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<br /> t • '• .R,
<br /> n. uer�M�uRn�r n�nu�axr:cuv�vavo t.�w:erave�wum 92_, �06��5
<br /> Udfam Covwaat 1!ottb�S�curiry Iaqramwt ba�umded a n�d�tdb�n: '
<br /> . IS. Udfuw Nauit!f�ti Co�r�ly V�'i�7•This tona ot tiecudty la�tn:tueat combiao�unUorm covenaou tar ru�dond we �
<br /> - �nd aon-unitorm cov�at�witd Wnttd vuWlaas by Jurisdictton to�audtute a udform sxurlcy i�uaument coverint ral propaty.Thls
<br /> Sacudty IaWnimau dWl be�ovaoed by Federd Is��nd tbe law ot the jur(idiction in w61ch the Property is lo¢ated.ia lhe avau tl�nt�ny •
<br /> pravWoa or cLwe of this Sxu�ity In�qummt or the Note oonflkxs w(W�ppUcable law�such contl4;t sM�ll not dt�t aha provWon�of this
<br /> -�--_-----_� —�� 5xurity Ia�uument or the Nwe w6icd cau 6e aivsn offact wiihout tho coa�ktf+�Arovtsion.Aud to thb end the provisione M this 3eanity
<br /> imhummt md twe IVote u+e deolarod t+i be�evera6le.
<br /> ��
<br /> � � E. TRANBF�t OF T�P�OTP�CIY Olt A�i'NI�IQAL INTFJtF�'1'IN�ORR()W`it
<br /> Uaifarm Cown�nt 17 ot ehe Sxudty lnuruaaot b amaidad w rad a�follow�:
<br /> — — 17. 7lturtir af IM!re/�q or�M�fIcW Wenst Ir Zarow�r.If all or�ny put ot tba Propaty or ao intvat therda i�wld or tr�asferrad
<br /> -- _ ------- (Of I��b000f�C�I�R�Kp�IR BOLIOWR Is i0W Ot tt�N�CflOA N�HO�fOWQ�1 QOt�I4tUf�I plfWll)WItAOYt LdIdC7'�t�Of W�I�ICO OOniEllt� —
<br /> -.- -- - Lender may,at La�der'�opdoa.decfue all the nrcm�ecwed by thi�Savdty l�uuumenc ro be immedt�tdy due�ad pRy�ble.Howaer.thii
<br /> ----- opdon�haU aot be exemiied by L.ender ii euaciie i�not�utitorized by Federal I�w.Lenda nwy aaive tlte exaci�e of thit optioa if:(y Boaaver
<br /> '�°°',•���-,� cauKa to be subtalued to l.endes Infomistion roquired by LRader to evaluau tt►e intended traateca w if a aew laia wera belai made ta�he
<br /> --— �� vw[ane;�rtd(b)Lender reuon�bly detamines ttnt I,endar's�ecurity wW not be impsirod by tbe lo�n wumptioa�nd tlyt the ruk ot Uie
<br /> — �� brach ot�ay oovewat or�yraema►t i�Ihi�Secudef►Ioarwaeat tt aooept�ble to Laider.
<br /> g--_-------- -- � To It+e extent permined bq appliaible law,Lu►der may ehuge a na�oaable tea a a condidon w Lender'�con:ent to the toaa wumption.
<br /> =�.�i�g�;.r_���' L�oader mty also requi�o the ur�asfaee w Icaep ol thv promi�a�nd�rament�m�de tn tUe Note�nd ia thi�Sa;udry U�uument.
<br /> ��::��s;ui •�1��.E11dEf QJIlfC�lq 11IC�1 O�OIf t0 tOCl�QafQ� 1R11dCf i��Ip��BOT[OWEt IlOt�00 Q�aCCO�Gl�011�II��IICO iY�l�l piq�f��l��fiC�lOt.
<br /> ;°����''���>^;.�,F:' Sueh aodae�h�l1 provlde R petlod oP not Idi th�n 30 day�fran the date the noticx b mtlled witldn w6icb Boaower maY PQY the twns declued
<br /> due.It HoROwer t�lls w P�►Y�uch�ww P�'�or W�he e�cpiradon of wcb pedod.I.a�der msY�wdthout furt6er aaia or der�und on Horrower.
<br /> Wvoke any remedla pamitted by thls Secudty Iwtrument." _
<br />:-' .� j,.. , ;. , -, "Notwlthuandinj a We or aansfa.Borrowa spl wadauo w be oWiqtad under tAif Note wd thiis Secudty latrument unleu La�da b�
<br /> �'�S rek�ual Horrovrer ia wrlttn�.��
<br /> -,-�,� �.fS, •:i.�}r�`'�x'='�- F. LOAN CHAN(iE8
<br /> �a I[the loan sxured by t6e Seeudty Inttrument U tubject to a law whlch sets mwclmum Iwn chuQa,and tluU Iww b fia�Uy Intupreted w
<br /> — —...--------- that the laterest or othar lo�n etur�es oollected or ta be wllacted ia comecNon wltb the lwn excoed De�niltted Waits.then:(t)my such loan _
<br /> - ''"^ r •° cMu�e ahall be taluced by the uaount neonsary to reduce the clwQe to tde permined Ilmlt;and(Z)any�um�alra�dy collected from bonmver
<br /> , �,• ___---.- -.
<br /> —"'t!�'r3y,- . .. . .S
<br /> ,�� ��y`' •• � whtch acoeeded permitted Umiu wIU be refunded to Borrower.Lender may choae to nwlce tbis rcfund by reducinQ the principol owed under the
<br /> _ �Q- .- ; Note or by mddr►�a dlract paymeat to Bonower.If�refund reduca prladpal.the rcducdoa wIU be trated u a partW DrepQyma�t under the
<br /> .-_��d'�h!'L::i�.IS:. 1� �Q.
<br /> 'Jr..,c�ie. -^;�•W
<br /> _ _�;�c.'"•,.:�*,"��.1:•• I1V WIT11i�88 WIlEREOF.YurrowaMiue�cNed tW Aqpu4�ble li�le Wder.
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