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.. -,.,...� . � <br /> ,' .u� , . , .. . . .,�...�- ��=-`�:== <br /> . �.�-_�- <br /> . „ ........ . _ . <br /> n. . . . 4 <br /> (�..o-Y/1; <br /> � . . .,,�y �� _ <br /> , '�i4'�'�Y!��r.�n�. .._�..��,d�":�;%dl��i�,'.,.�. ���h�i:�.,�,i�.i` .__.._ _ .. . ._.._..._, . __ . �T 4�s...c--= <br /> ' �-wrs�7Slllr - �__..._. ' <br /> _ ,a� <br />--.::�� 9�� ��19�64 <br /> ���'�•������ <br /> ' "Proceeds")in connoctlon wilt�condemnatlon or other takinp of lho Prer,�erty or part thereot,or for conv�yar�ce In lieu o1 cortdemnatlon. _ <br /> L.entSer shall be entitlecl a9 Ita optian to commence,ap9ear In and prosacuto In Itn own namo ony ectlon or proceodinps,end shafl aiso <br /> b�entitletl to mako any comprpmise or aettloment In r,onn�ctlUn+nrlii�r�u�h tQkinq or damnpo. In Iho ovont nny poRion o!lho Property Is .. <br /> so taken or damaped, Lender ahall havo thw opUan In lu�ea!4 U�d cJ»soluto d:acrotlon,to apply nll cucfi pro�cc�s, aftor ctariuctln� �, <br /> -- thorelrom�II coate and�xpansee{ncurrod by It In connectlon wltl�euch pr�acoeda,�pon any Inctebtednttss sacured hereby and li euch <br /> �� Z order a.s IAnder may utermine,or to epply all such Pror.eed9,efU3r a��ah deducUona,to Ihe�oataratbn of the Property upnn such com <br />° ���� d(tlorss ae Lender mey determine.Any appNeailon of Proceeda t�In�ebtednesa ehall�ot extend or postpone tt�e duo date o1 any pay <br />___ „�,� menta under the Note,or curs eny delauH thsreunder w h�rounder.Any unapplied tunda ehall 6e Qeld to Trustor. <br />--� '�'' 9. P�Rorm�nca by I.��dw. Upon the occurronce o!an Event o!Det�utt hereunder, or if any ect la teken ar lepal proceeding <br /> ;"' camm�rt��d e:h!ah m�t^rt^_!ly nHc�t�Lent}er'e Intores!In the ProQerty.I_�ender mriy In its own discretbn,put wlthout obligatlon to do so, � <br /> end without niMice to or demend upon Tnietor end without refessJng Tiustor(rom eny obllp�tbn,do arey ect ufi�h Trt�ator bas egreed <br /> •�:;.`,�-,,,�.� but tellad Io do and may�lao do any oeher act it deoma necessA�r to�xotect the security hareol. Trustos shell,Immediately upon <br /> � demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender ell caste snd expense3 Incureod und sums expendc�d by Lender fn connectbn with tha exer- <br /> cise by L.ender ol the lorepdnfl rlghte,toflether with intereat 4here�x►at the detauit rate provided In the Note,wMch sha4 be added to <br /> : ° '• `�� �e Indebtedneas securod hereby.Lender shall noi Incur any IltiWllty bmca��se of enythinp It may do or amit tn do hereunder. <br /> .���� g, 1lasardou� Mat�riat�.Trustor shall koep the Praperty fn a:a.r�ptinnce wtth all appl�able laws,ordineix;ea end re�ulatian9 <br /> "� reletiny to Inciustriai hyp{ene ot envlronmentaf protoaUun(cat�ctivRty rt�,!o:re,d to herein ee"[nvironmental Lav►s'j.Tn.