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<br /> 5. {trtrrd ur 1'ru{�erty Iw:ur�'�� ��rruwrr .t►ul� lix�► tik iny�rarc+ncn�. iw�w• existinb �,n c�r�::a(tcr crccta! an tF�
<br /> 1'r���xity iinui��J uLai�u,t fus� hy� firr, twTxrd� iixlu�kd within thc t.nn"cztciulal raecr:►ge" wx!:u�y �xlxr hafxntc, i��cluJin�
<br /> il�ktil�1N'(jiMKI�11�j, !,►�•whkh Luuicr�u{uirzs insuratuc. 7'his i�uur�k��1�:+1{t►c m+i�ttaliu:+l in thc:u�uwtus;uul for the�rriucl�
<br /> ttut I.�ixkr r��iir��. 7'i�e i��..urwke ra��-iec pr�►�•idia� th. iiuurtik.rlull be clwsen hy 13��rr��wr� �ubjat ta Lciuicr's appruv:+!
<br /> �•hich �t�a1l �xu t+e unrea.v��wh{y withttielJ. If [iortuwer fuils tu irulnwin�uvcr:�c descril�l ahove. La;nJec nuy. tu l.eixler's
<br /> uptiun,e►btain cu�•cragc ta pr�ucct Lc�uter's rights in tlu Prc�penp in accorduncr with parag�aph 7.
<br /> All inwr.ukc pulicica :utd ��new�uls st�+ll b: arcep�able tu l.ciuier uixi shall itklucle a�ta�xlard nu�rig:►�c clause. Ixnder
<br /> chall luve the right to ho;d the policies anc!renewa�s• if Leixkr�eyuires,&�rruwer slwzll promptly give W L.ender all receipts af
<br /> paid pnnuunu an,i rericwal notices. In thc evcnt af loss,Borrower shall�i�•e prompt iwtice to thc i�uuroncc c�rrier mul Len�ler.
<br /> I,�ixlcr nuy maj:e prcx�f of loss if tuu made promptly by Burrower.
<br /> Unless L.ender and Borrow�er otherwise agree in writing,insurance proceeds shall be applieJ to restaration or repalr uf the
<br /> Property danaged,if the restor.�tion or repair is ecorx�mic�lly feasible and L.ender's securiry is not lessened. If the nestoration or
<br /> -epair is txu eco�wmic�lly fe:isible or I.ender's sccurity would be Iessened. the insurance proceeds shall t�e applied to the sumc
<br /> secured by this Security l��.ctrun�ent, whether or nat then due, with any excess paid to Borcower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> Property.or does�wt a��swer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier hsu offered to settle a clai�n. then
<br /> l.ende�� n�y collect the insurrnce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> setured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Untess Lender and Borrow•er othenvise agree in w�iting, any applicalion of proceecis to prineipal shall not extend or
<br /> postpane the due date of the monthly paymenis refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the p�yments. If
<br /> under paragraph 2l the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right W any iruurance policies and procceds resulting from
<br /> dan�ge to the Pra£xrty prior to the acquisi:ion.�[•,.:.'1 pass to L,�►der to the e�,teat of the sums secured by this Security inswment
<br /> inunediately prior tu the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Ooeupancy.PreservatEuu.Dis�inteaan��aad Pcutoce;Wn ot tde I'roperty;Bosrovctir's Laan Applicatioa; I.eASeLdds.
