�.�� .-. . .
<br /> � � _ �_-�-- _
<br /> " .._.....,..a...w.u.,....�,.�.wu,..�i Y-_-. ,,_.�, -�i�-.-. —. .-.�.-- .�$E£.-
<br /> 9� '�,(�8'��i� LOAN �`: 2b44696
<br /> ' 9.L'oadeaaa�tbu. 7bc proccx�s of any uward or cl�ir,� for da+ns�cs, d'v�ct cu c;onsc.7ucnuat. in connc�:tiu� with ur►y
<br /> G�ndc�nnation or othcr taking of the Propc�rty.w'Part thcrrof,ar fcx convcyance in Itieu of condenu�tion.an�hercbY assi8ncd smci
<br /> stu►U be paid W I.cndcr,subject to the trr�us ot any moitBoBe.decd of trust or WAer socurity agrocnicnt with sl lict�which h�s a pri�il9
<br /> over this Doed af'fYust.
<br /> 10.Bon�ower Not iteleased�Ew'besu�ce By Leader Not a Waiver. Ea�er�siai of the tim^. fa- yment or madiC�i�ian of
<br /> antiortiaailon af the wms socat�ed by this Doed of Truu granted by l.c�r►de.r to sny successor in intere.ci of�irrowu st�ll not oper�tc ta
<br /> reJe�sa�in any mv►ner.the liubility of the origina! Sorrowcr and IIorrow•cr's u�:.cessors in untcresl.Lcod.,r shali rwi be rc�u'�d w
<br /> a�mm�nee Procoodu�8s aK�inst wch successcu or cefuse t�extend rima for pay•ment or otherwise maclify amorti�tian of the sums
<br /> setucod by this Doed�f 7Yust by reason of'auy demand�n�de by the origu-sa]P•orrowu arsd Sorrnwer's successors in i�tcrest.My
<br /> forbearAnea by I.eixler in excrcicing any ri8ht or cemody henundu.or otherw�te afforded by upp►ceittible Iaw�stu�11 aot b4 a w•a�ves of
<br /> or proclude the eatercIse of any such dght or remody. �,The covtrsants and agreeirients Aerein conLw�od
<br /> 11.SIIC�lSWT9 A�Asi�$AR BOLL10d:Joint s�ad Severnl Liability;Co-slRne
<br /> shaU bind, and the ri Ns herewtider s1�ll inure to.ihe respecdve sucoacsors arsd acsigns of Lendes and Borrawer. aubjtct to,the
<br /> pcovislons of 16 hereoL Aq coven�ts and agrounenu of Bonower st�all be joiot and stvual.Any Borrower w�o eo-s+�ns
<br /> th�s Dood of�daes not ea�ecute the N�tc,(a) is co-si8nmg thi4 Deal oF Tlrust only w grant�u�d canvey that Borrower's
<br /> inta+�s�in tltie Property w'1lrustoe under tha tem�s of Ihis Aoad as'[�ust,(b)is nca Ix,rsonal1Y Iliab{e on tho NoLe or unda thia Dood of
<br /> 7Yust� ond (c) a8rees that l.ender and any c�er Borrower da�twider may q�sra tn extand, modify.forbear� or a�alce en dher
<br /> Q
<br /> e�xwn�nodaticx�s with rcgard W the tenns oF th�A�d of Trust or the Nota.withaut that Borrawer's ooasuu and witGoW �
<br /> Bormwer or modifying this Deod of Tnist as to¢�at Borrower's interest in tha�ro�.
<br /> 12.Notiea Bxcept for any notice requin� under applicable law W tw•givtn m anathu manner, (a) anY iwtice to Borrower
<br /> �x�ovided far in this Dood of 7Yust shall be grven by delivering it or by mailing such noa.^�by�tifiod mail addressod to Sorrower at
<br /> the Properiy Addre.sc or at sucA othv address as Boimwrr ma4&�na�bY nonce w Len�irr av providod herein,and(b)anY noticc w
<br /> I.enc�s'hall be given by oertified mail to lta�der'V���s�u�i. �°rTrust sl�ll be da�wd to ba o�baayQiv�t�u Barowu ar
<br /> Borrower as pn�vidod hereln.My notice pco .
<br /> It,�der wha�given ia tlu manner desigrwted t�.
