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Y��' _ �"`__ '_`,-,�_ _ --_ " ' _--_ _- _- _' ._..__ ._ . ____..�_._.�.�J.._..�.-b' _-�--_-------....i.-e.-_'"." <br /> - c���rr�- . '_ -- ---� <br /> - - -�c, .. 'n'' <br /> — -- y. -• --..r:.. q;r- = ' _-- <br /> � �,r��� � �� _�,��,. . _-_ " <br /> ��"��. <br />.-._- � .- ....��"• �. <br /> .�_ -- - 9.2— iassso <br /> --- <..—�°=-.°°-_.=_-� ca:xt�:i� uthc�t:�ciay�of as�y psrt of thc Pmpcny.ot for cnnv�ynncY m lien M eMxlemnxtinn.�R I1CRI1y BYNI�11@II a(Id <br /> °%:- clwll be pai�to Lcnder. <br /> - ;.. In the event of u �otul talcing of the Propeny,the proceeJs �hall be applied ro the tiumti secund by ihi� S�urity <br /> In�lrument,whcthcr or not Ihen due.with uny cxcesx paid to Borrower. In thc evem of a pneipl taking af the Propeny in <br /> � >;,,._� which Ihe fui�m�rket��ulue uf the Prnpeny immediately before thc taking ic eyuul to or greuter than the umoum of�hc sums <br /> =.��-�` � seeured by this Securiry lnx�rumern �mmrJiu�ely 6efure d�e tui;ing, unie+s BoROwer und L.encirr uthecwix ug�i� in writing. <br /> ` the sums r.ecured by this ScYUrity Instrument shr�ll be reduced by thc amount of�hc praceeds mulliplied by the follawing <br /> ' fraction: (c+)the taui amount of ttie sum�recured immedisuely befare the laking,divided by(b)the fuir market vuluc of the <br /> Propa:r�y immediutely before ihe taking. Any balutue ahull be puid to Bortower. In the event of u paniul taking of the <br /> v ue af the Pro rt immedintel before the takin is less than tlx:umount af the sums <br /> Propeny in which the fair madcet al pe y Y R <br /> -- secured immedis►tely beforo the taF:ing, unlecs Borrower and Lender wherwitie Agree in wri�ing cx unless applicable luw <br /> - otherwise provides,tF�e proceeds stwll be upplied to the sums secumd by this Security Instniment whether ar not the+ums yre <br /> ' -=-'�arr.�.'•=,::.,:� ti�endue. <br /> �u�:..'�' � <br /> ,o�-r�.a. If�he Property is abandoned by Snrmwer,or if,aBer notice by Lender�o Borrower thul the condemno�of'ferx to ma{cc <br /> �,,,,,.:_,..��.,..� un awurd or tsenle a claim for damagec,Barrower fails to respand to Lender within 30 duy+after the dote�he notice is givcn. <br /> '��MZ-:"�i Lender is uuihorized�a collect and apply�he pmceeds,ut its option,ei�her to restora�ion or rrpair of the Property or ta�he <br /> --.��i.y�,..•:.,�;,,�; sums securcd by thix 5ccurity In.rtrume�t,whether or not then due. <br /> w. � ,� -= Unlesa Lender smd Borrower ahenvixe ogree in wriiing,nny opplicutian of pracc�eds to principal shAll not extend or <br /> �I postpone the due date oP the manthly ppyments referred ta in parngrUphs 1 and 2 or chunge the umount of Kuch payments. <br /> �—� 1!. Barrower Not Reteased; Forbearnnce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of �he time for puymeat or _ <br /> - ,r . I madiflculion of amortiu►tion of ihe�ums secured by this Security Instniment granted by Lender to uny successor in intere�t <br /> �,;��.. oi Borrower shnll not operate to rrleu.+e ihe liability of the original Borrower or Bortower� successors in interez�. Lender <br /> �"��='"'"� 4hull nw he rcyuired ta commence proceedings ugumst any succestior in inlerest or�fuse to extend time for pnyment�r <br /> -�F�c.��:�-:•• :• � otherwise modify umonization of the xums secured by thix Security Instrument by reason of uny demwid mude by the originul <br /> �-�G��� Botrower or Borrower�s 4uccessors in interest. Any forbearnnce by Lender in exereising any ripht ar mmedy shull not be u <br /> rnn <br /> �':�_�� f t� waiver of or preclude Ihe exercise of uny right or remedy. <br /> ;�,,,, .,,.. a. Y 12. Successor's and Assigns Bound;Joint and Severs�l I.fubiNty;Caslgners. The co�•enunts und ugreements of thiti <br /> --�'�'+ Securit Inrztrument shall bind nnd benefit the successors und ussigos of Lender und Borrower,cubject to the provisions of <br /> �Y�;•ici.l4:sb�ti - Y <br /> �,,. ,, ;,• �►."' parugrnph 17. Bormwer�covenants nnd agreements shall be joint und severAl. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> —�`�W� � = � � Inx�n�ment but daes not exrcute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only m mongage,grunt und convey that <br /> ':����••�.., ,. ._l• ; <br /> {Fi�d,.�.�;-•�+.r:, Borrower ti imerest in the Property under the terms of thix Security lnstrument; (b1 is not personally obliguted to puy�hc sumti <br /> �.�—.�.� " � secur�ed by this Scturi�y lnstnrment;nnd(c)agrees thut Lender nnd nny other Borrower muy ugree to extend,modify,fc►rbeur <br /> �-�_.