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<br /> _ - --_- - - rrp�s�i�;ibk I�+;r r�y s�city for refa.tatementl bcfvre sale oP t!x Pr+o�ny pu�uant to any power oP rale conwined in t61s
<br /> Securlty lnatrwnent;ar(b)entry of a judgment enforcing�hls Socurity Ingdvment. 7'Noce conditions ar+a that Borrower. (o)
<br /> pays Lender ell �ums whir,h thrn would be duc under this Securlty instrum.nt and the Nae a� if no Accelcraticx� had
<br /> accurred:(b)cures rny default of any other covenants oE agn�ement�;(c)pays�ll expensca incurred in enforciog this Security
<br /> �:.� . lnshument. ioclwiin�, but na limited to.reasonable uttomeys'fees:and(d)wkex such�tion as Lender rnay rcosawbly
<br /> � _.�—:��_ =_. .
<br /> require to essure l)wl ehr lien ui'Itiis Security Inatruuu�u,Iw:ad.r's righGs in the PropeRy nnd Borrowcr's obligation to pay t
<br /> sums secured by this Security Inswmcnt shall cantinue unchanged. Upon reinswtement by Liomower. this Securiry
<br /> . Instrument rr�d the obllgations secured h�mby shall remain fully eff'ective ns if no acceleratiun twd accurre<!. However,this
<br /> ri�tu to reinstau sh�ll not�pply in tl�case of accelerrtion undcr parugraph 17.
<br /> ,� 19. Sale ot Note;CMu�e ot l.oAn Ssrvicer. 77�e Nae or a p�rtial interest in the Nae(togcther with this Security
<br /> ��;:��� Inswment)may be sald a�e or mcxe times without prior notice to Qorrowcr. A salc may result in a change In the entity
<br /> ------- (known av tAe"Loan Servicer')that collccts monthlY paYments due undrr thc Note und this Security Instrument. Thcre cilso
<br /> — ---°-�� rnay be one or more changes of the Loan Srrvi�tir unrelated to u sale of the Note. If them ix A change of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> ��v Borrower w[Il be given written notice of the ch:u�ge in accordance with parugraph 14 nbuve and upplicable law. The notice
<br /> �'�`.�`-'.�.,y�►: will state�he name w�d address of the new Loan Servicer ond the�ddress to which payments should be rtwde. The notice wiU
<br /> ----':.-^'Q=:�•`'' also rnnwin any other lnfomu+don required by applicable Iaw.
<br /> -��.. 20. Hazardous Subeboces. Bortower shnit not cnuse or pertnit the prcsence,use,dispawl,storage,or release of any
<br /> '�•_��.i_� Huordous Subctances on or in the Prupcety. Borrower shalt not do.nor allow anyone else to do.any�hing afftcring �he
<br /> � P[operty lhat is in violation of any Environmrntal Law. The preceding two sentences shalt not apply to tt�e presence,use,or
<br /> _ �: ' storage on thc Property of small qus+ntities of Hazsudoux Sub�wnces that ore generally ncco¢nized to be appropriate to nomwl
<br /> __��,�X,iy's�`� , residential uses and to maintenance of the Rvperty.
