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<br /> - S. H�zard or Pmperty lnaurnnce. Bc�rtower shall kecp the improvements now e`1l�ng on c�raaftcr erected an the �
<br /> ;�- — Property inaured a�ainct loss by fire, haxards ineluded within tix term "extended coverage"nnd any ather haaerds. includin�
<br /> floods or flocwiing. for which Lender requires insurunce. This insurunce sholl be maintein«i in the umaunls arul for the perfodx
<br /> thut L,ender rc;quires. The insuronce carrlcr providing the insurunrc .hull hc chas�n by Barn�wcr yuhjcct to Lendcr's approval
<br /> ,� ,,. . which shnll not be unrear,orwbly wiihheiJ. If Borrower 1'niis to muin�u�n coveruge JescriheJ AM�vc, l.ender rcwy, at I.ender's -
<br /> ,- option,obtain coverage to prateet l..ender's righta in the Propeny in uccordunce with pa�agraph 7.
<br /> . � - � - All insurance �licieg und renewalv vhall Ix ncceptahle to I.ender imd shnll include a standnrd mortgage clnuzr. I.ender �_
<br /> _� -
<br /> ..-
<br /> , ••�•�*��r � shall have the dght to hold the policfes end renewuls. If l.ender reyuires,Borruwer Fhall pramptly give to L.ender aU receipts of
<br /> ����.;• ;- paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss,Borrower shull give prompt nalke ro the insurw►ce currlrr und L.eculer. L�
<br /> ,� �� Lender may make praof of loss if not made promptly by 8orrower.
<br /> ?�it`_'-��. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree ln writing,insurence proceeds shell be�ppliod to restoration or repair of the
<br /> ;.'� .� -�`„„�-; , Pro n dama P Y Y
<br /> - �.��".�. pe y god. if thc restoration or re air is economicall feasible And Lender's securit is not Ic.ssened. If the restorution or
<br />_ _ __ w"'C`�r`��."'-�n:: repair is not economicAlly feasible or Lender'a secutity would be lessened,the in5urance proceeci�shnll he applied to the sums �.
<br /> y'�' � ' "��1 secured b thia Securit lnstrument, whether or not then due. with an excess uid ta Borrower. If Borrower abandon�the
<br /> .��;,�� ..•:.� �. ��!' Y Y Y P
<br /> �`�-•�,-��1 Property, or daes na answer withln 30 days a notice from L.endcr that the insurnnce carrier hac offered to settle a claim, then —
<br /> ,�"�*".��..,.,�a_�,�, [.ender may collect the insurance proceeds. L.ender may use the praceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> - -�°^'T-- secured by this Serurity Instrument.whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin whan the notice is given.
<br /> �'�""•'��"Y r':^���,.A��': Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agrec in wrlting. any application of praceeds ►o principal shall not extend or
<br /> u�;.�:.wrz;f•+K'�':,
<br /> •�. +� '.,,, P° P° Y P Y P � P � P Y
<br /> �rb:�.,t.ti.�:. st ne thc due data of the monthl a ments referred to in ara ra hs I and 2 or chan e the amount of'the a ment s. If
<br /> - - �''.':°;:.�r„;�` under paragraph 2l the Properry is acquired by I.euder.Burrower's right tu w�y insurunce policies unJ pruceeds re�ulting frum �-
<br /> ,_= i ° � � damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall paiss to Lender to the extent af the sums secured by this Secunty Ins�rurnent —
<br /> -" ��� ~��'��i1it`' immediately pr�or to the arquisition. '
<br /> .,(� S:'-I�".,
<br /> ' : • • • 6.Occupancy, Presetvation�Maintenance And Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan Appticntian;Lcaseholds.
