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<br /> -_:--� �"- -�___..� te. Mba.a.n.oi�Provt�oeM.
<br /> _,.-;`—�� (�)SoROwn pkl pNMS�d.Exten�lon of th�dms tw paym�nt or modllloatlon of amord�tlon of the wms s�aund by thls
<br /> Msd of Trun pnnted by Lend�r to�ny sucaessor In�nt�re�t of Bonowe�hall not op�rate to rNas�,In�ny nwnna,tM II�blliy
<br /> o}th�orlpinal Bonow�r�nd 8or�ower'�succetson In Interyt.l�nd�r�hill not b�rsqulrod to comm�nc�pracNdlnp��qalnq
<br /> n�':�: �uoh�uco�or or relus�to�xtsnd Um�for p�ym�nt or othWwlM modly�moAlz�pon of tha sum�s�ound by thls DMd d 1'rwt
<br /> ___ by reeeon oi eny demand�m�d�by th�oripinal 8onow�r�nd Bonower'a�ucc�sson In Intersst _
<br /> :,_ � (b)L�nd�r'�Powwh,Without aBecttnp the Ii�bility ol any oth�r pason Ilabt�for ttis paym�nt ot pny oblipaUon haroln
<br /> mentloned,�nd without dleadnp the Ilen or oh�rps of thls DNd of Ttust upon�ny portlon of th�Prop�Ay not th�n ar th�aWion
<br /> relea�ed a�securiry lor�hs full amount ol all unpald oblipepon�,Lend�r m�y,lrom dm�to dms�nd wlthout noUa�(i)rNe��ny
<br /> person so Ilabts,(il)eztend tho m�wriry or plter any of the term�of any such oblipadom,(III)�rant oth�r Indulp�nca,(Iv)�elw�
<br /> or reconvay,or cau�e to be ralasad or reconveyed et any pme at Lendor't opQon eny p�rcel,portlon or�II ol ths PropWty,
<br /> ---- � (h taka or relea�e any othor or eddiUonel aeourity lor any oblipedon haefn m�ndonod,or(vq rrwk�compo�lpon�or oth�r
<br /> � arninpsmeMs wlth debtan in reletion thereto.
<br />-" � �^�,�,1,�� (c) Fotb�uano�by LMdn Not a WaMr.Any forbearance by Lender In exerci�inp any ripht or remedy hereunder,or -
<br /> ���' ctherwise eBorded by appllcebls lew,shall not be a walver of or preclude the exerol�e of any �uah ripht or remady.Th�
<br /> praourement ol insurence or the payment of taxea or other Ilene or aharpea by Landor shall not be a walvo�of Landa�'t rlpht to
<br /> aecolente the maturly o1 the Indabtednesa aecured by this Oeed of Truet
<br /> �� (d)8ueaawn�nd Assipm Boued;JoMt�nd 8wKal I.I�bllly►;C�ptlon�.The aovenanb and apreements hereln con-
<br /> -°;�;,;,��:��,.���, '� qlned shall bind,and the riphb hereunder�hell inure to,the respealiva �ucce�eon and assbns ol Lender and Trwtor.All
<br /> covenenis pnd ap�e�m�nta of Trustar shell be Joint end severel.Tha cappom end headinpe ot the parapr�phs ot thl�Owd of
<br /> �"�;t�j.r,�"�`•-� ' Tmst ars for convenlenc�only and are not to be used to interpret or defl�e the provislons hereof.
<br /> -"�� !�,;�•���+���-�;��° , (e) R�quNlfw NoHc�s.Th�parUes hereby requeat thet a copy of any notico of dafault hereunde►end a copy of any noqce �
<br /> 4 , �`��`' ol aal�hereunda►be mNled to each perty to this Deed of Truat at the eddress eet foMh ebove In the manner presaribad by
<br /> �'�=-•'`:"'%'"�-ti��• applicable law.Except fo�any otho�notice requlred under applicable lew to be piven in another menner,any nodce provided
<br />-�;�'�` ��`'`''""' 1or In this Deed of Trust ehall be piven by mellinq auch notlae by certlfied m all addreseed to the other pertiea,et the address set
<br /> � ' ..�.:
<br />" ' "��� ���.� forth obave.Any�otice p�ovided for in thls Deed ut Truet shall be eftecUve upon mellinp In the menner de�lgnetad heroln.If
<br /> �.j�e.';:�5.��;;n,',ti7'� Tru�tor is more than one pereon,notice sent to the addreas set forth ebove eheB ba nodce to all �uch pereon�.
<br /> - -, ,,, � (q I�sp�eUon.I.ender may make or oause to be mede reasoneble entrles upon and In�pectlone of the Praperty,provided
<br /> — .�°;� ` �,%" , that Lander shell glva Trusta notico prlw to any auah Inspectlon apeclyinp�easonabla cawe tharafor relatad to L�ndor'�
<br />- ,t..•+���`:•j4-.«,�, Nitareit In the Properly.
