. �. `�,,. a-: '��; r • " ••��fy� r . . . ,;`�''- .,: .�Sr�.,�ti���` ...._ �.
<br /> �• �,��!�� ,ar.sYa1� ."—_
<br /> ��a�n�
<br /> . ^! _--' �.._...–_"_"
<br /> .�� •�.. • .. �. d: ' �. _ '' -_�...�
<br /> � � ..�:Ni ...MQ ��M"KiMo�l{k . . �.�,:,__1'=-��–.
<br /> . +� .i .. - �F' '4� � �q.d.'i .
<br /> � ,"'�_: I � ��:�"G;1" .' .� ... �� ...
<br /> ���,,��,�/ }
<br /> .
<br /> �"'i�'. ... -" '_"_ ...-
<br /> . -
<br /> �
<br /> � �._..
<br /> ..�.
<br /> � - - ADJUSTABL� RATE RiDER I� /�
<br /> _•:' �,► '`t��. ll Yar T�uury Index-Iltte Gq3 9L�" �V��
<br /> ..
<br /> . THIS f�DJUSTABLB RA7'!i RIDER b mibethl�_d�y o/ ��� Y �19-�--�
<br /> �.�-.� �nd is ipeorporuad iato�nd rhW be de�med to�mmd�nd�upptemmt th�Mort We.Deed of Trua,or S�cu�ity Deod(the"Secudty IaaruaatP')ot
<br /> a�l the ame dau{Ivm by the und�ni�ned(the•'8ortower")to�ecurt Bortower•s AdJup�bte Wte Note Uhe'•Note")to
<br /> :�. .
<br /> • W,AdQ(tlw"4wiGr'7 ot th�faa dne�ad oovNin/the propaty daalbed la tbe SauritY Inarumau�ad loc�t�d u:
<br /> _:- �+:?,W_t - �_ �
<br /> (Pro{xriy Addreu)
<br /> � � TMb �ob co�Ul� p►otWoM I�Ib�Wy tor cY��1� �7 I�leral nUt��d�y wo�lMif
<br /> �'.�dr;ra}�-;,-�-=.c�.'.
<br /> „t;., . . p.ywe■a.rwu■o�e.tw u.d��a.■o.■�.r���s�.,�a e..c�w..c ur o..u.K ae
<br /> :.;���
<br /> ,_ �u.��c�.. dw u�e��M uM�na�o.t par.
<br /> �t.i:;a�.a.� . i
<br /> �e�`,�,,;�t,—?"aT"
<br /> ��, �. ':� ADD[TIONAL COVENAN7'S.la�ddition t.o the eaven�pa�ad a�ramenu made in the SecuHty Intuummt. Barrower aod Lenda _
<br />�,.�'���;..•at'" further covmu�t and yrea a tolbwi:
<br /> �'��''<<��
<br /> o!� �y,,.,�,,�t��� A. IN7'FRFbT RA'f�AND MON'fHLY PAYMP.NT CHAN(iF3
<br /> ���. The Note provida for an initid in[erat nto of F-� �Pr.Section 4 of the Note provida for chu�a in�he latcrat rate wd�he
<br /> —i�i�''.� ' - moI1t111Y P=Y���1tf tolloMn:
<br /> - �:�._r.,:: � ��
<br /> •�•';� ., �,.� , ss ',�� '. 1. INTBREST RATE AND MONTHL Y PAYM6NT CHANOBS
<br /> , �� '•'., tAl CY�y�D�1a
<br /> - •...,;:.;;. The interot rate I wlll pay may chanae on the firu day of AUGUST ,19 93 .and on that d�y evcry
<br /> - �": * •'� 1 Z monUu thenaRer.Each d�te on whtch my interat rateeould chanQa ia alled a•'Clwnae Date."
<br />- � :`.:. ,� � �.
<br /> _ �� ' .:�.:: .._ ' (B) TMlyde:
<br /> _ �' �+�"'•`��+ ��e�'tr 8e4i�nin4 with the firat Chanae Dato,my interat r�ttc will be bued on an Index.The"Index"b the weekly avera�e yleld on United Stata
<br /> -_ • '"t�~,;::- _ � '�� Trcuury secu�iUa�djuited to a constant maw�ity of 1 yau.as mule avaitaMe by tFie Fede�l Raerve Board.The mwt raxnt Indac fiQUre
<br /> �- ., ;i- � �vdiable as oP the date 43 d�ys before atch Chu��e Date i�called thc"Current Index." _
<br /> � • � It the Index f�no lon4er available,the Note Holder wiU chaae a new Indac which is bwed upon comparAble informaUon.The Note
<br /> ' ' ..: ' � ti Holder will Qive me notia of thi�choice.
<br /> .�;:._ J��l�,a
<br />- --- ��.;�..�=:_:_-- (C) CakW�tlorofGl���a —
<br /> . .,_�r" . ,._ &forc each Ch�nae Date,the Note Holder will calculpte my new interat rwte by addin� � AND ONE-HALF percmtaQe
<br /> -� . points( 2-5 qi)to the Cur�ent Inda and roundin�to Ihe nwrat 1/Bih of I�i,�ubject to the lim(ts stated in Section 4(D)below.
<br /> n �!.,. Thts roundod amount will lx my new inurest rate untH the next Chanee Date.
