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<br /> 92..�. �0�3G9
<br /> 1'7.Tr�rncfer o�lhe�'rnperty or p Benef[cial Intec�est tn 8orrower.If all or any part of the Praperty or uny interest in it
<br /> �: •%� IK�►W or tranafcrral lor if a beneflcial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a nntural persan)withaut
<br /> - l.ender'r prlur written consent. Lender may, at its optian, require immaliatC paymcnt in full of ull sums tsecured by this �.-.
<br /> Security Inx�rumen�, klowever.this option sf�all not be exercised by l.ender if exercise is prohi6ited by federal law ux of the dae
<br /> uf this Sucu�hy In.�trument.
<br /> ��'�'*�`%�• If[.ender exercises this aptian, Lender shull give Bonnwer naticc of acceleration.The natice shall provide n period of not
<br /> �'•� � lezw thun JQ duya from the dute the notice iR delivered or mailed within whlch Borrower must pay ull sums secured by Ihis —
<br /> .Q;�� � Scxu�ity In�ln�menl. If Barrawer fails to pay these sums prfor to the expiretion of this period.Lender may invake uny reme,cHes
<br /> •�.�:bevs:a�r, ��• penniltcd by this Sccuriry Instrument wfihout funher noticc ar demund on 8orrower.
<br /> f8. But�rawer's Rlght to Reingtwte. If Bonower meeta cenain conditions, Borrower shall bave tl�� right w havc -- -
<br /> .� : enforcement ��f�hix Sc�:ui ity Ins�rument dis�x►nanued at any time priur to the wrU�r uf: (a)S days(or such ather periad as -
<br /> � applicable law nwy �pccify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to uny power of sule cantained in this
<br /> _.a:�.�:_a. .
<br /> �� ,, , ,�Y� Sc�:urity ln�trument;ur(b)entry af n judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are that Dorrawer. (a)pays
<br /> �e,�� „_, Leixler all suma which then would be due under this Secudty lnstrument and the Notc as if no acceleration had occurred; (b)
<br /> � cureti uny defuull of any other covenants or a�reements: (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Inatrument,
<br /> ,u =''•s'�r- inrluding. but not flmiled ta, reasonable attameys' fees; and (d)takes such actian as l.ender may reasanubly require to assure
<br /> a�. ~�..' ,,..:
<br /> �=�-. �,..:,;"' that�he licn of this Security In�trument, L.ender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obli�ation tu pay the sums secured by -- -
<br /> -r "'' ° ' thia Security Instn�ment shull canlioue unchanged, Upan reinstatement by Borr�wer, this Se.:udty Instrument und the
<br /> �'�' ��,:���:,"-?�;k' obligutiana r�.�:ured hereby xhall remain fully effective�s if no acceleration bad occurred. Huwever, this right to reinstate shdl
<br /> �,�' �-:°° ` nat upply in the cs�sc af acccicrution undcr parugrnph 17.
<br /> � �� "��='• `:�'"'' 19. Snlc ot Nute; CfwnBe aP I.ot�n Servlcer. The Note or a partial intcrest in the Notc (togethcr with this Securiry
<br /> s�;.�.:s:;:�: :.�..,.....
<br /> I � [nstrumcnt)muy be sold une ur more times withaut prior nwice to Horrower. A sule muy result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> ._r - l��i,{•��°;;;";-,�'� n�;the''.��an Servicer")thut collects monthly paymeMS duc under the Note and thie Securny lnstrument. There also may be one
<br />_- '"==.�� •�-•.-,-`:A'��' ��r more cnungex of the Luun Servlcer unrelated ta a sale af the Note.If there is u chunge of'the I.oan Servicer,BaROwer will be _
<br /> �`., q:- -�,' ' , given written nutire of the change in accordance with paragrnph 14 above and applicablc luw.The notice will state the name und _ _
<br /> i'a,�c��;�e��•�' ` address of thc new I.aun Servicer und the address ta whiclf payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other —
<br />'��•• a* � inforniulion rcyufred by applicuble law.
<br /> �.. 20. Huzardouri SubsUmees. Burn�wer shull not cuuse or permit the presence, use, disposul, storage, or release of any __
<br /> ' �';,�.'c:p;���,�;.� Hoxard�wti Subhlunces �m �►r in ihe Property. Borrower shall not da, nar allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> Prope�ny thut is in violution of any Environmenisl Law. The preceding two sentenccs shull not apply to the presence, use,or __ _
<br /> �'� •' ,. ,�' ' � Ktoruge nn thc Prap�.ny nf rmull quun�ities ol'Haza►rlaus Sub�tances that are generally recognizecl to be uppropriute to normal
<br /> ° rcaidential uses unJ ti�muintenance uf�he Propeny.
