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<br /> �ppUcebb law nwy �puclfy for nineuuemem)befor�e�lo of tho Praperty pun;uant any power of oAle co�u�inal 1n,tltl�
<br /> Soeurity Inuruma�t;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Socudty Inrtrumeni. Thoce eonditfonr Aro tluu Borrower. (a)
<br /> __ -- � � pry� L�ric� r1i e�uuu wiucL ilim� wuuid L�dw: w� ii►ie Sa:wiir 1iwGwi�ui �un{ ti�u t3tlta an if�tii, si,c�ferdilc;�-1 i�&d -
<br /> occumed;(b)eurca pny defnult of any wher covenants or Agrcemenls;(c)pays all es,,.enxea lncumed ln enforcin�lhis Security
<br /> Instrument, includiog,but not limited to.reasonable attomeys'fees; ond(d)tekes such action us I.ender may rcaso�iebly
<br /> rcquiro to n�soro that Ihe Uen of thie Secu�iry Instrument,l.ender's�ights in the Propeny and Borrowerk obNgadon to pay the
<br /> - _ - sumA cecu�rd by thle Securlty Insnument chall continue unchanged. Upon reinswtement by Borrower, lhis Security
<br /> °-- - Inspvment atid the obligations�ecured he�by ahall remain fully effecdve as if no acceleca�ion hwd occurred. However.thio
<br /> - dQht to reinstate shall not npply in the case of acceleretion under paragraph 17.
<br /> . 19. l�te ot Note; Chs�nQe ot L.opn 3ervker. The Note or a paztiAl ioterest in the Note(together with this Secur�ty
<br /> [r�strument)may be cold one or mor�e t�mes without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result jn a change in the entity
<br /> _ (known es the"Loan Servlcer'�that collects monthly payments due under Ihe Note and this Security Instrument. There also
<br /> -- - — may be one or moro chadj a o(.�t1g I.oan Servlcer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is u chunge of lhe Loan Servicer,
<br /> �_�_------- Borrower will be gi�ren��pldte'o�tl�change in accordance wlth paragraph 14 ubove ar►d applicable law. The notice
<br /> - wlll state the name and a ress uf the new Loan Servicer and the addresa to which paymen[s should be made. The notice will
<br /> alco contain uny other informadon required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. HAZardous 3ub�tanc�.w. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Praperty. Borrower shall not da,�or aliow anyone else to do,anything affecUng the
<br /> _ Property that is in vlolation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shali not npply to the presence,use.or
<br /> atorege on the Prope�ty of small yuantities of Hazardouc Subatunccs that are generally recognfzed to be appropriate to norm�l
<br /> __ —__---- rosidential uses an�l to maintenance of the Praperty.
<br /> _—
<br /> _-- ------= - Borrower sh�ll promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit ar other action by any
<br /> ��".•..�� govemmental or�gulutory agency or pdvate party involving the Property and any Hazurdous Substence or Bnvironmental
<br /> ��'--��- -�-�- Law of which 8arower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notjtied by any govemmental ar regulatory
<br /> ..���.��,.,•.�t•.,.,,;�M; authorlty,that any removal or other remediudon of nny Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is neressa�y.Borrower
<br /> ehall promptly take all necessary namedial actions in accordance wfth Environmental I.aw.
<br /> As used in this paragtaph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined aR toxic or hazardous substonces by
<br /> T�����;�.x�.:::;. Envim�mental Luw and ihe following substancec: gasoline,keroyena.other tlammable or roxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> I�!� pest�cides arni herbicides,volatile salvents.materials contnining usbestos or formaldehyde,and radiouctive muterials. As
<br /> "�� � used in this paagruph 20,"Emlronmentnl Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whcre the Property is locoted
<br /> ?M� .....
<br /> •-;;�, dutt relate to health.safety or environmentel protection.
<br /> __���;------• -�;; ' NaN•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender furthcr covenant and agree ns follaws:
<br /> _:�,i . � '�' ' 21. Acceleration; Remedies. l.ender shall give notke to Borrower prior to�cceleraltan tollowing Borrower•s
<br /> ___ — __ breach of Any coveanat or agreement in th(s Security Inslrument(but not prlor to accelerAtion under para¢rAph 17
<br /> _, -� ;* ,:_. uniesc appiicabie law provfdes otherwise). The nodce shaii specfly: (a)the dePauit;(b1 the action requlred to cure the
<br /> _ � �� • +(��j�• default; (c)a dote.not less than 30 days from the dAte the notice is given to Borrower,by which the dePAUlt must be
<br /> cur e d;an d(d)t i w t i'a l lure to cure t he de fau l t on or b e iore t he dale spec i fl e d in t he not ice may resu lt in acce lerat ion o f
<br /> =,;;�. the sums secured by this 3ecurity Instrument and sale oP the Property. The notke sha�l further inform Borrower of
<br /> t�., •:�-:h-..;'�` the right to reinstate after acceleration and lhe right to brinq A cuurt Activn to assert the nomexistence of a dePault or
<br />__ � ' ,�'��a" '''� "" qny other defen,e of Borrower to s�cceleration ond sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date speclfled in
<br /> z�..`..;'.•. �.;,.•r� Ihe notice,I.ender at its option muy require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Sc�curlty InsYrument
<br /> -'- ��,..:::: .... .:....�;� without turther demand wnd mAy invoke Ihe power of lsale and �ny other remedies permitted by applicable low
<br /> ��� �•r:��.;..� ••� �• , I.ender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing Ihe remedtes provided in this ppr�gruph 21,
<br /> �' �„y�,,,.�,,... ,_ including.but not limited to.�easonqble uttorneys'fee4 and cos�v of titk evlde�ce.
<br />- If the power of sale Ls invoked,7lrustee shwll record e notice aP dePault in eacb cuunty in whkh any part oP the
<br /> �t ' '`y�. } � Pr rt Is located and shAll mail c ies oP such natice in the manner rescribed b A licable law to Borrower nnd to
<br /> � .��.�: ��� .
<br /> the�other persons presc�ibed by applicable law Aiter the lime requied by applicable law,llrustee shAll Blve publk
<br /> r:� �'��,a�...� notice of eale to the persons and in the manner prescrtbed by applicable law. 'IYustee.wUhout demAnd on Borrower,
<br />- �x,-�;�s shall sell the Property wt public Auctbn to the highest bidder at the time and place and unde�the terms designated in
<br /> .�-� ';, %<<;� tbe notke oP sale in one or more parcels and in any order'ibustee determines. 7Yustee may postpone sAle oP nll or pny
<br /> : ���•�,i ���- parcel ot lhe Properly by public annuuncement at the time and plACe of any previously scheduled s�ule. Lender or its
<br /> �,�.� -•a: . . desi�nee may purchase tbe P�operty At s�ny sale.
<br /> .: . ' °`� •, Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,71�ustee shull deliver to the purchaser 71�ustee's deed conveying the
<br />- ��. �-' � Properly. The recltals in Ihe'Irustee's deed xhall be prima facle e��idetue of the truth oP the stutements made therein. -
<br /> '�`'u � 7lrustee aboll apply lhe praceeds o�'the awle in the Pollowing order: (n)to All costs and expenses of exercisin�Ihe power "
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