<br /> ., � *q'� ' • . Tha Note Holder will then determine thc omount of the monthly payment that would be suf8cient to repAy in full the princip�l!un —_-
<br /> �::_.;
<br /> acpectcd to owe on that Change Date in�ubstantidly equal paymenu by the m�turky dpte at my new Intercst rate.The result of thb calculation `-
<br /> =�`.,-"'..�`"�.` wlll be the oew�mnunt of m monthl --_
<br /> Y Y t+vYment.
<br /> ' �< . � .�.. ' (Dl UMI4 oa Inlen�t R�q Chaa�a 8.00
<br /> .�,: •f, •• ,��,3NF-- The interat rate 1 am required to pay at �he Ont ChanQe Date will not be grwter than �►i or la� than �;.
<br /> ' -,.a �: 4.00 �li,Thereafter,my interest rate will never be increued or decreased on any ain4le Chnnge Date by more thon �
<br /> �f° -o-ao �, . ;..
<br /> ;.�,�.��;�„� „(Z,.Q�._irom the rate of interat 1 have been paying for the prceeding twelve months.The minimum interat rate on thb lawn will never be
<br /> .�,� � .. ku thm 4.00 R�and the m�ximum Interat r�te wIN never be area�er than 17 .00 q�,
<br /> t.;... �� �� ..- ,r� „ -
<br /> .^ �':-' . lEl EftecUveD�teofCMaQa
<br /> � w , - My new interat rate will become effective on each Change Date.1 will pay the unount of my new monthly payment be�innfn�on tiie fint �--
<br /> ; 1-�� . �.
<br /> i •'{'.A•
<br />,f ' , ' montl�ly payment dAU after the Ch�nae Date untfl the unount of my monthly p�ymrnt chaaQa nQain.
<br /> �' (F1 NoticeotCYa��a
<br /> ` , " The Note Holder will mail or ddiver to me a notice before each ChrnQe Due.The notice will adviie me oi:
<br /> A � � (i) the new interat rate on my loan u of the ChanQe Date;
<br /> ".=.,,+x •• (iq the amount of my monthiy ppyment followin�the Change Date; -
<br /> "''`�� (fii) any addiNonal mnttera which the Note Holder Ia required to disclou;and `�"
<br /> � , ' ?:.,.:.�
<br /> . t� � ..:.- (iv) the addreu of the auociallon you could rnntact re�erdin�any quatians about tha edjustment notice. �
<br /> ' �x�'V{ B. CHARCFS;I.IEN3 - --
<br /> � Uniform Covenant 4 of the Security Instrument ia amended to rcad as follows: __
<br /> � ���- :-� ••� ` 1.Cba�eat I,len.Borrower shall psy all taxa.auessments,and other chargd,fina,and ImposiUons attrfbutabk to the Property which may -�—'��
<br /> � �qain a p�ioriry over this Security Instrument,and leasehold paymen�s ot ground renu,if any,in the manner provided w�der para�raph 2 hereof s:�
<br /> ,. <. � or,If not paid in such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due,direcdy to the payee thereof.Borrower shall promptly fumish Lender -�-�-
<br /> ' dl notfas of amounts duc under this paragrapN,and In thc event Borrower shall make payment directly,Horrower shall prompdy furaish ro �'•
<br /> „ Lender receipts evidencing such paymenta. Borrower sholl promp�ly discharge any lien which has prfority over�hfs Securfty Instrument; �:'-
<br /> , �� � howcver, Borrower shall not be required to discharge any cuch lien so lon4 n� Borrower: (a)shall agree in wri�ing to�he payment of the
<br /> ! ' � „ � obliQalton secured by such lien in the manner acceptable to Lender;(b)shall in good fafth conta�such lien by,or deknd ageinst enforcemenl of
<br /> � ., such Ilen in,legal prceeedfngs which in the opinion of Lender operate to preven�the en(orcemem of the lien or forfeiture of�he Property or eny �.,
<br /> � �y part thereof;or(c)shall secure from the holder of such lien an agreement In a to�m satisfactory to Lender subordinallnQ such Ikn to this
<br /> ' Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> �-- �-
<br /> y.--�-�'-.- - -_-------.-_.-.—....:...:....�- It LenOe�at[e�mines I�al oll o�aoy pa«oI l�e rroper�y is suoicc��o a iien wnicn muy miaiu�p�io�iir ore�ii�i��u�iiy i�uiiui�i'w�i, —
<br /> i
<br /> Lender shall glve Borrower a notice identifying such lien.Borrower shall sutisfy such lien or�ake one or more af the actions set forth ubove
<br /> „ wlthin ten days of the�Ivin�oi the notice.
<br /> , C. NOTICE
<br /> �ti ' Uniform Covenant 14 of the Security Instrument is amended tn read as fnllow�: �
<br /> 11. Nollee.Except for any notice requfred under opplfcable law to beµiven inanolher manner,la)un}•notfce ro Borroaer pmvided for in this
<br /> � •� Securf�y Instrumcnt shall bc glven by deliverfng it or by mafling i�by firti�clati�muil tu burrowcr at the Property AJJretis or a�wch ut fier address �
<br /> , �
<br /> • es Borrower may deslgnate by notice to Lendcr as providcd hrrcln,and(b)any no�irc to Lcnder shall be gi�cn hy tint rlaeti mnil to Lmder's
<br /> ' . , address stated herein or to such o�her address as I.ender may desfgnate by n�ti��e tu Borrower as prw•ided hercin.Any notice providcd for in�his t
<br /> :' . Securlly I nslrument sholl be deemed to have been given lo Borrow�er or Lender when glven in the munner detiignated herein. �
<br /> _, _• .:+�t. �
<br /> F-
<br /> � ��
<br />