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<br /> — ot fale,�nd the sale.lacladla�the payment of the'Ilrustee's tees actually incurred,not toexceed three `��
<br /> -- the priacipwl smount of the note wt the Iime ot!6e declpmtbn ot defpult.and reAxons�ble attorneys'feec av permitted
<br /> by IaWt tb)W�II wan�e�wred by tb4&cu�tty Iartruawatt�ad(c)oay escess lo the pereoa ar personr IeWdly endtkd
<br /> a�.
<br /> Z2. ReconvayAnce. Upon payment of all suma�ecured by�his Security Instnrment,l.endcr shull request'Ituslee to
<br /> � reconvey Ihe Roperty and shall surrtnder this Securlty InaUvment and nll noteg evldencing dcht secured by tbis Security
<br /> Inauument to 7Yust�e. Tt�ntee ehall rcconvey the Property wilhout wartanty nnd without chargc to the persan or persona
<br />�"� -- legally endQed to it. Such person or persons Ahall puy any recordution cotita.
<br /> --�--- -- — c
<br /> -= - 13. Sub�dt�te 7tws{ee. txnder,At Its option,mny from tlme to Nme remove 7tubiee and uppaint a succc�.wr trustec o
<br /> _— — eny 7tustee appointed hercunder by nn inswment recorded in Ihe county in which this Security lnatrument ix n�:uidc:J.
<br /> Wilhaut conveyance of the Proper:y,lhe cuccessor truclee shuil suceeed to all the title. power and dulies confemed upon
<br /> 'Ituctee herein and by eppllcablc law. _
<br /> 24. Request for Notkes. Borrower requests that copiea of the notices of default and aale ba sent to Bornowerk address
<br /> =--- which is 1he Propetty Address.
<br /> ____ _ _^ ��q� 2S. Wders to thls Security Iastrumenb If one or morc riders are eaecuted by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> - _ thia Secudty Insqument. Ihe covename and ngrcements of each such ridcr shall be incorpomted inlu r�nd til�all amend ar►d
<br /> — supplement the covenents end ag�ements of thia Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Insuument.
<br /> _�.,,d,,,,�,„�,� [Chce�applicable boa(ea)1
<br /> --��- a AdJustable Rate Rlder �Condominfum Itider �I-4 Family Rider
<br /> _�_ � �� v �(3radueted Payment R�der �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> �•�'�'�..,.s'im..�i..� —
<br /> �Balloo�Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> j�:...4..:- .....
<br /> ����•�� �Otfier(s)(specifyJ AcknoWledgement
<br /> �?�. r~ '7 _
<br /> _ • .����
<br /> ,_. �,;;;�.�;;�, BY SICININ(i BELOW. Bortower uccepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Securiry Insuument
<br /> and in any dder(s)executed by Borrower and�rcorded with it.
<br /> „ .r�t�.;��!'�r:.'•;:'� WidKSSCS:
<br /> , �,.
<br /> ',��-► t C � (Seal)
<br /> '.�'.ii".���. � d}Ey,� L B J. Geari�ar� -sormwar -
<br /> •.. ,���a+�•; �
<br /> �`T Social Secu�ity Nu r ��+
<br /> + �'�:.: . �:., ' ,
<br /> ��' � (Seu4 _
<br /> '���:.. .� .;� �fNery . Gearhart -B��W«
<br /> .. _ , Social Security Number 506 20 4292 —
<br /> J ,�,•••. . ! �- Hall County ss:
<br /> �`�:�=.�,.x�;�;�:,: t, STATEOFNEBRASKA.
<br /> '�j!!�r�u..., .. ,a•..,� �
<br /> �'�+�">`:" ' � '�i On this �5 day of July, 1992 ,before me,�he undersigned,a Notary Public
<br /> "' �'`'. '��` dulycommissionedandqualifedforsaidcounty.personallycume Lyle S. Gearhert end P'lary L.
<br /> :� -�.� ; —_
<br /> - ' ' Gearhart, Husband end Wif e cn me known�o be�he
<br /> —.�i!�;U.,- . ._
<br />.�_ �..,.•..,.,� , idendcal persons(s) whose neme(s)nre subscribed to the foregoing instrument and ec�nowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> „ �'i.: ' � be their voluntury act und decd. '
<br /> � • ��""' , Witness rny hand and notarial scul ut Gr Nebraska ' said county.thc
<br /> --D :� " • dute aforesaid. ���,filt If 11Mish , �
<br /> '�: �;�^. � . � KIRK OOODNNiHT � �
<br /> _ r,�.,.. My Commission expires:
<br /> AI�COIIMb EtD.OCI. . Noury Publk
<br /> —. •� :'�~ . . - TOTRUS'fEE: -
<br /> The undersigned is the holder of the notc or notes sccured by this Deed of 7tust. Said note or notes,together with s�ll
<br /> ��``'��'.. � other indebtedness secured by this Deed of 71ust,have been puid in full. You are hereby directed to cnncel said note or notes
<br /> _;,�� ' „' " and this Deed of'IFust,which arc delivered hereby,and to reconvcy,withnut waRanty,all the c�tute now held by you under
<br /> �. � this Deed of 7tust to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> � '�b . Date:
<br />�.+��; . , ' Fam 3028 9190 I/x+8e b njA pagesl �
<br /> : _ - .
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