' .(Y'v .y ..... ,' . , . h- . � .3-�.� , -- _.,
<br /> � . .._ . - �. . ....n . . . ._ .._.. _..._ :
<br /> �t�',,. •.'^'M�' ""''�'""�y�"' .v"n.. r G.`$m-
<br /> , -�uli�! , � /j __ , _ !..�1...�'.�e.'�.i....4�,aJ,-`��� .��YL.rn .�["tF'19'� . . .
<br /> ..�' ,. . .- � ,�.._��..�_____�.���__ _:.�.�w . ' __
<br /> „"�1 _� . . .. . . ."+'l�""� .a .���ne'aw+ete+T�n'!`.es r.—_.. ..�-_., ..........""' _ . _ __— .
<br />,:-l.titiiV'TSM��y» I �
<br />:•,;,,�,;j�w�a�sc. � � (�'71' �,���
<br /> �• � � rincl 1 amaunt of the indobtodnesa eecurecl b Ihla De�d o11'rust, ncl� I s n�e advancod ta protaci the securih ol UVa Dasd ef
<br /> P P� Y �� � +�
<br /> � •�i � . Trust,exceed the orfpinel princlpAl amount steted hereln,or S..�_!b_�� ..,u►h(chevar le�rAatet. _
<br /> 18.MlaceUane�ue Provfslon�. -'
<br /> . ,_� (a}Qorrow�i Not l�el��tad.�xtonslon of tho tlma for pnymont or rno�9lilcntlon o1 nr��ottlYatloij o1 lho ouriis cacuroU�y thlo �_
<br /> Ooed af Truot flranted by Londar to any�uccessor In Interest a1 Barrower oh�ll not ope►aro to releese,In uny n�annar,iho Iltbll!• =
<br /> ty of the ortginul Borrower and Borrower's si�cceesors In Interesl. Lender ahell not be requlred to commence proceeclln�e
<br /> .�� �'""� againat such Buccessor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwlee modi(y emor4izatlon o1 the eumo aecured by thl9 =
<br /> . , .� Deed ot Trust by reason of any domende made by the adyinal Borrower and Borrower'a euccessore In IntomsL
<br />,:';:�•'2��' (b)L�ntNv'�Pow�rs.Wlthout eNec!ing the Ila�liiry of any other person Ilable for the payment of any oblipetl�n hereln men•
<br /> �, a< ', tloned,and uuiQ�out sitectinp the Ilen or charga of thfs Deed ol Truat upan Rny poAlon o}the Proporty not thnn or there;oforo -
<br /> ;�� •;f�� released as securtry tor the(uit emount ot all unosid obttyatlons,Londer muy,from tlme ta dma and wtthout n�ifce(q rpiease `
<br />-"� any peTSOn so Ilabie,pi)exterxi the matud4y or alter eny of the terma of eny such obilpationa,(III)prent othor Indu{Qences,(Iva
<br /> _��.��; release or convey,or cause to be relettsed ar reconveyed st sny time at Londer's option any parcel, portion or atl of the
<br /> _ Property,(v)take or rotease any other or addit{onal socuriry or reconveyed at any t►me at Lender's option any pa�cel,portlon or
<br /> � -°- - ail ot the Property,(vi)take or retease uny oiher or addfUonnl securtry tor eny ob�lgation herein ment{onod,or(vii)m�ke compo•
<br />-_� ' �"�' sitlons of othet arrangemente with debtora In rel�tion theroto.
<br /> •-- �.::a� (c)Forbearance by Lend�r Pbt�Walvsr.Any f�rbearaRCe by Lender in oxarclslrg any right or remody horeund,er,or oth•
<br /> ,;,-y,: envJse eftorcled by epplicable law,shalt nol bo a waiver o➢ur przclude the exerclIIe oi any such right or remedy.Tho pracure- °
<br />-. ment of Insurance or the payment ot texea or other Ilens or charc�es by Lender chall not be a walver or Lenders dght to�ccoler-
<br />-�����}; ate the matudty of the Indebtedness socured by this Deed of Tnist
<br />��;'.�'tif• (d)3uccesson and Asslpm Bound;Jafnt end Ssverel Llab(Ilry;Captlans.Tho covenents and agreemonts herein con-
<br /> �`��;�t' tained shall bind, nnd the dghts hereunder shall Inu�e to,the respecttve successors and assigns of Ler�er and Trustor. All
<br />'�':� ' covenanta and agreements of Trustor shail be Jolnt and several.The captlons and heading,o}the paragrapha of thls Daed of
<br />`--� Tnrst are tor conventence only and are not to be used M interpret or deflne th�provisions hereot.
<br /> �"ro�;na� (e)Rsqwst for NoticQ�.Tt�e parties heroby request thgt a copy ot any notice of default hereunder and a copy oP any notico
<br />_�,,,�y�;;� ot sale itereunder be r��afied Qo eaah paPy fo this Q�ed of Trust a4 ihe R��rass eai forth above In the ii�anner p��esc:r+bed by
<br /> --.—.—=i appl�abie law.�xcept for any oYner notice requlred under applicabte law to ba given in another manner,sny notice pravicied tor
<br /> _�4__-�� tn this Dsed of Trust shall be ghran by mafling auch notice by cert(fled mall addressed to the other parUes,at tho addreas set _
<br /> forih above.Any nottce provitiad tor In fhis Deed of Trust shali Be effective upnn malling in the manner dostgnite�7�arain.ii
<br /> •�� Tru�3ar Is more than one persan,notice sent to the address set foah above shall be noUce to all such persons.
