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<br /> T8O6THER WI7 H�ll t�e impr�vxratncc aow or htseaRu erxtal oss tde�ropeny.uu1 dl aseinea�ts,�putten�nca,sad
<br /> fiatures now or hercaftcr a part af ttsc praperty. All replx�mtut4 acul sddldons �tull also be wvem! by thb Sacuriry
<br /> Ittcwment.All of th.:faregoing is referred to in tLis Socurity Iuclntaxnl ac t!u'F'roix�ty •
<br /> BORROWER COV�iNANTS that Bofmwer is lawRilly Kisod af tho estue�ercby oonvayod�nd tu�tde ri�ht to�ant and
<br /> canvey the Property�ad cbat the Property is uacncumber�ed. except for eaa�mUrwas of rxor�f. �oKOwer w�cr�aad will
<br /> defead�caerally the tid:ta che Properc�a�ainst�ll claimma aad de�,wDJecc w wy eacwnbraaas of c+xoM.
<br /> THIS SECURITY WSTRUMEIv C cnmbines uaifonm caveaaau for nuloa�l use�nd aoa-ualform c�veu�ate witb lunitcd
<br /> variatioas by,jurisdktioa to wiutitute�un,fotm secwiry insUUnxnt coverin�real P�Y�
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bocrov►er aiod l.cnder caveaaat aad�ree a�fallows:
<br /> l. P�ymeat ot Prtadp�l aad intes�es4: Pt�spay�eat aad L�te Cl�n. Borrower ttWl Pro�PUY WY whea due �he
<br /> P�P�of aad inurest oa tbe dobt evickaa�d by the Note aad ael'P�W1Y�aad latc char�ea dua und�r the Note.
<br /> 2.Fbad�[or Tvxes aod Ins�wace. S�bject to applicable law or to �wrluea waivor by Lender. Bormwer�11 pay to
<br /> Lax{er on tAe daY��i WYments are due uader[he Note.uatil tLe Note is paid in full.a cum(�Flwds�)for: (a)Yearly wca
<br /> aad assesuneats which mty attain pdorlry over thla Sauriry Inuiumeat as a tim oa the Pcbpaty:(b)YeadY kase�old P�3'��
<br /> or around ceau on the Pm�ttY�if aay:(c)Yeuly 6uatd or propercy inutraaoe premiums:(d)Yeuly flood iasurance prcmium�,
<br /> if auy:(e)Y��Y��aSe insunaoe premiums.if wy:�ad (�aaY�PaYsblo by Borrower to i�eadar.in a000rd�noe with
<br /> tbe provisioos of parngr�8, in lieu of the paymeai of moctQ�e insurmoe prcsaiuuu.7Sese items are called'Facrow Item�.'
<br /> I.eockr m�y. u any time. wllxt and twld Fuads in an amounc not to exaod tLe muim�m amount a Iwda� for a federally
<br /> related mo��ge ioan miy nquire for Botrower's escmw account uoder tbe fedaal Etea1 Fstate Settkmeat Prnoatures Act of
<br /> 1974 ai ameaded from time ta time� 12 U.S.C. Sectiva 2601 et stq. ('RESPA').unless�aother law tLat�pplia to tbe Fuads
<br /> seu a laser amouat. If to, I.eader may, at oay time. ooUoct�ad bold Fuads ia aa smouat not to exoeed tbe lessu amount.
<br /> I.wder may estim�te the araounc of Fuads due on the b�sis of curteat data�ad re�sonabie esiim�tes of expmditura ca�f Luture
<br /> Fsscrow Items or otLerwise ia acooc�ace with apPlicable lsw.
<br /> T�e Fuad� :h�ll be h�Id in �n institurioa whase deposics ue iasured 6y a fakral �wcy. lasirumeatality. or eatiry
<br /> (incltxliag LeAder.if imrlcr is sucb aa iastitutioa)or ia�ay Federal Home Loaa Baak.Laider s6a11�pply the Fuads W pay the
<br /> F.urow Items.l�eadmr m1y aot cbuge Bon+ower for hWdiag aod applyia�tbe Fuads.�naw11Y aa�lyaeg the arrow�coouot,or
<br /> valf�+iw,g tLe Escmw ite�.ua�ss Leader pays Bort+owu iatetrsi oa the Fuads aod applicabk law permiu l�der to make auch
<br /> a c6uge. Hoaever.Leader msy re�ecira Borrower w pay a ouatime cl�aarge for�a iade�ien:real est�te tax ieportio��avia
<br /> usad by I.eacler ia ooa�esdon v�� this loan. ualess �ppiicobk law pn�vlda oibeiwise. Udas �a a�reaaeat u mide or
<br /> applicable law tequim taterest to 6e paid.Lea�ler sball not be requirod W p�y Bomower�ny iatarst ot eamings oe the Fuad�.
