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<br /> „ �� . "�� 106369 --
<br /> - --- ___ payments may no longer bc requirod.at the aption of i,ender, if marlgoge insrronce covcrage(i�tTic mount and for the period
<br /> _- that[.ender requires)provided by an insurer npproved by I..ender egdn bocomes avuilablc wxt is��►winod. Borrower shall pay
<br /> = the premiuma ra�uircd to maintain mortgage insurancc in effect.or to provide r larx reservc,until thc rcquircment for mort�eQe �
<br /> inaurance ends in uccordance with any wrltten agreement between Borrower cind Lxndcr ur upplicAble luw.
<br /> - 9,Incpectioa. Lender or its egent may makc reasonuble entries up►m and inspertionx nf the Propcny. l.ender shall give
<br /> .. ' ` Borrower notice at the time of or prior to un inspection apecifying reaw��able c�uf;c fi�r�he in�pection.
<br /> - 10. Condemnation. The praceeds of any awurd or claim far damages,dirat ur can�eyueniiul. in connection with nny
<br />��_ =af�' �rt-� '' condemnation or other taking of any pan of the Prapeny,or for convcyc�ncc In Iku nf cuiulemnalfon. un� hereby assigned and �
<br /> l�!• �hall be paid to I.ender.
<br />_ In thc cvent of a tota!taking of the Property,the proceedx shuii Me uppl ied ti�il�c�um�w:cur�by thi+.Securiry Instniment,
<br /> �.,�c__, whether or not then due, with any excess pAid to &,rrower, ln the event uf u p�uliul tuking�►f the 1'rup�:hy in which the fair
<br /> .:.�.,•. �,�.��, �,
<br /> ;�....�y,�. . , market value of the Property immediately bePare the taking is equul to or grater Ihon�hc umiwnl ol'Uk Mumg recural by thia
<br /> ,,,,.;�... •, Security lnstrument immediately befare the taking.unless Borrowcr urd l.endcr atherwir�c agr�:c In writing, �hc xumx secured by
<br /> _ : ���'�:�'a� this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proccc�cis muitiplial by the fi►Uowing fruction, (n1 the total
<br /> "`�`�'�f4�':;; r amouut of�he sums secured imme�liately befare the taking, divided by (6) Ihe fulr murket value of thc Pn►perty imm«iiately —'
<br /> �,�1�•���� before the ieking. Any balance shall be paid to Horrower. In the event of a paAiul wkinb of the Pr�ipeny in which the fuir =-
<br /> - '�` '����: rtuuket value af the Property immediately before the taking is less than thc�m��unt af thc tiums kcur�Kl immediu�ely beforc the
<br /> �uur�rrrs?:_.,• taking.unless Borrower and l.ender wherwise agrce in writing or unk�+s applicable IAw otherwi�prcwid�v,the prcxeeds shall
<br /> �'���� --, be Applied W the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether ar nat the sumc are then due.
<br /> - � " If the Property is abandoned by Borrawer,or if,after notice by I.ender to Borcower that the cundemnor��fferx to moke an
<br /> .n-: ... �`�'';
<br /> --- - - �-y,-;-.-..-,.� . award or settle a cluim far damages. Borrower fAils to respond to Lender within 3Q duys ufter the dute the nutice I� Riven, --
<br /> --;p,ti:. , : ' L.ender is authorizal to collect und apply the proceeds,ut its option. elther ta reatoration or repuir ni the Praperty or to the xutnr
<br />���,,;,;d�r:,6,t�•tv;'�' secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. _
<br /> �, Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ugree in writing, uny epplic�tion uf praecd,; tu prfncipul ahull nut extend nr �,.
<br /> ' -^^� postponc the duc date of thc monthly puyments referred to in p�regraphs !und 2 ur chungc thc amuunt of sucb puyments.
<br />-=-�'� �� � 11. Borrower Not Released;Forbearnnce By Lender Not a Wrlver. Extension of thc A�nc for payment�►r nu�lilicati�m _
<br />-_•_ � , of nmortirntion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by I.eader to uny tiuccesw�r fn intcres�of&mnwcr+hull
<br /> " ��� . .;� ,�� not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrowrr's succeswrs in interest. Lendcr shull n�►t be:reyuircJ to —"'`�
<br /> -- ' ' commence praceedings against any successar in interest or refuse to ex�end cimc for puyment ur�►therwinc mudify umurtiuNiun --
<br /> . �'"�°° �"`� '. `��'�' of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by renson �►f uny demaud made by the original Burrowcr ��r &mi�wer's
<br /> ;��i; `� ' � successors in interest. Any forbearance by i.ender in excrcising any ngh►or remedy ahall nw be u wuiver of�►r pru:ludc the �
<br /> ��re. �_..,w ---, exercire of sny right or remedy.
