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<br /> ,�1� :{� —
<br /> - -a Or� ���ii�o'�'J� _-
<br /> "Proceeds"►In connnctlan with cortdomnatlon or other loklnp o1 tho Proporty or purf Ihoreof, orlor convoyanso In Itsu q}condmm�atlon. o
<br /> L�;ndsr chnll ba cnt{iiaci at Ito autlon t�s�proi���nco,n{��^ar In anU pra�CCUtO III II�01JI1 n�n3�r.ny actlun or proccc�in��,and shaA alr.,o �.
<br /> U�ouGticd to r��^!co nny csrrnpror��l��or c;tll�;ao�t ln conncctlan e�itii cur,h t�ltind ar d^�r,r��.In tho ovont nny portlon o1 U��Pro��ry I� �
<br /> „ oo lakon or demt�fled, Lontla�ahell hava!ha oy�tlon In Its soto nnd nhsolute dlacratlon,to npply ull auch pracesd�, aiter deductlnp �
<br /> tharelrom�11 eaet�snd expmsee Incurred by 11 In connoeilon wlth euch Proceecfe,upon ony I�debtadnose eaeuracl hereby and In euch =
<br /> � ordar R�Lsndor m�y ci�termine,or to Apply ell�uch Proceed�,eRbr such deduaUone,to II� reetoratlon o1 the PropeRy upon euch con• �
<br /> •�; � dltlao�a a�L�nt1�r ma�y dote+rn►In�.Any appllcAU�n o}Proceeds tu Indebtetlrtas�ehall nat e�.wt¢n�D or pvat�rte Ihe duo date a1 any pny �:..
<br /> manb und�r ttw NMs,or cur�xny deteuit th�rountbr or h�rounder.Any urtrt�liad lunds eh:Yll be palc�tt�Tri�stor.
<br /> .. 9. p�rtormenca by L.�nd�r. Upon tho occurronce o}an Evant af Osia.utt hereundar, or If any a�t Is takon or tegal procaodinp =
<br /> ' � CommenCed whiCh rv�eterialty efleote LendeNd Intere�t In the PropOrty,l.end�r mey!n It3 ov�n discreUon,bat without obtipatfon to cb so, `
<br /> .,:r.�_,��s,� ' and withaut not�e to or domAnd upon T�ustor end withouS rebseing Truator tran any obllE}atbn, do any act which Truator Aaa egrsed _
<br /> but falled to do snd may atso clo Any ofher act It deems neceasary to protaot the securlty horeol. Trustor ahall, Immedlately upon
<br /> .'� demartd therotor by Lond�r,pay to Lendsr all coste and expenses Inc�irred and eums�+xpended by Lender In connection wi'�the exer-
<br /> cfse by Lender o}the toro4oing dgl�ts,togetl�er wlth intereat thereon at the de}ault rate�rovlded In lhe Note,which ehall be addad to
<br />`�� the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender ehall not Inc��r any Ilab(Ilty bucause ot enythlnfl It may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> � � ��� 9, Ht�,�,rcfous MnbH�l�,Tn�st�r shall keep the Property In compllance with all eppl�ribte lawa,ordinances and repulatlona _
<br /> • � � rolatln�to industrlal hyglerx�or envlronmeAtel protectlon(c�llectively re}erred to herein es "Environmenial Lewa").Tniator shail keep
<br /> the Property(rc+e lrom alt substancos daemed to be hazerdous or toxio under any Environmental Lswa(collectivety reterred to hereln
<br /> , r �s"Haxardous Matedals").Trustar hereby warrante end represents to Lender that the�e aro no Hazardous Materlals on or under ihs
<br /> Property.Trustoe hereby agrees to Indsmnify end hotd harmless l.ender,Its tJirectore,offirsrs,employees end agonts,and any succes•
<br /> �� s sors to Lender's Interest,irom and egalnst eny and all claims,damages,losses and ilabllitiee a�ising in oonnectlon w(th the presence,
<br /> �� �":;�;�;f use,disposai or transpoR of any Hazardous PAatedats on,under,from or about lhe Property,THE FOREfiOINa WARRANTIES AND
<br />_1::s�-�;:;;� 10.Asslyr►rt��ts af Rents.Trustor hereby arslgns to lender,and grenta Lender a eocudty tnterest in,all present,future and
<br /> : � ' `"•. nfter arioirtg rents,Issues and protits of the Property;provlded that Trustor shuil,until the or.currFmce�f an Event of Defauit,hereunder, __
<br /> . . ,,:.� ' have the rlght to collect and retaln such ronts,Issues and profits as they becbme due and payable.Upon the occurronce o(an Evont of
<br /> ;'= %,�.'•�: Qaf��it,Lender may,elther In pe�son or by epent,wlth or Ni'S�uut bringing any ecUon ar proceeciing,or by a recelver appolnted by a
<br /> ' C�s4�:nd w(ihout regard to the a�nuaCy ot its secu�ity,onte�r�,ecn and take possessian of the Property,or any part tharoaf,(n itcj own
<br />-;;�;•'I;�"'ft,,};, rt�ame or In the name ot tho Tm.aZOa,and dm��y acts which it deema necos..�ary or desirable to preserva the value,maAcetabtiiry or
<br /> __;,,�., rentab(Iity of the P���erty,or any�,art therec�or 3nt�arest theretn,or to Incrcaasa 9he income theref�om or protect the securlty hereaf and,
<br />_;;<<�q�;A� �vith or wtthout tak?ng possesston al tlie Proporry,sua tor or otherwise co{tec.i�Ifie rents.Issues and profits thereof,includfng Nwse past
<br /> -- - due and unpald,by noUiying ienar�ia to make payments to Lender.Lencier may eppry rents. Issues and proflta,lass costs and expens-
<br /> .�:;,�;"•�— ,
<br /> es o4 operatbn end collection is�lwding attomey a fees,to any incbbtednets secured hereby,all in such order as Lendtir may deter-
<br /> --�.�.; • m'r,�F,,'�'he entedng upon and takir,�passe_salan of the Prope�tyr,the catlection of such rente,icsues and profits,and 4he appiicallon
<br /> .