<br /> Borrowa aad l.eader cray�se ia writiag,lfow�cver.tbat intenst s1W1 be paid on the Fuade. l�eadet�aU Yive to Borrowa.
<br /> witbout rbuge. �n aaawl�000ua�nB af tho F1�a�Is� sLowiag ciodits�od deDits to tbe F�ds and the putpose for whicb eacb
<br /> debit w the Fuods w�m�c3e.'I�rtiads are plodgad as addaeir�t se�aulty for all wms sax��ted by thia Seauity Iastivmeat.
<br /> jf�p p�ppQq�L'j0 pf��CB�'i CiLlQI Z8C�01mL�RI�LOJe' IO ilC{1Gi4 V��'tc i�w.�=�-'�'�'iCii w�w�L'w^�L".
<br /> for tbe excess Pnach ia scoordmoe with the requiremeate of apnlicable law.If tbo aa�ount of the Puads beW by Lea�fer�t any
<br /> time is not wfficieat t�a piy the Escmw Items wbea due,l.ea�kr msy so notifjr Borrower in wtitiag.wd, ia wcfl cs�e Borrower
<br /> slvll pry w Ieader tbe unouat nexssuy to m9ke up the de&iese.y. Borrower chall m�lce up the de8�cieacy in no mure tban
<br /> twelve moothIY WY��,at Lemd�'s sok discc+aion.
<br /> UPoa P1Ymeat ia full of a1f sums sa;ured by this Savrity Iastnimeot. leatler sL�i Pt�omptlY refuad to Bomower aay
<br /> Fnnds held by Leader.If.undsr p�r�grapb 21,I.eader s�all acquire or sell the P�paty.lra�der,Prior w the�cx�uitition or sale
<br /> of tbe RnpatY,rh�11 app1Y mY Funds beld by I�eader�t the dme of acquisidon ur s�Le�s a credit a,��iast tbe sums�er�und by
<br /> thla Sec�ricy Iaatcumeat•
<br /> 3.Appiiatio�ot Paymeots.�?nlas apQllcabk law pmvides otHawise�aL prymeats�+aaived by l�ead�er uader paa�rapht
<br /> 1 and 2�11 be applied�fl�t,to aaY PnWY��Sa�uadu the Nae: secoad,�o o,mounts pryable under pacsatap�2;
<br /> thit+d,to interest due;fcmrth.to principil due:aad last.w aay U�te cbu�es due uader the Note.
<br /> 4.Ch�a;Lieas. Borrowa tball pay all taxes.' °� �—"'""�',chu8«�fiaa aod imQosiri�aun'bntable to tLe Pcope�ty
<br /> a.+hlch mry auaia pt'sority over this Sea�rIty Inun�meat, aad leaxlyoW pa}meats or gt+oun�d reats, if my. Bormwer stvll pry
<br /> thpe obiigatioa�ia tl�«,��*�*providod in paragraph 2.or if not piid ia tiut m�oaet.Boerowes�all pry th�m w time dirxtly
<br /> to tLe pei�an uwed prymeat.Borrowa�hall promptly fumisb w I.,eader all notias of�aunts w be paid uader tbis pua�r�.
<br /> If Borrowa matas tLe�c paymwzs directly,Borrowa sbsll promptiy fusai�to Lmder rar3Qts evidwcio8�PzY�s-
<br /> Bomower�a12 Y+��Y��So aay liea whict�has prbrity over tl�Security Iaur�meat unlw Borrowa:(a)�tgrees ia
<br /> writing to the n�y�ent of tbe obligulon socureci by the liea in a m�nner x�orptable w Irader;(b)co�sata in gaod faitb tl�e liea
<br /> by, or defeads ;gaiau eaforcemrnt of the liea in, legal prooeedings whi� ia the I.eader': opiaiva opeiate to pteveat tbe
<br /> eafaradr�mt of tLe liea;or(c)saauts frsm t�e haWcr cf tW^.Lr,,.�aa agt�eemeat s�tisff�e�r to Leada subordiaating the lien to
<br /> tbis 5ecuriry Instrumeat. If I�eada detamina that any part of the Propaty is wbjax ca�tiea wbich may attaia priority over
<br /> tbis Saxuiry iastramest. I.mcler m�y give Bonvwer a norioe i3eatit�+iag tt�e li�ea.Borro�e sball satisfy the lim or talct ooe or
<br /> moce of tLe activas.sct forth�bove within 10 days of We�iving of notice.
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