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<br /> � f�Propat�r I��p ykM�,pr d�m��d,L�nd�r�II h�v�th�Opdon.ln Ib sol���bwlub dlra�Nlon.to�pply dl suoh ProcMd�,
<br /> -- _ - �fE�r d�ductinp tl�rNrom�II cab�nd exp�nw�Inoun�d by It In aonn�atlon whh wah ProcNd�,upon�ny I�d�bbdr►�w s�ound
<br /> . �� - -- h�nby md In suoh ad�r n L�nO�r may an�rmin�,or to appiy�li�uoh Prwwds.�iiu�uoh d.duati�n�•,tu ifi•rwt�r`rion at itw -- -
<br /> �`'' Prop�rty upon such oonclidom a L�nd�r may d�Urmins.Any appllc�Uon o1 ProcNd�to Ind�bt�dna��hall not�xnnd ot pwfpon� —
<br /> �� th�du�dat�of�ny p�ymmb und�r th�Not�,or aun any d�tault th�r�und�r o►h�nundu.llny un�pplNd(und��hall b�pald b
<br /> Trwb►.
<br /> ` 8. Pwlonn�nc�b/L.�nd�r.Upon th�ocaurranc�ot an Ewnt ol Def�ult hereunde�,or If any Act b fak�n or Ip�l proeNdUp
<br /> � ��� cumm�nc�d wMah m�t�►I�IIy�tlf�oq l.and�P�Interqt in th�PropMy,Lend�r m�y In It�own dl�raUon,but without oWly�pon to do �_ -
<br /> w,and without notica to a d�mand upon Trwtor and without r�lw�inp Tru�tor I�om any obllpoQon,do any aa!which Truitor hu
<br /> L aprMd but ful�to do ond may alw do�ny oth�r�ot It dwms mc�s�sry to prot�ct th�Naurlly h�reol.Trwtor�hall,Immadl�bly
<br /> :�� upon dWn�nd thorsior by L�nder,p�y te Lend�r all co�t�and expenws incurred�nd wms oxpsnd�d by L�ndar in aonn�ctlon with
<br /> �a�•srs•,,• . ths�x�rels�by I.�nd�r of th�forpolnp Nphb,topath�r with Inteat thsr�on at th�d�hult nb providud in ths Not�,whlah shNl b�
<br /> — add�d b th�ind�bt�dnou Mour�d h�nby.L�nda shall not Inaur�ny Il�bility b�oauw of anythlnp it m�y do or omit to do
<br /> --—��". '�..._r�� h�nundar.
<br /> .—.-_��;,�___��� 9. MMS�rdan M�N�•TruaWr shell keep the Property in compliance with all applleable lawe,ordlnancea and repuladona
<br /> - rebdnp W IndufVlel hypions or environm�nbl proteotion(collectively referred to herein a�"Environmenf�l Laws").Trustar�h�ll
<br /> �::?�..:;::�:.�
<br /> ... _� keep the P�operly Iree Irom all aub�tenceo deemed to be hazerdous or toxia under eny EnvironmenWl law�(collectively reterred to
<br /> ��° „�. ;�; herein es"liezardout Mat�rlale'�.Truator he�eby werrente and rep�eaents tq Lender that there are no Huardous Moterlali on or
<br /> �}� und�r the Propaty.Trustor hereby aprees to Indemniiy and hold harmlaes Lander,Ib directoro,oBicers,employee�and aqents,and
<br /> �`'�"`"'`�''" '"'�'� an �ucasston to Lender'e Intere�L from and sprin�t any end aU clelms,damape�,lossea�nd Ilabilitiss arielnp In aonneaUon wlth
<br /> �.a�a.,�=-:•�': • Y
<br /> ----- the p�e�ence, u�e, dlopowl or trenspon of any Ma�rdous Moterial�on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREdOIN(3
<br /> ���.L;���
<br /> .� a�-.._ 10.As�nnNnt ol R�nb.Trustor hereby essip�e to Lender the rents,I��uec and prolite of the Properly;providad that Tru�tor
<br /> -����~� • � ihall,unUl tha acaurrence of an Hvent o}DeTault hereunder,have the ripht to colleot and rataln�uch rents.iewos end prollb e�thsy
<br /> ' 3;•„ . ' ' become due and payable.Upon the oaaurrenae of an Event of 0efault,Lender mey,either in person or by apant,with or without
<br /> �-'�; �" , .,, � brinpinp Any ecUon ot proceedUp,or by a receiver appointed by a court and without repard to the adequacy of ita aeaurity,entor
<br /> �� ��°�" �; upon and take poue�elon of the PropeAy,or any pert thereoi,in la own neme or In the name of the Truetee,and do a�y acts which It
<br /> ,�k::_w �-•��; deems nacaesery or desireble to preserva the value,markeWbf Iity or rentabllity ot the Properiy,or any part thereof or intere�t therein,
<br /> . ��`•'� ��•�'� �+ � Increafe the income therelrom or protect the securiry horeof and,with or without tekinp poasee�ion ol the Property,we for or
<br /> "'��.