<br /> " • Aorruwer zhall prompdy give L.ender wriuen notice of nny investigatian, cluim, demand, lawsuit or other uction by uny __
<br /> ;�,.•1 ` govcrnmentul or regulatory ugenry or private psuty involving the Property and any Huzurdaus Substunce or Environmentul Law —�
<br /> a�;�; .=•, :; _,�, of which &m��wer hax uctuul knowleJge. !f Burrower leums, or is natificd by any governmentnl or reRulatory authority, that _�
<br /> � ony removal or�►ther remcdiatiun of uny Huzurdiwti SubstAnce uffccting the Property is necessary,Borrower shull promptly teke
<br /> �: _��-� a'�; ,dl neu�w,rv re�ncxlial uctioaa in uccorJunce with Environmentul Luw.
<br /> --- - °
<br /> - - = -
<br /> ,. „ ' "� As u�ed in this puragraph 20, "Hw.urdous Sub�iances" are those substunces defined as toxic or hnzurdous substances by
<br /> Envinmmental I.uw und thc I'ollowing subsluncc�: gusoline, kerosene, other ilummable or toxic petrolcum products, t�xic
<br /> ' ;:�,; . " � pesdciJcs und herhicidc�,volutilc+olvcntti, muterial.cun�aining asbctitos or fnrmuldchyJc,und rudiouctivc materials.As uxcd in �'�:
<br />' � ' "'*� . this parugruph 20, "Envimnnun�ul I.uw" mcun+1'edcral luws und laws of thc juriuliction where thc Property is located that °°•
<br /> '' �^'�'�'.�"'� relatc to health,sufety or envirunnuntul p�otectiun.
<br /> ��� NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'I'S.B.irrower anJ Lc��der furthcr c��venunt und ugrec us follows: o__
<br /> - " 21. AccelcruU�n; Remedi�w. Lender shull�ive niitke to Borrower priar to acccleradon followinR Burrower's breach ,;,,
<br /> , � ' �'�' � of any covenant or aRrcement in thlr tiiYUrlty Instrument (but uol pr(or to acceleratlon under puru�rapb 17 unlessz �-•
<br /> � appllcable Inw prnvid�uthcrwiK). 1'hc miticc tihull+p�tiify: (u1 thc defuult: (b)the acNon required to curc thc dcPaull;
<br /> '�� - (c)A date�not lesv thw�30 days Pr�wi the dute the nutke is given to Borruwer� by which the det'ault must be cured; und
<br /> !;.• . ' (d) that fuilure to cure the dePauU nn or I►ci��re Ihe dute specificd in the natice may rcwult in acceleration of the sums ''
<br /> ;� t , secured by this Securlty Instrument ond wlc nP the Pr�►perty. The nMice shnll Purther Mfbrm Rurrower of the right to �'�
<br /> ��.�� . � reinstale after acccicruUon ond thc ri�ht to hring u court uction to asscrt the nun-existencc of a default or any other -
<br /> f'•� ; .�
<br /> defense oP Borrnwer to accclerutinn and sule. If th� default is not cured on or Ixfi�re the date specified In the notke,
<br /> � ° � Lender, at its opHon, may rcyuire fmm��dlulc pa�•nunt in full of ull sum+ se�ured by this Securitv Instrument without -- .
<br /> : � `M'��� •�•u further demand and may in�nkc thc pnw•cr.►f+alc and any��ther remedics pern�itted by applicuble lew. Lender shall be ��-�
<br /> . �, entltled to collcet all expemes incurn�d in punuinu thc rem��dlrs pnwided in tbis paragraph 21, including, but not limited
<br /> x. ,,,�.. .. " to,reasoneble attorneys'P�w�and roslx oP Ihlc c�•idcnre. _-
<br /> ' ' If thepo wer nf xule Is in�nked, T�v�tee�hall r�rord u notfce of dePuult ln each cuunty in �vhich any part of the
<br /> Prnperty I� located und xhull mufl cnpi�w��f �ucl�iwtice fn the munner prrscrihed by applicable law to Burrower and to �
<br /> � - t6e othcr petxons preticrilx�d liy uppllcublc laa.Aftcr thc timc rcyuira�d hy uppUcable lu�r,Trust��c shall Ri•,c public nutfce -
<br /> , .� of salc to thc penons and in thc munner pre+crilKd I��•upplic�blc law. Trustc�. «�ithuut demand on BnrroK�er, shall sell —_
<br /> �" the Property ut publlc uuction to the hi�h��l blddcr ut d�c time and place and under the termti d�i�;nated in the notice of =:�-
<br /> '�'-`•'� salc in onc or morc punelti and in auc order"1'ruti1��dctermin�w. '1'rutit��e ma�• pmtpone rale oP ull or any purccl of thc ''
<br /> �'.#�y.� . Propert�' bY Publlc unnouncemcn� al tl�c fi�ne :md placc of um� pre�•iuutil}� uheduled suk. L�nder or itti dcwi�nec rnay �
<br /> purchese the Prnperly at any w�le.
<br /> . i �
<br /> R � �,.
<br /> 7
<br /> ��,� . , Form 3028 81p0 4 ,,
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