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<br /> -- �.._:.._...:�.�I ..,.. 106595 `
<br /> Qwymenta may no Inn�e�bc roquined,pt the option of Lendcr, if manga��nsurwuc cavcr�e(in the wixiunt end far thc perlad
<br /> -_ -- Ihat l,ender aquina)provided by an inaurcr Approvod by I.endcr pgain hecome9«vailablc w�xl ia nhtainod• Borrowcr r�he11 pay
<br /> -- tl�e premiums rcquircd tu mairttain mangage ineurence in effect,or to provide a losx rc�rvo. wi�il�he roqui�ernent for mortg�e
<br /> _-- --��_«---�---•----
<br /> inwti�co endr in accordance with uny wrinen qqreement bctwcen Burrower and Lendcr or appllcablo law.
<br /> 9. Iaspectloo. I.cnder or ita agent moy make reasonabio entries upun wd b��.�tiu�►� uf tiK Fiu��iy. i.e�xSNr y°e °_
<br /> -- Borrower nwia at Ihe time of or priar to An inspoctlon cpecifyin�reasanuble cauce Por tho Inspecti��n.
<br /> !0. Condempatbn. T'he procoods oP any uN�ud ar claim far dwnugcs. Jirect or con�cqucntiul, in cunna;tion wilh wny
<br /> ...-,:,� coesdemnation ar uth�r wldn�of any part oi tho Property.or for convoyAnc� in liau of cotKlemnwion.ure hereby �iQnal and
<br /> --_� ---_ -__- �fwll be pxiJ tu I.ender.
<br /> In tha event of a tdal tr�king of'the Praperty.the procetlds ahall be appliccl la the sumr cecurai by Ihi�Serurity Instrurnent, c
<br /> whether or not then due, with any cxcsss paid to Borrawer. In the event af a partial taking of tlw Pn�peny in whirh�he foir
<br /> morket value of the Property immadi�tely before the tnking is equal ta or gm.vter thun the nn�unt�f thc sums r�ccured by thie
<br /> � ------ Socurity Inatrument immediately before the wlcing.unless Horrower and LenJar ahernise rgree in writing.thc sums aecurod by
<br /> --- —`--- this Secudty Instrument shcill be reduced by the amount of the proceeda mul�iplied by �he fbllowing frsctian: (u) the total
<br /> --�-� �- -� umuunt uf d�sums secured immediatcly before the taking, divided by (b)the fulr msulcet value of the Propeny immediately
<br /> before the taking.Any balonce shall be paid to Borcower. In the event of u partiul taking of the Propeny in which the fair
<br /> market value of the Property immediately before the taking is less thun the smount oi thc sums securod immaiiutely beforc thc
<br /> taking. unless Borrower and Ixnder oshenvise agree in writing or unlesa applicable law othcnvise provides, the procee��xiwll
<br /> - --_--_—'"- �app�led to the sums secured by this Security InstNment whether or not thc sums am then due. ---
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by BoROwer,or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower ths�t the rnndemnar affers to make un
<br /> � award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to I.ender wlthin 30 duys nfter ihe date the notice ia given,
<br /> _�.,y.•,�,�.�.,�` Lender is authorized to collect und upply tl�e pra:eeds.at its option.either to resrorutbn or repair of Ihe Property ur lu Um surt�s -
<br /> �,_. -
<br /> °—� �ecurod by this Security lnstrument.whether or not Ihen due.
<br /> "�=%�??�`�?�� Unless l.ender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, any npplication of praceeds to prfncipal shull not extend or
<br />_. s3�u:a��.;�
<br /> --=�ti—�,.,--�'� postpane the due date of the monthly payments referted to in parographs I und 2 or chunge the amount of such payments.
<br /> --�-'F`"��7°' I l.Borrower Not Reles�ed;Forbearance By Lender Not A Waiver.Ex�ension af the lime for payment or modificalion
<br /> - =�'7 �- of amortiration of'he sums socu�l by this Security Instrument gmnted by I.ender to uny successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> .� '� not aperate to releuse the liability of the original Borcower or Fiorrower's successars in interest. I.ender shell not be required to
<br /> " - --- commence proceedings against any successor in interest ar refuse to extend time for payment or.�therwise modify amortization
<br /> �*�' r�'�'% � of the sums serurod by this Security Instrument by reason of any derrwnci rmde by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> ��;;, +i .��;..�, : successors in intercst. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy ah�ll not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> ��'�.� exereise of any right or remedy.
