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<br /> �on,wvr•..oaow.000u�w wid�n�.i�dwl R..�E.w�.sMY+m�nt R+c�raa Aa1 a 107�...M«id�d ron� 6M.to tlm.. 12 u.ac.
<br /> ;�o�J•��ri s�q. ('FcSPA'],ueJ.�r+��i.«W«a�;+��;'vi W tha Fw.:.s�:.: a la:ssr n.Y�ci. !t sa.tseid+�r mty, at my tlru.coY�t�ne!
<br />� IWid�Yi►{�1 i1�fl�k10�Y11 fl01 b WOMd Illi{MMI�i110tY1t ��fldlP ipijt��tfi��NfO�lfti Of klHd��0.1!1M�MLf1s 0�CYff�flt�� ,
<br /> i11d fMiWl��M{1�Y1113M Of if�i101jY1M 0��{Ifi�iG��M1�ili Qi Gl�1iiW{i�MI 1tiC�ifdil�tri M*11�'Y�YC�b11 1'iW. _
<br /> rn. Fw�d� .n� a n.a h .n r+auq,no++ wna. d.rwaw�r. r,�r.d ey � � +o«+ay, h.atirn.n�N, or r►�+ i++�*+�+a
<br /> tandec,r t�nd.r a wcn �n inWp�on) or in�ny F.dord r+oro.�o.n ear,ic l«,du stur app+y cn.Fw,� a pzy u,.Esnow Ram.
<br /> i�ndr iewy nai dwG Borruvwr k�►ANd:��d r�y+iy�-►�tiia F�,::».u�y i�aty�;tha�scrara sxa:+u, cr v++ritf,i�G t!u Es�ew
<br /> !�n, u�fi�a t�ndr p�Eiortow�r k►O�nq on fhM Fww�s�nd�iia�bi+irw p�snit�L�ndir w m�ic�wcA�charyt� Nowa�r. L�ndrt -
<br /> �11f,y/��BOfrOWM t0�?Ljt� OflFtliu!Gh�f'Q�/Of N�K1�ifK�Ifl1 fYl�Wi Wt ff�0f{if1Q MtV{0�YiK�by LM1i1it{f1 OGM1iC4011 W�}1 _
<br /> tAi�bYn.u�MM��OD�bi�hw Waeldw oftwv+kw IJ�Ms��n�p+�awd M awid�or�ppYcabM I�w aquira Int�ntt to b�paW. Undrr
<br /> shY nol b�hqulnd W pay 8otro+w�r�ny MtaMl ot�rt�InGs on t!M Fsnd�. Barowr�nd Undr m�Y WrM b wrtkh0.howwu.N+�t
<br /> inwuf shd b� p�td on tM Funds. L«tda �lfe�! ptw to Bartc�wu. wkhoul cfw9�, �n �ntwM accoun�np ot ttu� Fwul�, stwwirW
<br /> a�dts �nd d�M�b tM Fw�ds�nd ttw P�uAow for wf�ioh�sch d�bN W th�Funcb wu nx�M. Tha Funds an Pkdp�d s�addWo�W
<br /> s�urity ior NI wax s�ar�d by tl�b S�owky i�nr►wM.
<br /> M th�Fund� Mid by l+�n�Mr rtoMd tM�mounp p�M1Nwd b b�Mid by�PPIfc�DM Mw.UntMr shdll:ccr:unt to Borr�nvNr b►tM
<br /> �ooKS Funds N �000�na wMh tM n� d�pplicibir law. M ttw�wura d th�Funda hrd Cy t�d�r at my tkn�i� not
<br /> suN�nt to WY tM Esaow fG�ms wha dw.L�sti�t maY w nWity Borrowr M wriehp,�nd.in wch cat�Barawr ahal pay to Und�t
<br /> tM�ouc►i e�aawy to m�ic�up tM drdmcy. Baro�w�r Mal ark�up th�dreiNwY In na macs tt�tw�M�monihb Paymw�b,at
<br /> LAn�flr'�soi�d�cirlior�.
<br /> ��P�ft�nl M ful af r ar�a s�aurd bY thit S�axMY In�trumir+l, Lr�dr shrl pnnipUy rM�nd to Bonow�r�ny Fund�hMd by
<br /> Lr�d�r. 11,w�dr p�pnph 29� L�fd�r sh��oquk�ot a�l tM P�+a�p�rty. l.�nd�r�Piior to th�aoqui�Mbn o►s�i�01 th�Prop�ty. sIW
<br /> �PPb�!I funds Mld by L�Kl�►d thr tlaa�ol�oq��ilia�or aaM u�orodl�q tM�was s�a�nd by thb S�arriry hab�r�w�t.
<br /> $.AppNCatlOn Of PayRl�flb. linMss�PPk��Pn+�otl►�wk�,�paynwnb t�e�M�d by LMWK s��da pua¢tph�
<br /> 1 md 2 siw0 b��ppM��rd, to�nY PnP���dw uad�t tM NoaC s�oa�d.10�p�y�bb undr p�r�pe�h 2: Wrd
<br /> to Ia1M+nt dw:buth.10 prNrdp�M dw:�nd IW.to�ny itl�e1wpM dw urid�r tM tia1�.
