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<br /> � - ° S. 1W�r0 a�• ����y r�u��c. Izorrow�r shall kccp tbc impravcmcnts ru�w cai�ting or hereafter erected on thc -
<br /> Prc�perty Insurad �ainst loxs by 8re, hur�rda includcd wllhin the Icrnt �CKICIIIIC�COVC�BC� and ony other fu��rds,includinR
<br /> floods or Iloalin�,for w�hich Lender roqui�e�in�urunce. This inruru►re xhull be m•rintainod in Ihe wrxwntc aid fbr Ihe periads -
<br /> - - -`--- ---' that I,�nder roquire�. 'i'he insurance carrier pmviding the in�u�unce�Luli hc rhu,cn hy B��rn�wc� �uGj�tt tu l.er�irr'h appwvel �
<br /> - which r�iwll nat be unr�ear�onably wUhheld. If &�nuwcr fail. tu m•rin�uin cuvrruge dexcrflxYl �buve. I.eider may, su l.ender'e
<br /> - option,abtuin coverage to pnHoct L.ender'r ri�htx in Ihe Propeny in acci�rdunce with purngroph 7.
<br /> All insurw�ce polick9 ard renawals rJwll be acceptable to L.cixkr ancl shall include a rtandatd mottgage clouse. Lender
<br />- - _- - - - - � shall have the dght tn hald the polictcs und rencwals. If Lcndcr rcyuircs,Borrowcr shall promptly give tn I.ender nll �ecei�tt of �
<br /> poid prcmlumz�nd renewal nWices. In the ovent af loss,Barrowcr ciwll Qive pmmpt notia ta�h�+inw�cur�er and Lender.
<br /> Lender may mAke pruof af loRS if not made promptly by Barn►wcr.
<br /> Unless l.ender und Bormwer ahcrwise agrcc in writing. insurrnce pnx�ocda shall be appliod to restarution or repair oi the
<br /> Property damagod,if Ihe restoration ur repair is ecanomicAlly feasible and Lender'x s;ecu�iry is aat lessenod. If the restorad�n or
<br /> rcpalr is not economically feasible or[.enJer's ssecurity wauld be lessened.the insurunce proccedti shall be applied to the rwms
<br /> - -__��.y.:�-.._., �eeured by thie Security Instrument, whether or not then due,with Any exces4 paid to Borrower. (f&►rmwer abandc►na the -_.
<br /> _r _ x� Property,or daesi not answer within 30 days A natice from LcMer that th�insuru�x:c currier hu�affered to scttle a claim,then
<br /> Lender may collect the in�urance praceeds. Lender may use the praceeds ta repair nr rcstorc the Property ur to pay sum�
<br /> ---:��= secured by thia Socuriry Instrument,whettier ar not then due.The 30-day pericxl wlll begin when thc notice is given.
<br />----_ _-. Unleu Irnder and Borrawer wherwise agree in writing. anY apPlicution of pmceed� tn principal shall n�t extencl or _-
<br /> ____ postpone Ihc due date of tha monthly paymenls referred to in parugrnpha 1 ond 2 or change�hc amount of the payments. It
<br /> under parngraph 21 the Prnperty is ucquired by Lender,Borrower's rlght to any iosurance policies and proceeda resulting from
<br />---_-- �arr�age to the Property prior to the s�cyuisitiun shall pass w l.enJer tu the rxlent of the sums secured by this Scru�ity Inctrumcnt -
<br />------•- iinmediately prfur to the acquisition.
<br /> =�,�ti:,�_���
<br /> a;_i`�;y„A�.,�i�' 6.Occupoacy,Pnaervatlon,Msdntenance and Pratectfon aP the Property;Borrower's Loan Applic�Uon;I.eACebolds.