�,��...v,:�,,.._:-�' ur mukn u�iy accommodatians with regasd to the temts of this Secudly Instsument or the Note without thut 9omowtr� <br /> :; con�enl, <br /> �`�� � 1J. Loan Charges. If the ban sccurcd by thi. Securiry lntitnimem is �ubject ta u IAw whirh setx muximum loan <br /> � . �. ., charges,and that Inw is�nally interpreted so�hat the interest or ather loan chu�ges collected ar to be collected in cannection <br /> .W;�,�;,, .', „ with the laun exceed the pennitted limits.lhen: (A1 any such loun rharge shull be reduced by thr umount necesxnry ta reduce <br /> �f��^ ,.,;y�- ��• � the chnrge to the permitted limit:and(b)any sums nlrcudy collected from Bormwer which exceeded pern�ilted limits will 6e <br /> ,.c;. �, � refunded to Borrower. Lender mny choose to muke thix refund by reducing the principnl owed under the Note or by making a <br /> �„'' ` direct payment to Bortower. li u refund reduce�principul,the reduclion will be IreAted us a partial prepayment without any <br />-_ � ` "'" " � , prepayment churgc under the Natc. <br />- _ ;�".�'.:� , � ' ; 14. Notices. Any notice to BoROwcr pmvided for in this Security Instrument �hull be given by delivering it or by <br /> - . � mailing it by fint clUtis mail unles,upplici�blr luw rcyuircs u+e of unother method.The notice shull he dirccted to the Ruperty <br /> ��; , �; Addresx or nny olhcr uddretis Bortowcr detiiEncucti By notice lo l.ender. Any notice ro Lcndcr+hull be given by firv�cluss <br /> �� „ muil ta Lender's uddress sluted hcrcin or uny other uddn:.ti LenJrr Jc,ign�tes by noticc�o Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> T.� � ., '�, � `.��. I in this Sccurity Inxtrument xhull tx:J��med to have hcen given to Bortower or Lender when Fiven a� provided in this <br /> .,+�.�. <br /> � " ,.. I pamgroph. <br /> �� .. • � 15. GoverninR Lww: Severability. Thi+ Srcurity Intitrumenl .h•rll hc govemcd by i'ederal luw and the IaN• ot'thr <br />.�,'� . , <br /> .. , jurisdiclian in which the Property i+I�xaied. In the event thul uny pmvitiion or cluu.e��f thiti Security Instnimenl or�he No�e - <br />_*t�' ' i conflicls with upplicAble tnw,such conflirt,hull n��t affrrt uther pmvi,iimx��f thi�Srcurity Instrument or�he Note which run <br /> . be given effect withow the contlictinF provision. To thi,�:nd�hr pmvisions of�hix Se¢urity Instrumenl und the Note are <br /> . ." '„�,�`.'�"�` • , i declured to l�e xeveruNle. <br /> ' � �� ` �"° � 16. Borrower'!�Copy. Bom�wcr�hall hc givcn unr cun(omieJ r��py af�!u Notr�nd of thi,Srruriry In+trument. <br /> a �� � � l7. 7Yansfer��Pthe Prnperty or u Beoeficial Interest in Borrower. If�II or um pah ot'thc Pmpeny or any incerest in <br />- ' ' � • �' " it is sold or Irun+ferreJ(ar ii'u lxnctirial intercst in Bormwer i+�old or tr.u�si'crrcd ;tnd Burrower is not u naturu) penan) <br />�'!!.. •'"' �°"' without Lendcr+prio� wrinen con.rm, l.ender may,at it,uption.rcyuire immediatr payment in full of ull sums secured by <br /> �• '��'�, this Securi�y Inxwment. Huwevcr,ihis option shall not tx cxercixd by Lrnder il'exen:i+e i.prohibited by f'cdernl luw us nf <br /> - ; ,�w�` r thc dute uf thi.Securiry Inrtrumcn�. <br /> .�� If Lender cxerci+es thi,ap�iun,Lendcr+hall givc Borrciw•rr mnicr ii�arrrleralion. 'I'he noticc�hall provide a period of <br /> •: �iot Irss than ill dayx fmm Ihr dutr�he nalire i,deliv�reJ or niailrJ within which Bonu.�rr mu,l pa�•all+um.,rcurcd b}•this <br /> . :.. . Securiry Instrument. If Burmwrr fail� u� pay Ihc.c�um� prior tu Ihr cxpir:uian uf thi.perial. Lender may invoke any . <br /> „ remeditr�m�iucJ by this Securiq•ln.trumrnt��ithuut t'urthcr notirr ur demand un Borrou•cr. <br /> IS. Bn�roe�er's RiRht to Reinstate. If B�►rruwcr�ncrl�crrlain conJition.. Burr��Wrr .hall have Ihr �ight to havc <br /> � .� • enforcemern of�hi.Serurity In+trument di�cuminurd:u any time rri�,r t��thc earlirr uf: �:u S J:i��ior wch ulher�xnixl a, <br /> � ' ti�oglcl•.�m�l>••Funnk\1re�Frnldk�f�c1\IM'lIR\fl�tifRl'�1F:\T-lmt��mit'o� 4/40 ��cr1,�/np,�.¢r�i � <br /> ' y., <br /> / <br /> � <br /> . ' . ,_, .._ .. . <br /> . .� -..��..�..�......_...� . _ <br />..�.__'. _'._ �_ _tL,t- _°_'`_r, _ . -_____ '__�... _____- �__�_rs_.�r�_:�,.— _ __ `�'"_ _ rl. <br /> _ - ° - - <br /> - - --- - -- - -- --- . _ . _ _. . ._ .__ - �- -- -=- -. .- ---_ <br /> ..�� _ � <br /> . �.�� ,� .. . <br /> � , <br /> � • <br /> . . k. i� <br /> • ' <br /> . I <br /> s ,� I <br />