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<br /> - 1. Sle Be�efieta��, or �U �leato, �re utlunied ro e�ter u a� reuo�sbie ti�e �{�a or u nnr v+rt uf t0e propertf tac ta¢ p�tpc�e of �
<br /> iu�ecti�� ti��u�ul lor tb /�rp���t��rfoni��u�of tl� Kt� tlq u�atYori�ed to�erlon��le�tle teni ot uf lou intru��t�e��c�ted
<br /> �"�:�.•,;� :-� br iruton,
<br /> :,,;::x' .,,F;�..,�: .
<br /> .: �fi,. . !. if �II or u► out o1 tle propat�or u� i�tere�t o1 Truton i��old, tenderred at (Nrtler e�cubered�[tlott tle�ritte�count ot tMe
<br /> � ' ��"�� laeflci�rr, tle i��etleiar�u�declue �Il rut�et�red b� tli�tn�t DeN to tt iuedi�tel� d�e ad�a��Ole uid�raeeed to tle re�edie� ���ildle
<br /> �...
<br /> � �il'�""':,�^:;�; to it��det t le de tu lt�rorit iou rn�t�l�e d lere i�,
<br /> , ��-� r• . .:�r II. Ay ot tM� fol la�i�g oat�if�l l be lee�e d n e�eH o f de f�a l t lere��der:
<br /> �:i+_+��t�F� • �, irutan�Ul!It�e ldled to ��t�p«K�t ot u� lut�ll�ent of prl�c�D<< or int�re�t or �n� otler tuo oer.�red Aereb!�Me�d�e; `
<br /> � ' � � .��'�"' 1� 1M�r�►u oce�rred �bretcl ot or defe�lt �ber �q ten, cove�ut, �lree�e�t, co�aitlo�, Pro�i�io�, reprae�t�tio�or urrnlr�'o�l�t�e8 i� `- �
<br /> ��'�" . . tlu OeM of t�ut� tle iote or�a►otler lou iutruent �ecared Ierebl�
<br /> — •.�!�;, c. flere lu ke��del��lt 1� tle Tn�tor� i�t1e P►pe�t ol uy Prbr or ��b�eoae�t lie� or e�cr�pn�ce i�tei�eet to�II or�q��rt o( tle
<br /> , ptopett�:
<br /> ���.� : •• � 1� frntor� �Itll lile��olotit➢Petitio� i�btetnptc� ar i�all Er adJ�dlc�ted butnpt or i�oolu�t, or�lall��e u ea�iq��e�t for the
<br /> �,��„��;� be��tit ot cr�diton i� re�pect to tle prooerty; or �e�ctio�to elorce u� liee or e�cub���ce or Jb{e�e�t� �qi��t tle propert� i� �'"-'
<br /> T'''� co��e�ced.
<br /> � '� • � i1, i� tle ere�t ol�ny def�alt, tYe Be�eticiu��a�declare �Il i�debted�e�r acur�d leteby ta be d�e�ed p��ible ud t1e�ae�h�ll theteopo�
<br /> — ., •� •'•" 6eeo�a dae ud py�11e dtYo�t ny pre�e�t�e�t, deued, protert or �otice ot�q ki�d. TMere�fter, tYe Yeeeficluy uy:
<br /> �`- ' -��: ". � t� eit6et ln prno�nr b� tgent, �itb ot rtthort EriUli�g tq netiov or ptoceedl�{, or by re�ai�er appoteced bl a co�rt �nd vitF.out re{trd to
<br /> '"� "���� �- , tle �deq�uy ot�ay�ec�rlS�, enter �poe ud t�te�oue��io� ot t1e �ropert�, or uy perl tlereo�� ln ib or�eue or ir tMe�ue of tMe
<br /> ;-�---•< : fte�tee, eed do nay icLa�Eic1 lt dee�s nec�eeat'ud d�einble to p�earoP Ue u�iu, ���Yet�bi lit� or re�t�bilit�ot the pto0ertq, or p�rt __
<br /> � � tMereot, or Ltere�t tMereit, i�creue tle ierou tletefro� or protect tle iecarity 1�reot�d, ritlaet tekieg po��euia� of t1e propert�, —_-__
<br /> � ne fo�or ot�at�ioe eollect tle rent�, I�ue� �ad protit�thereol, i�cl�di�{ tbooe p��t d�e md��p�id, �ul�ppl� tle oue, leu coiG ud ==_
<br />