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<br /> --- candemnation or othcr taking of any pnrt of Ihe Property,or ior canvcyance in 8eu of condemnadon,arc hercby w�aigned and
<br /> ahall ba puid to I..ender.
<br /> -- _ In the event of p total taking of the Property,the proceedR shell be applied to Ihe sums aecured by thiR Secudry
<br /> — Instrument,whether or na Ihcn due, with any exccss puid to Borrowcr. In thc event of u pnRiul taking of thc Propeny in
<br /> wh�h tho fair murket value af thc Property immediutely befare the taking is eyuul to ar grcuter than tlie umount of Ihe euma
<br /> �� i aecur+ed by this Securiry Instrument immediately before the taking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwixe ngree in writing.
<br /> ��."'� thc sums se�;ured by this Security Inalmment shall be reduccd by thc amuunt of tne procceds multiplied by the following
<br /> °.'�r ; fmction: (u)the total amount of tho xums ssecured immedintely bcfure�h�teking,divided by(b)the feir market valua of ihe -
<br /> :..: �
<br /> I� Aroperty immediately before thc t�ilcing. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. lu the event of a partiai tnking of thc -
<br /> Propeny in which the fair market value uf the PropeRy Immedintely before the tnking is lecs than thc amount of the sums
<br /> secured immediately 6efore thc taking,unless Borrower and L.ender otherwir,e agree in w�iting or unletis applicable law
<br /> �,..,,,,,� otherwise providea,the proceeds shaU 6e�pplied to the sums r,ecured by thia Securiry Ins�n�ment whether or not the sums ane
<br /> ---—_--_.��-� then due.
<br /> -����� lf the Property is abundoned by Borrower.or if,after notice by l.ender to Borrower Ihat the condemnor offers to make
<br /> - an awurd or settle a claim for damages,Borrawer fuils to respond to Lender within;U dayc after the date the notice is given.
<br /> ��'�``�'�`'� Lender is authorized to coUect And upply thc praceeds,at its opdon.either to restaration or repair of the Propen.�or to the
<br /> °'""'�`�'�"� aums sccured by ihis Secudty Instrument, whether or not�hen due.
<br /> ��'�'.�� Unless Lender and Borrower ottierwi+e Agree in wriling, uny application of proceads to principul shall na extend or
<br /> - - postpone the due dnte of the monthly payments referred to in puruga►phs 1 und 2 or change thc nmount of such payments.
<br /> ���- 11. Borrower Not Rekased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Bxtension of the time for payment ar
<br /> �: `"�; , moditication of omortizatian of the�;ums secured by this Security Insuument grunted by Lender to any successor in intereat
<br /> �'- of Borrower shall not operAte to release the liahlliry of the originnl Borrower or Borrower�s successor� io interest.Lender __
<br /> °' '�'�""y,�`'�' ' shalf not be required ta commence proceedings against any successor in iMere»t or refus�: to extend time for payment or
<br /> �" �� `�� �:�' ' otherwise madify amartization of the sums secured by this Securiry Ins�rument by reason of any demand ms►de by the orlginal
<br /> ••�'. " '�•'"'"' ' ' j� Borrower or Borrowcr's sucressors in interest. Any forbearance by l.ender in exercising uny right or remedy shall not be u
<br /> � 1��' '-^�°' :' ""a ' I waiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or rernedy.
<br /> . ''.� I 12. Successora and Assl�ns Boundt Joint and Several l.iability;Caslgners. The covenants and agreen�ents of�his
<br /> � �� •°•'�` I Securit Ins�rument shall bind und benefit the successors und ussigns of Ixnder and Borrower,subject ro�he provisions of
<br /> 't��!�'�"k`•' � '� paregraph 17. Bo�rower's covenants und agreements ahull be joint nnd several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> ;�� � [nstrument but dces not execute the Nate: (a) is ca-signing this Securiry Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey thut
<br /> � `��•��.�� � �f � BoROwer g lnterest in the Propeny under the terms of this Securiry Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pny the xums
<br /> - #sr�?�u,r,,..ti,_<�....,..
<br /> 3 secured by�his Security Instrument;and(c)ugrees that l.ender und uny other Borrower may ugree to exlend,madify,forbear
<br /> , "�,_�""' ""�:� or make ony accommodalians with regurd to the termx of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Dorrowers
<br /> ..�;�s ,,:��;::.,�a,.w.,���� b consent.