<br /> -'"°;,``'"•�: � t :.`r.�a`.w«�.:.:,�m o.h:!!s�i"' ��:r:a�'�e!°ult Qs sl:,`2�'�°��•±�r��,l�n;.ere!!sv!n��!!•.y°.�41�ary�f�in�w�n.wwv��n rn w,r_.6�
<br /> ����� � daiauri or purst^.An4•lo such notice ol c�f�alt�Td,notwlthstsna�rv� thn con�lnuance i�possession of the paroperty or the coileotlos�,
<br /> '��°'����� �aipt and appllcatlon of renta,issues or prafrts,Trustee and le:^��7 sh�113�mntlUed to exerdse every sig7at provlded tor in any of the
<br /> '�"'�" �` � ��n Instrum�te or b Iaw upnn occunence ol any Event of�e}auli,'rnciuding without limfta�on the right to excrdse tfie porrer of saie.
<br />=:.�v;•�.C. • Y
<br />- �;:^' Fu�hA'r,Lendars tiyhta and remedies under thls paragreph shati be cumulqtiva wfth,and Da no way a IlmitaUon an,Lender's dghts end
<br /> =��,_;�Y,�; remedies under arty c�siflnment of leases end rents�ecoried aga►nst the Pro�ierty►.Le3nder.TNStee and tt�o rea+iver shell be Iiable to
<br /> -w account only for thosa rente actuaUy recehred.
<br /> - 11.Ewnts M DrP�uit.The(olfowlny shall constitute an EveM oi Uetauit under ti�is Deed of 7rusr
<br /> -- (a)FaNure to pay any instellment of pNnclpal or interest of e�iy other sum aecured hareby when due;
<br /> �►-� (b)A bread�a4 or defauR urxfer any provisbn contalned(n tho Note,this Dead of Tmst,any of the Loan instrumente,or any
<br /> ---___= other Iien or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A writ of execuUon or attmchment or eny similar process sNall be entered asalnst Trustor whtch shall bxome a Ilen on
<br /> � the PcopeRy or�ny portion t�ereof�r interest thereln; '
<br /> (d)Thero shall be filed by or againsi Trustor or Borrower n�ectfon under any presant or tuture(ederel,atate or other statu0e,
<br /> - law or repulatbn neletlr►g ta bankruptay,InsoNency or other reUet for debtors;or there ehall be eppoin4ed any trustee,recefver or
<br /> -- liqukfetor M Tnistor a Bomower or ot aN or any part of the Pnoperty.or the rents.Iasuee or protib the�oi,or Trustor or Borrowar -
<br /> -- shaN malce eny general as�JgnmeM for the benefit of creditors;
<br /> ---- - (e)'1'he saie,tre�ns•.er,laase, asslgnment, conveyarxe or turther encumbranw ot all or any part ot or er►y inhxest in ttte =
<br /> Property.eit}�er vAlunffitily or(mroluntady,without the vxpress written ca►sent ot Lender.provided that Trustor shail be pem�it-
<br /> -- - tod tv executo a{easo af tlso Proport�that doos not contaln an opticr�4o purch�ase and the teim of vrhlch doey not exoeed one
<br /> - Y�
<br /> -- _ (9 Aband«xrsnt of tiie Pr�{oerty;cr
<br /> (p)It Trustor!s not an in�nrfdu�l,�e issuance,sale,trans(er,essignment, comreyance or encumbrance oi more tf►an(H a
<br /> _ QaporaUon)e total of �carcont of its Issued end out�.ancling stock,or(it a partnarshlp)a totel nf per-
<br /> - oent of �Me�sh(p inUeresb,or(if n Grnited liability oompanY)e tot�1 of percerst of the Ifmited Ilebiliry compa-
<br /> ___ :_:.� e5►tnteresb or voHrog dghLc during the per3od thfs Deed of Tn�st remalns a Ifen on ihe propehy.
