<br /> �wi �� _ -
<br /> �iY_._ ��--..1�wr-
<br /> �`.'�` . . � _ .i. . . ; . ^�.�, .�`_�__t4,���-.
<br /> ..�.r:�. . . _' � __' _'_ _ -
<br /> � • �� ����
<br /> 7'. i�1r0Ei�t3af1 1i1 Lfifd�r'�FZ�11tf (11 Hii Pfti��y. !f RotiOw�r W!� b p�rfolm tM eoYwnb atcd �rwrtMnh
<br /> o;nc�:�r,��sa..�cy�c�,m+mr..a n,w.a���oe«dk-.�s�„as�,e;.+G:!�,sy.M.ci t a��.ry rq!,s.h tns rt�,«ty�.::�+�
<br /> a pt�oMdYp in b�aiuvpio�y. ptob�lor ooctd�nvwlton a tal+Muti a b�r►loro�I�ws or rrpui�tlon�?,tlw► l�nd�rr►wy do�e►d pay lor
<br /> w�wi�vR {�nro�aary W P��i�i Ihi wriui at tt� R�.�."'Ifv i:� �F�'+ +'�yAi.i i�tha R�:1y. l�nd.r'a � ►r�y 4wri�I�iD
<br /> �ny wms warrd DY�Mm wi�ich hu p�iorQy orK thM 6�auMy tnatrw►Mh1.�pp�rk�p b caurt.payh�w�aaweN�Monwyr'�MM and
<br /> �t�t�iisq on tM Pro�p�ty ta ir�k�np�Ys. Akhouph Urt�rrMy fak�at:ion��wt thh►{w+r�plt 1, lM+t3K dnM not h�ew W do w.
<br /> a�,y .�o�a. a�,n.a ay �.�,d� �,a« ws p.r.�n � .nr� e.co+n. .�sawo� �a a eoROw.r s.au.e aj u►�r s.axry
<br /> in.trwn�nt u�s. 6urtnwr.r .+,a l«,d�r rq►w w wnr Uwm. d a�rn�d, uws. �►wunco .hai! c.ar iMw.rl ka+. a� drw a
<br /> di�bww+wa a!u►+13o:a�i«.++a sA�{t a p.yiD7., wi4�r►i�r«t.up�x+nolio.tFa�+L«+aar w eanowa�►aq�ssww c+r�
<br /> 8. /�ort�Illsttr�lscs. tl t�+dr nq�:ind mortp�p� t►ss,ra.�tw n • co+x�tion o! m.lilnq th� ban �aarsd by Wa
<br /> &�r�rily � Bona►vr �h�ll P�Y �+ P+�++� �� to n+�Y►P�In Uw moRqrQ� inaunnw In �ct. Y. tar �ny rrsm. th�
<br /> mortqsQa kuwanw ca+rsp�nq�'ed bY Und�►M�psq or aasN to b�In MMCt, Batovwr st�M W9�P���od to ob1�Y�
<br /> oovNSs+e wb�IlY p�Av�iw� �o IMe niortp�Q� k�s�xwoe pnMiouyr in Mc�1, at � oat �u:baf�ntl�ljt �hnt to t1�s Cost te
<br />' 6orrow.► a u,. e�atp�q. M,w�no.p�+�doi,sy h .a.a, ton, �n alt�nwt. mor+o.q. kuun► �pprowd by l«ui.r. a we.t�nW�ry
<br /> pi��4 mo�Wqo tnwr�no�car�rsp� t�not av�iMDiQ.BoROww shY pay w l��h month a w�n �pwt to on►t�wMth ot tM
<br /> I►wy►mo►+p�Q�b+wrana PnmAx� b�M�P�{d bY Bw�ow�r wh�n t!w Muwana oovrrp�lop��d a o�u�d w b�In�QMat Ur+dw wN
<br /> �co�pt, us��nd nq�h t1►� p�nonts a� a bu rawv� Y�Mwi of matq�p� h�u�rar�o�. lw��w�v�pay�w m�y no iw�r b�
<br /> nqulr�l, at Ih�optfon of l�t�r, if matq�po Y�suranu oowrapo Qn t!w amowN e�d lor t!w palod thrt l��dr�squY�s)I��vLi�d Dy
<br /> .n Mau+�r.pprowd tsy l«u!.►.p�ri aoonw. sv.Y�Di. .na a o�Y,.d. 9oi►oMar .A.e �.y en. pne�ir�ss nquYsd to �,o�r,
<br /> maSpwo��In �t�Ct. a to prw�iclr a lost nsw�, uMY tlM rpuYrawtt fw�a�wtp�p�YMUwno��ndr h a000�d�ewt wMb aay
<br /> wrildn�wtnwa bqwwn Bortow�r�nd lw�ti�r or�ppi�bi�I�w.
