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ti - - �� ^us..ur..... <br /> . .. <br /> ..,�� ...p . �:_,...� ��.-..-s.�,-�.c.c.,-�'!� - - <br /> , <br /> ..�-�6�.��, y ... .. , �Y� ";�' ' _ ' _ - — _--- ____ _. , .�� - <br />� ' ,+�t . . �t'�:� ��'' , .+n.� .. . <br /> � � _ <br /> .s. _ <br /> M r�+.- <br /> .'. . .... . "L � ._ .__`____-._ <br /> � - --�:, . • 92--��� <br /> �F:�:n o�- T�ut��i- <br /> "'..R.. �. �:.,>,: <br /> This DEED OF TRU3T io �etdH this ���day �f July, 1992� bv snd a�onR CA�O1, N. <br /> '��:,+�r.:..�....,.t:� MIgI'H, a oin�le Ko�anr lndividually xnd as Truptee of the STUlIQT M. NIfiTN '!'IiUST, <br /> herainafter referred to as "Trustore," whether onP or �orc�� NIIURP ■ailinQ eddress ie �708 <br /> - ' �t'. !1 Ca�eron Rd� C+�jro, Nebr�tka 68824; TN6 ATAT6 BANB OF CAIRO� a Hebraeka &anklnR <br /> �.�._ � �� ,s_.,_... Corpurwtion, herPinafter rc�ferrr.d Lo ae "Trustee�" whoae �ai ling addres�s ls Hox 428, Calro� � <br /> ---��� � p�+b�a�ka 888Z4; and TH6 STAT� BANK �F CAlRO� s Nebra�ka Bankiug Corporatlon� hcreinaPt�r � <br /> ��' � rePerred to ea "Beneficl�ry," whoae �ailing addreas is Box 428, Cairo, Nebraeka 88824. <br /> ` ' ''" ' For valuable consideratlon, Trustora irrevocahly arant, kranafer, convey snd eeeiqn to <br /> ��� .,h , Truatee, in trust� with poWer ot aale, Por the tx�nefit and spcurity of Beneficiary, under <br /> �.:.-,4 � ...''". and sub3ect to the ter�s and conditlona uf this Deed of Truat, the eollowinq desaribed real <br /> ;idet��r��;_• �(-� <br /> �---__...;�,,.�•�, property locnted in HALL County. Nebraeka: _� <br /> _ �'`�:� <br /> � :�4 ��� ••���• �• The East Half of the Northwest quarter (E 1/2 NW 1/4) of 3ection 'l9; and <br /> ��� ,,�.,.:.. «+, <br /> `��,;:.�t:;,..•�•'„�x: '� The Northesst Quarter (NE l/4) of 9ection 33; and <br /> �Y.m� ., x... <br /> �"`'°.`, """.'.,. The West Half of the Northwest �uerter (W 1/2 N/W 1/4) of Section 34; • <br />_ . � ,t...�- ��_.. - . _ � <br /> °� �� ��' ` all in Township 12 Narth� Range 12, West of the Bth P.M. Hall County� <br /> � ik•si���� - •r: , Nebraska� <br /> �� .. . �: <br /> —, ,��Y.. <br /> _:� . " together with all buildings, iwproveaenta, fixtures, atreets, alleys, passageways, <br /> . r...... <br /> •.-.:,f , ' : easeAents, rights, privileges and appurtenanc�s located thereon, and all pQraonal property <br /> ;� °;�;4�:.