<br /> 13.Goveroiat l.�w.SevarabilitY. The stata and local L3as applical3�s�this Doed of Ttust shall ba lhe I�ws of the jurisdiction
<br /> in which the Propaty is iocaud.The fareBomg s�itace sball nat lunii the applicability of F'�ederal law w this Doed of TntsL In the
<br /> event tl�at su�y provLsioa or clause af th�s Doed of'hust or tt�e 1�ote conflicts wit6 npplecable law,such co�tlict sl�ll not aifect otlxc
<br /> pcovlsio�u of this Deed of lyust or tae Note ahicl�c.�o be gi�u�eifoct wittwut the contLcdng provision,and to this end the provisionc
<br /> •, „•• � �nd••a�o�eys�roes��,�cl„ae
<br /> of this Deed of 7tust and the Note are declared so be sevaabk.As used hesein, costs. eacpc��ses'
<br /> all siuns w the eutast not pmhibited by apQlicaNie taw or limited ha'ein-
<br /> 14.Bw�ra�va''s Cop . Barow� sl�11 bx f� a oonfotmed coPY of the No�e aod this Dxd oi Trust et tha time of
<br /> eaocution or�fter iecond�on dereof. �nder anY home rets�bilitatloa,
<br /> 15.�La�AS�� Bo�rower shall fulfiU �ll of Barower's obIIgations
<br /> improvas�au. re�r. ar other loaa �oanent which Bot�owYr a�ttrs into witb l.uxkr. I.rnd�r.at I.eixler s oQtion�m�Y rcquire
<br /> Barowa to e�[acuce and deliver to L,ender,in a fotm aoce�tt►bk to I.ender,an assigr►mmt oi any rights,cltWns or defe�es wbicb
<br /> Ba�rowv may t�ave s�aiost parties whu suPPly tabo�r.mauria:�a servtice.v in cautiaKion with unprovanrnts made w tbe Pt�peity.
<br /> lf.7Ya�da ot tbe Propert�or�Beeel�'t�Iaternt i�Barrovver. If ell or any patt of th�Ptapeity oc aay inierest m u�s
<br /> �oid ar u�o�t'arad far if a beaefic�l iutarst�n Bc+amwa ic soid a traosfarod aad Barower is dot a nawral perwn)a+itlwut i.axlar's
<br /> pnor writtea oon9au.I�eader nsay. at its opoon. re9uice i��mod'ys p�ymeut :a full of all sums secnrod by this Dood of Tnist
<br /> Hov�vet�d�is aQtion s�a11 aot be e�ta�cis�d by L�enda if tatenisa�s proh�bited by fedaal law as of the d�tte of this Deed of'11n�st
<br /> If I.ea�ler eataaises thi�aQtioa�Leada shatl�ve Borroww ratice of a�a�3er�tion.The norice shall provide ap,e��od oi nat ias
<br /> «.�n,i.�.��t„�ta��he mdoe is dr]ivaai a maibd withia whic�Bortoava must pay all sums securad b�r Ifns Doed of Ttus�
<br /> �----�"-- u wt's..aw t�.
<br /> If Bazawer faits to py ttx.se sucna prio�to the e�pi+�tion of tLic paiod,lr�oer aay�volta 8uY�oa�s Pam� r�
<br /> 1Yust without farther notloe or denund oa Borto�+u.
<br /> NON-UN�ORM COVBNAN'I'S.Bortower�ad LaWer furtber coveaaat end agt�ae as folbws:
<br /> l�.Aoodaradoa: ltemadk�. EueP�as Pmvided ia par�rap6 16 Oencat� upa Borrower'�pr+ach of ao�aove�ast or
<br /> asr+eeae�t af Borro�r i� t�i�Deed a�7'n�t.iocWdisi so�row�''�tailure to psy.sy t6e end at 10 cale�dar d�ys aR+a tle7
<br /> are dde.W s�s aecuirod 69 fw Deed ot Temt,l.ea&r P*ior to sooda�atbs s�Y�ive�otict W Bon�e�wer ar provided t�
<br /> p.r,,grapi 12�a�r�io�:(1)tbe brad�;(2)the aetioa nvafrea m cwre wcr brenc6;c3)a dase,sot ia.t4a.m a.rs
<br /> tlro�t�e dste tre sotke tC ssiied to Ba�row�er,!7 wiicti sr�3 bread�mast be cand3 asd(I)t�st Eaiire to an s�i brescti
<br /> a�ar be�a�e ttie d�te spe�tffe�l i�tl�e�otioe�sy reenit ir aaeela'aiioe ot tYe s�w secare�l by t�is Dad of TreK aad We of tre
<br /> p�o�M�.'1're�otioe�tart�er iJo�Barro*e='ot tle ri�t to rtios�te�tta'�ooeleritioe aad tbt ri�lt b bris=s oovt
<br /> actio�to�ert ttie�oaaddesce of a defaalt or�ay ot�a�defe�e o�Borroarer to�ocefa�atioo s�d s�le.Il tie e��aci i��ot
<br /> cand w or befaK�e elite�pedfied i�tlie�adoe.l.e�da',at l.eader's optio�,�y elechre�11 af tDe wa�aee�u+ed by Hi�
<br />- Deed af T�t to be ioaedLteiT doe+ud P�3s��bOOR torther dessed a�d may isvot�e tiie po�er ot sak�d a��oHer
<br /> ee��per�itted by appiic�bk l�w.l.eader sW�ll be eamded to coikct aY rwooaabk ooas aad�i�crrnd ir pert�ias
<br /> tYe 1e+e�edia Provided i�N�P+�'airaPr 17•��bst ioi itsited t0.reasooable�toraeya'ten.
