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<br /> . ��-�� S. Hazard or Properly Insurance. Borrowcr shall kxp Ihe Impruvements now exispng or hereafter erec�eci un tix �
<br /> - Property insured against loss by�rc�hazard�included within�he term"extended covcruge"und a�y othcr hazards,includina
<br /> ------ flaada or flooding,for which L.ender requires insurnnce.This inauronce shall be maintained in the umounts and Por the
<br /> ,�, pc�fads that l,endcr�equires.The insurence carricr proriding the insurunce ahall 6e chasen by Borrower subJect to Lender's
<br /> -_ .�-�—_=-._- _-.-..� upproval which�+hnit nnt lx unreasanubly withhcld.if BoROwer fails to maintain coverage desc�ibed ubove,l.e�ul�r mAy.at
<br /> Lender's opdon,obtain coverage lo protect L.ender's dghts ln ihe Pro�crty in accardance with puragruph 7. .
<br /> All lnauronce policiex and rencwals shall be accaptable to L.ender tuid shall include u standard mongage clause.
<br /> I.ender shall have the dght to hold the policics und nenewul.a.lf i,ender reyuires,Borrower shall promptly give to l.endcr ull
<br /> receipts of pnid prcmiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss,Borrowe�shall give prompt not�ce to the insurance
<br /> �- carrier and Lendcr.l.ender may make proof af loss if not mado promptly by Borrower.
<br /> ` - - Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. insurance praceedR Khull be applied�o restoration or repair
<br /> of the Property demaged, if the restoration or�pair is economicall�feasible and Lendcr's security is not lea�ened.If the
<br /> --- res�oration or r+epair is not economically feasibte or l.ender's secunry wouW be lessened,ihe insurance procecds shall bc
<br /> ---- - applied to the sums secured by this Secu�ily Inatrument,whetMer ar not then due. with any exceas puid to 8orrower. IP
<br /> Horrower ubandona the Property,or dces not anawer wlthin 30 days a natice from Lender that the i��gumnce earrier has
<br /> ---- offered to senle a cialm,then L.ender may collect the insurunce proceeds. [.ender may use the proceeda to repuir or restot�e
<br /> �� the PropcAy or to pay sums secuned by this Security Inaqument.whether or not then due.The 30-day periad will begin when
<br />---- 1he notice ia$iven.
<br /> .a..-,�— Unlesc l.ender end Botrawer otherwlse agree in writing.any npplication of praceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> �- pnstpone the due date of the monthly paymenta r�eferred to in parngrnphs I and 2 or chnnge the amount of the payments.If
<br /> �_��,ae��',»�,�.,� under parngmph 21 the Property ls Acquired by Lender,Borrower's nght to uny in�urance puliuiea und pra:eeda resulting -
<br /> from duma�e to the Property prior to the mcquisition�shwll puas to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> = � Instrument�mmediately prior to the acquisitbn. _
<br /> r.....�.'.. �
<br /> _` 6. Occupaacy, Preaervation,Malntenance and ProtecNon of the Property; Bor�ower's Loan Applicatfoo;
<br /> f��---_� l.easeholds. Borrower ahall occupy,estublish,and u�e the Property a+ Burrower's principul residence within s�xty dnyx
<br /> °•-° � +��� ufler the execution af this Security Insinnnent and shull continue to occupy the Property us 8arower's pdncipal residence
<br /> '=` `'''��:��'�*x' for ut leust one year pfter the dute of accupancy, unlexs L.ender otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall not 6e
<br /> ." unms�onably withheld,ar unless extenuating ci�cumsiances exixt which ure beyand BoROwer's control.Borrower shull not
<br /> --'.c�• ' destroy,damage or impair the Propeny,aUaw the Properry to deteriamte,or commit wa4te on the Property.Borrower shall
<br /> ,,; '�'��"•'�" be in default if any fo�fciturc uctfon or praceeding,whether civil or criminul,ix begu�that in Lender's good fafth judgment
<br /> � ,, could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwirc muterinlly impair the lien created by this Security lnstrument or
<br /> 4'_�f '�'.-..• a' '"' '�:�� Lendev's recurity interest.Borrower may cure!�uch u dcfuult und reinslatc,ur,provided in parugruph 18,by causing the action
