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<br /> — — �ym�-nr+, which e�r.rofer�l �n in PeraarAph 2.or ch�nge the�mnunt of Auch psymenta. Mv e�cara prhoeod+�over aa _
<br /> _ ,� e �rmuntrequired to pay aN outctandinQ indebtedne�s under the Note and thi�Security Inctrumait�ull be paid w�he aulty
<br /> r le��lly entitled the�to.
<br /> - 8.Rea. Lende�may collxt fas and char�es oulhorlaetl by the Secrcuuy.
<br /> �.�=�• 9.Crounds for Acceleratbn of Deb�
<br /> (�)Dehul� Lender moy.exr.ept aa limited by rcgulat�ons issued by the Secretary in the caso of p�yment defwlu,
<br /> . },; �, iequlre immediate payment in full of all aums acurcd by this Secudty Inslrument if: ~
<br /> �-� (i)Borrower dcfaults by Failing to pnay in full any mon�hly paynunt required by this Security biw�ument pdor
<br /> w or on the due date of the ncxt mon�hly payment,or
<br /> - - - -u-:�� (iil8orrower defaults by failina.for a perfod of thirty dstys,w perform any dher obli�Atlons contaitxd in this
<br /> ��,L� Securlty Instrument.
<br /> (b)Sale VYiWout Credit Approval. Lender shall,if permitted by applicuble law and with the prior apprnv�l of the
<br /> —�-'"��'" , -� Secretary,requine immediate payment in full of all the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument If:
<br /> �� - (i) All or part of the Propeny,or u beneficial interest in a mist owning aU or part of ihe Property. is sold or
<br /> +.,,. otherwlse tranafernd(other ihan by devise or descent)by the Borrower.and
<br /> .�iiir�.�• F..°•: � ,
<br /> dk.. • (ii)The Property is not occupied by the purchaser or grtuitee as his or her principal residence,or d�e purchaser
<br />�� s.�'.••• or grantee das so occupy the Praperty but his or her credlt has twt been app�oved in accordance
<br /> ,•.�;;� - � with the rcquirements of the Secrctary.
<br /> i� (c)No Waiver. If circumstances occur that would p ermit Lender to require immediate payment in full,but Lender
<br /> — ._ �k�r.�not rcquirc euch�wytnents.Lender does not wulve i�s riEthts with respect ta subsequent events.
<br /> - - --` - "- ' (d)Re�uladoas of HUD Secretary. [n many circumstences regulapons�ssued by�he Secrewry will limit I.enderk
<br /> . ;i�,.r��' � .�& �, dghts, in the case of payment defaults. toreq uire immediate payment in full and foreclose if na pafd. 71�is
<br /> -.a � ��, _ . -• Secu�ity Insqument dces nw authorize uccelerntlon or foreclosure if not permined by regulations of the Secretery.
<br /> " , (e)Morfgage Not Insured. Borrower agrees IItAt should this Security Instrument and the note secured thereby not
<br /> �r � '• �,.,.�: - •�,M�+. be eligible for insurance under the National Housing Act within from ttte
<br /> - �� � "� date hereof.l.ender may,ut its option and notwithstanding unything in Para$raph 9,require immediate paymcnt in
<br /> °- °�• :�°�'� iull of all sums secur+ed by thia Security Insttument. A written statement of any nuthodzed agent of the Secretery
<br /> . ° •« '� dated aubsequent to from the date hereof,declining to insure this Security
<br /> - . Insuument and the note secured thereby.shall be deemed conclustve proof of such ineligibility. Natwlthstanding
<br /> ��""' '� � ' �he for+egoing,this option mey not bc exercised by Lender when the unavailAbiliry of insurance is solely duc to
<br /> -- . . . n+.."°�':�.1
<br />_ ' .`. Lender's failure to remit a mortgnge insurnnce premium ro the Secretary.