<br /> i�.C11�a� I.i�fl�. BortaMr �hrr p�y N fa�. �aMarrw►t�, chrp�a. Lws �nd impo�lions dt�w�ahb to tM i�ICQwty
<br /> whKh mry dMh ptoeily w�r Wa S�a�h► k�lnra�t. �nd Mawhoid pay�a�w a qround ra�. If�ey. Bortow�s �lwil pay tlMp
<br /> o6ip�iaa ke tM arnew povkLd N p�rapraph Z.a M not pdd N tlrt a�ww.Bonuwr sIW p�y N�on tim�drrefy to th�p�non
<br /> ow.d p.ya.rM. eonawr slnll prompy�rr�l�to L«�a�dl noYo�s a ia�ounb to b.p.id undw thr praQraph. It eonnw.r tatcra
<br /> thw p�ynwfb dnctll►�Boerow�tful ptaryytl�l MrnMh to Lr�dr no�s�idrxin0�PiY�
<br /> Burt�aw�r�MI ptoepptl�l tlah�rq��nY irn rvl�ch hw ptiotily over Ws S�owMY Mw�uaNni ut�Nss Ba.�u'ar: (�s�as Y�a�rsp m
<br /> tlw p�yn�rR d th�oD�pMfon s�a��d by t!�1�in�atirnr�oo�phbM 10 L«�dr;N)ooeMKh N�ood t�ih th�irn by.or d��
<br /> aqrnk�nloto�nwM of tM Mn in.NpN ProoMdrqs whkh M tfM L�nd�r'a aQU�fon op�nf�to pr�wnnt th��nto�c�nNnt d th�I�n:or(�j
<br /> s�etrM iroal th!Aoii�1l of 1tN M1�n�nwrt sW�9�taY t0 L�Idu x�bordn�Ynp th�f�b fhts Sra+elly Yaf�ar�t. If L,�f1dlr
<br /> aN�aY�.tb.R.ry P.n a u,.PtepNty is suDJ�ee w t f� wNa+a�.y sf�in p�y o�r..ehi.s.�hstrumax. L�Nr nrr dr+
<br /> 8onowv�mm�io�fd�frp tM Wt Boavwr tfW s�Wtjl tM irf or Wt�orw or aoon d th��ons e�l ioM abav�wltl�10 dlys
<br /> W tb�pl►flap d naYoa „
<br /> 5.H�d Or Pr4(�ifty itqur�efC�. Bortowv shN kNp t!� Y�aprowa�+Rs now �dsUnp w hNrMMr rxMd on th�
<br /> esw,..w.a....�.w_sr:��..w�...a.L�iu1.e1�ihtw M�w w�w.•rrw�liri e�ew�ti• aM rw eYtir ha�de�wrirdne feeda er _
<br /> _.._ . �.r..y.�ww������w �._ . .
<br /> �00��, 10I W�11C11 �lN� p¢�i� kINAflOL T� �iSIR�110�i�� If1�f11�Nd�fl 11M �1110tlllti�flJ�Of t}M Q�fiO�t i�1� V1M�
<br /> n.yii... m.bsix.iww�a�dr a'�g a�.hw�a�fo.snN a et+a.n by 6oROwr.ubj.a w�.oa.r:�pra�wt�h sh��oe e.
<br /> trr�farrbly wlfNlNid. If Bort�wv�r ids to o�infain oova�� dawl�d abow4 la��d�r mry.�t L��dv'a opdots,�6i�in oov�rap�b
<br /> pt�lwt Land�Ps�ip�Irt Ute PropwtY h�000rdr�a v�dth praQ�h 7.
<br /> N�era�r�a poieiw aex!rn+wwi�stW b�aocapta6w eo LaiKir�r!d sFW f�x,kuN a stand�rd mat�p�ciw�. ��shr bwr
<br /> n»ttpnc�s D�la n�. pafcw and nnwr�it. u L.,dr n�quin.,9onar�� p�a�ptly►qiv.to i�an�d.r H reo�ilt al p�id p��ir�
<br /> and rw�at+w+U►�aYa�. h#��wn!d 4� Barow�t sb�Y qiw praapA pWio�to tM Wuano��r3et and Lrndr. L�r�d�r ae��Maio�
<br /> pod d loa II not ard�I�plly bY Bon'aw►
<br /> 11NMS L�t�da and 6naoMar off�rwM�qw in vRNi�Q,bsar�p p�oe�stwil b�appi�d So ndowYon ar�paair of 1M Pt�rly
<br /> ;. d�d.N 1fN rw�aYoe a�q+fY N �oonoeNc�y iMabM and L�ndw's�a�1yi la nat Na�a+�d if t!w r�ior�ai or r�ir is aat
<br /> �o0lwniorj►fla�bi� or L«1d�i araitRy w0ufd b�MrsMMd. UI� irNpwnC�prooMda th�b�ap�d b tfw wsls �aad b�Ws
<br /> S�arlLY IralrwnNk wMMl�r or nd tlw� dw. wih wy �oo�ss p�d flro 8ort� q 8ortowr�ndaa th� Propwty. a dmas rat
<br /> arMwr witdn 30 dya a ea�w irnm Lw�dr tt�t tfr iu�uwna e,ontir Au op�r�d to sMtl� a d�b� tlwa Lr�dor m�y cairrt ttN
<br /> infurano� prop�d�. L��dr my u� tM pooMda 9u np�ir ar ruton � Prop�ty or to pay sum� s�� by tl�h S�ur�
<br /> kuYts�+e�1.wfwflMr or not thaf�a 1'!�90�d�f►P«1od vv1 b�tn wiMn tt�nolio�M�wr�.