�stw shnl!keep <br /> . . the Property free from all substencea deemed io be haznMaus oP toacks urater any Envl�nm8ntal referred to herein <br /> '���,, as"tia=ardous Matedsls").Trustor hereby warrants end repeeson�to I.e7ider that there are no Hezardous MateeLats on or u�der the <br /> _ .' .r PropeRy.Tnjstor hereby egreea to Indemnity end hoM harminss l.encfie�.ina eiirectore�ofticere.erttpbyees end a�ents,and eny succes• <br /> �,� so�B to Londe�s Uterest,irom and ayalnct any and ali otatms,damra�,laosos and Ilebilltles erising in conneCtlon with the{xesence, <br />'::�''�°�;r1,� use,disposel or 4mnspoR of any Hazardouo Matedals on,under,(rorn or e,f�out the Property.THE FOREG�DINQ WARRANTIES AfdD <br /> �:"��` REPRESENTATION3, ANd TRUSTOR'S OBLIGATIONS PURSUANY TO THE FORECi01Nti INDEkANITY, SHALL SURVIVE <br /> '^1���": RFGQAlVEYANCE 0�THI�DEEO OF TRUST. <br /> :=`R����� 10.Rsal�nm�nU oP R�nU.Trusior hereby as3igns to LendeP,and grsnts l.onder a secudry interest In,aH present,future and ° <br /> .• •�. - h@fBI111f1Br, <br /> "'�A'�`� atter edsinp rents,fssues and profits o(tlte Property;provkled that 7n,�stor shall,undl lhe occurr�erx;e of en Event of Detault, <br /> rx <br />•'�`'���j`.*' have the dght to c.ollect aod retaln such r��is,issuas and pra11L�a�thoy become due and payabie.Upon 4he oa:urrenco oi an Eeen!of <br />�:;r"•'r:.hi� Defauft, Lender may,etther in parson aQ by agent,with or wltho�e4 bdngtng any acNon or proceeaa�ng,or by e recehrer appalnted by a <br /> -�,`;,fi•`� couK nnd wlthout regerd to tho adr�uncy of ks eecurKy,esntar upQn arxl take possession ot tho Properiy,or any paR thereof,fn ftn own <br /> r`-��'. name or in the name oi the Tn�stee,and cfo any acis wTjtch It�ems necessery or deslrable to presenre tl�e valuo, marketsbiiity or <br />___�� �9ntability of the Property,or any part thoreof or Intorost therein,Ar lo increase ttw incorta th�refrom or protect tho s�ecurity hereof ond� <br /> wiU�or wlthaut tekinp posaesslon of the PrnParSY�sne tnr or othn�vrisa cdie�t ttee renta,issues end proiita thereoi.(ndudinp those past <br />_`°=s���� d�end urr�id by rwUtying tenent�to rinkt+peyrnant�to LHtxier.I.r?c�er maY epply rents.(ssues and profitts.lesa ooste snd expens- <br /> -_-�";� es oi oper�4i:�and cdfecHon Inctuding attort�eys ony tndet�e�ness sacured horeby,all in such order as Lender may deter- <br /> --- - - mine.Tho entering upon and teking possessbn ot mo Pruperty�the ooftaction of such rents�issuos and pro�ts.and the e�pplfrsUon <br /> - - thereot ae atoresatd shc�rbt cure or waive any defairlt or notice of detault here+xid�x or invalidate sny ect done in reaponse b such <br /> —f�_�= d8f9UR Ot pl!(ISt18flt[O StiC�l 7fRIICB Of d@�BU�I 8t10. tt0iwimsuuia'iity u�n iaiiui�Unirw i��'y'va.�"oa�'.t)�'1^v�2�i^o �ii."�Si:ji�T�'..^. 'i....'��'.....Z^.N'!. <br /> ��,.