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<br /> condemnAtian or othcr wl�in�of Kay purt of the Prop¢Ay.or for conveyanco in licu of condemna�lon.ore hercby nssi�ncd and
<br /> ahall be puid to Len �.
<br /> -• _--__-- !n the treas of s tota! tn!!ing �f thn PmMrty. Ihe proceeds xhull be npplied ta ihe sums r,ecured by this Security
<br /> — —� Inatrument,whether or nM thcn due,with any excess paid to Boiuwer. In the event of u partinl taking ot thc Nrope�ry in -
<br /> which the fuir market value of�he Propeny immediately before the tolcing is cqual to or greatcr�han the amount of�he sums
<br /> securcd by this Secudty Instrument immediately before the taking,unlecs Bormwer ond l.ender otherwise ngree in writing,
<br /> „`��•�-_-� the sums secun,d by 1hiR Security Instrument shali be reduced by the amount af the praceeds multiplied by the following m
<br /> — fractian: (u)the total amount aP the sums secu�ed i mmediately befare rhe taking,divided by(b)thc fuir murkct vnlue of the
<br /> Property immedintcly before the taking. Any bulance ahnll l�e paid to Borrower. ln the event of a purtial taking of thc
<br /> Property in which the foir market vulua of the Pmpeny immediately before the tuking is leas than the umount of the Aums
<br /> isecured immediately before the tuking, unless Borrawer and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless npplicable Inw
<br /> _-_= otherwirxs providea,tha proceeda shall be upplied to Ihc sums secured by this Security In�tniment whether or nat the sums are
<br /> �—` — then due.
<br />_._ __T�_. ____--- __-- if t6e Property is abandanr.ci by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender ta Barrower�hut the condemnor offerx to make
<br /> ---- - - - - sin awurd or settle u claim for damages.Bortower fails to respond ta Lender within 3l1 days ufter the date�hc notice is given,
<br /> =-° -'°"a' Lender is au�horized to collect und app ly t he procee da,a t i ts a p t i o n,e i�h e r t o res to r ation or re puir of the Pro p en y or to the
<br /> - � sums securea by this Security Instrumenl,whether or nat then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise ngree in writing,uny upplication of procceds to p�incipAl shall not extend or
<br /> - - --_�� pastpone the due dAte of the manthly payments refe�ed to in purugrc�phx 1 nnd 2 or chnnge the umount of such pnyments.
<br /> � 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbewran�r By l.ender Not a Waiver. Bxtenafon of the time for payment or
<br /> ';�� madification of amortiza�ion of t6e xumx secured by this Securfry Instrument granted by l.ender to uny auccessor in interest
<br /> - of Bomuwer shall not operute to rcleuse the Iia6illty of Ihe o�iginal Borcower or BoRawer�s successors in interest.Lender _
<br /> _ � �
<br /> � � � shsil not be required to commet�ce proceedings aguinst any successor in interext or refuse ta extend time for'puyment or
<br /> �F"� � � � �� otl�erwise modify amonizatior�of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason af any demand made by the originol
<br />- ' .k,sr.• .r.�.��.._ Bonower or Barrower s successors in interest. An y forbearAnce by Lender in exerciging any dght or remedy shull not be a
<br /> " waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or re�nedy. --
<br /> - � •' 12. Successore and Asstgos Bound;Jolnt pnd 3everAl I.labllity;Co-sl�ners. The cavenants and ngreemems of thia
<br /> ���''a •' �� Security Instniment shull bind and 6enetit the succegsorx und assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions af
<br /> '` ' � parngrnph 17. Borrower 4 covenants und agreemenlx shull be joint und severol. Any Borrower who co-gigns [his Secur�ty
<br /> � � lnstrument but dces not execute the Note: (a)i,co-signing this Security Inatrument only�o moRguge.gmnt and convey tliat
<br />`� Borrower's inlerest in�hc Property under thc terms of this Sccurity Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums r
<br /> ., r,ecured by this Security Instniment;and(c)ugrees thnt l.ender und ony other Borrower muy ugree to extcnd,modify,forbeiu
<br /> . �^ :�, �. or muke any accommodutions wi�h ragu�d to Ihe �erms of thig Security Instrument or�he Note without �hs�t Borrower's
<br /> .,-._� ' canRent.
