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<br /> - � _ thnt Lender�equires)pro vided by an insuner approvod by Lender again becotnes av�iirbic orcd ir obts��ix�1�1�itr{i�►y _
<br /> the premiums roquircd to maintein matgagc inauranc�e in effect.ur to provide a loos reacrvc,unUl the roqufrwtw�t fior nwrtQa�e
<br /> -- ituwrance enda in xcottience wlth any written agnxment 6etwan Borrawcr and I.ender or applicable law.
<br /> 9. In�pectbo. L.endcr a its Agrnt mwy makc reasonable enMes upon�td inrpections of the PropeAy.Lender ob�U
<br /> ___ -- a3ve Botmwer notice at the time oP�x prior to en�nepection apecifying reasonable cauce for the in:pectlon. __
<br /> 10. CondewwNoa. Tl�e pmcads of eny award or claim for damages,dioect ar consequenctd.in connection with
<br /> any condemnation or other taking of�ny Ewrt of the Property.or fo�conveyenco In lieu of condemnotion,aro heroby
<br /> a�igned and shall be pAid w I.ender.
<br /> In the avent of a total taking of the Property.tho proceeda shall be epplied to the sums secu�d by ihia Sa:w�ity
<br /> Instrument, whether or not lhen due,with any excess paid to Borrower.In the eveM of a partial taicL►g of thc Ptnperty in
<br /> which thc fdr market value of the Property immeditucly befcme the ta�ing is equel to or greater than the amount of tFie suma
<br /> ---��- secured by thls Sceurity lashument immediaroiy bafom�he taking,unkss Borrower and Lender otherwfafe eg�e in wridng,
<br /> the suma secursd by this Secnrity Instrument ahall be reduced by the amou�t of the proceeds multiplied by the following
<br /> - _— fraction:(a)the total amount of the suma cecurca immediately beforo the taking,divided by(b)the fair market value of the
<br /> Propecty immedlately before the taking.Any balance shall be paid ta Borrower.In the event of a paKial taking of the
<br /> Proputy in which the feir merket value of the i'mpeny immedistely before the taking ia less�han the amount of the sums
<br /> secured imrnediately befort the taking,unless Bomower and l.endcr othcrwise ag�ee in writing or unless upplicable law
<br /> �-� otherwise pmvidea,the pmeeed�ahaU be applied to the suma cecured by this Security Insbument whether or not tho cums are
<br /> - then due.
<br /> -���,f°' If the Propecty Is abandoncd by Bormwer,n�if,after notice hy l.ender to Borrower that the condem�wr affets w
<br /> - meke an award or seule a cleim for da:huges,Botrower fails to reapond to I.ender within 30 days after Ihe date the notice is
<br /> � _=_ -_- _- given,I.ender is authodzed to collect and upply the proceeds.at its optfon,either to�estora[ion or nepair of tho Propeny or to -
<br /> :" � '�i � the sums secwed by this 3ecudty Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless L.ender end Bo�rower otherwise agree in writing,uny application of proceeds to pr�ncipal shall not extend or
<br /> -"�� �+s�,�y postpone the duc date of thc monthly payments�femed to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or cbenge the amount of such pAymenls.
<br /> -- �;�`�`���� Yl. Borrower Not Relensed; Forbearance By Lender Not a Walver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> -w_�� - — modiflcadon of ama�tlzat�on of the sums secured by this Secudty Insuument granted by I,ender to any successor in intcrest
<br /> '' ;• of Bcrrower ehall not operate to teleasis thc liability of�he original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. L.ender
<br /> ..� :
<br /> ;_�'� , •.;i,;,,:;.�„� , shall nat be required to commence praceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> -- xT, otherwise modify amortization of thc suma secured by this Security Instrument by reason of eny demsnd made by the
<br /> ,:.:�. odginal Harrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by L.ender in exeneicing any right or remedy shdl
<br /> _— not be a waiver of or pn�clude the exer�cise of any dght or nemedy.
