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�� . � '�'�.,_ �•"a s.-— — <br /> . 't�.� � � �'�d�" ,��;p�F.��'�- . • .� <br /> �i,j .n ..._ - . �--- . . <br /> � ,���: 92— los�o <br /> A, <br /> 'r periode that Lender reyuircx. Tha Insur�nco cerrler provlding tha Insurance shall be chasen by Barrower xubJect ta L.enderl� <br /> , - <br /> �pprovol which rholl not tx unrca+xatqbly wilhheld. If Borrowe�iuils�p maintain coverAge described above.Lender riwy.w <br /> " Lender5�option,obtuin caverogo to protect I.ender x�igh�s in�he Property in accorrlance with psuu�ruph 7. <br />- -~ °- ----- Ai{in�uru��jroiicic�ar►3 r..tticwal�::.hul1 P.:.acceptabk to Lcndct aad shaR i�cludc c.°.t:tncl.ud sstartg�gc clsu.°.e. Lcr.dcr <br /> ':� • ehall Iwve thc right to hald the poiicica end rcnewalx. If Lcndcr requircx.Borrower shall pmmptly give to Lender all�cceipta _ <br /> af pr�miums and rcnewal noticeK. in�he event of la�s,Borrawer Khall give prompt notice to the insuronco cu�fer and <br /> Lender. Lcnder mny makc prooP of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> __ •� Unlcss I.cnder und BaROwer athcrwisc agree in writing,insurnncc praceeds ahull hc uppNed lo restorntion or�pni�of __ <br /> �he Property damaged, if�he reatorotion or repsiir ic economicolly feaRible and Lendcrk cecu�ty ix not les�ened, If�he <br /> ~ �-.. , ' restorati�n or repuir is nat economlcally feaxible or l.enderk isecurity would be lesseued,the inuurence proceeds shall be <br /> �'""` applied to thc sums sccured by this Security Instn�ment, whether or nat then due, with any eace�sa puid to Borrower. IP <br /> — �orrower abandons the Property,or daes not onswer within 30 days u notice from Lender thnt the insurance caRier has <br /> offered to settle u claim,thcrt Lender muy collect�he insurAnce proceeds. Lender mny use the proceeds to repnir or reRtore <br /> �;,.� �he Property or to pay rums cecured by thi�Secu�ity Inwrument,whe�her or not then due. 7'tic 30-duy period wlll begin when - <br /> ��- �-''�" the nodcc is givcn. - <br /> ,..�,�-,k�::��� <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ngree in writing, nny applica�lon of proceeds to prfncipal shall not extend or <br /> ,a�si.''�''�.!�� postpone�he due date of the monthly paymentx teferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the umount of 1he paymenis. If <br /> under purngraph 21 the PropeRy is ocquired by Lender,Borrower s�ight to any insumnce policies and proceeds resulting <br /> ����d�•��''��� from damage to tNe Property prfor to the acquisitiun�hull pass to Lend�r to the extcnt of the sums securcd by thls Security <br /> �,i' I' Insuument immediately prior to ihe acquisition. <br /> ��� "�+!y�.�, 6. Occup�ncy, Preservotlon, Maintenance and ProtecHon ot the Propeny= Borrower's LoAn Appllcndon; <br /> ;���� - Leaseholde. Horrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Propeny as Botrower?s principAl residenca wlthin sixty deya efter <br /> -=�;,;:�..:.�,:.. . . `�:�' the execuNo�of this Security Instrument and shnll continue ta occupy the Propeny us Borrower:�pr{ncipul reaidence for at ` <br /> � ""' ' -'- least one ear after the date of accu anc unless Lender o�henvise a rees in writin . which consent ahall not be �;;__ <br /> _: �:.,..:��:�,, ,..:.c�;�' Y P Y• � � <br /> n�{,;;.�::;;;�-;•�;:,.,�;,".`' um+eaconably withheld,ar unless excenuuting circumxtances exist which ore beyond Homower?s control. Borrower shull not <br /> z •• :• destroy,dumAge or impair�hc Property,ullow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall <br /> ����"i""'`"�'��""�°^ be in default if any forfeiture uc�ion or prceeeding,whether civil or begun thut in Lender's good faith judgmenl <br /> =�����a�,'•� could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwi4e materiully Impuir the lien created by this Security Instrument or <br /> ��. �'��-�`��` ° Lender R security interest. Bortawer may cure such u defnul�ond reinslate,as provided in parngrnph 18,by causing the action — <br /> � �, <br /> �ylJi;,..t�-x... ' <br /> --°��•'... , or praceeding to be dismisged with a ruling that,in L.enderic good faith determinution,precludes forfeiture of the Barrowerb °--- <br /> � c intere�t in ihe Pro t1 or other malerfal im uirmenl af the lien created b this Securit lnstrument or Lender+s securit <br /> .:'_��w y::`,:''• .' -- <br /> _ •,�.