<br /> --- �*�r' � ' ,,W�-'� ,� Borrower sltall pranptly give Lender written notice of any invesugation,claim,demand,lawsuit or ather action by suiy
<br /> 4*•``Y: ¢�� govemmental or mgulatory ugency or private party involving the Nroperty and any Hatardoux Substance or Environmenwl
<br />• +� Law of which Borcower hus actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notificd by any governmenwl or mgulatory
<br /> , .. `�� ++�l�'=-� .- authority.that any removal or ather�+emediation of any Hazardous Subswnce affecting the Prupercy u necessury.B�«rower
<br />. ., �� "� slwll promptly wke all necessury rcmedial xtions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br />- �: '�.�-�� As uxKl in this parugraph 20,"Hsizardous Substunces"ure those substances defined ax toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> �;�r=.':�,,f"� Environmentul Law and the following substunce�: ga.�oline,kcroune,other flamm�ablc o�toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> � pe�ticides and hcrbicides, volatilc solvcnts, materialx cont:uning a�bestos ar formaldehyde,und rudioactive materials. As
<br /> '�:a•` �� �-.• , ,; usc�i in this parugruph 2U,"Environmemul Lnw"means feder�l laws su�d laws of tlx;jurisdiction where the Property is lacated
<br /> _,�•,, -_ � . ;� tlwt relute to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lender fnRher coven;uri and agree uc follows:
<br /> ____- �.��.;c'.°�'.t 3!. :lrerleralfos:: Rrsa�lks. L�kr s�al!g�ve n�!ticP!o li�rruwe�Qrior to acceleraHon tdlowiog Borrower's
<br /> breacd of Any rnvenaat ur agreement ia thLs Security lnstrumenllbut not prlor to acceleration uoder{wrag�aph 17
<br /> unless applicable Ww provides otderwtse). The notice shall�peciiy: la►the default;(bl the action required to cure 1he
<br /> � -• , default;(c1 a date,not less tlwn 30 d�ys from tAe d�te the notke Ls given to Borrower.by which the dePault mu�t be
<br /> ���`•`"�"� • cured;And Idl that Ps�ilore to cure the dePAUlt on or befnre the dr�te specified in the notice may result in accekration oP
<br /> ���� + . , tde sum4 secured by this Security lnstrument and s�le otthe Property. The notice shall furtYrr inform Borrower ot
<br /> ''�`= ' tlie rlght to reinstate atter acceleration and the right to bring a court actbn tu�ssert the non-existence of a default ur
<br /> � , . : �ny other defense of Borruwer to acceleratbn And wle. IF the default is not cured on or before the date s�ecified in
<br /> '"'' t6e notice,l,�nde�at its option may require immediate payment in full of all suros secured by Ihts Security Instrumeot
<br /> •• ' ' without further demand and mAy invoke tAe puwer of ss�le vnd any other remedies pe�mitted by applicpble Is�w.
<br /> ' � '` Lender slwll be entilled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuin� tAe remedies prnvided i� tAis par�raph 2l.
<br /> ` � . ,;: including.but not Iimited ta reysu�aDle attorneys'fees s�ad costs ot title evidence.
<br /> �:. ,.: . .. , a r`'�. li tice puwrr uf�tle i.ti imuAeyl.Tru+trr�iw0 rr�vrJ a �wti�Y uP drPauft io e++ch county in whkh eny p�rt of the
<br /> , ;;�. �, Property Is IucAted and shall mail copies of such notice M Ihr manner pr�cribed by applic�ble lyw tu Borruwer Lnd to
<br /> - the other persons presc�ibed bv applirable luw. After the time requirrd by upplicable law.Trustee shall give public
<br /> �'. �.,� � aotice ot sale to the persons nnd in the manner preuribed bv applic•rble law. 'lYu.r•tee.withuut demand on Borrower.
<br /> j, ' shall se0 the Piropertv s�t public auctiun tu the highest biddrr at the time und plLCe and under the te�ms drsignated in
<br /> '' `";;�:��; ^ tAe ootice of syle in one or mure pvrcels und io an}•urder Tru+tcr determine�. 'IYustee may postpone s�le oP all or am•
<br />� � ,.: : �� pnnrl of Ihe Property�y public vnnouncement at the time and place uf unv pre�iuusly scheduled tiwlr. L.e�der ur it�
<br /> •�y. .,._.<::: '�; designee may purchase the Propertv at vny s�le.
<br /> � ' Upon receipt oi payment ui'the price bid.Tru�tre�hall deli�er to Ihe purchu�rr 7Yustee's deed cumeying the
<br />� " Property. The rectlals in the 7lrustee ti deed�h�ll be?rimv facie r�idrnce oP lhe truth uP the statemenh made therein.
<br /> '_,t., 4 " �' � 'IY'ustee slwU aPP�y the praceeds otthe s�le in the Polluwing urder: lu1 tu vll custti and expenses otexercLsing tde power
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