� .�� a _.. . {� � •'"..y�a
<br />../r: ��"-':`` _ -_ Ir� � ` fy';'Y t�.:..�:,• µ'.� J(11iNif:.�rnXMl��ti �..._�."' __._
<br /> � �. N�� �+��•vi���._ _ .. _—
<br /> ��.-.._. _ ��wp.�
<br />__' 0. . vt�:_".`-
<br /> Y�N� _..��__
<br /> . ;.�'i '�►^'�{ ���� a:���.4s• .,r: . "y�� '';;,�'c:
<br /> ��C �� .ry .o
<br />. ..'^5:�� ��. � . ...
<br />^ if� -- ---- -
<br />_ . � " , _ _ __ .__ .
<br /> � _ ' � ADJUSTABLE RATE R1DER 2�
<br /> - - - -- -- -. (l YqrTrcaawy Index•RaleGps�) �` ��0�
<br /> -'` . TNIS ADlUS7'ABI.A RATE RIDBR 4 meiM thit �5 d�y of 1u� ,19 92 .•
<br /> ' and b Incorporat�iato 1u1d�hdl be daaned to amtnd and tupplemenl the Mortla4e,Deed o/Truu.or Securiiy Dad(the"S�curftY Imuument"1 ot
<br /> �M wee dn�tiva bY�M undailpwd(th�"BortowK")�o aecure Bor�o�a's Adlwuble IWe Nou(�M'•Note")to
<br /> �Q(tM"LNid�r•�)of IIM wn�d�t�aad oove�iM«propatY dwc�(bod In th�lGcurllY ImirwnMn�nd IoquW�tc
<br /> .:� `1`' 1
<br /> 1912 Stolley park Circla� Gra�d Islend, Ne 68803 �,
<br /> ^'� (1►ropert9 Addras) '
<br /> �� TOM�ott ewldM pro�Wor Wowl� fa eM�t 1r �l l�ta�al nt��d �Y wo�tri�
<br /> _'�u,E.+'�t€',c�;E:3� •-
<br /> - -=- = p���q.'[Mb Mu�Mo Il�lu I�e�ws�u��I�temt nu car cl��p N�r�d��M
<br /> ��� �,;;,;q== �la lie olY�r�w/IM�rat�1�wt py.
<br /> �k.,...
<br /> - - ,��� �; .
<br /> �..�'.;•, ADL11TlONAL COVENANi'3.In addidon to the�wvan+�au�nd yramenu m�de ia Wa SavrkY lnqrommt, Borcowtr u�d L.aid�
<br /> ���'itt�i;'"<... fUnher coveu�at Md yrce u tolbwa:
<br /> -7' �'•,:`js
<br /> �.:::,ti�•..� The Nde provida for�n iNUal interat rato ot 8•0 �i.Section 4 oi the Note provtda tor ch�a ia the intuat nte�ad tbe
<br /> — �� ., monthlY paYauna.s f�llown:
<br /> %�tr±�+*.�r 1. lNTBR&ST RA TE AND MONTNLY PAYMF.M!'CNANOBS ' -
<br /> .. . ...;,_�...,
<br /> — .� -. . ,, (A) CM�e D�ta
<br /> �:ti���""';�"'"�'"� The interat rate I will p�y may chnn�e on�he fint d�y of _�IJQu4t ,19�—.�d ouu that d�Y�Y
<br /> " •'�� +���alura montbstl�a�f'ter.Eachdateonwh[chmyinteratratocouldchwyei:cAlleda'•Cban{eD�ta"
<br /> „ ..: '�:: '':`�i� (Y) 7'Me 1�
<br /> _� '�'' HeainninQ with the fint Chanae Date,my interat ratc will be based on an Indez.The"Index"is the weekty wveraQa yleld on Untted Stata
<br /> " " � - ' Trasury secudda adjusted to A con�tant matuflty of 1 yeu.as made available by the Federal Raerve 8oud.The moit rpxnt Inde�c il�ure
<br /> '� �•`," ` av�ikble w oP ttu date 43 d�ya before each Chante Date i�called the"Current Index"
<br /> •���. If tiw index is no lon�er rvailabk,the Nou Holdet wlll cdoose�now indat which i�based upon compuable intomwtfon.TAe Note
<br /> —. "''�"-''��', .., Holder will�ive me naUa of thi:chokc. -
<br /> . �. .- .. .q'w::f- !�.
<br /> . _j,y�T.:..,,,�,;r IC) Cdtd�fl0/OPCM�qlf
<br /> - :;;:ws;::..--'ar= � - - befom each G�anQe I]�ate.the Note Hoider wiii caicuiAte my new intera�raie by adJio� t!'tI2B e�?d One�hs3lf p=��t
<br /> . •� ���� 3.5 �q to the Current Index and rounding to the nearat 1/8�A of l�h.subject to the limiu stated in Section 1(D)below.
<br /> '��" '""x ' Thlt rounded amount wlll be my new fnterat rate until the next Chan�e Datc.
<br /> ���` ��`'"`"F'"'�� The Note Holder will thcn determine the omount of the monthly payment thot would be suificient to repay In full Ihe principal I am
<br /> _�_� '�• � acpected to owe on thot Ch�n4c Date in substamially equ�l payments by the maturity date at my new fnterest rate.The rault ot this calculation
<br /> � � � w1U be the new amounl of my monthly payment.
<br /> .�, �_.