<br /> S. 11t�p�Cl10+f. l�ndr or ka�nt may rrWu r�a�rEi� rwirs uRan wu! fnrp�tlon� of tiN Pra�y. LM�dr ah� �iw
<br /> Baaaw�r nalio��t tM tia�ot or pAor to�n Nsp�clion sp�cifykp nasa��hM cnw�toi'tM t�ctlon.
<br /> 10. COtfdWnnatbn. Th� pocwds d �ny aw�rd or d�m ior dwa�py, dY�ct ov aons�qwntW, in oorv�on wth any
<br /> oa�dwnntllai or o1Ar tddrp d�ny p�t d tM P►op�ry�or lor oaw�yr�In iw�d oa�d�wnatlore.w Me�by sa��d�nd sIW b�
<br /> p�id to LwnMr.
<br /> �+ a+e.w�a a.rar nw,� a a,e��y. n,.aoo..r�..nr e..�.a m rn. wm.:.a..a ey we s.a,r�y �,s�r„�,�x.
<br /> wMth�or not th�dw�wiA�t►y rm�s�p�id eo k3onow�. b tA��wrA d a paYrl t�kiiq d th�Pro�rty h whicA ttM iNr nwlaf
<br /> vNu d tM P�op�y i�nW�hly b�lors th� taidrtip k quN eo a g�r tt+�n t!� raax�t W tlw arns s�ax+�d by thb S�axky
<br /> kW�rria�t Yar�ly bda� tA� +�idnp, unbas Bortowr and L��r afh�riM aQw in vKirp, tM st�ns s�axrd by thM S�ourKy
<br /> kaftruwp �hN bs ndiwd by ttN�rtfo�+�t af th� Proa� mu�1E'isd by 1!w tolowi�p fet�ion: (y th� tohl rnouM of tM strn�
<br /> s.ar.a :nn.di.ny e.rw.r��ana ew�a.a e�►ro)�n.wr m.rio�e v.�,.a tn.P+ro�.r�y in+m.a.wy a�w.tn.e.wnQ.�ry e.+�,a
<br /> �r b. p.ia m eo�ow.r. � a,. «.0 a. �� a a�.�ti�waxn u»i.rr�,�.na�w�,. a n,.�,«ey r�n�.aw�r
<br /> babn n+v WdnQ is Mss th�n n�.�mount w th.sua,.aouna him.a�.ry b.ia.th.vWrp, uN�a eo�row.r ana�«+du oflwwM.
<br /> a{�M in wtMhp ot unM�� eppir�irw othMwi�s p+��t, t�t� ptoc�ls sAN b� �ppi�d to tM �t+aio uaa�d by thi� S�wly
<br /> 7�M�vAn4lNr or not t!��ua��th�n du�.
<br /> a n�.wo��v is�b.rwa+a my eonow.r,or r,a�r noYo.oy t«,a.r to sunowv eh.c tiw�wnd�mwr a�w�to m.x,�.n.w.r�d a
<br /> sMIM a cWm for do�nwpM, Baroww i�is to n�pa�d eo t�nd�r within 90 drya aRr tM dat�th�nolie�y �irwL Landr is auttwrix�d
<br /> w aoMct�nd appy ttN p�ao�l�. �t ks aqfon.��o n�oaatbn a hp�tr ot th�Pro�wty a w tM sua��s�as�d by tl�is�wrl�r
<br /> I�Irue�nt.whMhw or not tt�dw.