<br /> ""'�==- """''�_;"�"'�"`—� 13. Losn ChR�' es. li ihe loan secured b this Sccarii lostrument ir:::ub ect to s lats� s�hich sets maximum loan
<br /> �. ; . � .,,.,a .r •l�;� � y y 1
<br /> • churges,and that luw is finnlly interpreted so thut the intere�t or aher loan churges caUcc�ed or to be collected in connection
<br /> � ' . ' with the los►n exceed the permitted limi�s, then: (a)uny such loun cht+rge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> • the chur�e ro the permitted limit;und(b►�ny�ums already collected from Borrower which exceeded perrniued limits will 6e
<br /> ' � ' retunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to muke thi�refund by reducing the principul owed under the IVote or by making n
<br /> •' . :","%{•`' �, direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reducex principal,the reduction will 6e treuted ur u ps�nial prepayment without any
<br /> ' ' pmpz�yment charge under�he Nole.
<br /> � ����' � � l4. Notieea. Any notice to Borrower provided far in�his Security Instrument xhull be given by delivering it or by
<br /> ., .. .,�•:.r _ ..
<br /> mailing it by fi►st cluss mnil unlexs applicabk luw reyuires use of another methad.The notice xhnll be directed to the Propeny
<br /> ';_i ; � �`y � Address or uny other uddmss Borrawcr designutes hy noticc to Lender. Any noticc to Lender shall be given by first clnss �
<br /> �F_„ " ` mail to Lender's uddresx sluted herein or uny othcr i�ddress Lcndcr dc+ignuteti By notirc to Borrower. Any notice provided for Q_
<br /> ,�,�, .. •-�:� in this Sccuriry Imtrumen� shull bc dcerned to huve been given u� Borrower o� LcnJer when givcn as provided in this
<br /> ,,. � . ., pumgmph.
<br /> �'' , ':'�'- ' ; �t 15. Govcrning Law; Severabillty. Thiti Srcurity In+trument shnll be governcJ by Yederul Inw and the luw of the
<br /> < � �� . . � 'urisdiction in which the 1'ro rt i�located. In Ihc evenl that uny provitiion or�luu�c of thiz Securiry Inxtrument or the Notc
<br /> �• • .:�3'.�;.... J Pe Y
<br /> ,.... . conflicls with npplicable law,wch conflirt shull not al'tcct u�her provi+ionti of thi.Security Imtrument ar the Note which can --
<br /> �' ��� ° • be given effect without �he conilining provision. Tu this end the provisionx of�his Securiry Imtrument And the Note nre
<br />' ' • .r . �g.
<br /> • .i: ' decic�rcd to be severuble. _
<br /> ,;:,. . o , 16. Borrower's Copy. Boirowrr+hall Ix given une cunformed copy e►f�he notc und of this Seeurity Instrument. =
<br /> " ., "s�- ` 17. 7�unsPer of fhe Property ora Heneficlal lnterest In Borrnwer. If ull or uny p•rrt ot'ihc Propeny or uny interest in _
<br /> � it is sold ur transfcrccd(ar it'u hc�ncticiul interest in Bom�wer is.olJ or trunsfcrrcd and Borrc►wer is not u nu�ural person) `
<br /> �"� without Lender ti prior written c�n+ent,l.�nder muy,at ih nption,rcyuire immedia�r puyment in full of ull sums secured by f'
<br /> - �� �-� � � this Ser.uriry Instrument. However,thix option shull not Ix�c.rrrci�ed by Lendcr it�excrcitie is prohibited by federul low us ot'
<br /> }• .
<br />., • :�.:. • thedate of this Security Inmtrument.
<br />� - IF l.encler exerei,es�hi.optiun, LAn�ier xhull give Horrowrr notice uf ucceleration. Thr no�ice tihall provide a periai uf —
<br /> . ��' � • nd lexs thun 30 duys from Ihe dute Ihe nnticc i,dclivercd or mailed wilhin which Borrowcr must pay all sumc secured by Ihis =
<br /> • �� Securiry In+trument. If Borrowcr fuil+tu puy Ihr�e sum+ priur tu thr cxpiration of thix �xriod,Lendcr may invoke nny e
<br /> r;
<br /> _ , w ., remedieti pertniucd by this Sccurity In,trument withaut furthrr nrnic�or demand un Borrowrr. _
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Rcinslute. If Borruwer mcct� certuin conditiun+. Burrowrr shull have Ihc right to h•rve _
<br /> R"' ' enturcement of thi�Seruriry In,trum�m�fi+rontinurd ai any tin�c prior to thr earlicr of: lul 5 days(or such�itlxr period as -
<br /> ",� Sin�l�Famly-•Funnk�tuc/Hreddlc�fucUNlFOlt111\tiTRIUfF:NT•-UmfumiCmrn�m. 9/9D rpuK��4n/n�Ke�l Y
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