<br /> Barrower shall occupy,establisD. �nd use the PrrQerty as 6c�rrower's principal residenc�:�a ithin sizty days after the execution of
<br /> this Security Instrument and shall rnniinue to accupy the Ptupeny as Borrower's principal residaue for at least one year after
<br /> the date of oecupa:�}.,unless Lender otherwisc agrees in writing.which consent shall not be unreason�bly withheld,or unless
<br /> extea�ting circa;xst3aces e�iss which are beyond Basc�xer's control. Borrowu sh�Il not destroy, damzge or impair the
<br /> Pr��. allow the Property to wi��seriorate, or commit w�on the Property. Borr���� shatl be in default if ac�rr fcrfeiture
<br /> ac�irm er pmce�ir{�. wh:ct�xr ei�e�ar criminal.is begun tiL.a ea Lender's good faitEs,�-nent cot�td result in forEei�m of the
<br /> P'c�ay or othecv�:s�materi�lly impair the lien created by this Security Inst�s:�eat er l��c.tr's security interest.&xrower may
<br /> cure sz;e6 a defauit;�d reinst�te.ac provided in paraSraph 18,by causing tF�e accion ar(ank�eding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> tt�zc, in L.ender's good faith determination, prxludes forfeiture of the Borrower's iu;z�st in the Property or ott�u maiorial
<br /> impaimxnt of the lien created by this Security Instrument or I.taxitr's security interest. Borrower st�ll also be in def�ult if
<br /> Borrowu,durin8 tbe lflan application procas,gave rt�terially false or inaccurau information or stau.�uerus to L,ender(or failed
<br /> to pnovide Lender with any mater'sal infortnation?in amnectian with the to�n eviG�ryoed by ti�e'rtou.inctading.bu�noi iimiiai
<br /> to,representationc conceming Borrower's occupaney of the Property as a prineipal residena.If this Saxirity Icutrume�u is on a
<br /> leaschald. Bosrower shall wmply with all tlu provisions of the leau. If Bonower acquites fee title to the Property. th�
<br /> " lrase]wld and the fee tide shall not merge unless i.endu agrces to the m.erger in writing.
<br /> 7.Protectioo of I.ender's WYhts ia tLe Property.If Borrowa fails to perform tGe covenants and ogreements containod in
<br /> this Security Insuument,or there is a legal proceeding that m�y significantly affect I.ertider's righu in t2�e Property(suc6 as a
<br /> proceeding in banlwptcy.probate,for condem»ation or forfeiture or to enfora laws or regulations). ttsen Ixn�'may do vx1
<br /> pay for whuever is nooessary to protect the value of the Propercy�nd I.end�r's rights in the Proputy. l.a�der's xtionc may
<br /> include paying any sumc secured by a Uen which has priority over this Security Instrument. appearing in oourt, paying
<br /> reasonable attomeys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although I.cc�d�ec may wke x6on under rhis paragr�
<br /> 7.I.ender does not h�ve to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.endcr ut�d�er tt►is par.�griph 7 shall bocome addidon�l debt of Bomowu secuted by this
<br /> Security instrumau. Unless Borrower and le�cier agree to ott�cr t�rms of paymeat. these amounts shall ixu interest from the
<br /> date of disbusseru�eat at the Note rate and shall be payatsle, with interesc, upon notice from I.e:xler to Borrower roquesting
<br /> Pa}�ment.
<br /> g,Mottg,s�e Iawrana.If Lender requiral mong�e io�surdnce as a oonditioa of making the loan securod by this Secarity
<br />_ Instrument. Sorrower shall pay the pruniums requind w maintain the mongage insuranoe in effect. If. for any rczson, tbe
<br /> marigage insur�nee eoverage requincl by L�euder lapses ur ce�.ces to be in effxt,Born�wer st�all pay the pruniums required to
<br /> oixaia coverage subst�ntially eqv.iv�lent to ttse mortgage iau�rance previously in effecr.ot a cost substuuially equiv�lent w the
<br /> _ cost to Borrower of the mort�e insurance previausly in effoct.from aa�ltemate nrnctgage inswer approved f��I,ender. If
<br /> wbctai�ti�liy equiv�st mortgage•��•*�^�-�,ooverage is not available.Bornower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal w
<br /> ax-twelfth of the yearly mortgage i�ssvrance pcemium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> ye in ef'fect,I,eader will accept.use�nd retain these paymenu as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. L.oss raer�+e
<br />- Form 30?.S 8190
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