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..�. �, .. ��. lC',•' s a E�° ; '. ,�:.� <br /> ,:�.t' .�.._. '' t -: _ ----- <br /> ;� �.��.�'s���_ �� w w nT ' _"' zr. <br /> ..�5._ — --•._��----� .:i].. <br /> .�� ' .. ..., r _ . � �•4� ��� " 'ec.-- �' <br /> '�. �`!'9R :;.��;���'1MY', `'.�J4__:.._ <br /> ,.,u«.ir "'`���" - ` ��_ <br /> -�.. . __ — <br /> �- _:�� :�:�.::,� r 1U637'S . <br /> :-:��� <br /> ��""'"' payments�rwy no longer be required,at the option of L.ender, if martgage insurance covctag ��Tie amciunt and for tha perfod <br /> - t�t I.ender requires)provlded by an inaurer approved by I.ender again becomes uvuilable and is obtained. 9cirrower shall pay <br /> - � tho premiums required to maintain mortgage inaurnncs in effect,or to provide a loss reservc,until tl�e requirement for mort�ej{e <br /> _ — ___ _.__ i�urnnce ends in nccordance wlth any wrltten agrcement 6etween Borrower and l.ender or applicable law. • <br /> — `':•:"�.; g. Inspection. Lender or its agen�may make reasonable entrics upon nnd inspcctions af the PropeRy. I.ender sh�ll give <br /> �' ' Borrower natice at the time of or prlor to An inspection specifying reuscmoble cause for the inapection. <br /> �;'' , ��•��; 10. Condemnation.The praceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential. in connection whh any _ <br /> ' - condemnation or other taking of any part of the P�uperty,or tbr a�meyance in lieu ol'candemrwtion. ure hercby �u;sign�and r <br /> " - , chall he paid to Lender. � <br /> "� '�•. In the event of a towl taking of Ihe PrapeRy,the proc�eds shall be applied to the sums secua:d by this Security Instrument, <br /> whether or not�hen due,with any cxceas puid to Borrowcr. In thc event af a partial taking of the Praperty in which the fair <br /> _—=--- - market veluc of the Property immediately before the taking is equul to or grcater than the amount of the sums secured by this <br /> ���-,,,�„� Secu�ity Inatrument immodiately before tho taking,unless Borrower and Lender atherwise agrec in writing,the suma secured by <br /> _ ��i��,�,,"'� this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceals multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total <br /> - -�%�� amount af the sums secured immediately before the taking,divided by (b) the fair market velue of the Property immediately <br /> '�p"•'�'=T-�� before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial tuking of the Property in which the fair <br /> '�<<�w�-��1•�:.,.i�; market value of the Properly immecliately befora the taking ia less than the amount �f the sums secured immediutely before the <br /> — ����ti ' taking, unless BoROwer And l.endcr otherwise agrec in writing or unless appllcable law othcrwi�e provides,the prciceeds shall <br /> � be appiied to the sams secured by this Secarlry Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> ,���� �;`•�.."" if the Property�is abandoned by Borrower,ar if,after notice by L.ender to Borrower that Ihe candemnor offers to make an <br /> � R�� -��. %"� �' award or settle a claim for damsiges, Horrower fuils to respand ta Lender within 30 days after the date thc notice is given. <br />.. ��':�k�;":.,•...,•'�xietf . <br /> ,��,^ � Lender is authodzed to wllect and apply the praceetls,at its.option,either to res[oratfan or repair of�he Property or to the sums <br /> „ � • secured by this Security InstNment,whether or not then due. <br /> � _•,.ti,-;,.•�' ,a:.:," �. Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any applicatbn of procec�ds to principal shull not extend or <br /> ' :.� ••�,,;�{:, „j;.,;�.� postpane the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> ' . 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearnnce By l,ender Not p Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modiftcation <br /> , _ • ';�.;aax.;.;� of amortization of the sums secured by this Security instrument granted by I..ender to any successor in interest of Rorrower shell <br />- � .�;,,..;: , <br /> . . . � . . not ape�ete to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. I.ender shall not be requirod to <br /> :�� � ; � ^ cammence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for p�yment or otherwi�se modify amortization <br /> '. " � • : ":�.