<br /> =:+:s�.r��:. _..,:,:,_ 10. Relastatemen� Borrower hus a riRht to be rcinstnted if l.ender ho.c required immediate payment in full because
<br />^- �• - ° " of Borrower`s failurc to pay an umount due under tFie•Nate or this Security Instrument. This rlght applics even after
<br /> ° � foreclosure proceedings are insdwted. 7b reinstute �he Securiry Instrument, Borrower shall tender in a lump sum all
<br /> � amonnts reqm�+cd to bring Bortower's uccount current including,to the extent they are obligations of Borrower under this
<br /> ' Security Insuument.foreclosure cosGs�nd rcasonable and customury unomeys'fees and expenses properly ar,sociated with
<br /> the foreclosure proceeding. Upon reins�atement by Borrower,this Security Instrument and the obligntians that it secures
<br /> � '�• � shell remsin in effect us if Lendcr hud not reyuired immedinle payment in full. However,Lender is not required to Rennit
<br />_. ��.y . reinstatement if: (i) Lender hns accepted remstutement after the commencement of forcclosure pracecdings wi�hin two
<br /> �;,. years immediately preceding the commencement of u current foreclosure praceeding. (ii) reinstatement will preclude
<br /> , '' foreclosure on different grounds in�he future,ar(iii)reinsmtement will adversely affect the priarity of the lien created by
<br /> - ' this 5ecurity lnstrument.
<br /> ;� r . ' ._ " 1 l. Borrower Not Releassed; Forbearance bv Lender Not a Walver. Extension of the time of payment or
<br /> �. modification of umortization of the sums secured by Ih�x Securit�Instrument grunted by Lender to uny successor in interest
<br /> ' of Bormwer shall not opernte to releusr�he liahility of th�•ori�ms�l Rorrnu�er ar Borrower's succe�.sor in interest. Lender
<br /> �'�,, :�,�,,.' ' ' ^ ahall�ot be required to commence proceedings ugain,t :uiX sucrestior in inleresl or mfuse to extend time for pny ent or -
<br /> e m
<br /> '�' � otherwise modify amortizntion of Ihc sums secured by thi.r Se�urily Instrument by rcntion of any demund mnde by the
<br /> " ' °`' °� � original Borrower or Borrower'.s surcetisors in intems�. Any forl►eurance by Lender in excrcising any r�ght or remedy shull
<br /> � •. ' '�u� not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right ar remcdy.
<br />� .f.. •„ }' 12. Successors and Assigns Bound:Joint and Severul l.iability;Co•SiRners. The covenan�s and ugreements of
<br />� �.
<br /> d�"� � " this Security Instrument shull bind und benefit the successon und ussigns of[.ender anJ eurrower,,ubjeet to the provisions
<br /> ' . . of Paragmph 9.6. Borrower's covcnants And Ugrcements shull bc joint und �everal. Any Borrower who co-signs this
<br /> Security Instrument 6ut dces not execute the Note: (u)is co-signinF this Security Imwment anly 1u mortguge, gmnt nnd
<br /> " �� .. convey that Borruwer's intercst in the Pmp�:ny under 1he tertn�oi'thi.5�curi�y In.trument;(h>ir not penonnlly obligated to
<br />�_ , . pny�he sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument:and lc 1 agrees thut Lender:md;uiy othrr Borrower may ugree to extend. _
<br /> �� „ modify,forbear or make any uccommodu�ionx with rrgurd w the term,of this Srcuriry Inurument ur the Note without thvt
<br /> .;. . Borrower's consent. -
<br /> ' ' . � 13. Nutices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in�hir Security Instnimrnt.hull tx�given by dclivering it or by
<br />� �:' • . mailing it by firsl class mail unless applicahle luw rcyuircti uu ui:�nothrr melh�xl. Thc notice shull 6e directed �o the
<br /> ' ,:s�J���y- Praperty Addre�s or nny other uddn�s Bunowrr designate.by notirc lo Lender. Any nulicr ta Lender,h�ll bc given by -
<br /> . first class tnuil to Lendcr's uJdresr.talcd hcrrin ur uny addrcs� Lendrr dc�ignatr.hy notire lo Borrowcr. Any notice
<br /> Provided for in this Sccurity l:�slrument�hull he deemcd to h:►<<hcen given to Horrowcr or Lrndcr whrn given nti provided _
<br /> � • . m this parugr�ph. _
<br /> '., �� 14. Governina Law;Severubilitv. This Srrurity Inxtrument xholl h. guverneJ by Frdcrul luw und thc law i�f the =
<br /> juriuliction in which the Propeny i� Icxa�ed. In thr evenl Ihal any provi�ion ur rlau.r of this Scruriry Inxtrument or the
<br /> ,� No�e conflicts wi�h ap�►licablr luw..uch ronllic� ,hull nui afl'er� uihcr pruvi,inn.uf thiti Srruri�y In.trumcm or thr Note i
<br /> . � which ran be given rffect wilhuut the wntlicting pra�•i�ion. "li�thi.rnd thr pra�•i�ions of ihi�S��c urit�� Imtrument und 1he
<br /> � Note are dcclarcd to t►c�cver.�ble.
