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<br /> S. Hasard us Propw'tY Ins�rwacr. Borrower sdall {cecp tAe iu�rovemnt9 aou existing or tureafter erectod on the
<br /> propeny insural a�zin�� tou by firr, hu.�rd�tr�:lude�wit�in thc term "extended cov�;���imouau uxi of rscha ueriod,s
<br /> flaods or flaodln�,for wt�kh Lcasler requires insuru�ec. 'iUia inwrsnce shall be..-..�.— �:"
<br /> tt�at l.exuler cequirrs. 'ihc iasw�aee canier providi�q the insuru►ce sL�ll be choun by Borrowee subject to l�eades's npproval �
<br /> wSdJ► shall �at be unreasotu�blY withheld. If Bwrowu fails to maint�in coverage describod above. Leadet mqy. at Laxier's
<br /> optlop.obtaln caveraYe to proucc l.ender't riyhw in the Prope+tY ia accord�nc°witL P�ragrap�4 7• R-
<br /> icia xnd reaewals al�J!be aca�table to l,ender aad cL�ll iaclude a staadsrd aa�rt�ago clau�+. L.enda
<br /> Ali insurwce Po1 ive to l.eader all reotipts of �-
<br /> stull dave tha d�ht to b►old ttse pollcia oad reacw�ls.If[.ender ro9uirw� Borrower shall promptlY C ��_
<br /> P�P�um�u�d reaewtl notkes.In cha event of lou.���sh�11 Cive prompt notia to the iosurxnce catrior and 4ender. ■—,,.
<br /> I,�er may as�ice proof of loss if not m�de W'empilY Y ��1�y�licd ta restoration or npsur of the
<br /> L►��•!.eoder ond Borrowcr otherwise s�ree in writia�.iawr�ace P
<br /> property dacn�od.it the restor�eioa or r�air is ecoaomicallY feasible and leader's security is not lescenod.if thc resioruion or
<br /> n{�ic i�aot ec000mics�lY feaslblo or I�eader's securiry would be lesseaed.�he iasuraace pc�ocoals s6a11 be�pplied to the wms
<br /> �ocured DY thia 5ocwity Instmmeat, wbaher or not thea due. witb any ea�oas piid to Bonawer. If Borrower abando�tbe —
<br /> property.or does aot answer withIu 30 daye a nadce from Leader ttu�c che;^�„�,,,�••�u�offued to tettle A cluim.tbw
<br /> l�euder m�y► collax the icwurutine Prooeeds. l�eader may use tbe procoeds W repair or restore tt�e PropertY or to p�y sums
<br /> socured by thls SecurlcY Insuum�•whetLer or not thea due.The 30�daY Pcriod wi11 b�Sia whea the notioe is Qivea.
<br /> 9n writia8, mY �PP�OD of pcocads w principal ah�ll nat extmd or
<br /> Uekcs Leader and Boirower otbawise � 1 s�od 2 os chaage the amaiac of the paymeats.If uader
<br /> poatpoae tbe due d�te of the moathlY Eu1�referced to ia par�rapLs � pcnoeeds rauIdo� from
<br /> par�raph 21 the PtopetcY u a�Q��by Leader. Borrowa'a ci�ht to any iasur�aoe Pol�cies
<br /> dumge w the Property Pdor w[�Se acq�isition sh�U p�ss w l�nder w tbe exteat of[he sum�securod hy thi4 Savrlty Inuiumeat
<br /> jmmodi�celY Prior to the�ccluliiuou• wer's Lo�n Appijc�tlon:L�•
<br /> 6.Oocup�c9.��0°+�and Protectloi o[t�e PrnpatY:Borro
<br /> Bortowa sh�il oa:uPY. atablish,�nd use the Pr�opertY as Borrower's priaciPal nsidrnoe withia slxty dayc aRer the cxxwticta of
<br /> this SocuritY Iastr�meal�nd�all oontiaue to occuPY��Y at Borrower s prixipAl resideaca for at least ooe ycar after
<br /> tLe date of oocup�ocy. uales�L�ender othawise�8rees in wridn8.which cfloseat s�ll not be unreasoeably withheld.oc ualess
<br /> �=r,,,�,�' � eust wbicb are b�Yoad Bo=reara's oonu+ol. Bamw�er abaU aoc dauoy. dama�e or impair tlse
<br /> pro�ty. allow the Prapa cY to daeriocau, or commit waue on tbe PmQutY. Bormwer shsll be in defauli if wy fosfdture