<br /> d'!7�°�•`�'W�'� 12. �uccessois and Assi�ns Bound;.iant nnd Sevemi Liwbiiiiy; Co-�igunro. Tt� cuycnanis and agreemcnts of ihis
<br /> �•�;�!�.�"�••�'•��•�r' Securfty Instrument shall bind und benefit the successorr. and assigns of Lender and Borrawer, subject to the provisions of
<br /> �� ��,.`r�,..� � parngroph 17. Borrower's covenants nnd ugreements shull be joint und severnl. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> �''�`:�'"""�".;^�..: Instrument bul dces ix►t execule the Note: (A1 is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mongage, grant and convey that
<br /> '���-.�.rw:xx.,a:w
<br /> � ;; Borrower's Interest in the Propeny under the icrms of this Security Inatrument:(b) is nol personsilly obligated to pay the sums
<br /> =��� • i'•• •" � secured by this Security Instrument;and(r)ugrees Ihut Lender und uny other&►rrower mny agree to exte�id, malify, forbear or ___
<br /> -��;,�"`�'�,,`,'��.,,,,�``� make any uccommalations with regurd to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Notc without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> t. .. a �..
<br /> ` � ,,:r,,,.�.:� r�•, 13.I.oan Clu�rges. If the loan secureJ b y this S��curiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets muximum loan charges.
<br /> er � ��.�.++�•.•.. �y,� and thut luw is finully interpreted so that �he interest or other lo:►n churges collected or to be collectecl in cunnection with the
<br /> ""�""V° '- loan exceed the permitted Ilmits, thcn: (n)nny such luan rhurge sliull he reduced by 1he umount nccessary to reducc the cherge
<br /> �a�.
<br /> � _,,.'..: , to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums nlreudy callected from Borrower which excc�•ded permitted limits will be refunded to
<br />.'�! �'"'�'' ='^ Borrower. Lcnder mny chaxe to makc this rcfund by r«lucing 1ha princip�l owcd under Ihe Note or by making a direct -""
<br /> - _ ���..•, .... .
<br />'•=� �, payment to Bnrrower. If u rci'und reduces principnl, the reduction will t�e treated a.a u puniul prepayment without any —_
<br />.,'•;
<br /> - y�r prepayn�ent clwrge uncier the Note.
<br /> _ _ ` ..'�:.�.. : .:�', �
<br /> - 14.Noticts.Any notice to Burruwer pruvided fiir in this Security lnatrumcnt shall bc givcn by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> � � n �'"� it by first cluss mafl unless applicnble law reyuires use of unather method.The notice�hull he Jirected to lhe PropeRy Address =_
<br /> �•� or any ather address Borrower designutes by nutice to I.ender. Any noticc to I.eruler ,hs�ll be given by first class mail to
<br /> +L.'.Nbr:.:,.._•. .
<br /> � :;�•r�►�c•:.;•� .� Lender's uddrcss stuYed hcrein or any olher udJress l.endcr designnte�by noticc to&mowcr. Any nntice provided for in this
<br /> :;.� . �;+r�`r• � Security Instrument sh►►Il be dcemai to have lxcn given to&xrowcr or t.�ndcr when given ux provided in this parusraph. —
<br />-- � �+ �E:�'��-��` I5.Governing Ia�w; SeverAbHity. This Sccurity Instrumcnt sh�ll ix: govcmed by (ederal law unJ the law of the
<br /> '�� jurisdiction in which the Property is I�xated. In the evcnt that any provisNm ur cluu+c of thiti Securiry Instrument or the Note _
<br /> '}�;�"'' con0icts with applicAblc luw, such conflict slt•rll nu�aff'cct�uhrr provi�iom of thi.S�urity Instrunicnt or thc Note which can be �,li
<br /> � •� �� �`"'' .�" ' given effect without the conflicting pr�rvision.To this end�he pmvi,ions af this S��curity Insaurnent und the Note ure declured �'`
<br /> . h
<br /> to be severable. —
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copv. Bc�rrower sh�ll be given cmc ronfornxd cupy uf thc Nutc unJ of thiy 3erurity lnstrument. �"
<br /> Form 3028 8190 �;,�
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