<br /> --- �f�,',j��;:,;,:,'�±v� 13. Loan l:hargea. If the #otut xecurrJ by dth Securiiy Infitrument i::sub}ect to a !aw which sets mnxim��rt+ ��
<br /> - �������' _ �p��'�:h'i charges,und Ibut law ix fins►Ily interpreted so that ttie interest or other loan cha�ges collected or to be collected in connection
<br />, '' " ' with the loan exceed�he permitted limits,then: (u)any such loan cha�ge shall be reduced by the amount necesswy to reduce �
<br /> •` . ;r::::,• . ' tha charge ta the permitted limit:und(b)any sums olready callected fram Barrower which exceeded permitted limits w111 be
<br />'. � refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choose to make this refund by reducing tlx�principal owed under the Note or by muking u
<br />�� •� �'' �� V'a direct payment to Borrower. If u refund reducex p�incipul,the reduction will be trenled as a purtinl prepayment without uny
<br />� ' ���•;°�'��� ��'� prepnyment churgc:under the Note.
<br />.+w ,-��::ti.,.v�-.•..• .:•a.. 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrower provided for in thiz Security Inalrumenl shull tx�iven by delivering It or by
<br />'.�wY ° ���y,..�.,.• .,��. . mailing it by first clu.r•s muil unletis upplicuble luw rcyuim�utie of unother methoJ.The nodce�hall be directed to the Propeny -
<br /> �';'�,�r:';, .�•,,�,�•.• Address or uny other address Borrower designtue+by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sholl be given by tint clasx
<br /> .-��•���• �- •„°. ; muil to Lender:�addmss stuted herein or wry other address Lcnder desiRnuteti by noticc to Borrowcr. Any notice provided for __..
<br /> �, «���• "� in this Security Inslrument xhall be deemed to huvc been givcn to Borrower or Lender when given ns provided in this �
<br /> �.•�•.a' uru ru h
<br /> G,,. 3�. •�r,- P B p • -
<br /> �s� '� %•k,q^" 1S. Governin Law; Severabilit This Security Instrumcnt +hull bc govemcd by tederul luw und 1he Inw of the �
<br /> ,,��:. ' R Y•
<br /> ,�• yeiv,,., jurisdic�ion in which Ihc Property is kxuteJ. In Ihc event tha�uny provision or cluu�e of thi�Securi�y In.r•Irument or the Note
<br /> � contlicts with applicuble Inw,such conflict�hull nut uffecl othcr proviri�►ns uf thi�Security Instrument or the Note which cun �,,.
<br /> ���.�,.^-.� y.�. �`� � � be given effect without the canflicting provision. To �his end the pnwision�of thix Security Instrument and the Note ore
<br /> ';;;, , declured to be severuble.
<br /> X•� J 16. Borrowe�'s Capy. 8orrowcr shull 6e given��rx�conf'omicd copy of the No�c und of thiti Securiry In.trument. -
<br /> ' • �� ° 17. 71rAnsPer of the Prope�ty or a Beneficlwl lnterest in Rorrower. II'ull or uny prrt oi�he F'roperty or any intcrest in _
<br /> �••'°�'�"" il is sold or trnnsferred(or if u Ixneficiul intere.t in Borcnwcr i,xald or�run,icrced und Bo�ro�vcr is not a nuturul person)
<br /> ��,, �`"'' �� `'�, wi�hout Lendcr;prior written consrnt,L.endcr mc+y..0 its op�ion,rryuirc immediutc puyment in full of all sums secured by
<br /> t . •i�• �a"•-'� . this Security Instrument. However,this optiun�hc�ll noi Ix rxcr�ised by Lender if cxercise is prohibited by federul luw us of
<br /> � •. .�. � the dute uf thin Security Instrument.
<br /> � • x � ��. If Lender exercisex thiti npti�m,Lenckr shull �tivc Borrower noticr ut'uccelcruti�m. The noticr�hull provide n period of
<br /> � ����°j . ° not Iess�hun 30 duys from the dutc the no�icr is dr IivemJ or muikd within which B�ttrowcr must pay ull sumx secured by this
<br /> Security Ins�rumem. If Bonowrr fuilti to pay �he�c .umx pri�ir �o Ihc expirntion i�f this peri�xl. Lender may invoke any
<br /> a . . " remedies permitted by this Security Instrument wit twut funhrr nolicc c�r JcmunJ un Uorrnwcr. _
<br /> , ° 18. Borrower's RiRht to Reln4tote. If Bumiwcr mcCts rcrtuin condiliun+. B��rtowcr shull huvc the right to have �.
<br /> �� enforcemcm of this Security Inxtrumen�di,run�inueJ��t any timr pri�ir ai thc carlicr ut': lu) S di+y+(or such othcr period us f.
<br /> � n;t Singlc F:imdy-•Fuanle Moe/FYeddle 11uc UNIFORSt INtiTKI'NF:h7'•-l�nif�ttm('ovenonla V/�JO 1►wxr J aJA��gesl I
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