�.- of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reution of any demand made by the original Bonower ar Borrower's <br /> - ,�:r}u�.,.t.:,-,�;�_� successors in interest. Any forbearance by L.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the <br />_a-.._.- <br /> _. � _�--. -- <br /> . '' ,d exercir,e af uny right or remedy. <br /> � .. " �a l2. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint wnd Several Llability; Ca4igners. The covenants And agrcements of this <br /> � Security lnstrument shull bind und benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of - <br /> r� puragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and ugreements shall 6e joint und severnl. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> ^ ��•d Instrument but does not execute Ihe Note: (u) is ca-signing this Sccurity Instrument anly to mortgage, grunt und convey that <br /> Sc <br /> '� ,,,s:;..,. �+' Borrower's interest in the Propeny under the tcrms of thiti Sc�curity Instrument: (b)is not personally oblisated to puy the sums _ <br /> • • • , °^a' secured by this Securily Instrument:w►d(rl ugrces that LenJcr und any othcr&�rro�ver nwy agree to ex�end,m�lify, forbc+�r or <br /> '" make any uccommodations with regurd to the terms of this Securiry Instrument�r the Note without that Borrower's consent. <br /> ,�' � ' '° `. �" 13.I.oan Chargev.lf the loan securcd by this Securiry Instrument iti subject to u law which se�s muximum loan charges. <br /> , .' • ;. ,.. <br />;�' .,.�.,•. ° .•�'f� und thut law ix linully intetprcted sn that �hc intcrest ur othcr loan rhnrges collcctcd ur to t�e collected in conncction with the <br /> � '��... loan ezceed thc permitted limits,then: (u?�ny,uch loan rhurge shull be reduced by thc amount ncccssary ro reJuce the churgc <br /> ��: �:•. ° • � to the permittcd (imit; �nd (b)uny swns ulreudy cnUcctcd from &rrruwcr which exccedcJ permittcJ limits will bc refunded to w <br /> f': " ° Borrower. Ler►der muy chcwse to make thiti rcfunJ My r�lucing 1he principal ��weJ unJer lhc Note or by muking u direct <br />� � . ' n.5,r��_ .� , .� payment to Borrowcr. If a refund reduce+ principul, the raluction will be treated ac a punial prepayment without any <br />_ ,' ' _..' ��. prepayment chargc under the Note. <br /> ' !� `� 14.Notlees.Any notice to Borruwcr pruvided tiir in thi�Security Ins�rument �hull ix:given by delivering it or by mailing _ <br /> � ;!�` , . it by first cluxs mail unlcsti applicuble luw rcyuires use of anuthcr method. Thc niiticc zhall ix directcd to the Property Address - <br /> �� ,r- �. or vny other nddress Bnrrowcr dcsignutcs by nutirc a� LenJcr. .Any noticc to I.endcr shall bc given by t7rst cluss mail to - <br /> �-�,.,�:x;; � Lender's uddress xtuted hcrein or any othcr udJre„Le�nJcr Jesignatc. hy nntice ta Bormwer. Any nuticr providcd fur in this = <br /> �'�'""' �' � •��-� Security Instrum�nt ,hall lx:dcemeJ t�►have ixen given to&irrnwcr��r Lcndcr wl�en�ivcn as provided in this parugrnph. <br />, � '�`;_�', l5.Coverning Law; SeverabUity. Thi+ Sccurity Intitrumcnt �hall Ix gc�vcrneJ By tedcrul luw und thc luw of the <br /> � `+� urisdiction in which the Pro rt is Icx�ted. In thr event thut un riivisiim or clause of this Scrurit Instrumem or the Note � <br /> " ; '�s� ,, .I P� Y Y P y <br /> . "�'� � conflicts with npplicablc law,surh ranflirt tihall n�d al'I'er�othcr pro�•i,iom of thi.r Secw�ity In.trumcnt ur ihe Nutc which can be = <br /> ',;. .,t... , , - <br /> , given cffcrt withnut thc conflicting prrnision.To thi� enJ�hc provi,i�ms of Ihi�Security Intitrumem and the Note nre Jeclured _ <br /> � ' � ,� •. . ' ro be tievcrablc, � <br /> � . �. ,: 16.Borrower's Copy.&irrowcr.rhull lx Eivcn unc runti�rmed rupy uf th�Nuic unJ uf this S«urity Instrumcnt. - <br /> Fo►m 3028 8180 <br /> - Payn4d8 _. <br /> .. - <br /> f <br /> ' o ' • - , . ' ' _ ',".. _� _.. <br /> �_�__.�.—"_'_—' .- ___ . _ , . <br /> . _ <br /> �.-.... . µ�n._._.�.. . " _ "_ ' _' .. . <br /> __ _ _ 1�_. .l12_�'_�_.._.. .� .._ -_...-._ ."__ _.._ _ <br /> ., � . . <br /> . , � ' , • `� ' , <br />� ' ' , .+,�' ' <br /> '� �. 1 <br /> ,� l <br /> . �.. <br />