<br /> otherwlse eolleat the re�te,ieaues and proflts thereot.Includinp thoee pest due end unpald,and epply the same,leas co�ta and
<br /> ��w� •• ' _ :. � . expeneea ot operation end collectlon Includfnp aqorneys'faea,upon any Indebtednese�ecured hereby,all In euch order as Lender
<br /> may determine.The enterinQ upon and tekinp poaseeslon of the P�operty,the collectlon of auoh renU,ieauee and profits and tha
<br /> _: � , . ',�.. appliceGon thereof as aforeeaid,ahell not cure or walve eny delault ar notice o f de feu lf h ereun der or inva l i da t e any a c t d o n e i n
<br /> -�� ; reaponte to euch defpult or purouent to such notice of default and,notwithstendlnp the conGnuence In poaeesslon of the Property or
<br /> _-_ _ - ` ___` the coAecdon,receipt and applicedon o}renp,iasuea or proflte,and Trustee and Lender ahell be entlded to exerclee every►Ipht
<br /> `_�..�.Y;a.'.:s,"�;::;;_-:—.
<br /> w.. provided for In eny olthe Loan I�atruments or by lew upon occurrence of any Event of Default,lncludlnp without limitetion the riphi
<br /> � '�''"•� •� ' to exerolse the power ot sele.FuAher,Lender'e rfyhta and remedlea under this peraqraph ahall be curnulative with,end in no wey a �,,_�
<br /> Ilmitatlon on,Lender'e riphta and remedies under any esaipnment oi leases and rents recorded apeinst the PropeAy.Lender,Tru�lee
<br /> ''�� � pnd the recelver sheA be Ileble to accaunt only to►thoae rente actually recelved. _
<br /> •��°. !•, 11, Er�nb o1 DN�ufl.The following shall constitute en Event of Default undar lhis Deed of Truet
<br /> - (a)Fallure to pay eny inatallment of principal or intereat of any other eum aecured hereby when due:
<br /> `- � '�'1i'" � +,, (b)A breach of or default under any provlaian contelned In the Note,this Deed ol Trust,any ol lhe Loan Inat�umonb,or any
<br />-- ,,,,,: ., ,. othor Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> . (c)A writ ol executfon or ettachment or any similer proceas ehall be entered against Trustor which shall become e Ilen on
<br /> : ..�, . ° • " �� the Prope�ly o�eny porlion thereof or Intereat thereln; �.
<br />- - �� (d)There shell be filed by or againat Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or tuture federal,afate or other _,_
<br /> •�� � • stetute,law ar repulaGon relatlna to bankruptcy,Inaolvency or other rellef lor debtora;or there shall be appolnt�d any trustee, P=°
<br /> � •� • recelver or Ilquldator of Trustor or Borrower or of ell or eny part of the Property,or the renb,Inue�or proflts theraof,or Trustor ���
<br />-_'�. "° � b►9orrower shall make eny general aesipnmont for the benelft of croditora; -
<br /> "� � �?; . � . (e)The eele,tranefer,leeae,aselgoment,cprveyance or lurther eneumbrance of all or any peA of or any Interest in the �
<br /> " � " PropeAy, elther voluntarlly or involuntarlly,without the expresa written conaent of Lender, p�ovided thet Truator ahell be t
<br /> �_ `�'Z` :� permitted to axeeute e leaae of the Propery thnt doeg not contuin an optlon to purcheae ahd the tarm ot whfah doo�not oxc�d _ -
<br /> i ona yeor,
<br /> (�Abendonment of the Properly;or ��
<br /> .�=. '. •� (�)It Trusta Is not an Indivfdual,the Issuence,sele,tranafer,asaiynment,canveyance or encumbranca of more than a tofel
<br /> '�d . � __
<br /> _� '_ � ol percent of pf a corporatfon)Its Issued and outstanding stock or(fl a paNnership)e total of percent ot
<br /> ••�.kT�'� parinerehlp intereats during the perlod thls Deed of Truat remalna e Ilen on the Property.