<br /> wbetber civil or cximinal,i�beYun that in L�oder's�ood f�ith ju�gmeat ooul�re.wlt ia forfdtute of the
<br /> actiou or ProxediaH. tt�liea created bY this So�uatY Insuum�at or I.�eac1er"s sectiriry intemt•Borrn��Y
<br /> pmpaty or ahetwix m�teti�UY iuop�cr lg,b t�actioo or proceedin8 w be diaminod witb s esilia8
<br /> cu.r wch a defsult md naaatu�,a�pmvided ia pua�raph Y cs��
<br /> t�t, ia Leader's�008 f�ixA daamiauion� Procl�s forfeinu�e of tbe Borro�er's inurat in tbe P�apestY o�od�er mataial
<br /> impairmeat of the liea cceaced bY this Saa'r'ry In��or ireacier's saauitY inurest. Borc+ower s�all alsa be ia default if
<br /> _ w,.nwier,duriau tbe lo�applic�ti�P�•8ave materhllY f�se or iaaocur+ce inf'ortnuloa or s��s to l�eader(or fi�al
<br /> to provide I.ea:tar cvit�t.�msietl�!info��)��wiib ii�c;�,:�s•`�••�'i�"'',_If this �SoauitY L�s++�+�v��
<br /> ������Bocrowa's oaxip�c.'F of the Property as s prtncipal raide�c�-
<br /> les�old, Borrowa sh�ti �1Y with all the pcuvisioas of the kase. If Bomower scquires fee title to tho Prupatiy. t2�e
<br /> lea�eLoW aad the fa title shtll not�e ualess Irsder agras to the mer8a in writiag.
<br /> 7.Pe+nteetbo ot I.eadee'�Ri�Y�ta tLe PropatY.If Bon+nwer faiL9 to perform che oovea�nts and ���a
<br /> tlila SeciuitY Ins�ua��or there is��eg�l pracaedln8 th�t��'�Y affax l.eader s rights.
<br /> p�ing in b�nkruP�Y• P��� for�or forfeiwre or co eaforx laas or reg.:Iatlon:).tisea I.��er�Y�aad
<br /> psy foc arbatevex u�' �P���value of the Propaty md L�ckr's rights ia tlse Pi�opaty. I�eadar'a acxioas msY
<br /> include p�yiRB my s� sxured bY a li�a wbicb has priorltY over thi,s SecuritY Insuumeat, �pea� in coust, piYia3
<br /> tr�onabi�e�torxYs'fea and eateria6 oa t��Y to m�ice rcpsirs.Althou�Leader may talce action uadar tt�par#4�� .
<br /> - 7�I�eader does not tuve to do so. 7 sball beoome additioaal debt of Borrower savre� S�Y this
<br /> Aay ama�ats disbursed bY Lead�r uader ttis ps�g�pb tlsese ama�nta sUall b�ar inurest fmm tbe
<br /> Security Inucumeat. [Jnla+Borrower and Ireader s,�aee to otha tams of p�ymeat,
<br /> due of disb�u�semeat at the Note rate �ad shaU be psyable,with intecat,upon notia from L�eaRiar w 8orcuwer requ�
<br /> �e i�eaace. If I.eoder raNired mort8�8e ins�uaace as a coadition of m�Id�g d�e loaa sa�red bY tl�is Savnty
<br /> the remiums requiral w m�intaia the mo�e ;�•,,,'m'r in effxt. If, for�ay nason. tbe
<br /> ln�tsu�eat,Botrower �all paY P �p�y�s requiral to
<br /> �rt��e insur�noe aor'era8e requiz'od bY l.eader 1�or ceates to be in effxt,Bornower shx]I WY valeat w tbe
<br /> = obtaia oovaage fu��=^fi�ny�valmt to the mortgsge sasur�na per.wiousl��effect,�t a oou subsiantiallY equi
<br /> cat w&xroaer of tbe a�t8�8� iawraax PreviousyY ia effect,from an alternace moct�,aSe insurer�pp°��S'Lreude�. If
<br /> � �y eqaivalent mott�,aYe iasurance cover�ge is uot yv-.i�:b1e. Borrower sh�ll pay ca I.wder eacb month a som equsl w
<br /> — ooe�w�lftL of tbe yearly mortgage iawraa�x Premium b�ia8 P�3�d DY Bom�wa wLea t�e imsurm�x ooverag�1aPeed or cwed to
<br /> — be in effiea,l.rader will acapt,use utid rmin tls�payme�ts as a lo� resave in lieu of mortg�ge iawraace. Ims re,seive
<br /> Fomi�
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