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' '�i1 �)•� ',Nf141.•,•b:'�14 <br />_�- -f.�.. � <br /> '�"�<<:•:.��' whoae mailing address is (hereln°TrustoP,whether ono or mwe). <br />`=,�:t.:,r�:;�' <br /> .2.tMu02P.�� UZeT�UStH F- � 1 ��i ��� i����. NNUr�•:�.� �� -an•� � _�� -- <br />..:.t_.,_.<<+$ U <br /> - �- ' whose mailing address is . . . • : . .^ .�r.��.,! . . .- �, :.. t, �r� (herein'Trustee")�und <br /> ::_�,�?. <br /> ,•.�:r f=ive t:�, t.,� . �5.�� , � <br /> :,_„,.:�_.y, theeeneflciary, <br /> �.7'iY����r�� .tt•�1'.� ". k';•. : . .. � , r,. .,,- � - � = vr ����' :•:��' (herein'Lender). <br /> whose mailing address is <br /> --'"�;:�i� � . <br /> --� � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lender's sxtensbn of credit identified herein to <br /> =�:-"jrF�t "°""°°"� 'I'�`�'`� - (hereln"BoROwer;whother one or more)and tho trust herein craated,the recefpt <br /> ::�.�.a����.. <br /> -------- of wiiicfi ia iiereoy+scNM:�ov�=�r�'p;""�'i t��-�4:�8����"-�`-'�,mRyayc wnd Assfuns to Tn�stee.IN TRUST.WITH <br /> =-'"-'-�=`='�� POWER OF SAI.�,fqr the beneiit end security of Lender,ur:�er and 6atyect to the tertny and cwiditions herelnafter Ret fortti,tho real <br />--"'''<� �g�ri�g�as fW{ows: <br /> `::;:;::�+ p���.'�`'�:iU.SV :'1) I+L`.J(", T:JO (�)� f•:FAS(�'�T ��:r{�,' ' . - 5liBDIUISIQ�d T•f1 CITY Of GRl1ND <br /> .�::?;:.�; ,cl aNQ, i lR:.'_ �',-.�;'I�r`,. '�!IT�'F�'+!A. <br /> --- Together wlfh�II bul{dings.Improyements,flxtures,streets,all9ys,passageways,ea3ements,�Ighte,privibgas and api►uRensr�es <br /> -- - located thereon a In anywlse pertc�lnfng thereto,and tho rents,Issuea and proflts,reverslons and remalnde�s thereo0.,�r�c1 such Pe�- <br /> --- sonal proQerty thet Is attached to the Improvomente sa tts to constitute a Oxture,Including,but rsot IlmltESd to,heating er�dl cs.^oling equfp- <br /> � ment;end topether with the homestead or marital intarests,fi IIny,whlch intorests are hereby released and wahred;all af wh�h,frx�ud- <br /> Ing replacements and eddltbna thereto,Is hereby declared to be a part of tho real estete secured by ttx�lien of thls Deed af Trust end <br /> all o}the foregoing being reterted to hereln as the"Properiy'. <br /> Thls Deed ot Trust shall secure(a)tl�e payment ot tho princlpal oum end tnterost evidenced py a prom(ssory note or credit agree- <br /> menielated_��..-.�1ie��a�� :�-atts ��9f9 �havingamatudtydateof �. __�_..�«� n_��. <br /> `--° In the orlginal prirxlQal artwunt o1 S �;�� at�:".v?� ,ar�l ar►y and ell modlflcations. oxtensbns and renewals <br /> thereot or tltereto ar�d any end alt future adva�ces and readyances to Banov�er(or any of them If more than one)hereunder pursuant � <br /> to one or mora�ram(ssory notes or credit agraements(horein called"NcAo"�;(b)the payment o}oth�r sums advenced by I.ender ta <br /> qrotoct the ceCUriiy of the Note;(o)the pertormanco of rsll covananto and agreements ef Trustor set torth herein;and(d)all present erxl <br /> tuture dndebtednesa end obllgatfons ot Borrower(or any ot Shem if mare than one)to LerKler whethor dlrect,Indlrect,ebaolute or condn- <br /> gent and whether aNs�n9 b!►note,guaranty,overdrait or oihemise.The Note,thls Deed of Tr�st and any and ull other documenta that <br /> secura the (dote ur othe:wlse executed In connectlon therewlth, tncluding wlthout IfmltaUon guaranteea, securiry agresments and <br /> asslpnmenta of(eases and rents,shalt bo refora,od to hereln ae the"Loan Instruments". <br /> TrustAr covensant�a►xl agrees with Londer as tollows: <br /> :.