<br /> �"'�''1"?`='��� or proreeding to be dismissed with a ruling thut,in Lender'�good fui�h detem�mation,precludex forfeitu�e of the Borrower'x
<br /> — -:�i'-: `��j:-.^.T�r�Ir=7l1Y �
<br /> . .y��e,;- • interest in the Prapeny or other materiul impuirment of the hen cren[ed by thix Srcurity In,two�a+�t or t.�ndcr's�ccarity
<br /> ^� � '���:,;,.�,�,�, '� interest. Borrower shull alco be in defuult if Banower,during thc loan upplicu�ion pra:ess. gnve muterially fulsc ar
<br /> - ,:'•..�•. inuccurule inFormution or slatements lo L.ender(or fuiled to provide L.ender with any materiul infarmalion) in connection
<br /> � � J ^b"�;:'�a;��� � with the loun evidenced by the Nute,including,bul not limited to, reprexentationx conc�rning Borrower's accupancy of the
<br /> � • �•^•�'�x Pro[�eny us a principal residence.lf thix 5ecurity Instrument ix on n Ieasehold,Borrower shAll comply with nll the pruvisionz
<br /> - - of the leuse.lf Borrowcr acquires fee title to the Property,thc Ies�sehoW and thc fee title shull not merge unlexy I.ender agreca
<br /> `�_�tl,. ;.. .. . to the merger in wrlting. _
<br /> �� ` `:� .°. � ° ' ' 7. Protect(on of I.ender's Rl�hts in the Property. If Borrowcr fuils to perfortn the covenants und ngrcementx _
<br /> -_ „.a,,=..; , .,�. , cuntuineJ in this 5ecurity Instrumenl,or there ix a legul praceeding thut muy zigmficuntly uffect Lender's rights in the
<br /> -,-� rM;,, ..• . •�,}'t�.,., Prope rty(suc h a�a p r u c e e d i n g in bankru ptc y,probate,for condemnutiun ar forfeiwn:or to enforce Inws or regulutiom),then
<br /> � .i+�r�o.,w. l.ender muy do and pay for whatever is neccssary to protect�hc vuluc of tlx�Propeny und Lendcr'x rights in the Propeny.
<br /> :x:R ��;. ..r=''�',��. Lender's urtionx muy include puying uny tiumti secured by a lien which hus p�•iority over thix Security Instrument,uppeuring
<br /> b_;:y .i.- in court,puying reavonublc nttomeyx'fecs and cntering on�he Propcny to mokc rcpuirs.AUhough I.ender muy tuke uction
<br /> ,;,ro`�'liior�rc.s�tit-.�
<br /> : +�� � �..-�� under this puragruph 7,Lender dcks not have to do tici.
<br /> � ,�,y.,,...,._. Any umounls disbuned by L.ender under Ihis purugraph 7 tiNall Ixcome udditional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> '� }. : Security Instrument.Unless Borrowcr and l.cndcr usree to other krmx of puymcm,these umountti xhull brur interest from Ihe =
<br /> �;, .���; � du�e of disburscment ut the Nac rote und shull be puyuble.witB interest, up�m notfce t'rom l.ender to Borrower reyucsting _
<br /> �•� - o `�= puyment.
<br /> '�t�` � 8. Murlgage Insurance. If Lender reyuired morlga�e imurance �s u condition of muking thc losui secur�:d by thiz -
<br /> '��� . •• Security Instrument,Borrower shull pay thr premiums reyuired to mr�intain Uk mongugc inxurance in effect.If,for uny reu�on,
<br /> '�" .=`-.- �. the mortgngc insurance covcruge n�yuircd My Lendcr lap�cs or ccuses to bc in effecl,Borrower shall pay the pn:miums rcyuireJ
<br /> :;,*,.:;�';_'� to obtuin coveruge substuntially eyurvalent to the monguge insurance prtviouzly in effecl,ut•r co.t tiubstuntiully eyuivulent to
<br /> '�.... ..
<br /> �._ the coxt to Borrowcr oFthe mortgagc inxurance previously m eif'ect,from an ulternute mongoge insun�r upproved by Lender.lf
<br /> ����_
<br /> � �_ u;.e�: iK; � substuntiully equivulent mortguge inxun�nce coveru�e is not availubk,Borruwer shull puy to Lender euch month u�um equul to
<br /> "':k�. � one-twclfth of the yearly mortgugc in,urance premium bcing paid by Nurrower wlkn the in.r•urance coveragc Inpscd or ccascd
<br /> ;, ' ,.. to bc in effect. Lender will accepi,u,c nnJ n:tuin thrxe p�yment,ux u lo.s resrrve in lieu of monguge insurunce.l.oss reserve
<br /> , � • � •--�• puymenls muy no longer he required,ut Ihe option of l.ender,if monguge imuruncc cuveruge lin the amount and for the prriud _
<br /> . , �w� . ,a�+!�,, - Form3Gt8 YNO ip�c:?�fnp,er,i
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