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<br /> i'ilGF1'NkiR WITII;all ttk in�ro�•�mciit,nuw on c�rraftcr ercctal wz thc{ur��pert�•. w�.i all e:i+cn�rnt.,a{►�w►�naciccs,auxl `
<br /> fi+tturcs ixiw �u hcrrafter a pirt uf' tRc property. All rzpicucnxnr. yk3 a.;.iiti,tnc �hall AI�• hc us�•emJ bY this S�stuity _
<br /> Inselument. All of ihe foregoing is rcferrcd u�in ti�is S�crurity 1►uirunxnt w..�hc'Pr�K+erty.'
<br /> [iORRUW�et C�VENANTS t,`u: Sci=ma�tr is(u�•�fullv sei�c.l�,t'thc r�trte Ixr�:i�y ron�•cy�eci�+x1 h:u thc riLht ta srxnt a�xt
<br /> camey tlu Propecty wxl that the Pc��+etty i�. un►:�wunit►�r�l. ezccpt !'ur eikun�ruK�• uf nxoni. Born�w�er wa�rants �u�d wlll —
<br /> dcf�nd gcnerslly the title ta�he Pro{�crty u�ai��st nll cluims u�k1 S���x1+,s++b.iat lo�u�y e�xun�brsuiccs of reranf.
<br /> TH1S SECURITY 1N37 RUMENT�an�hittc+uniform ru�•c►wu�fur �uli�u�l usc�xl�xa�-u��iPonn curc+�uus with lintitad
<br /> vari,vio�.c hy jureaJiction to rnnyitute a unifomt x�curity i�uirument ca�'erinl real pmneny•
<br /> UNIFOR61 CO�/�NANTS.Burrower and I�iulcr��ve�wnt an�l agree as f��l��'ws: p �S �y
<br /> 1. P�ymau of PriacipW And tutesest; 1'rePeYmwt and I.Wte l'barget. Barrou�c� slull nui 1� wben due the
<br /> priacipal of and intere.at o»the debt eviden�d by tiw Nate and uny prel*�}��ner►1 un�late chuge.c due u�xler tt►e N.,te.
<br /> 2. Ftiads tar T�uces�nd tusuru�. Subj��:t ta applicable l�w or to u W ritlen waive�by [.er.�er. Borrower chall pay to
<br /> Lendcr on the day nwnthl��pa)�ma►u are dua u�xlcr the Notc.until the Natc is paial in full.a su�n l"Cunds")for� (A1 Ycariy taxts
<br /> ond ussessments w•hich may atcain priariry over this Securit�� Tnstn►ment as a lien cui the Propeny: (b)�'early leaselwid p�Ym�s
<br /> or ground rents aa du Pro}+eny,if any:lcl yeuly ha�rd ar propeny insu►�ancc pmmiutnr,(d)y culy Iload insur.uxc Ptemiums.
<br /> if any' (e)Yc+r�)' monS$Ee insurance prcmiunu. if any:and (4 any swns payat►le by Borcow•er ta Lenckr,in zccotdsna with
<br /> the pmvisions of puusraph 8. in lieu of the p�yment of mortgagc insurancc pnmiun�c. T h e s e itenu arc cullcd 'Escrow Items."
<br /> I,ender may, ut any titne. collect and hold Funds in an omount ix.t to exaod the ma�cimum aui�oum � le�er fot a foderally
<br /> rclated mortgage lc�n may require far l3orcower's escrow account under the fodtr+l Real Fswte Settlemen�Pr000dures Act of
<br /> 1974 as amtndal from time to timo. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seq. l'RESPA"l.utiless another law that applies to the Fuads
<br /> sets a leccser anwunt. If so. Lendcr may. stt a�iy dme• a►�1ect�nd hald Funds in an anaunt not to excoed the ksser aniount•
<br /> ��r ma,y esumate the 3maunt of Fuods due on the basis of carrent dzta and re�sot�b�e est►m�es of expenditures of futuro
<br /> Fscrow Items or ott�erwis�.in aecotdaiwe with upplicable law. i�N��it . or entity
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an i�uitution whose deposits are inuual by � federal aSerscy. Y
<br /> (includinb l.ender,if Lcc�der is wch an institutian)or in any Foderat Home Lo3n Banl:.1xc�tr s�hail�'P���ro���
<br /> Escrow Itt:ms.L.end�r may not cluuge Borrower for holding�nd ar^plying the funds,amivally aualYT�S
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays Borcower interzst on the Funds and aPPlicabk 1zw pecnuts l.znder to malce such
<br /> a charge. Hou•ever. I.ender may require Bonower to pay a w�e-time chasge fur an independenc*e�1��� rcP°n��x^'�
<br /> used by Lender in�cannection with this Icwn. unless apPlic�ble law provide.c otherwise. Unless un a8re�me� � �� w
<br /> applic:ablt l�w�requires interest ta be paid. I.ende�'shall�xx bc taluin�d w paY Bonower a"y incerest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> g��w��i.end�r m�y agra in writing.however. tf�at intocest shall bc paid on the Funds. l,endcr sh�ll give to Bomower.