<br /> ^"�'�� (�intpectlon.Lender may m�Fce or causo to be mado reasanabte entdes upon and�nspections o1 tho Prapert�,pravldoal
<br />=;�f�,'����:�,
<br /> .—:,,,,;, that Lender shall giva Trustor notice prtor to any such inspection specitying reasonable cAU�a therefor rol�tod to LendePa inter-
<br /> _—��_:;;.�,_, est in the Property.
<br /> ---•�• (g)R�conv�yance.Upon paymont o!a0 aums secured by this Ueed of 1'rust,Lender shatl reques't�!ru�tee�to re3convoy the
<br /> __:,_�_ Property end shall surrender this Deed o1 Trust and all notos evidencing Indebtedness aecured by 9?�ls Doed o}Trust to
<br /> .� Trusiee.Trusteo shell reconvoy the Properry,without warranly and without charge to tho porson legelly entittl�ed thereto.Trustor
<br /> shall pey all costs a recordat}on,if any.
<br /> � (h) P�rsonal Props►ty;Sacur�iy Agreement.As additlonal security for tho payment �cf the Noto,Tn�stor Imreby g�ants
<br /> la�xlqr iin[iwr Iht+IUahrnRkn Unilorm Commn�alal Code a Racurity Intarw.gt In�11?luturae;em�inmwnt;wnrl�thfli�ratx�rl nm�ntiv ,
<br /> „ used In connectian with tho rpat estate or Improvamen�g located thereon,Andl ro�t othenvi'se dectared or daemed to ba e pan oi
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.This instn�ment shall be construed as a Secudry Agresmont under saW Cpde,a»d the Lender
<br /> sha11�ave all the�ighte and rernodlea ot s secured party under sald Code In addition to the�ights and remedies�r��ar this
<br /> '`�;i parec�rt�ph shall be cumulative w'rth,and tn no way a Iimitation on,Lender's riphts and remedies under any otiwr securityr agree-
<br /> ment sk�ned by Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> (I)I.Nn��nd Enc�tmbnnca.Trustor hereby waRante and re�resents that thore ts no defauk undor the provislona o}any
<br /> mort�apo,deed of trust,Fease or purchase contract descdWnp all a sny pa�t of tha PropeRy,or other contrect,lnstrument Ar
<br /> �� ayrsement r,onedtutk�p a Iien or encumbrance agalnst eil or eny pan of ths Property(collecUvely,'1.bns�,exiWnp ac o!the
<br /> date of thle Desd of Trus�and that any end ell e�sdnp Llens remaln unmodified sxoept ae�ISClosed to Lsncbr In Trwtor's wrtt-
<br /> ten diaclosura of flens and encumbra�ces provlded tor hareln. Ttustor shall timely paAorm ell o}Trustor's oblipations,
<br /> wv�nants,repreasntatbns and warrentles ue�der any end ell exlaNnp an�future Llens,ehall prompdy torw�rd to Lender ooplM
<br /> d aJl notices of detault eent In connecUon wfth any and ell exlatir�p or tuturo l.lena,snd ehall not wkhout Laxkra prkir written
<br /> con�nt In eny msix►sr modily the provislor►�of or allow eny futurr�sdvancee undsr any exlaW�p a futuro Nens.
<br /> (J)AppMcatlon�M P�ynaM�.Unbss otherwise requlrad by law,sums pekf to Lendsr henunder,Inckidirp without im,ite-
<br /> don payrnente of pdncfpal end Utarest.tnsumrx�proceeda.conclemnatlo�proceeds and ronte sod prottta�atiaN bo�WPtlsd M►
<br /> Lerxier to tM amounte due end owirp irom T�ustor and borrower tn such ordar as L�dor In Its sote diecrMion cbema doalr-
<br /> uble. �� ry��.� � I��w• � .,y� .,1 I��1 ����Y.�t�N �� /� 1 ��I�
<br /> .._� `r�v�M�MN�S�`�WI�p�V'�{�WVI��l,Ml��T�YH\W'{I+��IUI�n I�i 1 n(�Iw I(i^�Y IJ iFIVi4iW f1..Wlii Q�VYN�iw WN�• _.. .
<br /> - b�e.euc�co�n�s a Mva�yr�i noc arr�me on�o►pro,es�or►s a�►�oeea a rn,ss or n�tuo�e w�a,can n.�n►en
<br /> e8ect without tt�e oonflic8ng pro�rtsian,er�d to thb end the provisbns of Mle Deed o!Tn�st and tM PJote aro dedared b be aev-
<br /> ort�bls.
<br /> (Q Tenns.The terms'Tn�sior'and'Borrower shell include both sk►pular and ptural.and whor►the Trusior and Borrower ars
<br /> - the ea�ms pereon(e),thoee tertrb ns used In thls Deed or Trust sbeN ba Intend�anyeebb.
<br /> (m)�r�Law.Thb Deed of Tru�A cTra116e govemed by the lawa o!tho 3ir�te ot Nebreske.
<br /> - �- Trustor has executod th(s Deed of Tnis't as ot the date wri:ton ebrnre. -
<br /> � (� ,.. �' /`� C,� ; �
<br /> _ av �czore , ue e Trustor Trusto�
<br /> ---�- � i
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