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. � .. .. '�. �.yj�t��_ � o. .. ., . . ; .4aLLL�ii�_cL:. _. <br /> . ��l' .�� ^ ��° :!7a:?.�La:�..l. ':,TW'.y���,_ '_ .._�"i�'_—"""'_ . ... <br /> ��' .��-'°�°'.°----- <br /> .K,...� - - ------- - <br /> _ ��i!r . --- <br /> a- • -�•. <br /> +� . . .r,. ,r ` .----- <br /> �; .. j� ...,.rw»:r»?ty4� i ���;:�;:�- „ .,-;.-_�" -- <br /> �. '��_ <br /> .;.:. wa,•�r.. <br /> `�^ -- - - ----- <br /> _ _ _ --- _ <br /> _ -- --- <br /> . . '•.,,.._..• _�. . <br /> I <br /> _ � Y 92—ios�ss <br /> perioda that Lender requires. The insurnnce carrler providing the insuronce Rhall be chosen by Borrower Kubject to I.ender's <br /> • epp�oval whlch ahall nat be unret+�anably withhald. If Borrower faila to maintain coverege described above,Lender <br /> ,�,. Lender's optlon,obwin coverage to protect Lenderk rlghls in the Propeny io uccordance with parograph 7. <br /> . "t��,r�•F,:•:.• ., All insurance policies and renewnls xhali be acceptable to Lender and shall i�clude u standard mortgage ciause. Lender <br /> '��, -,•••�.,�,c,,f' , shall have the dght to hold the policies and renewuls. If L.endcr requires,Borrower shull promptly give to Lender all receipts <br /> -k;ti""" of paid premiuma und rcnewal notices. In the event of loss,Borrower sholl give prompt no�ice to tho insurunce csurier wnd <br /> �.� " Lender. Lender may mulca proof of loss if not made prompdy by Borrower. F_ <br /> Uniess Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree in writing, insurnnce praceeds shull be applied to rcstoration or repair of <br /> �.;. , the Praperty demeged, if the restoration or repuir is econamir,ully feasible and Lender's secudty is nat IeRSened. If the <br /> ��. restoration ar repair is not economicully feasible or Lender's securlty would be legtiened, the insurwice proceeds shcill be <br /> , �.A;.�,M,,,�," applied ro the 4ums secured by this Security Instrument. whether or nat then due, �vlih eny excesx paid lo Borrower. If <br /> _�-�ra�.�...����- Borrower abundona the PropeRy. or does not answer wfthin 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurence carrler ha� <br /> -'�'` 'a� . .� ` offered to senle n cluim,lhen Lender mo�cullect the ioaurance proceeds. Lender inay use the proceeds to repair or restoro <br /> °''' �¢{a`Y•'���' ' the Property or to puy sums secured by this Security Instr�ment,whether or not then due. The 3Q-day period wjll begin when <br /> �'y`'.``• the notice ia given. <br /> �.�; ,.�, �� Unkss Lendcr and Borrowcr otherwise agrec in writing, Any applicution af proceeds�o principAl shull not eatend or <br /> ��rt-�-=;��:��•==� . postpone the due date of the monthly puyments refemed to in purographs 1 and 2 or change the amount of Ihe peyments. If <br /> .�.► "`'`.:'. :. .. <br /> , r under parugraph 21 the Properry is ncquired by Lender, Borrower:s right to uny inrurnnce policies und proceeds resulting <br /> ---. �. . from damage to tha Properry prior to the acquisition ahall pnas to Lender to the exrent of the sums cecured by this Securiry <br /> =�ec.�r.�� �� Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> _- � E:: ���:,-�•= b. Occupancy, Preservation, Mointer�ance and Protectlon oP the Property; Borrower's Loap Applkadon; _ <br /> -�-"=r•���` - Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy,estublish,and use the Propeny ns Borrower's principal residence within sixty duys�fcer �— <br /> �.. e se .e <br /> ::'ri :a ,Ar-�""'a'� '" the execution of this Security Instrument und shall caminue to accupy the Property as Borrower's principAl�sidence for at -- <br /> � least one year atter the date of accupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which congent shall not be <br /> ;. unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exist which um beyond Borrower'.s control. Borrower shall nW = <br /> ' A .r" destroy.dumage or impair the Property,allow thc Propeny to deteriorntc, or commit wacte on thc Property. Borrower shall <br /> • �s� be in defeult if any forfeiture artion or praceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment <br /> - „o ' ' ., could result in forfeiture of the Prapeny or atherwise muteriully impair the lien creuted by Ihis Securiry Instrument or <br /> � � �� � "i• Lender's recurity intercst. Borrower muy cure such a defuutt and reinstute.