<br /> - �� �' •'• �'•�� Borrower ahell occupy,establish,and use the Property as Horrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> x ' ' ! � • this Security instniment and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at les�st one year after �-
<br /> ,�' `' ' ���'�-f•��'���°'� � the date of accupancy, unless l.ender otherwise agrees in writing,which cansent shull not be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> • ° j .:� extenuating circumslances exist which nre beyond Bonawer's contral. Borrower shull not destmy, damage or impair the
<br /> � �•..f Property, allow the Propeny to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Propeny. Borrower shall be in default if�ny forfeiture —.-
<br /> LL;�1'� � '� action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal. is be}�un that in Lender's good faith judgmen�coulJ result in forfeiture oF u;e
<br /> ..;s�,,, • � - Property or otherwise materiully impair the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's secu�ity interest. Borrower may
<br />---_- —�'��:�'c:.�="'' ` cure such s default and rei�siaic,a�;pravidcd in paragraph i�,by iaU�liig tlit a�iiu��u�p�u�:cali��g tu iic di�uilyacxl wiili n�uliiiK --
<br /> .. � .s.. ,. .� � that, in Lender's good fui�h delcnnination, precludas forf'eiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material
<br />-, � ' impairtnent of the lien created by this Security lnstntment or Lender's security interest. Barrower shnll also be in default if
<br /> . �.�,_ �� • � ' Borrower,during the loan opplicA�ion pracess,gave materially fulse or inaccuratc informotion or statements ta l.ender(or Pailed
<br /> � '�+e: �� to provide Lender wi�h any materiul information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limlted
<br /> � „ `:�ik.' ' . to,representations conceming Bnrrower's occupuncy of�he Propr:ny as a principal residence.If this Security Instrument is on a `��
<br /> ��`�' . " � Icasehold. Borrower shull cornply with nll the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, Ihe
<br /> �� '�" ., � � leusehold und thc fee title tihull not merge unless Lender ugrccz to the n�erger in writing.
<br /> • �'��; 7.Protect(on of Lender•s Rights in lhe Property.If&►rrowcr fails to perform the covenants unJ ugrecments contained in
<br /> �' � � this Sccurity Instrument, ar there is a Icgul proreeJing thut muy signifirantly affect I.ender's rights in the Property (such as a �'___
<br /> ��_-
<br /> � praceecling in bankruptcy, prob•rte, tor condemnation or forl'eiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender muy do and
<br /> � • �°""'. . pay for whatever is nece4sory to protcct the v�lue uf the Pr�ryxrty und l.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions rnay
<br /> ��,:' � include puying uny sums securcd by a lien which hAx prioriry �►vcr thiti Security Instrument, appeuring in coun, paying �-�
<br /> ; ' `"'� reusnnable attorneys'fces und entering on the Propeny to muke repuiry. Al�hough C.ender muy take action under this puragraph �--�-'
<br /> r � 7.I,ender d�xs tuit have to do so.
<br /> �,- ��„�._ ----
<br /> , •�,;,l. - Any umounts di�eburred by Lender under thiti purugraph 7 shall becomr a�Jilionul debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> ' �,;.., . - Securiry Instrument. Unless Burr�iwcr and l.cndcr agrec t�►uthrr icrm.r of puymcnt,ihese amuunts shall br:ir intcrc,t from the --
<br /> J " ' 8 dAte of disbursement at the Note rate and shnll be pnynble, with intcrest, upon nntirc frc�m l.ender to Borrower requesting — -
<br /> e b• � —_-_-
<br />,,,� - payment.
<br /> • � , ° 8.Mot7gage insuranrn. If Lender required mungage in,urarke a+a c��nditian of making the loan secureci by this Security �
<br /> `�� ��� Instrument, l3�rrower shnll pay the premiums rcquired In m•rint�in the mon�ug. in.urunre in effect. If, for ony reawn, the --- _
<br />. ' ;:�'"".'� mortguge insurance coverugc rcyuired by I.endcr lup�e�or cca�r� io lk in effcct,Borrnwrr shull pay thc prcmiums requircd io "' -
<br /> "�;,:;�„ �. uNtuin coverage substantially eyuivulent to tlx mnrtguge insuranre prcvi�iusl� ^t'tcc�, at a ro�t suh�tantially equivulenl to the
<br /> -. rost to Borrowcr of the martgnge imurunce previously in cffcrt, from an altcrnuic mnngugc inwrer •rpproved by Lendcr. If �r�`
<br /> ' u � sub��untially cyuivalent mon�u�c insuranrr covcragc ix rx�i availuble, Borriiwcr .hull pay ai LcnJer ruch month a sum equal 10
<br /> :. +...,'" "' one-twelfth iif the yc•rrly mon�agr insuranrc prrmium bcin�paid hy B�rrrawcr when Ihr imurancr ra�erage lupsed�►r ce;ueci to
<br /> . ' ��•" be in effert. Lender will nc��ept,u,e unJ retain these puymern�a. u loxs n.crve in lieu ot' mnngage inxuruncc. Lu„ reserve ��`°
<br /> ���, • ..
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