�:,! <br /> -__�-. �= receipt and applksatton of rence,issues or profite,Tn+star3 and Lender shall be enUtle�i to exercise every right provlded tor tn eny of the <br /> --°=�,:;+ttt`:� Loan Instruments or by law upon occumenee o!eny Event of Defautt,including witlwut Itmitation tP�e rlght to exe�cise tl�e power of sale. <br /> _ _:,,'�'r,i. FuRfier.Lenders righte end remedies under 4ltis paragtr.aph shall bo cumulathre wfth,and In no way n 7lmitat(on on,Lerxler's riyhts and <br /> - remedies under any assl�nment ot feases a,zd rente racrorded agalnst the Property.Lender,Trustee�nd the receiver shell be Ileble W <br /> account mly for tlwse rento actualty recaived. <br /> 11.Ewnb of D�htAt.'R�e tdbwlr►�shall conetitstGe an Event of Detault under this Deed of Trust: <br /> (a�FaMure to pay any instaik�aFara c�1 principal or Intorest of any other aum secured hereby when duue; <br /> ,�;;� (b)A breach of or deiauR urx9os�any provlsbn oor►tained M the Note.t�ts Deed of Trust,any et the Loan(nstruments.or any <br /> -- other Hen a erx:umbrence upon t3�a��P►opeRy; <br />� (c)A wrk of execution or atCachment or eny simflar process sheil be entered against Trustor whkh shall becorr�e a Ilen on <br /> the PropeAy or auy�a�lon thereof or interest tl►ereln; . <br /> (d)There sh�ll be flted by or egalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or iuiure tederel,etete or other etatuto, <br /> - law o►regulati�n retaNng to bankna�tcy,insohrency or other relief tor debtors;or tfiere shafl be appointed er►y tn�stee,roceiver u <br /> .K� liquidalar o!Trustor or�orrower or ot ail or eny part of the Property,or the ree�W,Issues or pr�dflls tltiereol,or Tn�stor a BoROwer <br /> :— shaR maaks any generel saslgnment for the beneRC of croditora; <br /> - -- (s)7he cete.trenster. lease.assignmant,c�nveyanoe or fudher encumbrar�ce�f efi or ary part a'or cr�y lM.or.:.�!in tf� <br /> ProQertyr.eilher voluntedly or invnlunt�rily,witlw�the expresa written oonsent o}Lender.provkSed�htai Tru.gtor shall be permR- <br /> -- .�-_ <br /> tsd n�vxearte a lease of the Propedyr that does not contAln an opUon to purc;fiase arxl the terrn of wh�h does rwt exceed one <br /> year, <br /> ..-.� (�j Abando'rwnent of the Prope�3y;or <br /> (p)It 7nutor Is not an Individua�,the Issuar�co,sale,trenstor,ass�gnment,conveyar�ce w encumbrance of more then(M a <br /> caporatbn)a Wtat of pe�cent of Its issued and outsianding etock,or(H e pertnership)e totel of per- <br /> cent of partner�ehip IRterests,or pf a Ilmited ItatAiiry compnny)a total of percent of the limited flabflky compa- <br /> _ ny itilaresla or votlnb righte dudrtg the pertod tMs Deed of Trust rema(na a lien on the ptoperty. <br /> = 12,p�naciM�;Acqi�ntion Upova D�hu1L In tho event uf eny Event of Dete�ft Lender may,without notice except as requlred <br /> __ b1►Iaw.decla��aN Indebtedness sec:ured hereby to be dug and peyable and the seme shall thert�upon beoonte due and payable with- <br /> qit any presentment,der.a��d,protest or notice o(eny t�nd.Thereafter Len�or mey: <br /> (a)DArnarod tt�a►t Trustee exer�clse the PQV�'��1 OF SALE grented herein,and Tn�steo ahatl therea!!