�.5 provided in parngraph 18,by causing the aclian <br /> =' '" - :+ or proceeding to be dismissed with u niling that,in l.ender's soad faith decerminAtion.precludes forfeiture of the Borrower�s <br />_ - , � .,i°e .,.',i'.rce, __ — <br /> _.. ,. interext in the Property or other muteriul impuirment of the lien crented by this Security Instrument or Lender4 security <br /> 1�s. ' interest. Borrowcr shall also be in default if Borrowcr, during the loan applicuti�n process, gave materlsilly false or <br /> ,� inaccura�e information or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender wfth ut�y mu�eriul infarmatian)in connec�ion with <br /> � ; .,�;:��,: ,,.,� the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations ronceming BoROwer s accupancy ot the <br /> = : � = _—° Property as a principui residence. If[his 5ecurity ins[rument is on�ieusehold,Born�wer shail compiy with all tne prov�s�ons <br /> of the leuge. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Propeny,tha leusehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees <br /> ..' ' to the merger in writing. <br /> .. •':..�: ° 7. protection of I.ender's Rlghta in the Property. If Borrower fuils to perform thc covenants ond o�reements <br /> ,• -- contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a Icgal proceeding�hat mey significandy affect I.ender§ rights in the -- <br /> rr <br /> , ,��. Property(such as a proceeding in hunkruptcy,probaee,for condemnation or forfeiture or la enforce laws or regulations),Ihen <br /> , ° ,,. � ,� Lender may do and pay for whutever is necessury to protecl the vulue of ihe Propeny and Lender s rights in the Property. <br /> Lender's actions mny include pnying su�y xums secumd by u licn which hus priority over[his 5ecurity Instrument,appenring _=- <br /> `,� . _ . � ,��,;, in caurt,puying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repuirs.Although Lender may takc actian <br /> � , n,,,,._ . : under this parugruph 7,Lender dces not huve ta do so. ��= <br /> ,,,r. Any umounts disbuned by Lender uader thix parugraph 7 shall becomr nddilional debt of Borrower se;cured by this �'`-� <br /> Securfty Instrument. Unless Borcowcr und Lender ugrce 10 aher termti of puyment,these umounts shAll benr interest from the <br /> '�� dnte of dixbunement ut the Note rutc und xhall 6e puyuble,with intcrest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> ,�. .. . . payment. <br /> �`� • S. MoMRage Insurance. If Lender reyuired manga�ee inxurunce us u conJition of making the lo:�n secured by this — <br /> ' - � . r..• <br /> Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay�he premiums reyuired w muintuin the monguge insurance in effect. If,for uny �' <br />;;�+ ; � • . reason. the mongage insuronce coverage reyuired by Lcixler lupses or cea+es to be in effecl, Borrower shall pay the �� <br /> ° � - premiums required to obtain coveruge subztanli�dly cyuivulent to thc mohguge insurunce previou�ly in eifect, at a cost <br /> :;4. > � substantiully equivulent to the coxt to Borrawer of the monguge insurunce previously in rffect,from un altema�e mortguge <br /> �'"'` insurer approved by Lendcr. If sub�tanti•rlly eyuivalent mongage insurance coveragc ix not uvailuhle, Borrawer shull pay to __ <br /> �. � Lender each month u zum equol to one-twclfth of thc ycurly mongagr inxurunce premium bcing puid by Borrower when the —'; <br /> �,;C� insumnce cavernge lupsed or ceaxed to be in efPect. Lender will arrrpt,u,e;u�d rctuin thesc paymenls as u loss reserve in lieu �F°"� <br /> ,• � � � • of mortgage insurancc. Loss reserve payments muy no longrr be requimd,at the option of Lendcr, if mortgage insurance --� <br /> � �� coveruge(in the amounl and for the peri«i thut Lcndcr rcquircx)provided by an in+urcr approved by Lender ugain becomes =— <br /> � � uvuilnble and i.r•obluined.Borrower shull pay the premium.rcyuircd�o m•rintnin mongage insurunce in effec6 or to provide a � <br /> � '``' loss rescrve,until the mquirement for monguFe inxurunre enJs in uceordunce with uny writtrn tigRCmcm beiween Borrowcr <br /> , . und Lender or upplic�ble luw. <br /> . 9. In�spection. Lendcr or its agcnt muy makr masunablc emrirs uron und ins�xcliom��t'Ih�Pra�ny. Lender shull <br /> ° give Bortuwer notice at 1he timc��f crr prior to an insperlion sExcifyinE rea+anublc cuusc Wr thc in,�xctian. <br /> :� 10. Condemnation. The procecd+uf any awurd or claim tirr d:miag�,,direct or ron,eyuentiul,in connection with uny <br /> tiinplc Fam�ly•-Fonnk Nae/F�eddie lfuc t'NIFOR�11�ti'I'Rl�S1F.11T•-Umt„mi t'oren•rot. 9/90 �puxrd nl'n/w.q��l , <br /> �aratlnkMPWneah'am.lnr� <br /> ro�Mrr rau:iaoo��o-a�ai r�vex einvei•�rn • <br /> i <br /> ' . <br /> � •---,,.:--,-. .. - --- . . . , . - . :. <br /> � � , �. . � . - ' ^ . ..;y.,��-Vh... . ,.�.....+;iSt'v�.». ..i.7: <br /> Y. ° <br /> . � <br /> `'. '-'r`--- ' ---- � <br /> �) <br /> e <br /> ,, <br /> „ ... <br /> : ' , .,� � <br />, . � ,� <br /> �: <br /> � ► <br /> . � � ' <br />