<br /> a ,� , :' ID1 IJmlb on I�terat R�ta Ch�rga
<br /> � � The interat rqte t am required to pay at the �rst ClwnQc Dnte will not be areater ths�n +�—qi or las than
<br /> �.. ,� �:� " ..�6;��, -
<br /> _ - .;,,..,g;.,. _ _..i.�. �-n 4 i.T h er e a ft er,m y interat rote will nevcr bc increased or dcereased on an y sin�le Chan�e Date by more thon +���n pu*r-Pnt
<br /> _ . -• (�-n� from the rau of fnterat 1 have txen payfng for ihe preced{ng twelve montM.The minimum intereu rate on thls loan will nevu be
<br /> � . leu than 6-❑ qi and the mwdmum intercst rate will never be arcater tlun 13_fl _44.
<br />_ }� .. ., o
<br />- . •.•�..,_•- (E) Flfat�ve D�te of CM��a
<br /> � ` �cr ,,; My new interest rpte wlll become effcetive on each ChanQe Date.t wfll pay thc unount uf my new rnonthly paymmt beQinninQ on the flrot
<br />_'� r • � :�•. oanthly p�yment date after the Chan�e Date unql the amount of my momhly payment clun�a aQain.
<br /> '',�;,'�'. ' +'�" (� Nodct o(CM���a
<br /> � � ° The Note Holder will mail or deliver to me a notfce beforc each ChanQe Date.The nWfce will advlse me oh
<br /> ,t,` (i) the new interat rate on my loan as of the Change Date;
<br />- ' ��. �` (fq Ihe amount of my mont6ly payment following the Change Date;
<br />``_ ;,,,,;,�„�.��, : (iil) any ndditlonal matten whkh the Note Holder is required to disclox;and
<br /> ,,_ �,� � , (Iv) the addreu of the as:ociadon you could mntact reQardin4 any quatbru about the adjuatment notia.
<br /> �� H. CHAIlCES;LIENS
<br /> .�g� �� .. `.
<br /> 3� " � UoiPorm Covenant 4 of the 5ecudly Imtrument Is amended to reod es follows:
<br /> 4.CYuQa;lJer.Borcowcr shall pay all toxa,usessments,and ather charges,fina,and impositions attributablc to the Property which may �
<br /> ° ritain�prlorlty over this Security Instrument,and Icaschold payments of ground renu,if ony,in the manner provided under paroaraph 2 hereof
<br /> . " or,if not paid in such manner,by Borrower makin�payment.whrn due,directly to the p�yee thereof.Borcower shall promptly furnish Lender -
<br /> . all notices of amounts due under this para4rapA,and in the event Borrower shall moke payment directly,Horrower shall promptly furnish to
<br /> Lender receipts evidencing such paymen►s. Borrower shall promptly dlscharge eny lien which has prbrity over this Security Instrumenr
<br /> . however, Borrower shall not be required to dlscharge any such Hen so lona ac Borrower:(a)shall agree in writinQ to the paymen� of the �
<br /> i oblfQatlon secured by such lien in the manner acceptoble to l.ender;(b)shall in good faith mntest such lien by,or deknd against enforcement of
<br /> " , ., auch Ilen in,legal proceedings which in the apininn of Lender opera�e to prevent theenForcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Properry or any
<br /> �: , put thereof;or(c)shall secure from the holder of such Ifen an agreement in a form satisfactory�o Lender subordinatfng such lien�o this
<br /> ;g , Securfly Instrument.
<br /> If Lender dete�mines that all or ony part of the Propeny is subjec� to a lien which may auain a priorfty over this Scturily Instrument,
<br /> �.a itl. .� �_u �..�_. _o.�__ .r....1..4....
<br /> •'._._""`. '_"".s___ •"_�'"' '�"�""" '_..:._r�__. ���'_ n""""_ "�.�� __.i.r.. ��'_ " ' _�'_ �
<br />._. _.-— .--__.— - �.cuVa an��6��c ov��vwci a�wu�c�ucuu���u��uiu ucu. wi�vw�� au�n aoua��5iiui a�u��iwwC�uC vi.uv��v un�::iv..S i'w........�w•t
<br /> within ten days of the Qivin�of thc notice.
<br /> .. C. NOTICE
<br /> :� � Uniform Covenant 14 of 1he Sccurity Instrument is amcndcd�o read nti follows:
<br /> ' U. Nollce.Except for any nutice reywred unJer applirablc luw ia be gi�en m ano�her manner,Ic+l any nouce�o Borrower pro�ided for in�his
<br /> r
<br /> Security Instrument shull be given by deli�ering i�ur by mriliog it by�1'irst dass mail lu BuiwNCi a�die Pr u�k���AJdicss or at wch othcr address
<br /> . , as BorroNer may designate by nutice tu I.ender as pro�iJcJ hcrein, and Ib)•rnq noute�u LenJcr+h�ll be Ki�cn h�•fint cla�ti m�il�u I.endcr', ,
<br /> " , address stated herein or to such olher aJdrc�+a+1 enJer ma��Je��gnatr h�nutice to Nor ruNCr:n pra�idrd hc�em..4m nouce pro�iJeJ tor in�hn
<br /> =+ . Securi�y Instrument�hall be decmed to hn�e heen given�o Borrower or I.ender when gh en m�he manner dcsignu�ed herein.
<br /> ��
<br /> �
<br /> � � __ _
<br />