<br /> without charge. an annual aaoanting of the Fu�. showing crodiu u�d debits to the Funds �nd ehe Pu�pose for which eac6
<br /> debit to the Funds w�as made.Thc Funds ue pledgod�additional security for all wms socurod by this Sccucc�+Inur�uneac•
<br /> If ths�unds hdd by I.ender excad the amounts Pemsitted to be hoW by�splicable law, l.a�der shall x�count to Bomower
<br /> for the w:�ess Funds in accordana w��h��'i��f applicable law•. It'the amount of the Funds held by Leader at any
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Leadrr uray so notifY B°n°wu in w•riting,and,in such case�wet
<br /> Q�,,,�t �,,,y ���C anxwnt neeessacy to mzlce up the der�cY.Bo�ow�r st�11 make ug the deficieney in no nwre thui
<br /> tweive n�onthly paym�.�nts.�!Lardu's sole discr��+�+•
<br /> Upon.paYment in full of all sums securod by this Securiry Inst�ument. I.endor shall promptly refitnd to Borrowu any
<br /> Funds hckt by Lendcr. If.und�r paragraph 21. I.esxler shall xquire or seil the Property.Leader.prior to the acquisitioa or sale
<br /> of the Pra}xsty. sh�l1 aPP1Y aaY Fu�►ds held by Lender at tt�e time of�cquisition or s�le a�a ar,dit atainst the sums socured bY
<br /> tttis Sauriry Instnunent. p meats received b L.e�r under parxg*aPhs
<br /> 3.�,p�lic�tioa of pay�at�ts.Unless applicable law rovides otherwise,all pay Y �k u���2:
<br /> 1 and 2 sh�ll tx applied: fitst.W anY P�Yment charges due under the Note:seoond,to amouncs PeY
<br /> thind.w interost due:fourth.to principal due:anQ Iast.to any late ch�rges due under the Noue.
<br /> 4.C6at�es;Liea,.Boaowu shall pay all tazes.assassmenu.charBes.fina and imposiNons attriMitable to tLe Propaty
<br /> wGic�h may aiwin p�iority over this Securiry Ir�stnimenc. and lezschold payments or ground re.�ts. if any. Socrowu st�all pay ..
<br /> thesse oblisatians in the mu�aer pmvided in parngr+ph 2.or if noc paid in t1�t mvu�er.Borrowu shall p�y them on time dira�ly
<br /> th e
<br /> to the pason owod paYment.Borrowa shall Proa►Pt1Y fumish w L.es�der a11 notias of w�ainu to be paid under this pusgraph•
<br /> � If Borra»cr makes tb�sc paymaus d�raxlY.Borrower shAll promptly furnish to l.end:r reaipts evidencing the paymaus•
<br /> Borrowu shall promptly disci�g�any tien which has priority over this Security Insin�mau unlas Bomowu: (9)agrexs in
<br /> writittg ta tho paYmmt of the obl;gation secured by tIu lien in�maTU�er�ooe�table w I.wder: N)cotuests in good faith the liw
<br /> by. or d�fends against enforoematit of the liat in. lega! proceedin8s whirh ia tbe l.rnder's opinion operate to prevaat the .
<br /> enforanxat of the litn;or(c)socures from the twtder of the lien an agretmetu satisfacxory to I.ender w6ordicu�tin8 the liea to
<br /> this Soczuiry Instcwnent. If I.endcr detannines t}�at any pan of the Propttty is subject to�lien which rt�y attain priority ovu
<br /> this Secu�ity Insttumuit.L.ender mzY 8&ve Borro�ver a notice identifying sr.�Iien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or t�Ye oae or
<br /> inore of tLt xtions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> Pawa 30� 9tQ0
<br /> ao.2a• , .
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