�r ceuse Trustor's Inter- <br /> est In Ihe Property to be sofd and the prooeects So bo dlatributed,ell tn the man�er provlded In the Nebrt��ka Trust Deede Ac� <br /> _ (b)Exercise any and all dghte provlded far In any ot th� Eoan Instruments or by law upon oaw+rrence o}eny Event oi <br /> -- -- --- Deta�`t;and <br />- __ -=—- (c)Gonimonce an ectEon to tareclose thla Deed of 7rust as a martgag3,Appo�nt a re�iv�r,or�pecifk�ally entorce�ny of tlw <br /> ° covenente hereot. <br /> -_- == No remedy herain aonterted upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be exdusive ot any other rert�y herefn,In the Loen <br /> -=°°°_�= Ins4rumenta or by law provlded or pertsitted,but each shell be cumulet�ve,sheN De in�ddition to�vaay other rernndyr flhren horeunder, <br /> _�_�^^`�i In the Loan�nstrumants or now w hereatter exisdng at law ur In equtty or by statute,and may be exercised concurrantlyr,independenty <br /> __a.u�-■ 0�&uCCB�1'�'y. <br /> —��:�'i� 13.TlrwtM.The Trustee may realgn et any tlme without ca�se,end Lender may at eny time and without cause appofnt a� <br /> -���;,:::��i cossor or substltute Trustee.Trustea shatl not be IiaMo to any party,incluCing Mnmout nmrtation�enoer,esorrmMer,i rusivr or arry pur- <br /> - �� chaser o1 the Pmperly,tor any bss or dama�unloss due to roc�c{ess or wflNul misconduci,and shall not be requfred to Wke any ectkn <br /> -�-���:�,�g�:� In connectlon wNh the entorcemant of thls Deed oi Trust unless Indem�ille�,In w�i0ng,lar all costa,compensatEon or expensea wf�k;h <br /> _;:�; may be assodated tNerewith.In addition,Trusteo may becnme a purchaser at any eate of tho Property Qudiclal or urwler tho powe�W <br /> :-�r.��:�. sale qranted hereln);pos4pone the sefe of a�l or any porUon ot the Property,es provlded b�r la�a;or seH the PropeRy as e whate,or In� <br /> ��-?�o�;'�.'� sepsrate paroels or fot�at 7�usteo's discre5on. <br /> :='_�'-•��,;�. `a 14.Fs�s rnd Expdna�.In the event T�ustee sells lhe Property by exo�Iso of power o!eab,Trusteo shall be entltled to epply <br /> -� ' � �'ux^ erry eale proceeds 4irst to payment of e�l oosts and exponses of exercfsinp power ot sale,Includinp 911 Ttustee's tee9,and Lender's end <br /> ,c_;�;,..•_...•< <br /> �.,�;.;,c,,,,, : Tnastee's ettomeye tees, actualty Incurred to extent permltted by appllcabb law.In lhe event Bortower or Truster exerdsea any►ipht <br /> .s,�,. <br /> __. j;h::;,�.: p►avfdad by{a�c to cure an Event of Detau�,Lender shall be entiUed to recover from 7rustor eIl c�osts and enpensea ectualty Incurrad ae <br /> ' a resutt ot Tniatar's detault,Irectuding without Ilmkatlon all Trustee'e and attomey's(ees,to the extent permttted by epplksb4e taw. <br /> s2!�7t"J' �' <br /> _�,�,�, .:r,� 16.Futun Advaoc�.Upon roQueat of Borrower,Lender mey,at fte optlon,make edditWnsal und tuture advancoa er�d read- <br /> _--�,,•_, ' varx;ea to Borrower.Such advances end readv9ncea,with(nterest thereon,ehall be secured by thl�Deed of TrNst.At na tlme ehaN the <br /> --.,�:.:::::�-;_,�;� <br /> ' . _ ' ' _.'_ =t;—�a'�'_vy.,.._...... ,�..� ... ca -,��.-_ _ _-. ____ _ - ________.____- <br /> '_-�- ��Z/k ' ..:. <br /> . "i��:Tw:i'cfcrn:.�.—.y;�:�1;:."r+wr�li�eli$U6 Y��ie���l+�M1'�'''_�-.�.'�..�r�.. .�r.-==--- <br />