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<br /> condemnalian ar athcr t�tcing ot any pun of ihc Prapen y�or far cnnvcyoncc in licu of c�ndemnutlun.are I�c�isy axriQncd wid
<br /> -- �iwll ho paid to Lcnder.
<br /> ----' In the evcnt of u tWul tuking of �he Pmpcny, the {�mccadx �hall hc a�licd to ihc humr rw�cumd by ihiR aecurlly
<br /> -- --- Instrument,whe�her or nM then duc,wnh any cKCeaq pai�i to Bum►wcr. In�hc cvcm nf u paniul taking ui'�hc P�uperty in °
<br /> -� � which tbe fair market vuluc oF thc Pn�Fx:rty Immeciiu�cly lkfi�m thc luking i+ryual io or grcu�cr thun ihc um��unt of thc sumx
<br /> _ rsecured by Ihix Secudry In�trumcnl immcdla�cly hel'orc ihc�uking,unlesti Nnrruwcr und l.cndcr nthcrwi�c ugme in wriling,
<br /> thc sum� �curcd by Ihis Sccurf�y Instnimen� shAll br mduc�d hy Ihc unu►unt uf �hc pnKCalti mulUplicQ by�he f�dluwing -
<br /> frnction: la)the tatul nmaunt of thc xumv yKUreJ immedfntcly hcfum Ihc�ukinp,dividc�l by Ib►Ih�fnir mnrkct veluc��f Ihc ,
<br /> ' Propeny immediutely befare the �aking. Any bulancc�hull he puid to B��rrnwer. In �hc evem of u pahiul mking of thc
<br /> —�� Property in whkh the fAir morket value af thc Property immediptcly bef�re thc�uking In Icsw than �hc i�maun��f�hc sum�+
<br /> xecured immediately befare the taking, unle�s Bor�uwer und Lcndcr othcnvi�c ngree In writing or unlc�x opplicublc luw
<br /> — -- otherwlse provides.�he proceeda shull be applied to tqe sumK secured by this Security Instrument whe�her or na�the aums are
<br /> -'— — then due.
<br /> ��:�a�E�o If the Propeny iK ubandoned by Borrower,or if,uAer notice by L.ender�0 9artower Ihut the candemn��r offer�to make
<br /> _ =.-���� an uwwd or settle a clAim for damages,Barrower fails to respond�o Lender wilhin 311 dnys nfler Ihe dute the noticc iq given,
<br /> -- -� --- Lender is authorized to collect and opply the procecds.ut ita option,ei�her to restorution or repalr of the Propeny or ta the
<br /> ����'�'8� sums secured by thia Securlty Instn�menl,whether ornot then due.
<br /> s_-��� Unless Lender and BoROwer otherwlse agree in writing, uny upplication of prc►c_eeda to pdncipul shAll not extend or �
<br /> postpone Ihe due date af the monthly payments rcferred lo in paragmphs 1 and 2 or change the amnun�of such paymznts.
<br /> �;r,�� 11. Borrower Not Iteleased; Forbea�ance By Lender Not a Waiver. �atension aF thc timc for payment or
<br /> — moditication of emartizAlion of the sums secured by thia Security Instrument grnnted by Lender�o any xuccessor in interest
<br /> ����� af Barrower shull not operAte to releuse tho linbility of ihe originnl Borrawer or Borrowe�k successor�in interest.L.ender
<br /> _;-r^z:�-� shall not be requircd to commence p�nceedings Against any xucce.xur in hnerc�l or refu�lu exlend lime for puyment or �
<br /> - — �C t olhervvise madify amortizution of the sums secured by t6is Securiry Intitrument by reayon of nny demnnd made by the ariginal
<br /> .,J� �°����';`~ � Borrow:r ar Borrower's succeasorx io interest. Any forbearunce by Lender in exercising any right ar remedy shull not be u
<br /> ° '{�:n��•`� waiver of or preclude the exercise uf any right or remedy.
<br /> �1�� � `'"� 12. Succesvars And A�signs Bouod;Jofnt and SeverAl LIablNty;Caslgnera The covenonts und ogreements of thix
<br /> Si` ����`�' Securiry Inxtrument shull bind a�d benefit Ihe successon und assigns of Lender und Borrower.subject to the pravisions oF
<br /> ,_�,. ,�,���;,t�,;: Ptuugraph 17. Borrower4 covenanls and ugreements�hall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> - ^. �� instrument but dces not execute the Note: (ul is co-si�ning this Securiry Insltume�t only to mortguge,grAnt und convey thut
<br /> �_;,�: n �'!<:�f�•�'�:'.� Borrowerk intsrest in the Property under thc teons of thir Security Mxtrument (b)is not perxonully obliguted to puy the aums
<br /> ---- ,,�,�,,,,,,�;, secured by thix Security Instrument;und(c)agrees tFiut Lender und any other Borrower may ugree to extend,modify,forbeur
<br /> --= a���;�';�,�;,'..,:
<br /> u�� ,.':` ?fA ur u�uAe ,uiy accomniodations with regard ta the terms of this Securiry Instrument ar the Nae w{thout that Borrower'c �
<br /> � � conxNnt.
<br /> :_J":'� i M;.j.