<br /> ^ 12. R�m�dlu:Aee�Nadon Upon DN�ult.ln the event of any Event of Oefault Lender mey,wfthout notice except es requlred by
<br /> , m
<br /> .,, �;�; ' lew,dec�are all indebtednesa�aecured hereby to be duo and peyable and the same sholl thereupon become due and payebla
<br /> - •��• without any presentment,demand,protest or notice of eny kfnd.Thereaker Lender mey: —__
<br /> ' •C�u.�,vt:� ----
<br /> (a)Demend that TrWt�ee exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted heref�,ond Trustee ahall thereatter cause Truator'a
<br /> ' - fntere�t fn the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,all fn the manner provlded In the Nebraske Trust Deed� ��"
<br /> Acr � • �
<br /> (b)Exercise any and all rlqhts provided lor in any of the Loen Inatruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event o1
<br /> � • � Defaulk and -
<br /> (c)Commence en actlon to forecloae thle Deed of Trust as a mortflaye,appolnt a recelver,or apecllically enforce eny ot the �
<br /> covenants hereol.
<br /> No remedy herein conferred upon o�reserved to Truslee or lender Is Intended to be excluslve of any other remedy hereln,In the ,�
<br /> .' Loan Instrumenta or by I�w provlded or permltted,but eaoh shell be cumulative,ahall be in addltion to every other remody glven �.�
<br /> � hereunder,In ihe Loen Instruments or now or hereafler exiating at law or�n eqwry or by atatute,and mey be exerclsed concurrently,
<br /> ' + � Independently or succeaalvely. ���'�
<br /> 13. TnatN.The Truatee mey reslgn at any ume wRhout ceuse,and Lender may at any time and without cause appofnt a
<br /> � t succesaor or aubstilule Truatee.Trustee shall not be Ilable to any party.Including wlthout Iimitatlon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any (
<br /> y. purchaserof the Property,for a�y losa or damage unless due to reckless or willlul misconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any ,
<br /> , �,�„�.y_ _ : _ action In connecdon wlth the enforcement of Ihls Deed of 7rust unless mdemrllled, In wrNing,tw all costa,compenaatlon or f
<br /> ..�--°-- -�.._...�... ...�....�u.e o....,..n.�t..il�r�n�nr .
<br /> -___ — _____.__—_._. _ . . . . ._"'._._�..."'..�.� .__�...�__ t""''___ ..... ....
<br /> __ eapan�es wmcn mayunnnauu�u�w a�o�ow����.���aw����..��. ��..o�����o�..o....���oo M,.�..����.�...,...i................_�_..,„__._._._. -
<br /> , • under the power ol aale grented hereln�;postpone the sale of all or any portlon o(the Property,es provided by lew;or sell the
<br /> � Property as e whole,or In separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretfon.
<br /> ' �� 14. F��nd Fa�p�na�.In lhe event Trustee sells the Property by exerclse oi power ot eale,Trusteu shall be enlltled lo apply
<br /> any sale proceeds flrat to payment of all costs and expenses ol exerciafng power ol sale,Includfng all Trustee's lees,and Lender's
<br /> ' � and Trustee's ettorney's lees,ectually incurred to extent permftted by appllceble lew.In the event Borrower or Truator exerclses any
<br /> � ---_- .---- riph2 Frovlded by!sw t�Cure tt�F•�nnt nf nalault I ander shall be enutled to recover from Trustor all Co9ta and expenees actuelly
<br /> ' Incurred at a reault of Truetor's deteult, Including wlthout limltetfon all Trustee's and attorney's lee4, to the extent permllted by
<br /> ' ' i �..i1,ti•. ..• . eppliCabie law.
<br /> �' 15. Fuluro Adv�ncH. Upon request ol 9orrower. Lender may,et Ita optlon,make eddltlonal and luture advances and re-
<br /> ' '" .n,,.. advances to 8orrower.Such advancea and readvances,wlth f nterest thereon,shell be secured by this Deed of Truat.A1 no tlme shall
<br /> , ` ;• ' ��'+�� the principel amount of the Indebtedneas secured by thla Deed o1'frust,notnc�� s advanced to pr tthe securl{y of thls
<br /> ± �� ' . Deed of Truat exaeed the oripinal principal amount ateted hereln,or$ �����'� whichever Is gr eterr • �
<br /> i .
<br /> t ' . ,
<br /> i �
<br /> i .
<br /> 7r o �
<br /> .� . - -- . —r�
<br />