<br /> _- 1Z. �c�ssass aad Asdgss�Nouad;laln!ans!Severs!Llab!!lty;CQ-slgners. The covenantg an!1 ngr�tnPnta of this
<br /> _ �,�.;;,��,.;._.•`,�:' Security Inswment ahall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of l.ender and Borrower, subject to the provlsions of
<br /> .•' � ••�'�:�:�• • p,uagreph 17. Borrower's covenants aad agreements shafl be joint and sevcrul.Any Borcower who co-aigns this Securiry
<br />��:�� .
<br /> .,, ,,° ,;•..,,. ,.�f' Instrument but does no►execute ihe Note:(a)is co-signing this Security lnstrument only to mortgage.grant and convey thet
<br /> �:;; ;,, ,, Borrower's intere�t in the Praperty under thc terms of this Security Instn�menr(b)is not personully obligated to pay the sums
<br /> �"" • "`{°�", • and(c)a s that Lender and An other Borrower ma a ree to eatend,modi forbear or
<br /> , secured by this Security Instrumenr, gree Y Y,� f5'•
<br />.- ;''�"� �°" malce�ny accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note wuhout that Borrower's consent.
<br /> - •• �."�'�* } 13. l.oAn Charges. If the laar�secured by this Security Instrument is subject to u law which sets maximum loan
<br />_ •'"'"�` charges,end that luw is finally fnterpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection
<br /> .. �
<br /> . wlth the loan exceed�lie perm�tted limits,then:(n)uny such loan charge shall be reduced by the umount necesnary to reduce
<br /> ''+ • '� 'r° .�°ti�-• the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which eaceededpertnitted limits will be
<br /> �',. ', '`' . ��;;: refunded to Borrower.Lender muy choose to mnke this r�efund by reducing the principul owed under the Note or by making o
<br /> �J�� direct puyment to Borrower.lf a refund reduces principal,thc reduction will be treuted as n partial prepayment withoul any
<br /> �,.•^ . .. ��' '
<br /> =_,� ° ��_�� prepayment charge under the Note.
<br />=;�:� .�'""` 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or 6y
<br /> "'•"' mailing il by first clnss muil unless applicable luw requires use uf unother method.The notice shall be directed to the Pruperry
<br /> �� " •` " Address or any other address Borrower designutes by notice to L.ender.Any notice to I.ender shell be given by fi�t clas.c mail
<br /> � ��` to L.ender's address stated hcrein or any other uddt+ess I.ender designates by no�ice to Borrower.Any notice provided for in lhis
<br /> ^�;:�� .a���� Secudty Instrument shall be deemed to hnve been given to Borrower or I.ender whcn given as provided in this puragrnph.
<br /> � IS. Governing Law;Severnbilily. Thiw Security lnstrument shall be govemed by fedeml law und the law of the
<br />"- -��"=^;�•�,• � jurisdiction in which the Praperty i�locuted.In the event thut any provision or cluuse of this Secu�ity Instrument or the Nate
<br /> � conflicts with upplicuble Inw,such conflict shall not uffect other provisions uf this Securiry Instn�ment or the N�te which c�n
<br /> ..` , � � - be given effect without the conflicting provisinn.To thix end the provisionx of this Security Insnument and the Note are
<br /> :.,:,,,�.'.� �.� � ` decle�ed to be severnble.
<br />.. . 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shnll be given one conformed copy af the Note und of this 5ecurity lnswment.
<br /> �:��- 17. Transfer of the I'roperty or a Beneticial Interest In Borrower. If ull or any part of the Property or nny interes�
<br /> •• . a fn it is sold or trunsfe;��d(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or tr�nsfemeJ und Borrower is nat a nntural person)
<br /> , _ without Lender's prior written conscnt.l.ender may,Ut It8 OPUOII.require immediate payment in full of nll sums sccur�ed 6y =
<br /> .: �.:=.;. _
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