<br /> -- ----=- _ = Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property us HoROwer's principal rtsidence within sixty duys after the eaecution of
<br /> --- - this Secudty Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Propeny as Borrower'�principal residence for at IeASt one year afier
<br />__°-T,.�=:�,.�-,a�L the dete of occupancy,unless l.ender otherwise agrees in writing. which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br />— �-�'=''`-"y°�� extenuating circumaunces exist which are beyond Borrower's cantml. Barrower shall not destroy. darnage ar impair the
<br /> -- -y��
<br />-v--�-T�� Property, aUow the Property ta deterforate, or commit woste on thc Pnnperty. Borrower shall Ge in defauU if any farfeiture
<br /> �-__�_,:� action or proceoding. whether civil or criminal, is begun�I�at in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiwre of the
<br /> =__--= Prope�ty or othenvise mate�ially impair the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's securlty interest. Bonawer may
<br /> =�1'�=•�.-°:';�`r� cure auch a deieult and reinstate,es provided in paragruph 18, by causing the action or praceeding to be diamissed with a nding
<br />-�---- that.in L.zii�2i�S g� �G11I1 �2iZi'Iillti�t�0ii. �rerludcs farfetturc ot tl�c Surmwcr's intcrest in ttu Praperty or other�ateria!
<br /> �►�'":•`.=;��°�� �-r� impairment of�he lien cneated by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry interest. Borrower shall also 6e in default if
<br /> �!s"..'�� '''� ' � ` '� Borrower,during the loan application pracess.gnve tnnlerially false or inaccurnte informution or statements to C.ender(or failed
<br /> '.,..,,.,.�, ,,.
<br />:��a!=�.:_�? to provide l.ender with any materiol information)i�connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including. but nat limited
<br />�- ' ' to, representations concerning Barrower's occupancy of the Propeny as a principal residence. li this Security Instrument is on a
<br />�ii�t.�',:. +,�
<br /> leasehold, Borrower shall comply wfth all the provisions of �he leuse. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the
<br /> � `"� � leasehold and the tee tillc shull not merge unless Lendcr ugrces to the mergcr in writing.
<br /> "'�i`�a..x`'t ..5"y`9'' 7, ProteMion oP Lender's Rights In the Property. If&xrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements conlained in
<br /> a r�,�a.• �-. ,�s �
<br /> „�' �,��. this Securiry Instn�ment, or there is a Iegul proceeding thnt may signiticuntly affect L.ender's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> _�� procreding in bankruptcy.probate, for con�lemnution or forleiture ur to enfarce luwti or regulations), then l.ender may do and
<br /> "��=- �-- :::::-=- pay for whatever is necessary to protcct the valuc of th� ProExny and I.ender'x rights in�he Property. l.ender's actions rtwy
<br /> --�_d��-.y .,�
<br /> °�te��•• include paying any sums secured by a licn whirh hus priurity ovcr this Sccurity lnstrument, appearing in wun, paying
<br /> "�"`-''•`"= ' ' ' ' reasonablc attomeys' fees and entering on the Propeny to make repairs. Although l.ender muy take action under this paragraph
<br /> �' ,�'4•�- ''" 7, [.ender daes not huve to do so.
<br /> �� Any umounts disbursed by lxndcr under this parugruph 7 shull hcxume udditionul debt of Bortower secured by this
<br /> .�-�"�`}�"��� Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tcrm�of payment, ihesc amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> �^ �-. date af disbursement at the Note rate and shall bc p:�yuble, with interest, upon notice from Lender ro Borrower requesting
<br /> ,,._ .._,, . . pay.ment.
<br /> "'�� S. Mortgpqe In�urnnce.If Lender rcquired mortgage insurunce as a condition ot'muking the loan secured by this Security
<br /> - ::.i'l�.c.{.L:
<br /> •�::•' .i.�'. .fC
<br /> .�. ,;„ .r Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required t�i maintain the mongage insur�nce in effi�ct. If, for uny rea�on, the
<br /> r'} '` mortgage insurance covernge required by l.ender lupses ur rca.cs to he in effect, Borrower�hull pay the premiums requirod to
<br /> ?��;.�:, obtain coverage substunti�lly equivalent to the mortgu�te insurancc pmviously in cffect,at a coxt ,ubstamiully eyuivulent ro the
<br /> cost to Horrc►w�er of the mortgage insuran�e previously in cff��t, from an altcrnatc m�ingagc insi�rcr approved by I.endcr. If
<br /> �• '°°', subs�antiully equivalent mongagc insurancc cover.�gc is nat•rvailnBle. &►rra�vcr.hall pay�n L.ender cach month a sum cquul to s;�
<br /> � one-iwelfth of Ihe yearly mortguge insur�nee premium t►eing paiJ by Horrowcr whcn the insurance coverage lapsc�d orceased to ��
<br /> be ineffect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments a, u I��.ti reserve in licu ��f monguge insurunce. la»s rescrve �
<br /> - Fam 3028 8/80 �
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