<br /> l9nW�6��dw and Baeawr oRl+�wir�aprM in wrMig. �y!'y�intion d pooMds b ptincipN�tW nat�W�d ar po�qan�the
<br /> d:.aw a aw awea�jr p�ynwia�Nrrd 10 in p.r.�phs 1.ad•a or aw�.u».nwM�t aP sucn p.ym�ts,
<br /> 11_ �r�r Mn!A�I�t� �y ii�r!�wri�e IW+t a lifri��e. F,�.�.�nZ .r M.. �.. �. �.o...� �.
<br /> -- -- � . ----- ----— ------- ,----�» ------
<br /> aaaioiim af raorYaiion of th�sums �und by this Swaiy i�irum�t yrs�Md by L�w1�r to wy woo�ssar b i�Ms�t d Bortowr
<br /> atW eot op«al.to niw.4i�.wblRy a u�e oddrw eoa+owr«eonow«'. s�,oas.«a!n irte�nat. l.�dr.nr na a nQur+.a b
<br /> mw�w�na Praa�3�p�a�p�itii�sucoMSar in t�r�sl or nfuw to�etw�d time for peymont or olhNwiw mally�mortt�l{oa a1 tM
<br /> «m�s s.a..d by ws s.a,rity fnst�a tiy rw.oa a .ry d«�ww m.d. by n�. o�uo sorr+ow.r or ewrowr. waanon in
<br /> fiwrMt My tod�rano�by lrKier N�o�nd�i�p arif►rfyht or rsmdy stW tat b�a Mr�lwr aP ar pnci�fhs ardw d ady tipi�ot
<br /> t'�tn�dy►•
<br /> 12. St�e�sors�nd As�ipts 8ou�c�.foint and S�v+�ral li�iiity; Co-siaf�s. 7�re cov�b r�d �
<br /> .Q...�e�e.a n�i. s.ou�Ry k�t sN�l s:�d ana w�w a�. woo..�.a�a .set�..ot�..na.r.�a eonvw�. wb��b u�.
<br /> praa�bn.a praa.pn n. eon�'�caw�ww ana ap�..�rs stW b.Joi�c.na s«�rar 6+r�y eon+aw�wno oo-.ipn.tbi.s.a.ty
<br /> �nt but do�s nal wc�ie t!� NoUc (y !s oosl�i� ti�is S�axily Inqnr�nt ae� �o mq�p�. gir�t, �nd oonMry tlwt
<br />: 8onawr's MM+Mt h t!M P�o�ty t��da th�fsu�d ihi�S�aslty 1nstr�anr��r r+ot P��Y a�a�P�lr tlN sunM s�Gr�d
<br /> bY Ws S�a��Y I�m� �nd (W�ws tA�c�andr�nd�ny oN�r eanou�r ar�y►+ipr� b a1R�d. nadh.ia0�r or�Yo�wy
<br /> �000anwdMb�s wti&rsprd to t�o(Ws S�a�rMy kat�R or tM Naa wi'�oi�t th�t Barrow�'s c4nt�M.