�:sr�s:;�t that �ay be or hereafter becone an integral part oY euch buildinqs and i�proveaenta, all <br /> — � . . V cropa raised thPreon� and all water rights, all of which, including re�lace�enta and <br /> — - � additions Lhereto, Are hereby declared to be a part of the real e�tatp conveyed in trust _ <br /> -- 't�'�� hereby, it being aqreed that all of the faregoing shall bN hereinafter referred to as the <br /> --_ =l: .w,"—_,_ _----- IIPra�ert$•11 <br /> �E , <br /> � F0� THE PURP03F OF 9�CURiN(1: <br /> �� �: �=:' <br /> �V y� �.. ' a. Payaent of indPbtpdnPga Pvidenced bv Trustore' note of even date herewith in the � <br /> principal sum of S78�OOQ.00, toqether with interest at the rate or rates provided the rein� <br />- � �� � and anv and nll r�neWals, modiFications and Pxtensiona of such note, both principal and <br /> ".'t'•• �• interest on the note beinK payable in accordanc� with the teras set forth therein, ahfch by <br />_ "� '"'�` " this refPrence is hereby made a part hereof; <br /> �... .;.,::.•.. ..:�.�'..:. <br /> .,,,�,;;. � b. The performance of Pach aqrec��ent +ind c�venant of. Trustors herein contained; and <br />-�,: " c. The pav�c�nt of all RUpB advanced bv BPneficiary under the terae of this Deed of <br />– ' .1;e ,.;.. '� Truat, toAether with interest. thereon at the rate pr�vtded tn the oote. <br /> ;`:'� ? '�s�M1 d. The ahove aeount ia secured evPn though nll ar pnrt of it aav not vpt be adv snce. <br /> =-,�1. ., , �, Future advxnces under the aqreement are contemplated nnd will be secured to t.he eaa�e extent <br /> _��_; 4�. � as 1Y pade on the datP thia deed of trust is executed. _^ <br /> .�,� '�'.'. � <br /> :�� TO P[�TBCT TH6 SECURITY OR THIS DREU OF T[tU3T, TBU3TOR3 H6BEBY 170YENANT AND AGRSE: _ <br /> �'�'�• �- <br /> �� .r:���:� 1. To p�� �Mea d�e, tlr pri�c►pal ot, s�d the inte:eat o�, t6e iodebted�en e�ideaced E, !he oote, cdarRec, fee� n�d eil ot�er �o�o e�pro+ided � <br /> 1�•, n the (oer i�itrr�e�tf, <br />�__ �i " � !. fr99ton are th• oveera nt th+ oropertv ud n�ve thP rigtl srd lsttcrit� to eu�nt+ts�� ��aF4�f ir�at in reepect t� the Droperq. <br /> i�"•' �. to p�y� �te� doe, �I; tiirf, 9pPflal 19BPBPIP�lB '�A1!II �ilhp� •:�1[RfP 4R8106�'6�� ,roaerty. bptore ihe e�e eero�e dtlinqor�t. Truton � <br /> .r e1�ll p�) ell tutr�rd j�apesl►rtls �El�h t�v 6P I�sied �ipa� e>reli,iiry'± �n�Pr?st ��rpin •�r �mor !hie 6eM ot Trnet ar t�e debt�ec�red hereh�, _ <br /> �� rjtle�t regzr. �� ie� I+v r�nt �aq bP Pn:�te� i�G�air,t p�y�ent ��� tPe rhaie cr uy pen t�rre��f s�oo th? F��ci�rv. =• <br /> �. TO i??[ C1?upro�e�entf m:� �1, F°��t�fp� :-1�1I+�1 �:' �10 P����r*q �r.s�r'4 1hIA?i �lltf^ D� fir+ 1A� ?'1P1•lfhl.' ��euea ts the 6Pt�tlflflf) �.� <br /> � Iap teQaire. :� a1r��.tF ina cr�p1��a. ���.