<br /> .. 1 S. Borrow•cr's Cop�v. Bnm»�cr.hull hc�ivrn unc rimtimrnd r��py ul'thi,S�rurit� In.trumrnt.
<br /> , 16. Assi�Gnment of Rents. Bormwcr unrunJitional ly a..i�n�,mJ�r;in+ti•r�lo LenJrr ull Ihr rcnt,and revrnuc.of thr ;
<br /> , Praperty. Borrower aulhuriic,Lcndcr�,r LrnJer'�u�rn1.lo r��llcrt 1hc rciu,and rrvrnue�and hrmb�•Jircrt�carh Icnanl��I'
<br /> • ' �hc:Property to puy thr rcnt, lo l.rnJrr�u Lendrr', :�p.nt,. H���«�er. pii�x tu L�nder'.notice to I�umia•cr i�f Burri�w�rr'�
<br /> breach of unv covrnanl or uareemrnl in Ihe S�curit�•In+Irwnenl.Hurm��rr.h,dl:ollrrl anJ rcrei�•r all rem�a�xl r�venur.��f
<br /> - -- -� thc Pn�perty a�tro�tre lix Ihc Ixnclil of Lrndcr anJ Horrou�rr. 1'hi+a.�i�nmrm ul rrm.run.lilWr�an:�h.ulwr:i�>i�!nmcnt
<br /> � und ncH�ut u+yignmenl firr udJilional.rrurity onlc. �
<br /> •� r It�Lendcr givrti notirr af hmuch ta Hurn,��rr. �:U all rcnlr re�r���d h�'liutrut��r�h:dl tx hrld h} l;��rru��cr a.�ni.ter
<br /> for bcncGt ��F Lrndrr�mly.tn Ix upplicJ �n thc �um,.crurrJ hy �hr tirrurm In�uununt:th►LrnJrr .hall hr �n1ulrJ tn '
<br /> " . collnt und rerrive uU ut'thr rcnt,��f thr I'n,prrty:and�r�c:irh�cn;un�,I ihr!'ru�x n� .hull p;�� all rcnl,dur and unp:iid tu -
<br /> � Lende�or Lcndcr:ugent�,n Lrndrr'+w riurn Jcmand la thc Irnanl.
<br /> .. _ � F3nm�wer ha. not rxccutcJ unv �iriur:�„it�nmrm uf Ihr rcni,und h:�,n��t and�+ill nut �xrtimn .my a.t ih;u ��uuld
<br /> .. t , , .,- prevent LenJer fn�m cxrrci.in�it�right+undcr thi.P:ua�:ruph I��.
<br /> Lendcr shall nut tk n�yuimd to rnlcr u�xm.lal�r r��ntn�l uf��r mainlain Ihr 1'ro�krt��t+rli�rc ur a11rr�ninc nuU.•r uf
<br /> .� bn:ach �o Burrowcr. HoHrv�r.Lrndrr nr u juJiriall� .�p�M�inlrJ re�ci�rr ma� du �n al an�• limr lhrir i. ;i brcach. Ai►�
<br /> applKation of rcm�shall nut curc or��aicc anq drtaup ur mvaliJatr any uthcr ri�:ht ur r�m�J� ul LenJcr. 1'lii.a..i�nmriu
<br /> .� of mnt�ot'thc F'raprrty.huU�crniinaic whrn the Jrht.crurcJ h��he S�ruri���In,trunxnt i.paiJ m loll.
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