<br /> _---__ 12.RNrMdies;AceN�nflon IJpoe D�fauit In tho everrt o1 eny Event ot Uetautt Ler�der may,wiU�out nedce except as requfred
<br />---_--�.�::;,:,a�:� 6y law.declare ap indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shalt thereupon became due and payabb with-
<br /> �--v�_�`,�;3� out enY PreaentmAnt,demnnsl.P+ntest or noti�+�i eny kind.Theroattef Le�er may: -
<br /> __�;�:, (e)Dorn�ond ihat Trustee exerdso Ifo�POWER OF SALE qranted hereln,w�d Trustee shalt thareafter cause Trustor's Intor-
<br /> -� est In the(7nperty to be eold and the p�ceedss to be distdbuted,ai►in the man�er pr+o�lded U the Atebreskp T�ust Degds Ar,�
<br /> �-°��" (b)Exer�cise any and all rights provided for In any ot the Loan Ins�truments or by law upon occurre►x;o M eny Event of -
<br /> - =�� ��
<br /> �°�'��°-�_ (c)Conx►�enoe an actbn to toreciasa thts Deed ot TNSt aa e mort
<br /> __:�;,��� 9a9e,eAPdnt a receiver,or sReciiicaily anforoe any of Ute _
<br /> -.-�,.�T:.:,�:,,�T carenante heteol.
<br /> -�=�-s=�=�`��.� No remedJr her�in oonierred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be exdusive oi any othsr remedy herein,in the Loan
<br /> --..::,;�_,:;}'�:�y� Instruments or Dy Iaw provided or permitted.I�t each shall be cumulative.shall be In edditionto every other rwnedy gtven hereurd�fr,
<br /> _- ,_.:-��� In tltie Loan InsWments or r►ow or hereatter existtng at law or In equiry or by statuta,and may be exercised concurrerttty,independentfy► _
<br /> s'�'- ..�.� a�• -
<br /> -• � _°. � �a.lnustss.me irustao may ms�n a�arry ume wiman cuuse�cind ie►�or may at airy time end wimart cau�e appoirri a suc _
<br /> z�^��� cessor or suhstitute T�uston.Tnistea sAall nnt be IiabEo to any party,fncluding without Ilmitntion Lor►der,Borrowcx,Tnutor or any pvr- r�
<br /> '=;,..�� � cl�aser of the Property,tor eny loss or damage uniec�s duo to�ckless or wlllful miscaeduct,and sha11 not be requtred to ieke any a�t+vn �
<br /> ,� � In connectlon witl�the ontorcemont of this[)ood o}Tnist onless Indemnt8ed,ln writing,tor afl oosts,compensatton or e�enses vVh3ah
<br /> may be essa�ciateai therevHiHi. In atWiUon,Trustae may bocome e purchaser et eny sate ot the Property(Judfclat or under tlio poarer ot
<br /> re
<br />-. .F ••, - w,� safe granted twrefn):postp4r►e th�sate of ali a eny portlon oi the 1'�o{�erty,es provklied by law: or scafl the Property as e wtala.or In
<br /> . . 6op&rAfe ps�cel9 0�iote et T(ustoe'6 dlscrotion.
<br /> � . 14.F�s and Exp�nsN.In the evoMTrustee sells ihe Propedyr by oxen�f2e of powerot sab,Trustoe shall be entitled to apply
<br /> .. any sale praceeds flrst to payment ot atl coste nrxl expenses of exerclsing powet of 6ape,Including all TrustEte's fees,end Lender's and
<br /> -• �� Trusteo's attomoy's fses, actualty Incurrcd to extent parmittud by applfcAbte law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerdses eny dght
<br /> ' ' provlded by la�w to cure an Event of DotauR.Londer shall bo entllled ta recover irom T�stor a�costs and expanses actualy Incurred as
<br /> ' S �- ��� • a result of Trustors detauft,Including witf�out IlmitnUon�II Trustee's and attomey's tees,lo the extent portnitted by ep�bto Iaw.
<br /> ,.-�''.,__ 15.Futurs Advanc�s.Upon requestot Bortawer,Lersder may,at its opUon, make addiUonal nnd tuture advance�end read-
<br /> T ".r.;��;.4 �vance�'to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with Interest thereon,shall IJe seared by thls Deed of Tn�st.At no ttrn9 shall the
<br />