<br /> tJ�r�irsr 4and�r and Baroiw�c atlf�wtare aprM in writlnp,�+Y�afbn ot pne�dt to peNei{�1 s�lt not�n�nd a pottpcao�11w
<br /> aw a�t.e�n»monel�ly pa�a r�r�to tn praQaptu t n,d Y«awnp.th.�maru a a+�paym�nts. a ur�r p�rapn�f 2t
<br /> tfM P►+aPM1Y»ao�Y�d bY Lw�6K.Bortowa's ripht to ar►Y�P��W�������R'oP�l+P�►
<br /> eo 1n. .equi�idoe sbr pas. to w�aw to th. .�nt a th. wm. :.ar.a ay a�i. s.curity Inst�aewd ima.dit�ly p�br to n�.
<br /> �•
<br /> 6. �P�f►. Pns�nnfion. Wainbe�sr� �nd PraE�cllon of fi� Pcqp�ty; BoRaw�r's Lo�
<br /> App�oel; L+�aMFloidt Bortak�sfW occupy. �stabish, and ua�tl» Ptop�rty as BaroMr�r� p�incip�l nHdr�witWn svay
<br /> dry�aR�r tlt��aa�lio�of Ws S�auily kss�nrn�t�nd s}W ea�inw to ooc�py ttw P►op�rty a� Bortaw�s ptinc�l twidmc�1or at
<br /> l�t orw y�r air !f� dW d 000uoa��oy, wi�ss L�dr ath� �w h r�tg, r� m�nt tN�i ooi b� tirr�roe�i�r
<br /> w�MNid.a uniM�wd�p dtar�WnoM�adrt vrE�icit an byor�d Bt+trowls oontrol Bortviwar shr nat d�to�v. drerp�or irtqir
<br /> ttw PlnMtly,alow tl�Plopuy ta drhdorW.or oaan�t w�sb m th�PraQ�ty. Bortowr atW b�h�liult Y any 1aMiM�n�iicwr ar
<br /> piooMdnp,whMi�r t�1 or aMrrl,is twptrf tl�t in L�nd�'s yood irelt judp�e�ck couid nstit in tatWOun of f1N Prop�ty or o�vAw
<br /> m�wWl/ bipair th� IMn errWd by Wt Sraully k�trtrr�e�t or L�'s s�our9ly ht�rot 8asow�t tay ara such a dii�it �nd
<br /> nim�M.ss pnovfdd in p�r�prapb 18� by eM+firW tM�et7on a pnoe�Bnp to b�dF�n+Ma�d wkh s ruGq th�t h L�nd�r's pood WM►
<br /> d.a�a�r�on. w�k,a.. rorwa,��. a u,. eon�rs r+t«.a r,u,. aoQ«ri « ou,.r m.s«� r,�.��a tno wn c�.n.a ay n,r.
<br /> swrfly ru�n,mna or l�nd�rs swaity ruarau. 8«raww sh.r awo b.fn dofY,le Y e«mwr. duYg th� toan appicatlon woast, .
<br />. ysw m�9�irY teh� or i�earat� islo�rntlltin a statatnmts to Land�r (a iwd to provitlr La�dar w�th any rtyt�id htonr�tion) in
<br /> oanwttian w1tl�tht I.w�Nid�e�e�d by Nt�NotR heM+QnO.but nat Cntited to�npr��ons Qonc�rt►h�Baraw�r's occuprwy of ttN
<br /> Rop�rly at a prindpd n�idma. q this S�a�rity kutnr�r►t b on� Mas�tsokl. Banaw�r ahY coniply wkh rt t!� pravi�ons of th�
<br /> Nst�. q Borr�awa aoquirN iM titl�to tM RrapRt�/.tJw Mas�t�oid and t!M?M titM s!W not tnlrp�unbts tiw L�ridr aQws to th�
<br /> e�rpK(n wrMinp. Fara�3oa�9UDo
<br /> F10�L•.LMO RA�) Pl�p�2 of 5
<br /> 100000fo
<br />