<br /> ����� � (p) R�aonv�yanc�.Upon payment of all sume aecured by thia Deed oi Truet Lender ehell�equeet Truetee to reconvey the
<br /> - ,.._,� ..., ,sr,
<br /> -� =�^���`'�;,�x � • PropeAy and�hall ewrender thls Deed ot Trust end all notea evidenci�9lndebtednesa�ecured by thls Deed of Truot to Trustee.
<br /> —' � Trustee shsll reconvey tho Properly w8hout warranty end wlthout chupe to tha person or person�lepely endGod tharNO.
<br /> �"`''`�"��`�� Trostor shall pey all cc+sle of recordadon,II any.
<br /> -��``��� fii) pii,t�oi prpp�iy; Saccuity Apraass�anl.As add!!lone! securlty for tt�e peyment of the Note.Trusto�hsreby pranb
<br /> _ ",,tui+rrv;.�.. ...y', ;> P8 M PeMY
<br /> :a;f�;, . :.,�_:;;,� Lender under the Nebra�ke Unitorm Commercial Code e securiry Intereat In all fixlurea,equlpment,end other rsonel o
<br /> . s .:r� u�ed In connectlon with the real estate or fmprovemeMs loceted thereon,and not otherwiae declo►ed or deemed to be a pa�t ol
<br /> the npl astete�eaured hereby.This Instrument shell be conet►ued as e 3ecuriry Figreement undQr�ald Code,and the I.ender
<br /> _�, `�, •� �hell heve all the riphts end remediea oi a secured party under seid Code in additlon to the rlphts and renedlea created under
<br /> — , • and acoorded the Lender punuent to thls Deed of Trus�provided that Lender's rlphte end remedles under thls paragraph shell
<br /> "��;-�''� ' be cum�detive with,and In no woy a Ilmitetlon on,Lender's riphts and remedles under e�y other aecuriry apreamant Wpned by
<br /> _:�: • ' Borrower or Truetor.
<br /> -_ • •:�.,i (f) Li�ns and Encumb�ancn.Trustar hereby warrants and repreaents thet there Is no default under the p►ovislons of any
<br /> , �•. '��. ,_ mo�tyape,deed of trust,lease or purchase contract descrfbing all or any part ol the Property,a other contracf,Inahument or
<br /> . � s'�-��°.° �� �x 8.. apreoment constituling a flen or encumbrance apelnat all vr any part of the Propertyr(collectively,"Lfene"),exfstinp ae of fhe 4
<br /> _� _ � . _�• _ d�te of thls Deed ol T�uet,and thet any end all exiatinp Liena cemefn unmoditled except as dlecloaed to Lender In Trustor's
<br /> - � '„ . wNlten diactoaure of Hen1t end encumbrences provided br hereln. Trustor shall timely perform all ot Truetor's obllpetion�,
<br /> - � covenents,representatlons end war�antlea under any and all exishing end future Uene,shell promptly forward to Lender copiea
<br /> =� ot all nodcas ol default aent In connection with any end all exlotfng or luture Llena,and ahall not without Lender's prlor writbn
<br />- n consent In any menner modify the provislona o1 or allow any future advances under any exiating or future Llene.
<br /> '��g�r,. Q) ApplloaBon of P�ym�nb.Unless otherwlae requlred by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder,Includinp without Ilmlfation
<br /> ��'�' , payments of principal and Interest,insurence proceeds,condemnetlon proceeds and rents and protits,ehall be applled by
<br /> � . .-�a Lander to the amounta due and owing from Trustor and Borrower in such order ae Lender In fts eole dlscretlan deema deeirable.
<br /> --=. .,�jp;,��;-� '� (k) Sw�rN►Ility.Ii any proviafon oi thls Deed of Trust conflicts wllh eppticable law or Is dectared invalid or otherwlse
<br /> ''„ ,t_ ° • � unenlorceable,such conNict or invalidlly ahall not aHect the other provlsons o1 thfs Deed of Trust or the Note whlch cen be ��,
<br />;�Q�� .,a , piven eHect wllhout the coMllctiny provislon,and to thEs end Ihe provislons ot thfs Deed ot Trust and the Note ere declared to be ._
<br /> �� ��, . . L tevernble. �.
<br /> al� _ , „ .� p)Trmf�.The terrn�"T�ustor"and"Borrower"�hall Include both aingular and plural,and when the Truotor end Borrower
<br /> ;Y � pre the seme peraon(s),those terma ae used In this Deed ot 7rust ahall b Interchan le. �
<br />.�� • (m) Qov�minq Law.This Deed of Truat ahall be governed by t te o Nebreake.
<br /> - ��•r' Trusto►ha�exeouted thle Deed of Trust ae ot the date writlen abo
<br /> -��'�rr . Trustor k•-
<br />,.� . , _
<br /> . . `�
<br /> � �. FA H A 0 R13 True or �
<br /> ' � _ � . ._.,. — .. ,r.., k
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