-,;: _y . ,: interest. Borrowereshell ulso be in defuultPif Borrower, during the loan application pracess, gave materially false or <br /> _— `'�"�"''�i�-'�'�-;�_. inaccurnte infc.:aatian or stutements to l.ender(or failed wµuviJr LriKler witb any maiCrial infunna�iun)in�vutiec�iun with —` <br /> - :�_.x.,... _ _ <br /> � �;.. the loan evidenced by the Nate, including, but not limited to,represenlations canceming BarrowerK occupuncy of the __ <br /> —'�'��=_�`•_��`___i Praperty as a principal residence. If this Secudty Instrument is on e Ieasehold.Borrower stiall cnmply with all Ihe proviaions = _ <br /> :�'� � ' - of the kase. If Bomower acquirex fee title ro the Property,the leusehold und the fee title shall not merge unlesr Lender agrees <br /> �.-._�,:� ��'. � to the merger in writing. <br /> �,,�.. <br /> :�;;;:� ,.. 7. Protection of Lender's Rightx in the Property. If Borrower foils to pert'orm.the covenants nnd agrecmentx �_.__ <br /> _ ��� • ::�:.... contuined in this Sewrlty Instrument, or there is u legal proceeding thnt may significunlly affect I.ender's rights in the E�N. <br /> "'�� -- .•-r _� Propeny(such us o praceeding in bankruptcy,probate.for condemnution or forfeiwre or to enforce laws or regulatians),then = <br /> � �. Lender may do and pay for whutever is necesss�ry to p�otect the value of ihe Praperty und Lender's rights in�he Property. <br /> �.,.;. <br /> "'."_ . ""`.. Y P Y B Y Y P Y Y PPe B <br /> ���. Lender's actions mu include u in an sums xecured b u lien which has riorit over this Securit Inslrument,a arin �;_:,. <br /> _ .. . �• in court.paying rensonnble attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repuirs. Although Lender may tuke nction <br /> ° � R.y,�:.,•• • �y�tr• under this purogrnph 7,I.ender daes nat huvc to do sa. <br />�- • �+ . .= ° �.- Any amounls disbu�sed by Lender under this puragruph 7 sh�ll becomc udditionul debt of Borrower secured by this <br />�„�; { _� � •- - Securiry Instrument. Unlexs Borrower und Lender ugree to other temix of puyment,�hese umoums shall beur interest from the _ <br /> dute of dishursement at the Note rute nnd shnll 6e puyuble,with fnterest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower reyuesting <br /> .. �y,�eam.,�.•. . �� <br /> ,,-- :, payment. <br />%��. `.'��• '-� � •• 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender reyuired mortguge insurunce us u condition of making the loan secur+ed by this --- <br /> _ "` ;;x�,. '� '�^: ' Securfry Instrument, Borrower shnll pay the premiums required lo muintain the mortgage insumnce in effect. If, for any �. <br /> �_ � "• ' '�'" � reoson, the mortgnge insurance cuverage reyuired by L�nder lapxes or censes to be in effect, Borrower shnll pay the -_ <br />.:;t � , premium4 required to obtain coverage substuntiully eyuivalent 1u Ihe murtgage insurunce previously in effect, at a cost ` � <br /> �'� ;'�.j{r. .,• •. � „ substuntially equivulent to Ihe wst Io Borrower of the mongugr insurunce previuusly in effcct,from un olternate monguge E.�=J <br /> , . � ingurer approved by Lender. If substantiully eyuivulent monguge insurance covervge is not uvuiluble,Borrower shull pay to <br /> �' ;� Lender euch month a sum equal to nnc-twcltih of thc ycurly mortgugc insurunce prcmium bcing puid by Borrower when the =' - <br /> °:t� �`�' �' „ insurance coveruge lup.sed or ceuzed w bc in effect, Lender will uccept,use und retuin these puyments us n Io.r•s rcserve in lieu `��- <br /> �°.. � , of mortgnge insurnncc. Loss reservc puymems muy no I�mgcr be nyuired,ul the op�ion of Lender,if mortgoge inxurance _ �._. <br /> ' , ,y;, coverage(in the amount und for�hc period thu�Lender reyuircti)provided by un insurcr upproved by Lender again becomes -_ <br /> : °.�., ,�,. _ <br /> • �i•:: ovailable and is obtnined.Barrower xhall puy the premium�reyuir�d to muinl�►in murtgnge insurunce in effect,ar to provide n =. <br /> , .:� ' bss reserve.until the requirement for m��rtguge insurance rn�is in uccordm�ce with uny written ugreement hetween Borrower <br /> , ° , end Lender or applicable law. f <br /> 9. InRpection. Lender or itx ugent muy makc n�i��mublr cntrie+ u�wn and inspection.of thr Prapcny. Lender shall `•.-~• <br /> ' give BorroK�er notice ut the time of nr prior tn un ins�rtiun+pecifying rruronuble cuu,r fiir thr inx�xrtion. - <br /> ,; .. <br /> ` 10. Condemnt�llon. Thc prixcedti uf any uwnrd or cluim tiu dumi�Eeti,Jirrc�ur rons�qucntiul,in ranncc�ion with nny <br /> ' '� , � SfnplcFamlly-•F'annielNae/FYeddle►fucl'Hi1FORNIWtiTNl�11F:N'1'- l�nitumiCnvcnunt, 9/90 ��a�.fr�ln�„xe.�� , <br /> .. � �nm ia►�e e�e�rum�.in�� ■ <br /> ' To Unkr 1'.NI I�BOPb.70Y393 O FAE iI6TB1•11:11 -- <br /> � �' --^-N --^•--- - �� - ---- . � - •r�- . .... _ , ....__.. _ . .. _. - ... ..�.-...:.- . <br /> .t - . . - ^ - �-. . <br /> ,. � . <br />- '- - �_•_.�,._.,�... . -t .�. <br /> J � ` <br /> _' / <br /> � ° � .. f . . , � , � <br /> � , �. <br /> � . _ � <br />