���tad�ai�g fhe psyment ottbe 7�uetee�s reea.ccu.ny inaurr�a�na a exc«a 3.0 �
<br /> - oi tl�ep��wl amouat oi tfie aofe yt the dme ot th6 declsvatbn ot default, aad «a�onabk attaraey�' faa a� .
<br /> �rroitfed b I�wi(b)w W waw rec�red by tblr Securtty lastrumeati aad(c)any euw to tAe perso�or penor
<br /> .uy�a�a a��.
<br /> 18. Recanveyaace. Up�n payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrumen�Lender shall request 7tuatee to
<br /> reconvey the Prope�ty�id shall surneMer this Secudty Instrument and all notes evidenctng debt socurcd by thla 3ecurlty
<br /> Instniment to 7tustee. 7lvster shall nconvey�hc Property wilhout waRanty and wltlwyt char�c w the per�on or penau
<br /> -- ---- - -_ - --- te�altp cnrittcd ta It. �uch person or persons shall pay any recordatton costs. _
<br /> 19. 3ubrt(tute 7lrustee. l.endcr,at its option,may from dme to�Ime remove 7iv�ntee and appoint a successor trusteo
<br /> w any'6vstce appointed hercunder by an insuument necorded in the county in ahich this Security Instrument ie r000rded.
<br /> ----- . Without conveyance of Ihe Property,the cuccessor trustee shall succecd w all lhe title,power uul duties confernd upon
<br />:_ 'iiustee herein and by applicuble law.
<br />___ -_ 20. Reqaest for Notlee�. Bortower requcsts that coplea of the noticer of default w�d�le bo rent w Horrowerl�
<br /> - oddrnss which i4 the PropeRy Address.
<br /> =— -� RWers to this Security Inctrumenb If one or more riders are executed by Horrower and recorded together with this
<br />- -- -- Seeuriry Instrumenl, the covenants of each such rider shall be incorporated inta and shall amend and supplement tho
<br /> '- - -- covenents a�d agreements of this Security Usuument as if the rider(s)were In a part of this Security LwWment.
<br /> ----� [CF�eck applicable box(es)J.
<br /> —. -----�
<br /> _ _,,,�,,,.,.u_�.,.�.,�� �Condominium Rider �VraduateA Yaym�nt kider �Growin�Bqui[y Rider
<br /> _-�-, -�..-,�_----
<br /> :,� .. . ...
<br /> '�:.� .';�at}'����ko:;
<br />="'_i F :;}�w,?���?;r'• �PlonnedUnitDevelopmentRider X�Other�Speeify� ACKNOWLEDGIr1ENT, NIFA FHA AODENDUpI
<br /> �,:��� ,,• ,,.
<br /> ....
<br />_-;� � ' BY SIoNINCi BELOW,Barrower acceptx And agrees to the terms contained in p�ges I ttirough 4 oi thia Security
<br /> � Inruument and in any rider(s)executed 6y Bomnwer and recorded with it.
<br /> _ . -'-��.
<br /> Wimesses:
<br /> _ �.eFi�•' ,��!%J �.. 1 vCf C'S'I C � ISeAI) �
<br /> ��� �.E�:,a:;. -- - - mARIO S. JImENEZ eurtnwer
<br />- �>•,` f�hDi /r� �..,.t.r.�-,.� (Seal) -
<br /> :y `x r.�: - - - --
<br /> '�i�'.`jr� ROSA f�'I. J NEZ BO1°"`"
<br />� �e'w.'`�, (SCRI)
<br />.. ��.. BOflOWH
<br /> ��..a•'�-p.�
<br />= :����.• �.SCB��
<br /> ' r`� AOf10Wl/
<br /> J.I.... —
<br />.-`4 Z �,W��.
<br /> iaf.'_..
<br /> -*'-��� � STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hp�L Coumy s.:
<br /> .. ,#=x:,,.. _
<br />�. . .,W... .� �.y.,,� --
<br /> . � �, ��... On this 30TH d++Y�� 7ULY� 1992 .heforc me,the undersiFned,u Notary
<br /> Public duly commissioned und yuatified for said county,p:nonully cunk mARIO S. JImENEZ AND ROSA m.
<br /> �� '' , JIPIENEZ� HUSBAND AND IdIFE , to mr knuwn to Ix thc f
<br /> .� . identical personts)whose name(s I:�re sub+cribcd lo the foregoing in�irument und arknowledged 1he execution thereof to be !_
<br /> . � � THEIR voluntary acl anJ decJ. j
<br /> 3. . � ,��_ •• Wimc. ry hand und notarial sral s�t GRAND ISLAND� NEBRASKA in said counry, thc �
<br /> ;, ..; " dytc aforc id.
<br />=- .�'LL�:s �. �i'/i��<0�. J. /� /!i�/l�. /��J'..1/� � ..
<br /> _ - t - - My Commissi cr � �..�_ .. � .�.--- -.. �� �
<br /> . v . �j� • �� Pk,t•rry Publfe _
<br />--sy ' ,. :, �'�'li�G'��;�� .�
<br /> ^,�.�¢�. . I�t. e�/qy� 12EQUESI'FOR It�CONVF.YANCE =-
<br /> ' TO TRUSTFE: ^'
<br /> ,.g�:i';_` '.:,'_;�`� The undrrsi�ncJ i,thc h�iiJcr uf Ihr note ur notrx,rrureJ by thi,Ih�J uf 7}v+t. S�id notr ur notrs.togc�hcr with all �
<br /> ---� `-----� - -_ •i�her indebt�•dness,ecured by lhis IRed nf 71u.t.hvvr Ixrn paiJ in full. Yuu an hcrrby dirertrd to cunccl +aid nwr i�r
<br /> . notes und thi.Dred ot"(h�.t.which am dclivrRd herchy.anJ N�rca,nv�y,witlxiut�varrunty.�II the r�latr now hclJ hy�•ou �-
<br /> ' , ., under this Deed of 7tust lo thc persan ur per�onti Icgally rmiUcJ Ihcrelu, �
<br /> ,� =-
<br /> �,,t . _ . ,,..;..�srr Dslte: -- --- - - ----------- - __
<br /> 3r • t
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<br /> � �N�e.l���Jryi�ni
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