�•1�1- }: rro f:r•� �•,r?. z:•� �rser3•�., p li�•� •!�ill ;�eteir 1 e��ndtrd �er�p�Qe �l�s9e in f��or ot � ° <br /> ., . � Beneh;nry, ttu�t�ir elill �c�,����� r�rur. e�i•.�ti� ��•t r.:��i•� �r., ;�,,:,�� .,; tr.. �tr• � ,i. ., i��r, .,t•arr f•,r .t:.��r) v��r �r.d t��t�, t�,N <br /> � ' propert��hil I eot deterieri`e. �� <br /> �;� b. I� tA�Y+�nt tb� pr�c�rrty, r ar:•, ,�art tt��r���f, :F111 t• }�t��r tv ��n.���! to�1i.. tt? �tnefi�iu9 ie �ntitled to rollect eed recei�� all � <br /> to�p���tttot rh:rt �e� ee �ua i�r ��) Droperty taKer�r frr aeat�E tc �ro�Pr�± �o� takPa. �nd t�r B�a�ti�:ir: ehtll lF�pl) F��� co�oe��atio�. �t ito <br /> �� ` Op«OA� ?IL�![ l0 S t?d4Ct�4t 'f (hp �nd�hr��r�ea sP�':f�d hPr�pr, t 'a �°(�tlt 1C9 '^�t•)P!Ih? �ro�erty �0 tlf�t. �� <br /> „ " i. tle BenefiCier'I �ip, hnt e"_sl! ��1i� �i� "�fI:�11�r.� e,. �� t�� l;t r1��F *r�•�are huN �¢•+�A h�t (.ilP1 r�,dn, +lnq t1P ��rrfi�iur uJ tlen Uo �} <br /> 1Rp !CI t! �PPIY ElfPBll�Y 'C ?f�IPiI 1"0 ��.,� hn•a��(. Tr:i�:�n. t.['� e�` t.'(11� .p�A OQIS]]. Ify 5J19 8�' "1:PApd bp ��? P�A��Ifl�f1���I�iP�l'01t f; <br /> �--L--. narnnt+�. a�A i�u �n� ►�� a[O�•d�d ahl�� h�' b�JE9 t-. '�., l:��b'+1.^.P4? 8°�'.t�0 �r��:7 I:.1 t?C�'�P Po�•7[�4 �Y !�P �1��� �!�fPO(� TS!EP�PfIfIAtJ P AAII A�� � <br /> � �n�ur te� lishiltt�!?r1�9°9f 3?yt'i,q ,� �a; .+. �; ,�i: � q. '�-����J�r. � <br /> �. T�P E��efic��rr /GL I �A�P I�P �lQ�t. (J�rt t'•1 1.!h tite �'�I�f �h• _�•�,;1,•: .� ��jc irF�q p( tr�;F' �n r���'^t f�n frSlt� I!F 1�! i".9 � <br /> `� .. �[OtI�S C� th^�[�li�Eflf 11d •)f 1ep F^ tr•+r^�t� �.`.1�a�� ��r�,.�i rir4 ,f +lI�9C' '.ltl?Q C^1lP49:�„1 ��( rh^ Dh'P"�IJ tft•cta4 +ar+�y. tin4 Tru!t�n ' <br /> � MereF� ]tFO���l�� lAE ����1��f1•�ISII� 18lI�'. �i� •:i� f�1(•. I:�'.�3 1�•7 ;fr(Iti '�"�' �o^.?t1�11<<'. ��a C'r,flflttf� h���avp�, herarr CP1!°�lF r,, � <br /> ; _ , Tr�etera� '.'il�?':�I�'7 111') �'1PC�lnq ��( �1'h !a�t+. 14NiP3 4P1 PC•��tf. ri' ��•Bi la ��':31�`�7 1�•• '1.,•� 1' �. . '11�. ��1 ��'11�1� �1�� '�dP?'� !J 11r�o�t n( <br /> '�� , e�y �u•lrh�f�lrrr iP�7�'� Ar,-.j. ^f �G �h. �..�t.,��L � •� 1�Y 1if��'�-,r , t'C�IP�. .� 1"; .y.�' � ����1�� � • �1�': , �1��P� I* •P9P�if p f��c <br /> .. . " :P?4 9I ifC9� R�3�� �lta .:�rarte> >ra i� ;"•tIl'il'Q. �f' �':',��1:Il�]. L 1 Il!I+� � fil.'t 1•�1 ■I'�� .! '•'I�' : �f5?'��tF ��� 1�i•'�P?1311tR:".6�P� <br /> . . 1[46tcr!, t74 rtth�at roitn� r.. ��!a cll.- r .w ��;a.� , . ��o �^�er�c� ,c �.. ��c•. .� iro•a �. �1111 ".uo rr., .i4't 'n t^Cly '... �,y, �.� <br /> 1dt1".( I�t:Bj�rtl.`� �ti 1F:'I'1� � .arp:cnr � ..,���(-t�i. <br /> F, . ;7,: <br /> � � <br /> i <br />