���� 1, paym�M of Ind�btodne�s.All Indebtedness secuaed hereby uhalt be pafd whe�cDue. <br /> "``'�°` 2. Yttt�.Trustor Is the owner ot the Proparty,has the right and auttwriry to convey the Property,and wartant�G1at the Ilen creat- <br /> ��:��� ed hereby I�a ftrst and pdor flen on the Property,except for Ilens and enci:mbrances set forth hy Trustor in wdUng end deltvered to <br /> ------ --- Lerxbr betore or�nutlon of thls Deed of Tnist,and tho oxecutlon and cielivory of thfs Doed o!Trust aloes not vlolate any contract or <br /> --•��_-_�='� other QtNlgatfon A�wh�h Trustor Is subject. <br /> _:��� 3.Tiuc�s�AssesuMnts•To pay before a�etinquen�}r�II texes,speclal assessments and aJl o1P�or cl�nrgcis agaJnst the Proporiy <br /> --_ -- ��sr hereafter�evied. <br /> - � ---_ - 4.{naunnco.To keop tho Property Insumd again�t�amago by ilre,hazards Included withln tho torm'oxtondsd cavorago',nnd __. <br /> -=--== such huzards es Lender may requfre,In amounts a�id wfth companles acceptable to Lender, naming Lsnder es en addillnnal named <br /> _ =.�-�'' Insured,with loss payeb{e to the Lender. In case of bss undar such policies,�to Lender Is aulhodzed to aGjust,Callect end ComRro� <br /> r�_:�f�� mise,all clalms thereunder and shall have the opUon of applylnD oll or pa►t af tho Insurence prceeads(Q W a�y Indebtedness 8acurEd <br /> - hereby and In such order as Ldndor may de2ertnlne,(il)t�n the Tnistor to he us�d tor the ro�afr or rostoratipn of tho Property or(III)tor <br /> _s:�"""'4;;i.�� any other purpose or obtt�ct Ea.°.isiectory tu Lender without�Nocting the lien o}thls De�ad of Trust tor the tull amourot¢acuned hereby <br /> _�,, <br /> . • • . _ . ..--- �-•----"--�'---1_r...�...b•..�...w.*�nmo�u,ou.w n,rlu�vi.v nnctrv�nc the duL�date of anv <br /> ���2��j� DBtOf@ BUCfI pSyffl@tli 9Yet[ovR pxw�.ntry a{i{nw.a�nnw v�F..wo.,...,w..........�....��.........�. �..�..__'�_-T---- - - . . -. <br /> �=��w„-:„ payments under the Note,or cure any detault therounder or hereunder. <br /> _,,��,�r�., ., 5,F.scrow,Upon written demand by Lerxler,Trustee shall pay to Londer,U such mannor as Lender mny doslgnate,sufficlent <br /> -•;�,r��;.�,,� sums to enable Ler►der to pay as they become due one or moro ot thc�tollowing:(q all texes, assessments and other chargss against <br /> - �.,�3'''• -`�• tho Property,(Iq the premlums on the property Insurenca roqulred hereundor,(tfl)the premlums on any moRgage Insurence requfred t�y <br /> ...:,,• <br /> .>:;`ic���:.�Mx�'""i Londor. _ <br /> -_�`�' ��•r::•��,,� � 6.AA�Int�n�nce, R�paln�nd Co�npllanc�wlth Lawi.Trustor shalt keep the Property In good condltlon end repair;shall <br /> _ promptly repalr,or�opteco any Improv9ment whiah may be damagc�d or destrc�yed;sh�ll not commft or permlt any waste or detorlora• <br /> g <br /> • w��„ tian ot the Property;shalt not remove,demollsh or substantialty ater any ot the Improvomer.ta on the Property;shall not canm�.suNer <br /> � -�'" or permit any act to be done In or upon tho Property In vbtatEon of any law,ordlnanco,or regulaUon;and shall pay and prompUy dis• <br /> ', E charge a4 Trustors cast and exponse ell Ilens,encumbranaes and chargos Iovied,imposnd or accessed egalnst the PropARy or any <br /> �;,, �"'���',�' . paA thereoL � <br /> . �'�.,;,.•;�.:` 7.Emin�nt OomNn.Lender fs hereby asslgned all compensadan,awards,damapea and other payments or relief(herelnefter _ <br /> � . � <br /> � 1tlC 3171(HOnqM1al►N Wtll RN NS _- <br /> .� �, ptear�waWOwae�mrc�rns��nannrW+�u�ounzuroornrxenw _ <br /> � ) - <br /> ., . r _ <br /> . <br /> . _ <br /> i. : .. . . . . . _. . . . ... <br />