<br /> If rie po�wer of sde i��voted.7'rwtee si�Y t+eoo�+d s�otioe of defa�Y i�ac6 ooaaty io wLieh the Propa'ty or�ose part
<br /> Hereof v iocsted anc!s6W mail copies o�tnd�ioe i�tlie eaa�er presQibed by sppti�yble dw�o Borrower ad to t�e otl�er
<br /> P�+�or W'p�r�ed by aPPBcabk law.Mer t�e lapte of�D tim�as�y be req�+ed Oy appic�bie d�v,TnWee eha8�We
<br />- pabSc eotioe o�We W tYe per�000 a�d ia tLe s�eer�'escribed 6'spp4cibie 4�w.'ilra�ta,witbout dean�d oo Barrawer,
<br /> �i�Y x8 tie Propert�st MO�c atk�tio��o tLe��at bi�dder�t tre ti�u a�d pil�Oe�d uader t�e te�s de�i�ssted b tie
<br /> �otjoe of s�ie ie aae ar awe p�r�cdc a�d i�s�rc�order as'['ra�tee saJ detaei�e.'�'ewte�e na,�poitpo�e s�le o�s!!or ny
<br />- p�rod ot tLe propesty py p�blic atiou�eaQ At ehe ti�e aad �oe d aer pre+�io�sl�acLeeM3ea sak L.e�der or L�e�der's
<br /> dettaaee ma7 P����Y�seJ s�
<br />- vR�+*�D��NYmeat et ttie price bid,7�ostee siaY deL'va W tk q�rc3�er Tn�siee's dad omveyin�tbe Propert'
<br />- ioirl.'i'6e r�ec3tst4 io the`lhstse's deai�oaii ite prio�C�;e re.�`w'+c:.�i►.`�2�ss��t�s�:rs=ab csek l�tis.'E`rustee sbal�
<br />= apply�he prooee�lc o�t�e cde in tbe rotiowia�onler: ca)oo all reaqo�aDie aosts a�d�ot tbe sa1�i�di�,bai no�
<br />� iioited�o,Tsu�ta'�tea�y iocarr�a��ot more tl�an 5.00 96 0�tbe�ro�saie pria,reaso�abfe�ttor�c�'tees
<br /> a�l oab of titje evideoa;(b)to aB sums secured by tYis Deed ot Trmt;�d(c)tre�if aop,to�e per�o�or Peeso°�
<br /> k�Uy mtitkd t�reto.
<br /> 1S.Barrowtr's Rip,kt W Rei�tate. Notwithstandiag I.end�er's accek�atioa of the sums secuned by this Dad of''I'rus�due to
<br /> Borrowa's b�r,ach.Barrower sh�il have the right to have any .gs begun by I.ender w enface thi�Dad of Trust discontinuad
<br /> at aay timep�to tbe earlia to occur of(i)the fiflh day ae the sale of the Proputy pursuant to the power of sale contained in
<br /> thic Dad of Trust or(ii)a�try of a judgRnent enfor�ing this Dood of Trust if:(a)Borrowa pays L.ender all sams which a�ould be tha�
<br /> due undef t6is Doed of Tnsst aad the 1Vw�e�ad no�c:ce3aa4on ecc�ural:(b)Bamower cures all breaches of any ott�a covenauu or
<br /> �•76(NE)l�o2) CHL(0�/46) Pap•�o�� ��� �
<br /> 1
<br />