<br /> t3. L�o�n�lO�p�s�. r t�ks� �cu�d by thi� SwrMy Instrunwnt is wbj�t w a Iw wNrh s�ls�dn�un� io�n ctw�,
<br /> aad q�t I�r h�f�1y t�fbtptM�6�+o that 1M hqn�t or oliw io�n dwy�ooMcf�d or to b�ooNchd N oonwclio� wlt�th�lo�n
<br />. MoMd 1M Pwn�iMd imb.tlwn: (��n'Y wc1�lo�n chrp�s ti�l b�nd�otl by tiN Ynolnt tMOMwy to ttl�tfN e!�b tIM
<br /> P�neiYd fa$ aad�)anY wn�ka�dY aoMet�d i�ro�m BoerC�r whieh�co�d p�reaNhd imk�wi b�nttrb�i ta Bort+owM. L�nd�r
<br /> my chooM tc�thi� ntund by nKlud�g tM pri�dpU c�w�d undr tha Wot�or by m�Wrg a dr�,t ��t to Bat�owr. if a
<br /> a�r�d ncr�as prUx�N,th�ncJ�+ctian wi b�trMt�d a a P�'{'�WY�t wielaut an71 P�PiY��9�ur�dr tnt Nok�
<br />� 14. Not1cN. Arry nolic�to���Bon�owK prwkkd ta b Hda S�auky Inatr�amnt shal b��iv�yn�bY d�Wr�1t o►b'f►Jrt�rp M bY
<br />` Aif��y,�.�� ��1�►�IYN U��.���i���{� �i�i'isy��Yi�N{A,��W�{,_ �rM�M`Y W Y�Q �I'1�R.�/�s ��
<br /> : ��/M ��� ��� Lw��My� W L�A� Mr {I� ��I �-if�� W{�R�s�1Y�N
<br /> sbMd E�rnin a�►atMr�ddn�s Ur�dwi�D�s by noYa to Borro�wa. My na11c�pro�rid�d ta in ttti�S�a�rky hatumnt sl�Y
<br /> t b�drM�Md b !w�bw1 plwn b Bortowr or l,a�wFwf yi�nn u p��ovid�d in thM prapraph.
<br /> � t5. i�aw�n�+�n 1� Sv�r�b�i�r• m�s s.u��y t�eru�e a�.� h. yw.��.a b,► r.a..i i.w .�a �. rw a� �+,.
<br /> � j�.+.awon a wnke,tn.Propwty is wa�.a ti tn..wia m.�.ny p�a►won a cYu..a aa s.ariy k�rnr�t or u�.Na.oonsce.
<br /> � wMh�pinEl�YW.tuoh oorict sJw1 no/M�ot W!�pravi�bm of tHs S�aaly k�stnra�nt a tM NoM wNoh �f b�yM�� t�t
<br /> wilbo�R th�oonie�g P��vi�io��. To Ws md the p�o�Ions af thi�S�a�r�ly►k�upwit and tM No�e n d�drrd to b�s�wr�bM.
<br /> ° ts. aarYiowrr's Copy. emowr sn.e b.ylwn on.oonknn.a oopy d ai.Na..na a n�i.s.co,rNy hafrum.�t.
<br /> 17. Tran�of ttN Prop�rty or a B�ctal�tn Boer�o�ww. a .� or .ry p.rt of eh� prep�ty or rry
<br /> frMrMt t�t(s �oid�tr+�i�rtrd {u(E�b�rw�ryl int�nat In Barowar is sotd a transtrrt�d�nd 8aetaw�r i�not� n�mxal Psson)
<br /> 1IYM1101�L/fid�a pffOr MRY1R1 Cq1�M1R LYIdK IB�y� �iq Optlql, f�4��D�Yrt�YI tYl Of N�IY37{i�CNf�d by Wi.�kY r
<br /> kaburt�ne He�w«...ws opuon shN�we b.�o.+cis.a oy Und`r Il.x.tw.i�pra�b-r.a by wd�wl Ywu.s a ih.dtl�.a w.s.ou�i�y
<br /> Nqnra�rq.
<br /> If L�du�xmcisM Ws op�ion. ��sha�q�r�Bortowr noUa ot aooM�lon.Th�noflc��hNl provid�a pKiod ot not I�sa tlwn
<br /> 30 days iraa 1M dW th� nWo� N d�Wr�d a nWW within wNoh th� Borrowr mwt py N tums s�arrd by thi� S�puily
<br /> Mubuiewrri.q Borrow�r i�is to p�y thM�wrt�s prbr b UN �tatian of thfs pniod,L+��d�r mry hvok��ny rM�M�M p�n�ittW by Wt
<br /> Saaliy InNnrnuK wYNout fu�tl�r noYOS or d�a�nd on Boerawr. For.�00�qAo
<br /> �w�+t�f wo.a a s
<br /> �00000�
<br />