<br /> _ �..:,�r- -- -
<br /> :.,r.r s. .�... .�
<br /> _ ., �.. •� 12. Succe.ssors and Assigns Buand; Joint wnd Several I.iablNty;C��igaerv. Thc covenums and oKrccmentx ��f thiy
<br />__ _ �• �� Security [natrument shall bind and benefit the successors und ussign►c�f I.amler und &rrruwer, suhject to the provi:+i�►n+ of
<br /> _� 'n�; purugrnph 17. Borrower's covennnts und agreements shs�ll be joint and tieveraL Any Bormwer who cu-sign+ thi.r Sccurity
<br /> �.�. Instrument but does not execute the Note: (n► is co-signing thi;SCCUdIy Inurument only lo mongugc,grant ui�i canvcy thut
<br /> - .,_ ��`�-•••��:'�.�•'�•�• Borrower's interest in the Property under thc�ermx of this Securi�y Instrumem; (b)i, not pen�►nally ohligut�K!�o puy the tium+ —
<br /> '� `` . � xecure{i by this Sewrity Instrument:und(c)agrces thut Lcnder und uny uther&�rrowcr nu�y ukrcc tn�xtend,mixlii'y,li�rlxur or �
<br /> ��. .
<br /> �a. make any accc�mmalAtions with regard to thc tcrms of this Suuriry Instrunx�ntor thc Niitc with��ut�hut &irrowcr'ti cunKm.
<br /> �.���� 13. I.oan CMarges. If the loan secured by thia Security Instrurnent is suhjcct�u u luw which kt, maximum lunn rhu�gc+,
<br /> ".'��..s •'. .• .,; � �'�V und thut IAw is finully interpreted so thut the intcrest or�►Ux:r loun clur�c� �allect��l ur to lx riill�tt�Kl in c�►nnc�tiun with the
<br /> � •����' ,, .. loun exc�l the permitteci limits, thcn:(u>any tiurh luun churgr,hall bc rcduccd by U�c um�►unt necc��ury to rrJucc�lic cliarHe
<br />�:, . .• .. � to the permitted limit;wxi(b)any sums alreixly c��llected from Burrower whirh excecded �x:rn�itted limitti will t►c relunJ��t to
<br /> � '�" . " BoROwer. Lender may rhoase to mukc this rcfunJ by rcducin�; thc prinripal uwrd under thc N�nr or by muking u dirccl Y
<br /> �' " payment to Borrowcr. If u rcfund reduccs principul, �hc reJucti�►n will bc ucutrd ax n pnniul prcpuymcnt wlthi►ut uny
<br /> _� '�" ��� prepayment charge under the Notc.
<br /> -- • � tA. Notices.Any notice ro Borrowcr proviJ��d fi►r in this Sccuriry In�trument�hull M:givcn hy dclivcring it ur by m•riling _,
<br /> �z - . : it by fint class mAil unless�pplicable law reyuiecs use of another methud.The nuticc sh•rll he Jire�t�wl��� the Proprny AdJre��
<br /> � • or uny othcr address Borrowcr Jcsignutes by nutire tn l.ender. Any n�Hi�c ti� lAnder .hull bc given hy fint rlus. muil to � .
<br /> �rt Lender's address smted herein or uny other addre�s Lcnder dr.ignutcs hy nuiicc tu Burr��wcr. Any nulicr proviJ�Kl li�r in�hie
<br /> _a .. ::
<br /> � Securiry Instrument xhall hc dccmcd tu huvc bcen givcn to&►rruwcr�x L�ixlcr wlxn givcn u�providcd in thiti prragruph.
<br />_ ,..��'c 15.Governing La�v; Scvcrubillty. Thi� Security Inslrument �h:�ll Ix govcrncJ by tedcral I•rw und thc luw uf thr
<br /> _ _ � ����. jurisdiction in which thc Properly is lix•rt�d. In thc cvcnt that •rny provi.i�in or dau�r nf Ihi�Srrurity In�lrumcnl ur thr N�itc �,
<br /> =r Co11flIGs wllh appliC:�bIC law.sudi con0ict shall nut affert uthcr provi�ion+i�l'thi,S�curity In.trununt ur thc Nn1c whirh ran hc
<br /> - ° given cffcxt wi�huut the canflirting provi�ion.To Ihix end thc provi,i�x��ol'thi�S�YUrity Imtrumm�t •rnd thr N�NC urc d��lur��J �`—�:
<br /> f �n ° to bc�evcrublc.
<br /> . �... . 16. Borrowcr'x Copy. &►rrowcr tihall lx given rnk cuntirrm�Kl c��py�if thc hotc anJ ul'tl►i.Securily Irntninxnt. �
<br /> ' . � , Fam 30Z8 8��0 '
<br />� � Y Payn a ni 6 -
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