<br /> —'±:�_ �.:,. 13. Loan CharRes. If the laun secured by thiti Security Irmtrument is xubject to u luw which set+ maximum laun
<br /> _- n.�7 "��u;;Fc�';�Ed;
<br /> ' Idc',��.�., .. �, . . charges,and thal luw i�finally interpmted xo that�he interewt or o�her loun ch+�rgex collected or�o be collected in conn�ction
<br /> - :,;.:{,.�.., S� with the loun exceed the permltted limits,then: (u)uny xuch lonn churge xhall be reduced by the amount necessury to reduce
<br /> " . -:a�L ��,, . the charse to the permitted limit;und(b)any xumy already collec�ed from Borrower which exeeeded permiued limits will be —
<br /> ��:�'x.; _ refunded ro Bortower. I.ender may choc�se to rouke thi�refund hy reducing�he principal owed under the Note or by mnking u
<br /> , ' direct payment to Borrower. If u refund reduces prlac ipal,�he reductian will be t�eated a.4 a pAnial pn:puyment without any
<br /> -__ ' ' prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> ,,. �, ��'��'"'• ., . 14. Notices. Any notice �o Borcower provided for in Ihi+Secu�ity Instrumem shull bc given hy delivering it or by _
<br /> - •�.�,;;r:'. .�. muiling it by finzt clasti muil unle.r•s upplicuble luw reyu ires u,e af uneither methcxl.The notice shull be directed to the Property
<br /> — �•�''°""�'' ` � Addrcss or nny other uddrrrr Burrower dczignutes Uy no�icc to Lcndrr. Any noticc to Lender shull bc givrn by �nt cluss
<br /> � �" _-
<br /> �,�; - mail to Lcnder's addrexz stuted herein ar uny uthcr u�klre�s Lcndrr ik+ignutc�by m�tice to BoROwcr. Any noticc provideJ ior
<br /> -- '"'°^��"" in this 5ecurity Inswment tihull 6c dremed �o hnvc hc�n given ta Bnrrower or Lender when givcn ar provided in thix =
<br /> €_'�' '!�t"!D;��.<::.:�; ', pamgmph.
<br /> : �,-y.,.,�-•...� ...
<br /> .�`.: s �.•,�r;�•.�--� � • iS. GoverninR Law; Severr�biBty. Thix Securiry Ins�n�mcnt .hull be govemcd by fcderul luw unJ thc luw of the -
<br />_. � �'f�"�''�' jurisdicdon in which the Propeny is k�cuted. In�he evem thu�any provi.ion��r cluuse of this Security Ins�n►ment or�he Note _
<br />_�'' ^'�� � conflicts with upplicoble luw,such c�mflicl shull nol uftect othrr pmvisiuns oP this Serurily Instrumenl or the Note which can _
<br />' '�".• '�,�' be given effect without �he conflirting provision. 'R► thi�: cnd �he provi�innt of'this Security Inxtrument und the Note are
<br /> • : ''4+�% ,�.: declared�o lx scvcruble.
<br />= , •��::�, 16. Borrower's Copy. Borruwer shall Ix gi vea��m conPunned copy of�he N�ae unJ of this Securi�y Inxtrument. �
<br />� 17. '1}AnsPer oP the Property or a Beneficial ln terest in Rorrower. If ull nr auy part of the Propeny or any interest io
<br /> '-y''� it ix sold or tranyfrmed lar if u Ixneficiul intercxt in Horcuwer is,i�IJ or trun,terred cmd Borrower iz not a naturnl person)
<br />��a � withoul Lenders prior wrinen consen4 Lcnder muy,ut ii.upliun,rryuire immcJiate paymcnt in full of all xumx xecurcd by
<br /> !^:• '� . � " thic Sccurity Ingtn�ment. However,this option shull na1 bc rxcrci.cd by Lcncicr if'cxenise is pmhibilcd by fedcrul luw ns of =
<br /> .�..'��...^...
<br /> � " �� � the dute of�his 5ccurity Instrument.
<br />� '�� ��; If Lender exe�ise+this ap�ion.I.cnder�hull gire Borrowrr notice of accelcrution. Thc notirc �hull providc u periad of
<br /> x•
<br /> • �'"" , • not Icss thun 30 duys from 1hc date the na�icc i.J�livcred ar m:�iled within whirh B��rruw�r mutil pay all sums sccund by this
<br /> , •. Security Instrwmnl. If Borrowcr i'uil� to pa�y thrtic �um�priar lu thc expiru�i�m uf this �xrial. Lcnder muy imoke uny
<br /> � •��;, � . ' rem.dieti permitled by thi.Scrurity In,lrumem withiwt i'urlher notic�ur demund on Burrow�r.
<br />• � � . 18. Borrower's RlRhl to lteinstute. !f H�xm�vcr mcra rrrtnin conJitiun,. B��rro�ecr .hall h:wr thr right t�i have _
<br /> • �. � ° , enforcement of ihis Sc�uril��Inwtrumrm dix�mtinucJ a�any�imr priur li►Ihr rarlicr ot: (a)5 J•ry�(qr�uch rnher periai us -
<br /> : ,
<br /> .. �� o � � Sfn�th•Famih--Fwn�le 11�e/FrMdk�lnrUNIF(1R�f INtiTRU\IE\T--t'ndorm Co�.nam. 9/99 ��uke.l�jb pugesl "
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